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Reno Gabrini: A Man in Full

Page 2

by Mallory Monroe

  He looked at her as she began heading his way. She was dressed with her usual flair, he thought, in a button-down red silk blouse, gray slacks, and a pair of red and white stilettos. He remembered she wore a matching gray pantsuit jacket with her outfit this morning, but had either ditched it earlier or left it somewhere. But she looked drained to Reno, like a woman who wasn’t getting enough rest, and she had been looking that way a lot lately. That was his bone of contention about the whole thing. Ever since he allowed her to open that clothing store of hers, and to open it across town rather than inside the PaLargio where he would have preferred it to be, she’d been overworking herself to the extreme. But now, after keeping a hands off approach for as long as he could, he was over it. Something had to change.

  She dropped her Dior bag on the coffee table and sat down beside him on his office couch. His thick brown hair was its usual tousled mess, but his bright blue eyes were as vibrant at midnight as they had been this morning. Reno was a nighthawk, she thought, through and through.

  “Stanley said you wanted to see me,” she said.

  Reno looked into her soft, hazel eyes. He had every intention of getting on her case royally, and was still going to set her straight, but he hadn’t seen her since this morning. He missed her. So instead of getting into some confrontation with her, the way she was expecting him to handle it, he leaned closer to her. He stared into eyes that even in their tiredness still looked shockingly sexy to him against her gorgeous dark skin. And her face. He looked at her face. Such a beautiful, strong, sophisticated face. She was the kind of woman who didn’t win beauty contests, he thought, not because she couldn’t, but because she wouldn’t be caught dead entering any. She was the kind of woman who was soft where he was too hard, and hard where he was too tame. She was his woman. And everybody knew it. Just seeing her sitting beside him sent ripples of joy throughout his body and made him want to take her into his arms and reclaim her as his own all over again. And he always felt that way whenever she entered a room. Even when, like now, he was highly pissed with her.

  Trina also felt a surge of excitement when Reno moved closer to her. She looked down, at the bundle she knew was between his legs, at his muscular biceps, and then up into his sternly handsome face. And her heartbeat quickened. Reno had a way of releasing such a powerful aura of masculinity that it made her entire body ache with desire at just the anticipation of him touching her. He hadn’t touched an inch of her yet, but the mere thought already had her, and her vagina, tingling.

  Especially when his bright blue eyes began looking down, from her face to her lips. Her luscious lips. And he began experiencing a tingle of his own. Because his dick was throbbing. Because he knew she would taste delicious. Because he knew she would take him there. And as his face moved closer toward hers, and as his own eyes became more hooded with every second of his stare, he finally took her out of her wonderful misery, and kissed her.

  Trina closed her eyes as his lips touched hers. She was so pleased that they, at least for the moment, was making love instead of war that she wrapped both hands around his neck and returned his kiss with even more vigor.

  Reno tossed his stack of papers onto the table, uncrossed his legs, and pulled her onto his lap. And he continued kissing her with the kind of passion she loved about him. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her with an impatience and an expertise that made her groan in his mouth. He couldn’t stop kissing her. They moved their heads from one side to the other side, with their tongues joining forces, as they filled themselves with the taste, the feel, the texture of each other. But when he reached his hand inside her panties, and cupped her between her legs with a hard grab, the passion rose.

  She already felt his penis expanding beneath her, but when she began to move from the feel of his hand on her vagina, his arousal heightened. Her ass rubbed against the length of that hardness. It felt like simulated sex the way he was rubbing her cunt and kissing her, and the way she was rubbing against him. But when he slipped his fingers between her folds, and then dug in two and then three fingers at a time, her ass began rubbing against his penis with a renewed sense of urgency.

  Then his kisses moved downward, to her neck, and she did what she knew he expected her to do whenever he moved in that direction. She unbuttoned her blouse and lifted her bra, exposing her big brown breasts for him to enjoy. And he devoured them as soon as she exposed them. He devoured them with kisses and sucks that made her entire body shake. He licked and sucked as if he’d never had them before, although he’d had them hundreds of times before. Thousands. But the sound of his manic licking and kissing and sucking filled the room, and she kept pushing them closer into his face, wanting, needing more.

  But his intercom buzzed and broke the spell. He leaned his head back in frustration. Just like that he remembered where he was, and remembered he had serious, unfinished business with Tree.

  He picked up the phone on the side table and pressed the button. “What?” he asked with that frustration now in his voice.

  The female voice on the intercom, like all of Reno’s staff, was accustomed to his ire and was therefore unfazed. “Mr. Javitts wanted me to inform you about an altercation in the Barker Lounge, sir,” she said. “He said it was very serious.”

  “Any weapons involved?”

  “No, sir. He said no weapons are present, but property is being destroyed.”

  Reno frowned. “So why is he calling me? Tell his ass to call Security!”

  “Yes, sir,” the female on the other line said, but Reno had already slammed down the phone.

  “They bother you about every little thing, Reno,” Trina said. “I told them over and over to cut that shit out. I told them over and over that you have too much on your plate as it is. They leave you alone for a minute after I get on their case, but then they start right back up again. You need to start firing people. That’ll change things.”

  Reno looked at her. She was one to talk. “Speaking of things that need to change,” he said, and Trina immediately realized she had stepped right into it. She smiled and shook her head. She wasn’t getting any breaks, she thought.

  Reno kept her on his lap, and kept his fingers lodged inside of her folds, but this was too important for him to dismiss. He had to make himself clear.

  He looked into her tired eyes. “What time is it, Tree?”

  He asked this in that Jersey-style, Italian accent that Trina called his calm before the storm voice. And she wanted to roll her tired eyes. Because she knew where he was going with this. “You know what time it is,” she said.

  “We have a problem. We have a problem that has got to stop being a problem.”

  She gave up and attempted to close her unbuttoned blouse, but Reno, with his free hand, pulled it back open. He loved the sight of her juicy, wet, delicious brown breasts in his face.

  “It’s nothing,” she said. “We don’t have a problem, okay?”

  “Oh, it’s a problem all right. It’s definitely a problem. My wife coming home after midnight, night after night after night, is a big fucking problem. You’re working yourself to death, Katrina.”

  “I’ve been working a little late for the last few weeks, okay? I’ll admit that. But I’m fine. I’m only doing what I have to do for my business. It’s no different than what you do for the PaLargio all the time.”

  “Don’t compare yourself to me! You’re my wife! You’re out of your mind if you think I’m going to let my wife work as hard as I work, slaving herself, and for what? For some gotdamn clothing store?”

  His lack of respect for her boutique was beginning to annoy her. “Not just for any clothing store,” she reminded him. “I work hard for a business I started on my own, and that I intend to make successful on my own. That takes time, Reno.”

  “Not this much time. That place is bleeding money, and more importantly it’s sapping everything out of you. And what about Dommi? He’s just three years old, Tree. He rarely sees you anymore. Fran is my sister, and I love her
to death, but I don’t want Fran raising my son.”

  “Oh, Reno, you act like I come home late every night and you know that’s not true! I’m trying to make Champagne’s a success. It’s not going to just happen. I have to make it happen.”

  “But what did you promise me?”

  “It’s been hectic lately, but it’ll get better, Reno.”

  “That’s not what I asked you. What did you promise me, Tree? When I agreed to let you open your boutique you promised me what?”

  Trina exhaled. “I promised that I wouldn’t let it interfere with my duties as your wife.”


  “And as the mother of your sons.”


  Trina wanted to roll her eyes again. “And as president of the PaLargio.”

  “I made you president of my business not to give you a title. I depend on you to be here, and to have my back.”

  “Now wait just a good gotdamn minute here, Reno,” Trina said, with fire. “I have your back. So don’t even go there. You know I have your back.”

  “I need you to be here,” Reno replied, refusing to back down too. “That’s the fucking point! You weren’t in your office at all today. Your staff was coming to me because they couldn’t find you.”

  “Oh, Reno, those heifers knew where I was.”


  “Okay, okay! I’m late again, and I know I promised it wouldn’t be like this. And it won’t be. It won’t happen again.”

  “If it does, I’ll shut it down, Tree, I declare I will. It’s too dangerous for you to be out this late, especially that far away from me, and I won’t have it.”

  “It won’t happen again, Reno. I promise you.”

  “Yeah, like all of those other promises of yours.”

  “Now look, bud, I can go there with you too. You promised me years ago that you’d stop working all these crazy-ass hours, and you haven’t kept that promise to me either. Not once, Reno. In fact you’ve gotten worse. So don’t even try it.”

  Reno knew when she had him dead to rights. He smiled and began rubbing her folds. “You’re a tough, angry old broad, you know that?”


  “Yeah your ass is old!”

  Trina smiled. Reno was pushing forty and was years older than she was, but she knew he was just needling her. “Then why, if I’m so old and angry, do you keep fondling my angry old ass?”

  Reno laughed. “I like to see you angry,” he said jokingly. “You look sexy when you’re angry.”

  “Oh, yeah? I look sexy, do I? Well I’ve got news for you, buster. You look angry when you’re angry,” Trina said, and Reno laughed heartily.

  But the more he rubbed her, and as his rubbing began to take both of them back to that sensual place, their smiles slowly disappeared. And they became serious again.

  “Oh, Tree,” Reno moaned against her hair as his rubbing intensified even more. As her juices saturated his fingers. But it wasn’t enough.

  He tossed her onto the couch, onto her back, and hurried to his office door. Trina knew what he was up to, and she relished it, but she didn’t get ahead of him either. He locked his office door and then removed his suit coat jacket, tossing it aside. He began unzipping his pants as he made his way back to her. Then he removed her stilettos, unbuttoned and removed her pants with her panties, and he opened her legs, got on the couch between her legs, and started licking her.

  Trina moaned with pleasure as his long tongue swept from the bottom of her folds to the top, repeating the action with greater intensity the longer he licked. And then he slipped inside of her folds, tasting her there. He became so overwhelmed with her delicious taste that he began eating her with unleashed hunger. Her bare ass squirmed against the leather of the couch as he wouldn’t stop eating her. His hands reached up and squeezed her still-wet breasts as his penis throbbed furiously with every lick, every taste of her.

  Then he looked up. A thick strand of her hair had fallen into her face, and her eyes were so hooded they looked half-closed. No human being alive could have looked more beautiful to Reno. And at that very moment, just looking at her gorgeous face, made him want something special from her. He wanted what only Trina could give to him and he had to have it NOW.

  He hurried up the length of her sensual body until his muscular body was hovering over her face. And he pulled it out, every long inch of that thick, ripe rod, and she moaned. And then licked it. She looked up at Reno. And then licked it again.

  Just her touch got him throbbing to a point that made him feel as if he was already on the edge of cum. And Trina took over. She began to give him her special brand of head that always shook him to his core.

  He leaned back and groaned with pleasure as she did him. It was exactly the kind of tension release he needed. And even as his cell phone began to ring, he had to ignore it. He was too caught up in his wife’s expert treatment to even think about answering a phone. And Trina took him to task. She licked his sensitive under skin, she sucked on his head, she made his penis bong in stiff attention as if it was as alive as air. Every inch of his rod felt the pulse of her smooth tongue. He closed his eyes and fell into a wondrously sensual calm that took him away from work and worry and carried him to her. He was in her hands. And she took care of him as only Trina could.

  Then his intercom buzzed. But Reno ignored that too. There was no way he was going to be able to respond to any buzz of any kind. Trina was working it too hard and he was responding too completely.

  And then she took him in whole.

  He trembled with a jolt when her small hands guided his large dick into her mouth and took every inch of it in. He shivered with joyous sensations as she mouth-fucked him hard. “Oh, baby, baby, baby,” he kept saying, and then he started fucking her. He couldn’t control it. His dick started moving in and out of her as if her mouth was her cunt. Nobody but Trina, he kept thinking as he fucked her. Nobody but Tree!

  And then he came. Right in her mouth. He lifted her head up, to absorb it, because he didn’t mean to go that far. He pulled out of her as quickly as he could.

  But that didn’t mean it was over. Because he continued to cum, on her chest, on those brown breasts he could never get enough of, until she was saturated with his release. He continued to jerk on his dick, to get it all out, as the sight of his wife covered with his release was an even greater turn-on for him. And he kept throbbing with sensations, he kept looking at her and loving the sight, as he jerked and jerked until he was completely poured out.

  And just as he was coming down from that kind of high, where every vein in his body was exposed and pulsating, somebody had the nerve, the unmitigated gall, to knock on his door.

  Trina was still in that heightened state of sensuality too, where her vagina was still pulsating from just the thought of Reno cumming in her mouth, and she looked at her husband. She was as astounded as he was. It had to be an emergency. Because every employee in the building knew the rule. Everybody knew that nobody knocked on Reno’s door. If he didn’t answer their buzz, then they would just have to wait. Unless it was, not just an emergency, but a dire one.

  Trina quickly sat up as Reno grabbed a handkerchief out of his back pocket and handed it to her. She wiped off the cum that was still dripping from his dick, and then began wiping off her chest. Reno began zipping up his pants as he made his way to his office door.

  He looked back. Trina had already slipped back on her pants, and was now pulling her bra back over her breasts and buttoning her blouse. She didn’t bother to put on her panties, or her shoes.

  And then he opened the door. “Somebody better be out here dying!” he said with his usual fire.

  “It’s your son, sir,” the staffer nervously said, as she extended the cordless phone to him. “He said he tried your cell phone, but there was no response. He says it’s critically important, sir.”

  Reno looked at her and then grabbed the phone from her hand. “Yeah, Jim,” he said into the phone as he shut the
door in her face.

  “I’m on Market Street, Dad,” Jimmy said on the other end.

  “Yeah, so? What’s on Market Street?”

  “I was going to my car, that’s all I was doing. And then this guy comes out of nowhere.”

  Reno’s heart began to pound.

  “I didn’t shoot him, Dad,” Jimmy added.

  Reno frowned and stopped walking. “Whatta you mean you didn’t shoot him?” he asked.

  Trina stood to her feet, as she stared unblinkingly at her husband.

  “What are you talking?” Reno continued. “You didn’t shoot who?”

  “This guy got shot,” Jimmy tried to explain. “But the cops keep talking like I did it. But I didn’t shoot anybody, Pop, and I keep telling them that.”

  “You don’t tell them a gotdamn thing,” Reno said, and Trina hurried to his side. “You hear me, boy?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You wait until I get there. Don’t tell them shit! Now where on Market are you?”

  Reno got the information, and immediately killed the call.

  “What happened?” Trina asked.

  “There’s been some sort of shooting,” Reno said, looking down, as if he was contemplating how to handle it. When he looked back up and saw that look of devastation on his wife’s face, he immediately placed his hands on her arms. “He’s okay. He’s fine. But I’m going over there,” he added as he left her side, and hurried to his desk.

  “I’m going with you,” she said.

  “No, you aren’t.”

  “I’m going with you, Reno.”

  “No you aren’t,” Reno said again as he grabbed his keys off of his desk, grabbed the suit coat he had just moments before discarded, and began heading for the exit.

  Then he looked back at Trina. He stopped walking and exhaled. “I’ll bring him back, babe,” he said. “You get Dominic from Fran’s apartment and take him home. Wait for me there.”


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