The British Billionaire Bachelor

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The British Billionaire Bachelor Page 18

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Yes, yes, fine,” he replied brusquely.

  The elevator dropped them into the sparse lobby, and they made their way to the street and into the waiting car. As Parker pulled out from the curb, Simon took her hand and stared at her, his face an unfathomable mask.

  “What is it?” she inquired, worried she had done or said something wrong.

  “Just thinking about the deal, and I’m just anxious to hear what it is you have to tell me when we get to the house,” he replied, telling a half-truth, still struggling with the uncomfortable feelings that had swept over him just minutes before.

  You’re staring at her, his voice warned.

  Pulling his eyes away, he glanced out the window and allowed the activity of the streets to distract him. It wasn’t far to the estate, and a few minutes later they were pulling up to the familiar wrought iron gates. Belle gave Parker the gate code, and Simon felt himself relax as they swung open, inviting the car to glide up the long driveway to the house.

  “Parker, you can take off for about an hour,” Simon decreed, as the car came to a stop under the portico. “Grab some lunch. I’ll call you when we’re ready to leave.” Belle frowned. An hour? It wouldn’t take long for to her confide in him, and certainly only a few minutes for them to review the repairs.

  “Yes, Mr. Sinclair,” the driver replied, stepping from the car.

  He was around to open their door in an instant, and after closing it behind them, he popped the trunk and withdrew a basket.

  “Thank you. I can take it from here,” Simon said, relieving him of the hamper.

  “May I ask...” Belle queried.

  “Lunch. I thought we could have it on the terrace,” Simon grinned, walking up the steps to the front door as the car pulled away.

  Belle retrieved the key from under the planter described by Harriett, and as she unlocked the door, pushing it forward into the house, she felt a little chill.

  “Are you okay?” Simon asked, putting his arm around her as they stepped into the marble foyer.

  “Yes. Just feels a bit weird.”

  “I’m sure, but no nasty men here today. Just me and a movable feast,” he grinned, and putting the basket on the floor beside him, pulled her into his body, hugging her warmly.

  “Mmmmm,” she moaned. “Do you mind if I say something?”

  “Of course not. I only mind if you don’t.”

  “I wish you weren’t leaving.”

  He sighed heavily.

  “Honestly, Belle, me too, but needs must. Come on now, before we have lunch let’s go into the living room and you can tell me what’s been bothering you all morning.”

  “Yes. All right,” she replied, and slipping her fingers through his, she fell into step beside him as they walked across the polished floors and into the luxurious lounge, where she sat down on one of the large, comfortable sofas. Simon removed his jacket and vest, and loosened his tie, then plunked himself next to her.

  “I got some very disturbing news this morning,” she began, staring up at him. “Sean Harrington has been released on bail.”

  “Yes, I know,” Simon admitted.

  “You know?”

  Belle’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “Yes. Detective Tennison called me this morning. I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you. How did you hear about it?”

  “From Susan Caldwell this morning,” she replied. “Simon, I can’t bear the thought of running into him.”

  “I’m sure,” he frowned.

  “Then there’s my mother and sister. I can’t refer them to someone in my office. The thought of anyone there having to deal with Lucinda–well–I’m not exaggerating Simon. She’s absolutely impossible. I cannot believe that she’ll be living here.”

  “She’s that bad?”

  “Yes, she’s that bad.”

  “As to the first matter. Sean. I’ve been giving this some thought. I believe I have at least a short-term answer,” he offered.

  “You do? What?”

  “Stay on at the hotel. I know the suite is available. I’ve already put it on hold for the next two weeks. He’ll have no idea where you are.”

  Belle was shocked. She knew the suite was expensive, and for her to be living in such luxury seemed extravagant, even if it was only for a short time.

  “But–um–Simon–that’s such an amazing offer,” she replied, not quite sure what to say. “I just don’t know if I can accept.”

  Simon took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “Didn’t we have a conversation about this? I’d feel much happier and worry a lot less if I knew you were there, and not nervously pacing around your place, jumping at every noise, thinking it was Sean Harrington, and you would be doing just that, wouldn’t you?” he asked, somberly.

  “Yes, I probably would,” she mumbled.

  “If it turns out I have to stay in London longer than I thought we’ll figure out something else, but for the next little while, take a mini-vacation and stay there.”

  “Simon, how can I ever thank you?”

  “By staying safe,” he smiled. “I’m going to ask Joseph to take you back to your place in a town car so you can get some things. I highly doubt you’ll run into Harrington, but with Joseph along I know there won’t be any trouble.”

  “That’s a super idea. Thank you, again,” Belle beamed.

  “Now, about your mother and sister. I think, if your sister is here pursuing an acting career she won’t have time to bother you too much. I’m sure she’ll end up with a manager and an agent who will be holding her hand 24/7, and most of the time she’ll either be working, or going on auditions, or even away on a shoot. I know a number of actresses, and they’re always coming and going.”

  As much as Belle wished he hadn’t added the part about knowing a number of actresses, her insecurities making her believe each one was probably more beautiful than the next, what Simon said made sense. It had been that way in London.

  “As for finding her the condo to meet her whims and desires, why don’t you refer her to Harriett. She’s an experienced older woman, and seems like the consummate professional. I don’t think a young, difficult starlet will ruffle her feathers. I suspect she’s the sort of woman who can handle someone like that.”

  “Simon! That’s a brilliant suggestion. Why didn’t I think of her?” Belle exclaimed.

  “Because you were too upset. It would have dawned on you at some point.”

  “Oh my gosh. I feel so much better,” she breathed. “You’re my hero–again!” she beamed, and throwing her arms around him, smothered his face with kisses.

  “So it’s all settled. Now let’s have that lunch on the terrace?”

  “Fabulous,” she smiled.

  Picking up the hamper on the way out, they walked through the house to the backyard, and the spacious, flagstone patio overlooking the pool, unpacking the various plates and foodstuffs on an elegant wrought iron, glass top table with matching, padded chairs.

  “I’m so happy that my first meal here is with you,” Simon said, sipping the fresh-squeezed orange juice the hotel had included.

  “Oh Simon,” Belle breathed, feeling the threat of tears. “I miss you already and you haven’t even left yet.”

  “Take a few days and recharge your batteries. I’ll be back before you know it,” Simon promised, but even as he uttered the reassuring words, he knew his life could change in an instant.

  “You need to look at those repairs, but shall we check out the master bedroom first?” Belle asked, a twinkle in her eye.

  “That is an excellent suggestion,” he grinned.

  “Before we go up,” she began, “since it appears to be a day of sharing my thoughts, there’s something else I want to, uh, tell you, do with you.”

  “Really? That sounds intriguing,” he replied, raising his eyebrows.

  “It’s just something that hasn’t exactly worked out for me in the past, and I thought, perhaps, since you’re leaving, and we’r
e here in this house, and...”

  “Stop right there. Let’s go upstairs and you can tell me all about it there.”

  “Yes,” she agreed emphatically. “That sounds much better than trying to tell you out here.”

  They packed up the hamper, and leaving it in the foyer, made their way up the grand stairway and down the hall to the large double doors. Simon pushed them open and the opulent suite lay before them. The king-sized bed with its many pillows and expensive bedspread was bathed in shimmering shafts of sunlight beaming through the plantation shutters. Belle sat nervously on the bed as Simon closed them, allowing for a much softer glow in the room.

  “Now then,” he said tenderly, sitting next to her, “tell me what this is about.”

  “It’s about a fantasy.”

  “That sounds wonderful. What is it?” he asked, encouraging her with a squeeze.

  The hot flush across her face told him she was feeling shy and embarrassed. She constantly surprised him. She was a smart, savvy, bright woman who had great confidence and presence, yet possessed a sweet innocence and beguiling timidity.

  “I promise you can’t shock me,” he said softly. “I can’t think of anything you want to do that I wouldn’t welcome.”

  “Oh–I think you’ll welcome it!” she stated, nodding her head. “I’m just embarrassed that I’ve never done it, or rather, done it successfully, but I’m kind of glad now, because I want to do it with you, for you.”

  “You have me spellbound,” he declared, the word, bewitched, dancing through his consciousness again. “You must tell me right now. I can’t stand the suspense.”

  “Okay,” Belle sighed. “Here goes. You know how I, oh Lord, I can’t think of any other way to say it, so please don’t think I’m being crass.”

  “Belle–just tell me before I spank you, hard.”

  “Okay, okay. You know how I really liked to suck your cock?” she said, whispering the last three words.

  “Yes,” he smiled. “I certainly do.”

  “Well–I’ve never–um–gone all the way with it. You know, swallowed.”

  “I see, and you’d like to do that with me?”

  “Very much,” she replied, finally having the courage to lift her eyes to meet his.

  “If you’ll pardon the phrase, I can’t think of a more delicious way to spend this time with you, and I know exactly how this must unfold. So–first–I want you to take off all your clothes.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she breathed, and heart racing and butterflies dancing she stood up and began to undress, as she watched Simon pull the cushions from the bed and fold down the duvet.

  “Look at your delicious nakedness,” he crooned, stepping over to her and pulling her against his chest.

  His hands slithered down her back and cupped her seat cheeks. She moaned in pleasure, relishing the growing heat between her legs. Lifting her easily, he laid her upon the crisp, white linen.

  “Close your eyes and pleasure yourself. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Surrendering to his orders she slipped her fingers between her sex, sinking them into her dewy wetness. If she had to have a last, memorable moment with Simon Sinclair, she could think of nothing better to commemorate the event.

  Belle had long wanted to experience the exotic task of taking the hot cream of her lover down her throat. On the two occasions she’d summoned up the courage to do so, things had not gone well.

  The first time had been with a popular, handsome soccer player, Charles Harding III, who attended the private boys school near her private girls school in London. She had met him several weeks following Furio’s return to Italy, and he was the perfect playmate to take her mind off the pain of Furio’s departure.

  When she had first taken his cock into her mouth she was overcome with a fervent passion. She wasn’t aware at the time, that it was her submissive nature finding itself again. Sadly, unlike Furio, Charles was a fledgling. When Charles ordered her take every last drop, while she was eager to do so, he did not guide her forward with gentle, firm coaxing, and at the last minute his unbridled excitement caused her to pull back in a panic.

  Their relationship dwindled after the episode, leaving Belle with feelings of guilt and shame, questioning her lack of courage and ability as a lover. Having no-one to share such an intimate and rather traumatic event, she found solace in her journal.

  The second time had been with Justin. She didn’t discuss it with him, but simply decided when the time came she would bravely continue her mouth dance and allow nature to take its course. Unfortunately, Justin had other ideas. She had felt him swell, heard his groans, and readied herself for the all important moment. Without warning Justin had abruptly withdrawn and continued to eject his hot jism across her face.

  Belle had been completely shocked and horrified. With no inkling as to his intention she’d had no time to prepare, and a stinging dollop had landed in one of her eyes. Racing from the bed, eye stinging, she had dashed to the bathroom, splashing it with handfuls of cold water, absolutely aghast and convinced she would go blind. It was a mortifying, embarrassing reaction, and though Justin had been full of apologies, explaining he’d had no idea she was unfamiliar with the practice, the disappointment at another horrific failure stayed with her for weeks.

  Now–laying on the crisp, white, cotton sheets, her fingers lingering and toying, she felt at last she could put her demons to rest. With Simon she had every confidence the experience would be a marvelous moment. A first with the man she was absolutely crazy about.

  She wasn’t sure how long she’d been waiting, but when his soft footfalls through the thick carpet announced his approach, her hunger surged with new life, and his weight on the mattress elicited a mewing of happiness. A moment later his fingertips trailed across her inner thigh.

  “Lovely dear girl. Keep bringing yourself further along, all the way to the edge,” he murmured.

  The warm encouragement made her squirm, and she lifted her pelvis, inviting his attention.

  “Simon,” she breathed. “Please can I open my eyes?”

  “No–you just focus on what you’re doing. Show me what a horny little thing you can be.”

  Moaning her acceptance, she slid a finger deep into her sex, raising her knees, spreading them wide. The bubble was growing, and feeling him there watching her gyrations was bringing her ever closer to the edge.

  “That’s lovely, Belle. I want you right at the point of no return, but once there you must stop.”

  “Oooohhhh Simon,” she whined, “I’m there–I’m there–I don’t think I can–!”

  He grabbed her wrist, yanking it away.

  “You will learn how to do that for me, won’t you Belle, so I don’t have to come to the rescue?”

  “Oh yes, Sir,” she mumbled, squeezing her thighs together.

  “Roll on your stomach now my dear, and rest on your elbows.”

  Belle positioned herself as instructed, eyes remaining tightly shut, and Simon placed himself in front of her, resting back on his haunches. He was still in his trousers and shirt, his tie loose around his neck, and he unzipped, releasing his turgid cock. It sprang from its confinement, happy to breathe the air.

  “Lay flat on your stomach and take me in your mouth,” he ordered.

  This was not what Belle had envisioned. She had assumed she would be on her knees, or he would be laying back and she stretched out beside him, or perhaps resting on an elbow, her head bent over him. Dropping down she buried her head in his crotch, and he guided his member between her lips. She felt his hand gently touch the back of her neck, then grasp her hair as he began to guide her movements.

  “Now my dear, don’t be shocked. I have in my hand a long wooden spoon. I found it in the kitchen. It’s almost identical to the one I bought at our dinner. You remember that I’m sure.”

  She mumbled a muffled reply, then felt the cool hard surface of the implement brush against her backside, sliding back and forth with its promise. A moment later it s
watted her lightly, issuing a surge of carnal heat that pulse through her pussy. Her mouth sucked ardently, fueled by her growing excitement and Simon’s spicy attention.

  “Lovely Belle. Your mouth is luscious,” he encouraged.

  He smacked again, twice in quick succession, and her head bobbed urgently.

  “That’s my girl. Don’t stop. I won’t keep you waiting for long...” he promised, dropping his hand from behind her head to slip under her chest, searching out a nipple.

  As his fingers tweaked and lightly squeezed, she lifted her shoulders to provide easier access, but a moment later the spicy spoon bounced back and forth, causing her to plunge back down upon his member, sucking greedily.

  She heard him hiss in pleasure. His hand traveled from her breast to rest again on the back of her neck, his fingers curling around her hair as his deep groans echoed through the bedroom.

  “I’m going to come very slowly, and you’re not permitted to make a mess. You can feel I’m still wearing my trousers. You’re not allowed to stain them.”

  “Humphgh” she managed, attempting to acknowledge his instruction.

  “Don’t stop, you’re doing so well,” he encouraged, swatting her again.

  Belle was completely and joyously overwhelmed. The spanking spoon was driving her forward, his cock was growing, filling her mouth, and a deep emotion was fueling her passion, vanquishing her fears.

  “I’m about to start coming, just relax and let it flow...” he breathed, his voice deep and hoarse.

  His cock began to spew his essence, his deep sighs giving music to the moment as his loving cream spilled across the back of her tongue. She gulped down, relishing the warm flowing liquid, and when his member pulsated for the last time, she suckled happily, slurping the last of the cream, only then releasing him from her mouth.

  “That was remarkable,” she heard him breathe, his hands moving under her arms to pull her into his chest.

  “Simon,” she mumbled, “I feel so close to you.”

  “I know,” he whispered, burying his face in her tumbled hair. “Me too.”

  They were quiet and still, each lost in the powerful intimacy the event had created. Through all his years, all the beautiful bodies that had graced his bed, he could not remember a more captivating moment.


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