The British Billionaire Bachelor

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The British Billionaire Bachelor Page 19

by Maggie Carpenter

  He’d had the forethought to bring a small hand towel, and reached for it from the bedside table. Placing it around his cock he let it rest there as he snuggled against her.

  This is quite extraordinary, he thought. I’ll be damned if I know what spell it is she has cast upon me. I’m bewitched indeed. Every man is a playboy–

  It was his phone that broke them apart, rudely interrupting their euphoria. Sitting in the pocket of his jacket draped over a chair, demanding his attention, he had to extricate himself from her lusciousness to answer it.

  “Sorry Belle,” he mumbled, untangling himself from their entwined limbs.

  “It’s okay,” she sighed, it was going to end at some point.

  She heard him talking to someone named Silas, then recalled Silas was the name of his lawyer. Moving from the bed, she made her way into the bathroom, and much to her surprise found the cabinets under the sink completely stocked with unopened amenities. Finding a bottle of mouthwash she rinsed her mouth, then ran a faucet until it was hot, soaking a small hand towel with which to wipe her face. Glancing around she saw the marble shower and was tempted to jump in. The thought of standing under the steamy waterfall, bringing herself to orgasm, was almost too tempting to pass up.

  You don’t know what he’s got in store for you, her voice unexpectedly injected, and you’re not allowed to do that anyway!

  He always knew exactly what he was doing, and she was sure it was no accident she’d not been allowed to have her own, marvelous moment.

  Caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t know that Simon had finished his call with Silas, and had immediately stepped out on the bedroom terrace to call Tyler, having closed the French doors for privacy.

  “I can’t bring her back with me and I don’t want to leave her,” he complained.

  “Simon Sinclair, King of all he surveys, get a grip!” his friend declared. “This is very simple. You’re thinking too pragmatically. Your head is in the way. Lose your head, listen to your heart.”

  “Tyler, it’s impossible!“

  “Why?” his friend interrupted, cutting him off. “Because you’ll have someone you care about, running around your house, happily waiting for you to return from the office?”

  “I need to think about it some more. I have to go,” Simon quipped, and clicked off the line.

  Simon knew Tyler was right. In fact, he’d known exactly what Tyler would say when he’d placed the call, but taking Belle back to London with him was a huge, possibly life changing event. Sighing deeply he walked back into the bedroom. Belle was sitting in a large armchair by the fireplace. He paused, thinking how perfectly at home she looked, as if she belonged there.

  “Hey you,” he smiled.

  “Hey you back,” she grinned.

  Had it not been for the call from Silas, he would have returned her salacious favor and brought her to a powerful and thrilling orgasm, but the moment had passed. He promised himself he would find another opportunity to give her a truly prodigious moment before parting company and leaving for the airport.

  If we do part company, he thought, then immediately shook the idea from his mind.

  “Did you know the bathroom is completely stocked? I wonder what other surprises we’ll find,” she remarked, interrupting his thoughts.

  “I was going to ask you if you could go through the house and–” but abruptly stopped speaking.

  He had planned to give her the job of completely outfitting the house, buying linens, silverware, dishes, anything and everything that would be needed, above and beyond what was already there, but he no longer saw her as his realtor, or house manager, or employee, and he didn’t want her to feel that way either. It was a job for someone else. Perhaps she could oversee it, but the heavy lifting, no!

  “Ask me to do what?” she responded. “Are you okay?”

  He had a faraway look in his eye she’d not seen before.

  “What? Yes, just something Silas said that I need to think about,” he lied, not quite ready to bare his soul.

  “Uh huh,” she nodded quietly, knowing he wasn’t being straight with her.

  “I guess we should be moving on. We’re due at the escrow office,” he said, straightening his tie and reaching for his vest and jacket.

  “Right. How exciting. This house will be yours very soon.”

  “It’s mine already, utterly and perfectly christened.”

  Belle giggled, and rising from the chair, stepped up to peck him on the cheek.

  “I’ll never, ever forget this afternoon,” she whispered, feeling the threat of tears.

  “I won’t either. Never,” he crooned back, then texted Parker to pick them up.

  Though the documents had been prepared, the visit to the escrow office took much longer than he had anticipated, and halfway through Belle excused herself to grab a cup of coffee at the cafe next door. Coffee was the one thing that had not been packed in the picnic hamper and she was craving a caffeine fix. Simon insisted Parker stay with her and she was grateful. While both she and Simon doubted she would cross paths with the evil Sean Harrington, as she sat in the back of the small cafe, she felt much calmer knowing Parker was standing by the door should she need him.

  Once the escrow had been dealt with, it was off to Silas Montford’s office, but the traffic was dreadful, and Belle remained in the car as Parker circled the block while Simon dashed up to take care of whatever it was that required his attention. By the time he had returned and settled in next to her, the afternoon was behind them. On the trip back to the hotel, Simon spent much of the time on the phone with Cecil, leaving Belle to her thoughts. Though her concerns about her mother and sister were nestled in the back of her mind, all she could focus on was Simon’s pending departure.

  The car pulled into the hotel parking lot, stopping next to the familiar awning. The valet stepped forward, opening the door for them, and Belle couldn’t help but admire Simon’s demeanor and appearance. Even after their lunchtime shenanigans and harried afternoon, Simon was as composed and handsome as he had been when she had first seen him that morning. Just looking at him sent a shiver of desire through her core.

  He took her hand as they walked down the meandering pathway towards the suite. She couldn’t wait to get back into their bedroom and surrender her body to his artful hands, but when they entered, she found Cecil there waiting. Her heart sank, and when Cecil began throwing questions and offering information to his boss, Belle moved into her room and plopped down on the bed.

  “I can’t believe it,” she murmured to herself. “He’ll be leaving here soon. Oh Simon...”

  Feeling sad and a little grimy, she decided a shower might help. Stripping quickly she turned on the faucets, and was just about to step under the hot steamy water when her cell phone rang. Letting it forward to voice mail, she donned a shower cap, pulled open the glass door and stood under the waterfall. It felt marvelous. As the water splashed over her, she poured the complimentary soap gel on to a facecloth and began soaping her body. Running her fingers across her face, eyes tightly shut, she leaned against the wall, inhaling the spicy fragrance.

  “Give me that!”

  Belle let out a startled cry of surprise, and blinking her eyes open found Simon’s handsome face grinning down at her.

  “Oh my gosh!” she exclaimed happily.

  Taking the soapy hand towel, he moved it slowly across her neck, then her shoulders, and lathered it across her breasts.

  “How did you...?”

  “Sssh...” he interrupted. “Turn around.”

  “Ohhhh, Simon,” she moaned, turning her body to face the marbled shower wall.

  The wet, sudsy cloth traveled down her spine before being dropped on the shower floor. Clutching her hips he pulled her back into him.

  “Belle–you have the most spankable ass I’ve ever seen,” he murmured, gazing at the red marks the wooden spoon had left. “You have no idea the things I want to do to you.”

  “And I want you to do them al
l,” she moaned, “so much!”

  Slithering his member between her thighs and up to her sex, he pushed forward, impaling her, eliciting a cry of delight.

  “Put your finger against your clit sweet girl, and do what you did for me earlier. Rub yourself right to the brink but don’t climax. Can you do that for me?”

  His lips were at her ear, the hot water spraying around them, and he was slowly moving his cock.

  “I’ll try, Sir,” she promised.

  “No–not good enough,” he growled as his fingers pinched her bottom.

  “I will, Sir. I’ll stop!” she declared, letting out a sharp yelp of pain.

  “That’s better,” he said, caressing where he had just tweaked.

  Slipping her hand between her sex, Belle started her finger dance, causing her bottom to thrust back even further.

  She heard him groan her name, and a moment later his mouth was on her shoulder, nipping and sucking hungrily. Her finger swirled around her clit, and when his fingers began pinching her nipples, she could barely contain herself.

  “Simon!” she wailed, “that feels soooo good.”

  “Are you close?” he asked, his lips against her face, kissing her cheek, lapping up the water as it fell upon his tongue.

  “Yes, I’ve been close all afternoon,” she stammered.

  “Stop–just rest your finger against yourself. Are you pulsing?”

  Resting her hand, fighting the urge to continue, she could feel a subtle throbbing.

  “Yes, I am,” she declared.

  “Hmmm. Wonderful,” he murmured, and withdrawing his cock from her depths, he placed his hands on her shoulders and gently turned her around, guiding her to the bench seat placed at the side of the adjoining wall.

  “Close your eyes and separate your lips for me,” he crooned, sitting her down.

  Resting on the cool, hard marble, water splattering around her, Belle tilted her head back, closed her eyes, and spreading her legs, pulled her lips apart, exposing her sex. Simon’s mouth enveloped her nipples, one, then the other, sucking hungrily, devouring them as he had done the first night he’d taken her. Her head slipped to the side as she groaned in pleasure. Gliding his tongue down her torso, he lapped at her inner thighs, his little finger flicking back and forth against her magic, swollen button. She moaned and wriggled, her need being voiced with a plaintive mewing, but when the tip of his tongue landed where his finger had just played, pressing fervently, the mewing became a loud bleating, an urgent plea, a yearning for more.

  Simon didn’t relent. With creative expertise he twirled his tongue, pirouetting and whirling, keeping her on the edge. When she attempted to move her hips to press back, he slapped her thigh, an instant, sharp instruction for her to be still.

  So it continued, until Simon heard the words for which he’d been waiting.

  “Simon, Sir, I beg you, please, please, Sir, may I come. Please...”

  “Yes, my sweet girl, you may.”

  Thrusting a finger inside her steamy cunt, he slithered it against her sugar wall and touched lightly, and as she cried out her rapture, his lips enveloped her clit, sucking sharply. Belle felt a heavy tingling sensation surge through her body an instant before the eruption, then the convulsion was upon her, surging forward as he held her knees apart, ensuring her legs could not close.

  Repeatedly she spasmed, sparking with the forceful orgasm, her utterances muffled by the sounds of the shower, until at last her euphoric cries receded to whimpers, and her body fell limp.

  Quickly Simon sat on the bench next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders, and taking his hot, hard cock in his free hand he rubbed himself to a quick, satisfying finish.

  “Oh my gosh Simon, that was unbelievable,” she purred, burying her head into the crevice of his neck.

  “Mmmm–yes it was,” he agreed, hugging her tightly. “Now I must get ready. I’ll see you in the living room.”

  “Simon, before you go,” she said softly, “I think I need to tell you something.”

  “Yes, what is it?”

  “I have a little confession,” she began unsteadily.

  “You do?”

  “Um–last night, when I’d had a little too much vodka and I was so upset about everything–I–uh–got a bit carried away.”

  “Carried away how?” he enquired, though he had already guessed.

  “I played with myself–I couldn’t help it.”

  “I see. In that case, I must make sure to hurry back here so this misdemeanor can be dealt with accordingly.”

  “Yes, you must,” she smiled sadly.

  “Since we will be talking frequently, you won’t do it again without me on the other end of that telephone, will you?”

  “No, Simon. I won’t. I promise.”

  Leaning in, he kissed her deeply, then wrapped his arms around her, holding her close against his body. A few minutes passed, then without speaking he stood up, winked down at her and left the shower. Drying of hurriedly, he headed back to his room. He hadn’t said anything further because he didn’t trust himself to speak. Emotion had welled up inside him, threatening to rob him of his self-control

  As he sauntered through the suite, wrapped in his robe, he couldn’t help but glance at the sofa, recalling the first time he had spanked her. It seemed like a lifetime ago. Shaking off the nostalgia he hurried into his bedroom to change. His suitcases were packed and sitting at the door, minus the few bits and pieces that would go into his overnight bag. Glancing at his phone he saw there were several messages, and as he flicked through the caller log, he spied only one that caught his attention. Tyler. Resisting the urge to call him back, Simon began to dress. He felt vulnerable and he didn’t need Tyler giving him any more advice. His earlier words were already echoing through his head.

  Every man’s a playboy until he finds the right woman.

  Attempting to think of something else, he turned his thoughts to Cosgrove and the finalization of the deal.

  In her bedroom, Belle was dealing with a wave of emotion that had swooped down upon her abruptly and unexpectedly. She took a deep breath, swallowed hard, and grabbed her phone to see who had called the moments before she had stepped into the shower. It was Kelly, from her office, informing her that the check had been delivered from the escrow company and she could pick it up at any time.

  Belle broke into a smile. At least it was good news and not a nagging message from her mother or Lucinda. It was the biggest chunk of cash she’d ever received, and the realization made her laugh out loud. Maybe she would get out of town, wander the streets of Santa Barbara or even San Francisco. She could do whatever she wanted. The news of the check having cheered her up, she finished applying her makeup, and after running a brush through her long locks, headed into the living room.

  “Hey you,” Simon smiled, and for the umpteenth time she took his breath away. “You look lovely.”

  “Thank you! So do you. I mean, not lovely but, well, yes! Lovely,” she grinned back.

  He was dressed in a blue V-neck sweater and khaki pants, and though simply casual, the blue lit up his eyes, and the sleek drape of the expensive slacks magnified his style and grace.

  “I only have a minute–Cecil will be here any time. I need to talk to you,” he said seriously, sitting on the arm of the couch.

  “Is anything wrong?” she asked, besides the fact that you’re leaving me?

  “Oh no, not at all. Joseph is on his way to drive you to your apartment so you can pick up some things, and then bring you back here.”

  “But my car–!”

  “Belle–let me finish. If I had the time I’d give you a good spanking. You have a very bad habit of interrupting,” he quipped.

  “Sorry Simon,” she apologized, feeling a hot flush cross her face. Simon was right. It was a habit she had tried many times, unsuccessfully, to break.

  “As I was about to say, this Harrington chap is unpredictable, and for all we know he might be watching your place. The judge
has ordered him to stay clear of you but better to be safe than sorry. I want you to pack a suitcase as if you’re going on a trip. Joseph will bring you back here, leaving your car there, so if Harrington is keeping watch he’ll assume you’re going out of town. I’ve arranged for a rental car here at the hotel, so you can drive with some anonymity if you want to go anywhere.”

  “Simon–that’s brilliant. Thank you, but I can pay for–”

  The scowl on his face stopped her protest, and shaking his head he reached out his hand. Stepping forward she wrapped her fingers around his, butterflies dancing as he pulled her into him. He gave her two quick swats then hugged her.

  “That’s a promise of things to come. I’m sure I won’t be in London for very long,” he murmured in her ear. “No big goodbyes. I don’t do drama. You’ll leave from here with Joseph, and when you come back this place will be yours.”

  She didn’t trust herself to speak, afraid if she did she would not be able to stop the onslaught of tears that were laying in wait, so she just held him, burying her head in the softness of the blue sweater, silently begging God for a reprieve of some kind. A knock on the door broke them apart, and gently disengaging himself from her body, Simon stepped away to answer it. Unlocking the top bolt he opened the door.

  “Joseph. Thank you for coming so quickly,” Simon said, shaking his hand.

  “Mr. Sinclair, it’s my pleasure. Happy to help.”

  “Hello, Joseph,” Belle managed, walking forward to greet him. “I’m very grateful. I’ll feel safe with you around.”

  “If that Sean character is watching he’ll steer well clear I’m sure,” Joseph chuckled. “I don’t think he wants another punch in the nose.”

  “I’ll–um–just get my bag,” she replied, swallowing the hot lump that was continuing to grow in the back of her throat, and moved quickly into her room.

  She could hear them talking, and couldn’t imagine how she would calmly walk back in, say goodbye to Simon and head out the door. She opened one of the complimentary water bottles sitting on her nightstand. The gulp of cool liquid helped, sort of. The dollop of hot lava temporarily cooled, and she was surprised there was no hiss of steam as the water slid past. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her bag, and holding firmly on to the water bottle, walked back into the living room, determined to respect Simon’s wishes and be immensely brave.


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