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Seduced by Her Two Masters [The Wolf Masters 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Berengaria Brown

  “Carson, how many beds are there in this apartment?” she asked.

  “Enough. You won’t have to share with Ben and Jerry.” But the look in his eyes said she would be sharing with him. Excellent.

  * * * *

  Cody had been very relieved when Nevis had rung Carson to say she was on her way in the helicopter. She’d also brought bed linen, towels, and everything the dogs would need, all of which Cody hadn’t even thought of. Of course, there were still plenty of things in Animal, but the big rig was parked at the gallery miles away from Carson’s apartment. Fortunately Carson had thought of that. He contacted some of the people he knew who lived in the apartment block and didn’t use all their allotted parking spaces. In no time at all he’d subleased five parking spaces for the rig and messaged Bronx to let him know.

  By the time Bronx rang to say he and Anne were on their way to the apartment building, Nevis and the dogs had arrived. With all the ensuing chaos, Cody was very happy to remove himself to the kitchen where he washed vegetables, and peeled, chopped, and sliced under Nevis’s direction. It was soothing to make a meal and he was damn hungry, so he knew everyone else would be as well.

  It was good, though, for them all to be together. He liked these people. They were fun to be with. Everyone talked at once for a while, but then each asked the others what had happened and gradually he pieced together the full story of the attempted robbery. The gallery’s director had been very inclined to think the robbers innocent, but since they’d arrived wearing balaclavas and with a set of burglar’s keys, the police had decided to lock them up for now.

  “Any competent attorney will have them released on bail really quickly though, you understand,” said Carson.

  Of course. He’s an attorney.

  “But it’s no longer our problem. The gallery has duty of care for the sculptures now. Not that I want them stolen and melted down, but at least I’d be reimbursed for my work. It’s just that I’d really like them to be sold to a place where other people could enjoy them, too,” said Anne.

  Of course she would. They were amazing and she deserved to be showered with honor and praise for them. “The gallery must have decent security though mustn’t it? It couldn’t afford to have its exhibitions stolen,” he said.

  “It’s got a Donatello, and rooms full of works by people like Elizabeth Catlett, Al Hirschfeld, and Tom Wesselmann. No one is going to worry about my work now,” said Anne.

  And if things went well, they’d all sell for excellent prices and move to new homes so the wolves didn’t have to transport them anywhere else. Cody sat quietly watching Anne’s mobile face and listening to the conversation. He realized he could be very happy living like this among a group of people who accepted him, and where there was a woman he loved. Also, he was almost certain Carson was a Dom. Many werewolves were. They tended to be bossy and protective, and one way that was demonstrated in their sex lives was by a taste for Dominance and submission. He, on the other hand, was not a typical werewolf. Oh, he’d fight to the death to protect his loved ones, that was non-negotiable. But in the bedroom he certainly wouldn’t mind having his ass spanked by a Dom he could trust to punish him in a way that would bring him untold pleasure. He’d especially like it if he and Anne were joint submissives. He knew that watching her achieve an orgasm would make him come harder than anything else, except maybe fucking her himself.

  Cody didn’t think he was being overly optimistic in his thoughts. Anne’s body language was completely accepting of his tentative touches and Carson’s more demanding ones. Of course she would have no way of knowing just how hard he was falling in love with her. Had fallen in love. He knew she was the only woman for him. There was nothing about her he didn’t find completely entrancing, even her determined get-out-of-my-way march into the shower when she’d arrived. He liked that she knew what she wanted and was prepared to work hard to achieve it both in her art and in her life. He was in awe of her talent and her beauty, and was more than ready to show her how he’d adore and cherish her tonight in bed, if she’d give him the opportunity. And, judging by her behavior at the moment, it was going to happen.

  * * * *

  Anne didn’t want to seem as though she was too ready to jump into bed with Carson and Cody, but she had known them for over three weeks now, and the time they’d spent together on the road trip to New York was likely longer than most couples spent together, awake and alert, in an ordinary month. Besides, they’d treated her body so worshipfully in the back of the truck and hadn’t said a word about not getting orgasms themselves. How many men would even consider doing that? It proved they were extra special.

  Anne was also picking up hints from Carson that he might be a Dom. She knew about BDSM. She’d even been to a BDSM and Fetish Club once with a group of friends for a bachelorette party back in her art-student days. Some of them had almost fainted with shock, but she’d found the entire evening both fascinating and enlightening. Not that she wanted to try everything she’d seen, but some things truly did turn her on. So, if she was right and Carson was a Dom, she’d be willing to experiment some with the men. Hmm, likely she should pick a safe word. What would it be?

  As the evening got later, Bronx and Nevis disappeared into the second bedroom closing the door against a disgusted Jerry, who leaned against it and whined. Carson helped Anne to her feet and nodded to Cody. “We’d better leave now, too, before Jerry notices we’re still here.”

  Anne smiled. Poor Ben and Jerry. But they were used to staying in the warehouse while York, Bronx, and Nevis lived in the trailer, so they’d be fine. She, on the other hand, was having trouble breathing. She suddenly wanted these men to fuck her so much she could hardly walk. Her knees were wobbly with desire, her pussy was filling with her honey, and her nipples were hard little pebbles brushing against her bra with almost painful intensity.

  Cody closed the bedroom door behind them and leaned against it, while Carson turned to face Anne. “We want you, both of us, you know that don’t you?”

  Anne opened her mouth but no words came out. She swallowed, cleared her throat, and whispered, “Yes.”

  Carson stepped closer to her and she almost dissolved into a puddle on the floor at the intense look on his face. “Both of us. Together.”

  Again she had to swallow hard before she could speak. “I understand. I’m not a naïve child. I’m Nevis’s friend, remember?”

  “Cody and I promise you it will be very, very good. Cody will take your cunt, and I’ll take your ass. So both of us will be first together. Have you been ass fucked before?”

  Anne was having trouble standing up, never mind thinking coherently enough to answer questions. She moved across to the bed and sat on the end of it but it didn’t help her brain move any faster. “In art school. It’s a long time ago now.”

  “This will be better, I promise you.”

  Anne knew he wasn’t bragging. He was making her a promise and she believed them both. These were the men who’d brought her unselfishly to a blazing orgasm in the back of the big rig, without asking for anything in return. She trusted them to give her another spectacular orgasm this time by making love to her together.

  And then what little ability to think she’d been able to assemble disappeared as both men swooped on her, undressing her and laying her flat on the bed. She watched as they both stripped off their clothes and she once again admired their bodies. “I want to draw you both.”

  “Yes, you can, but not tonight,” answered Cody. She liked that he’d been the one to speak. But then, she’d already sketched his back. His front would be even more interesting.

  Carson walked over to the corner of the room and rummaged around in a duffle bag bringing out a tube of lube and a box of condoms. That was further evidence of the Dom in him. He’d gotten as far as planning to go to bed with her on this trip. Well, it was all good with her so far.

  “Lie on your back, Cody, and Anne, you crouch over him on all fours,” said Carson.

Smiling at the way he was giving orders, Anne did as she was told. Cody reached up and grasped her breasts in his hands, sliding his fingers over her skin and teasing her nipples. “Oh, yes,” she said. And then she shuddered as Carson’s slippery finger breached her ass. Carson lubed the entry and then spent a lot of time teasing just around the inside of the rim, gradually softening all her tissues and widening her opening. Meanwhile Cody teased and tormented her breasts, elongating and pinching her nipples until her cunt was once again dripping with cream.

  “Oh, God, I want to come.”

  “Soon,” said Carson soothingly. She realized he had more than one finger inside her now, and she was consciously trying to push her breasts up into Cody’s hands and her ass back into Carson’s fingers. A huge orgasm was coiled low in her belly and if someone just shoved their fingers in her cunt she’d come for sure. She managed to hold on, but sweat was beading on her spine and the urgency building inside her wouldn’t be contained for much longer.

  When Carson said, “Lie on him, Anne. Cody, you can enter her now,” she heaved a sigh of relief. Anne sat on his thighs, as Cody held his cock at her pussy entry and then she pushed down over him, loving the way he forced her tissues apart until he was deep inside her. She sat down on him hard and the climax burst through her, shaking her whole body.

  Cody pulled her flat over him, holding her tightly as she shook, and kissed her lips sweetly.

  “You sure know how to torture a man,” he said.

  “Sorry.” But she wasn’t. Even though she’d just had a huge climax she wanted to be fucked and she knew she’d come again, and probably come harder than ever.

  Cody kept his hands on her back and she realized that for all his gentle tentativeness he was damn strong. Anne was no weakling. She was a sculptor for fuck’s sake, used to wielding heavy tools, and molding plaster. Yet he held her to his body easily, gently, but with authority. She liked that he was tender yet firm. It demonstrated to her his care for her in the way he didn’t misuse his superior strength.

  And then she lost all ability to think as Carson opened her ass cheeks and pressed his cock at her back door. He pushed steadily and firmly against her tight muscle ring, and his cock popped through the entry, sliding deep inside her. Her body was full with Cody in her cunt. He was a big man who stretched her pussy wide. Yet now Carson was pressing deep into her ass, filling that channel and stretching it fully open. Her tissues expanded wider and wider until both men were clasped tight against her sensitive walls, their cocks held in her innermost core, and both men’s arms were wrapped around her. She was totally, completely, and utterly theirs, inside and out. It was an incredibly heady emotion and she reveled in it.

  When both men gradually withdrew from her, Anne thought her body would explode from the sexual tension, but as they pushed right back in again and the excitement cranked up another notch, she understood the power of anticipation. With every thrust they made into her she was desperate to come, but each time they pulled out she understood she was capable of taking more, wanting more, needing more.

  Soon she was whimpering, begging, wiggling frantically to find the most exciting angle for them to penetrate her. Yet both men maintained a constant yet slowly increasing pace, as they pounded in and out of her together.

  And then it happened. She couldn’t identify a specific cause, but something ignited the orgasm in her core and she exploded, hiding her face against Cody’s neck, her lips pressed tightly together so she wouldn’t scream, as the release roared through her. It shook every bone in her body, powering up her spine and out of her head with the force of a rocket leaving the NASA launch pad.

  Anne lay limply between the men unable to move or think as waves of aftershocks rippled through her body and Cody blasted his own release in her cunt. Carson only lasted for a few more thrusts, and then he shook over her back.

  The men held her tightly for a few minutes then dragged her off the bed and into the shower. Anne was surprised she could even set one foot in front of the other, but held by them both, she stumbled into the bathroom, letting them turn the faucets on and get the water temperature right. She stood limply where Carson placed her, and it wasn’t for quite some minutes after they’d washed her that she could even get the strength to whisper, “Thanks.”

  Carson wrapped a towel around her and she sat on the side of the tub, still too weak to dry herself. But by the time both men were washed, her brain was starting to work again.

  “That was pretty impressive.”

  “As good as you’d hoped?” asked Cody.

  “Much better than I ever could have imagined.”

  * * * *

  Carson should have been relaxed and dozing after amazing sex with the woman he wanted and was fast coming to believe he’d fallen in love with. But his “attorney” brain had switched itself on and wouldn’t let him relax.

  If he’d been the attorney for the two would-be robbers he knew he’d have them out of jail by now. They hadn’t actually stolen anything and an argument could be made that it wasn’t even a break and enter since they’d gotten in using keys. As well as that, he wanted to read the paperwork about Anne’s sculptures. What exactly was still Anne’s liability in regard to them, and what was that of the gallery?

  He thought she was very nearly asleep, so he spoke very quietly. “Anne, I’m sorry, but the attorney in me won’t let me sleep. Would you let me read the paperwork from the gallery about your sculptures?”

  “Sure. It’s in my purse.”

  Even though he knew it wasn’t strictly fair asking her when she was almost asleep after a massive orgasm, he slipped from the bed trying not to disturb her or Cody, and padded across the room to her purse. Half a dozen sheets of printed paper were folded neatly inside. He opened them up, leaned against the wall, and began reading. From time to time he had to go back and reread a few sections, but when he’d finished he was even less happy and damn glad he asked to see the papers.

  What the long and convoluted sentences boiled down to, in layman’s language, was that the gallery would exercise due care. But if anything went wrong it wasn’t their fault. Carson was certain that wasn’t how it should be. Galleries usually had hugely expensive insurance in case anything happened to their works of art. He didn’t know whether this gallery had skimped on their insurance payments, or whether they were trying to take advantage of a new young artist like Anne Wade. But he sure as hell wasn’t going to risk anything happening to her sculptures.

  He pulled on his jeans and walked quietly down the hallway. He stood outside Bronx and Nevis’s room for a long time listening intently, but Ben and Jerry were now curled up on the living room couch, and he couldn’t hear any noise from Bronx’s room. Cursing himself, he tapped lightly on the door. Instantly there was the sound of feet hitting the floor and Bronx opened the door, rubbing his eyes. “What?”

  “I’m really sorry to wake you up, Bronx, but I couldn’t help thinking if I were those robbers’ attorney I’d have them out of jail by now. Also, I just read Anne’s paperwork and it seems to me as if the gallery doesn’t have much in the way of insurance if her sculptures are stolen.”

  “Well, hell, I guess that means we’ll have to guard them ourselves.”

  “Exactly what I was thinking.”

  “Get dressed, get Cody, and let’s go.”

  “You’re going to leave Anne and Nevis alone?”

  “Anyone who sees Ben and Jerry won’t touch them. We’re the only ones who know the dogs are harmless.”

  Carson wasn’t convinced but Bronx was in charge and certainly the robbers thought the dogs were fierce. He hurried back to his bedroom, woke Cody, and they got dressed.

  “What is it?” asked Anne, stirring.

  “We have to go out but we’ll be back in a little while,” he said.

  She was still so close to sleep that she just lay down again. However, he knew she wouldn’t be happy when she found out later what was really happening. Well, too bad. She needed to st
ay here and was better off asleep.

  He led the way to the train station, wondering all the while he if he was overreacting, making fools of them all, or if there was truly danger at the gallery.

  * * * *

  Cody’s head was full of questions but even in the middle of the night there were people around in New York. People on the streets, people on the trains, people on the station. And by the time they got near the gallery he didn’t want to speak in case he warned some bad guy they were nearby. Shit, he hated this. He wanted to be back in the apartment, in bed with Carson and Anne. Or back in Pine Corner in bed with them both, maybe in her studio. Hell, even alone in his bed at the hotel would be better as long as Anne and her sculptures were safe. And this late-night expedition had to mean something was wrong, or could be wrong, or was about to go wrong. Or—ah, fuck. He hated feeling so totally helpless!

  They walked all around the building, treading very quietly. Bronx, pulled his sweater over his hand and gently rattled the metal gate but it was locked. They’d completed circling the entire building, which took up most of a city block, when they heard a car engine switch off and doors open. It was done quietly, but this neighborhood was reasonably quiet, and of course Cody had enhanced werewolf hearing.

  Bronx tiptoed to the corner, then kneeled on the ground and peeked around the building. That was smart. He would never have thought of doing that. People would look at eye height to see if anyone was watching them, not near the ground.

  Cody held his breath, then heard the metal gate open and someone whisper sharply at another person. He was about to follow but Carson gripped his arm and Bronx once again kneeled to look around the corner. Only when Bronx signaled them did they move to the wall beside the gate. This time Cody was ready and lay on the ground to peek himself. As before, a man in a balaclava was unlocking the roller door, but this time there were six of them, not two.


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