Perfectly Imperfect Mine

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Perfectly Imperfect Mine Page 5

by Amelia Shea

  T turned around and scowled. “Get the fuck out, bitch!”

  She fumbled with the door managing to get out just before T took off. She was home, safe, and alive. The relief flowed through her. She could breathe easy. Her body began to relax. She wanted to do a happy dance. But before her dance could commence, a large hand gripped her forearm and dragged her to the front door. Sadie quickly realized that while she was home and alive, she was not safe.

  Stone gestured to the door which she unlocked, opened, and walked through. She flicked on the lights, illuminating the kitchen and living room. Home.

  The trailer was old. The fixtures and appliances were all dated. Old panel cabinets lined the kitchen on the left. The white Formica counter was faded and stained. It was clean, she always made sure of that, but it was worn. She had replaced the kitchen table that her mom had taken with her. A twenty-five dollar round oak table with three chairs now occupied the small dining area. She was still proud of the deal she had gotten at the swap meet. That’s where she also bought the blue crackle vase that sat in the center of the table.

  Sadie placed her bag on the table. It wobbled side to side. She really needed to buy pads for the feet to level it out. It was something on her to-do list. She turned from the table to watch Stone as he made his way into the living room. She didn’t have much furniture, just an old green sectional, a square coffee table, and an entertainment center. She had been given a DVD player when Pearl replaced her old one. Sadie offered to pay her for it but she insisted it wasn’t worth much. It was worth a lot to Sadie, along with her cheap movies from Wal-Mart. She didn’t have cable, the local channels were free, and her movies were good enough.

  She always thought of the living room as big but with Stone standing in it now, it seemed to shrink. His presence made the room feel small. She intently watched while he looked around. She tried to see her place through his eyes. Aside from Tyler when they were dating, she rarely had people over. There wasn’t a reason. People opened their homes to family and friends. Sadie had neither. A home said a lot about the person who lived in it. Right now, Stone looked unimpressed.

  “I guess waitressing doesn’t pay much, huh?” His tone was nasty. “I thought you girls made good tips. If this place is any indication of your waitressing skills then you must be a fucking shitty waitress. What the hell is that smell?” He continued to look around, his nose pinched and his mouth twisted.

  She didn’t answer him. She knew what he smelled. Her roof leaked last month and the musty smell still lingered. She had tried scented candles and burning incense but it only masked the smell. On warmer days, she opened windows; however, with winter approaching those warm days were few and far between.

  He walked around the living room peeking into the doorway at the far end. That was her old bedroom. When her mom left, Sadie took her room, it was larger and close to the bathroom. She used her old room for storage, a place for all her books. He walked back to her but didn’t stop as he went through the doorway in the kitchen. It was a short hallway with the bathroom and her current bedroom at the end.

  Sadie watched as he disappeared. She craned her neck to watch him but her feet stayed glued to where she stood. She was almost afraid to move. The idea of running out the door was fleeting. She’d never get away, he’d catch her.

  She couldn’t see him. She assumed he was looking in her room. She tried to remember if she had picked up her clothes from the floor. She hoped she’d at least thrown her panties in the hamper. Footsteps got her attention at the kitchen doorway again.

  He stalked toward her. She backed up against the wall in the dining area when he stopped two feet in front of her at the table. Not looking up he reached for her purse and pulled out her wad of tips.

  “Your place is shit.” He sneered.

  While it shouldn’t, it stung. She’d worked hard for what she had. It wasn’t much, she knew that. But it was hers. Her home. Your home is a reflection of you. His words said, “your place is shit.” What she heard was “you are shit.”

  “This is all you got.” He laughed. “I thought flashing your tits would get you more. You might want to consider performing extra services. Or do you? A blowjob in the bathroom on break?” His tone was cruel. He was trying to be a bastard and succeeding.

  “No! I’m not a whore! I had more but after Juan’s cut…” she mumbled, her anger growing.

  “Who the fuck is Juan and why are you giving him your money?” He growled the words. He was furious and she wasn’t sure why.

  It struck her as odd that he even cared why or who she gave her money to but she explained anyway. “Uh…Juan is uh…the busboy. You know, the one who clears the tables.”

  Sadie stared into his eyes. He seemed to have gotten very irritated which was starting to scare her. Between gritted teeth he spit out, “I know what a fucking busboy is. Jesus Christ! Why are you giving the busboy your tips? That was the fucking question. Are you slow?”

  Her eyes widened and her back went stiff. Was he asking if she was retarded? Hot or not, this guy was an asshole. Everyone had their boiling point and she had just reached hers. She glared back at him. He was goading her, pushing her to see if she’d snap. She watched him. He was obviously anticipating an attack. Not a physical attack but a verbal one. He was waiting on her.

  As if something triggered in her brain, she began to question this whole situation. Was he really going to kill her? She thought about it. He walked into the diner with her. He told everyone they were leaving together. He gave his name. It could be a fake but everyone saw him, he could be identified. Why would he risk being identified if he was going to kill her? Besides, if he wanted her dead, he could have easily snapped her neck and left. He didn’t allow Bogs to shoot her and blocked T when he came at her. They could have easily killed her, dumped her body, and no one would have seen them. Instead, he protected her.

  Sadie’s eyes snapped to him. He didn’t want her dead; he wanted her scared.

  That changed everything.

  Sadie lifted her chin and straightened her back. She stood tall. As tall as a girl who was only five feet four inches could. She looked him in the eye while she gathered all her confidence and shouted, “Fuck you!” A small smile spread across her face. She felt triumphant for standing up for herself.

  The internal celebration was short-lived.

  Stone charged her. She backed up until she was pinned against the wall with the coat hook digging into her back. He was mere inches away from her. He was breathing heavily as he bent down to her. They were so close she could feel his breath on her face.

  “Fuck me?” he growled.

  Sadie was frozen. Her faux confidence had backfired. She might have misread this situation. He might just kill her after all.

  “Fuck me? Is that what you want, Sadie, to fuck me?”

  He leaned closer and now their bodies were actually touching. Her breasts were pushed into his chest. Her nipples had gone completely hard. His hands were against the wall on either side of her head, caging her in. She couldn’t move, there was no way to escape. She felt his erection against her stomach. He was hard, for her.

  His lips were at her ear and his hair brushed against her face. She breathed him in. He was so close to her. Her core tightened as she struggled for a breath. His voice was seductive. “Answer me. Do you want to fuck me? You want me to slide my cock into that wet pussy of yours?”

  He lowered himself to position his erection level with her core. He began to rub against her. She gasped and inched closer to him, pressing her chest into his until her nipples were grazing against him. She felt herself getting wetter. She had fantasized about him. She’d touched herself, pretending it was his hand fingering her, rubbing her clit until she exploded, his mouth licking her breasts, biting her nipples. She had imagined him kissing her and touching her. She wanted his hands on every part of her body.

  Her heart beat faster and she started to pant. Suddenly all those erotic dreams she had of Stone filled he
r mind. She needed to push him away. But she couldn’t, she wanted those fantasies.

  “You are wet, aren’t you, Sadie? I could take you right here against the wall. Is that what you want?” he whispered with a chuckle. He thrust forward and rubbed his cock against her again. He groaned as he grabbed her hip with one hand. His other hand reached behind and gripped her hair. She was not thinking straight. She couldn’t. He consumed her. She released a moan as he drove his erection into her again. Her head was pulled back with just a slight bite of pain to her scalp. The pain felt good, felt hot. She reached for him and gripped his waist. Her fingers caressed him lightly.

  He let go of her hair and his hand softly glided down her back. She lifted her head to his neck. Her nose brushed against him and she inhaled his scent. He smelled masculine, almost woodsy, like pine trees and campfires. His warm breath was on her ear; his mouth nibbled her earlobe. She felt a wet release and knew her panties were soaked.

  “Ah…” she moaned.

  “All you have to do is ask me, babe.” His chest was against her and she could feel his heart pumping fast. Sadie was not the only one affected by this situation. He wanted her too.

  All she had to do was ask and all her fantasies would become reality. Everything about this was wrong. She knew it. Deep down, where she’d buried her fear, she knew this was wrong and crazy. But she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t!

  Her lips found his neck and she kissed a line down to the neckline of his shirt. She let her tongue glide up his neck and across his throat. He groaned, “Ask me,” as he grinded into her again. Her legs stiffened against one another feeling the friction of her wet panties rubbing against his leg. She licked his neck again up to his ear, breathing heavy, uncontrollably panting.

  She opened her mouth just as his cell rang. They both stopped moving. They were locked together as the phone rang again. She raised her face to his in a complete lust-filled stare. He dipped his head down close enough to lick her bottom lip and yanked himself away.

  “Yeah, whattcha got?” His voice was completely emotionless. It was the same tone one would use to ask for more dessert.

  Meanwhile, Sadie was still pinned against the wall, panting. Her desire began to fade. Regret settled in. An hour ago, the thought of this man had her riddled with fear. She had thought she was going to die. Less than a minute ago she was prepared to strip down and fuck him.

  He paced around the living room on the phone and muttered, “Yeah,” and “Got it.” She watched him from her corner. Sadie knew she should move. But she didn’t. Her head snapped up when she heard him say, “All right, be out in five.” He walked back in to the kitchen and leaned on the counter. His stance of crossed arms and scowl confirmed that whatever happened moments ago was over. When he spoke, it was eerily calm.

  “You won’t say anything, Sadie. Not one word about what you think you saw tonight. If you go to the police, I’ll know. If you tell a friend, I’ll know. Make no mistake, I will know. Then I’ll come back. I’m giving you a chance, Sadie, and I don’t do second chances. Remember what I said earlier? You do this my way or the wrong way. I don’t want to hurt you. But I will. If it comes down to it, I will hurt you, Sadie.”

  She heard his words and they slowly sunk in. Whatever happened before was long over. If he had to, he’d hurt her.

  “You understand?” Stone remained calm. He stepped away from the counter but kept about five feet of distance between them.

  She nodded and held his gaze. She didn’t see any lust or softness, just his vacant stare and hardness.

  He turned and stalked to the door. She held her breath waiting for him to leave. He pushed the door open but stopped. The door rested against his back as he turned around.

  He granted her a smile which was anything but sweet. It was almost sinister. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He grabbed what looked like singles and held them up before he tossed them onto the floor.

  “Your tip.”

  Then he was gone.

  * * * *

  It was a dick move. Stone let the barely hanging on door slam shut behind him. It was a complete dick move but he had no choice. Sadie was fucking killing him with her body and her need for him. Hers was as strong as his. That was not supposed to happen, none of that was supposed to happen. His intention was to get in her place, scare the hell out of her and take off. His little kitten wasn’t supposed to show her claws. Her feistiness made his dick hard and made him want her more.

  He stomped down the stairs, frustrated both sexually and mentally. Sadie didn’t fit into his plan. His job would be over and he’d leave. Fucking the diner waitress was not part of that plan. He needed to stay away from her. He had never had a woman affect him the way she did. Staying away was what needed to happen. His frustration and anger grew and he zoned in on his target. He stalked toward the waiting truck. T was driving with Bogs in the passenger seat. They stared at him as he came forward. Bogs smile faltered and changed to confusion as Stone closed in on the truck.

  Stone ripped open the door and grabbed Bogs by the shirt and pulled him out of the truck, almost dragging him to the ground.

  “What the fuck!” Bogs yelled and tried to pry Stone’s hands from his chest. His back slammed up against the truck with Stone’s face inches from his own.

  “Don’t you ever fucking point a gun at her. What the fuck were you thinking?” Stone raged. He shook Bogs and jammed him back against the truck making a loud thud.

  “Dude, relax! I wasn’t going to hurt her. I just wanted to scare her. I would never fucking hurt a woman, you know that.” He pushed at Stone’s chest.

  “It could have gone off, you dumb fuck. Jesus Christ, Bogs, fucking think! You could have shot her,” he reamed through gritted teeth and shoved Bogs back once more before releasing him. Stone ran his hand through his hair gripping a chunk. His anger permeated through him. He had to get a handle on it. His rage was directed at Bogs deservingly. Bogs screwed up, they all did. But right now, he was consumed with the protectiveness he felt for Sadie. He hated it. This girl was nothing to him, he repeated to himself.

  He got into the front seat of the truck and slammed the door before staring back at her trailer. All the lights were still on. He wondered if she was still in her same spot. Still panting hard, wet, hard nipples begging to be touched. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, her scent still on him and his neck still tingling from her lips. He wanted her.

  “Fuck!” He punched the dashboard.

  “Get a grip, man,” T snarled.

  “Fuck off!” He turned his glare to T.

  T shook his head and waited for Bogs to climb in the back. He backed out of the driveway in silence and drove out of the trailer park. The truck remained quiet. The tension inside was thick and no one uttered a word the whole way home. They had fucked up tonight.

  Sadie saw the guy, the blood—she saw too much. If she went to the police they were fucked. This job was turning out to be a cluster fuck.

  T pulled into his spot in the parking lot and turned off the engine before turning his attention to Stone. Stone could feel his eyes on him.

  “You think she’ll say anything?” he asked.

  “No.” She wouldn’t say anything, Stone made sure of that. He had convinced her with his threats. He had seen the fear in her eyes.

  T let out a long breath. “Stone, man, you gotta get a handle on whatever shit you got going with her. This could end badly.”

  He stared out the front window. He knew it could end badly. She didn’t need to be anywhere near the shit that was going down.

  “Look…” T started.

  “I got it. It’s done,” Stone replied, ending whatever conversation T was going to start. This ended tonight. He’d make sure she didn’t say anything. He’d steer clear of her. He had to.

  They all opened doors to get out.

  “Stone?” Bogs said.

  Stone turned to the back seat. He held Bogs’ eyes.

’ll get the info on her right now, I’ll have it by afternoon.” It was a Bogs way of apologizing. He would stay up until he got what Stone needed, it would be making amends for messing up. He watched as his brother’s strong usually laughing face faltered. That face was incapable of hurting a female, Stone knew that.

  “Yeah, thanks.” He gave Bogs a chin lift, got out of the truck, and headed to his door with them following.

  Chapter 5

  There were a few questions and some concerns when Sadie went in for her next shift the following night. She needed a ride to work so she called Melinda. She was hounded for details on what happened. Melinda kept saying she knew he was interested. Interested he was, but not how Melinda thought. He was interested in Sadie keeping her mouth shut. Melinda teased that it was only fair to tell her if he was as hot in bed as he was in person. Much to her disappointment, Sadie was honest. They didn’t have sex and she hadn’t seen him after that night.

  She hated herself for admitting it but she still dreamed of Stone. She relived their moment with an ending that had her screaming out his name as she came. Sadie tried to picture a different face and body. But she’d always come back to those green eyes and that thin, long scar. It was the only way she could climax. In her fantasies he didn’t speak. Sadie didn’t allow his cruel words to tarnish her fantasy.

  Life went on. A week had passed since that night. Stone never came back. Mostly it was a relief. While he might not kill her, he was a dangerous man, and cruel. She tried not to let the tip comment bother her but it did. She gave her inner self a pep talk. Reminded herself she was not the kind of girl Stone thought she was.

  She was glued to her television for the whole week. She even bought the newspaper every day, which she usually never did. She was waiting to see Stone’s mugshot flash on her screen or on the front page of the paper. But there was nothing. Sadie thought about going to the police. She even parked in front of the station once. But she just sat in her car thinking about what Stone said. If she told anyone, he’d know. She tried to psyche herself up to walk in. She replayed her “do the right thing” speech a dozen times in her head. She was a witness to a murder. Well, she wasn’t absolutely sure the guy was dead but at the very least attempted murder. She had to tell someone. She’d be brave, maybe even a hero when Stone and his thugs were caught. She’d probably have to testify in court. Face to face with Stone.


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