Perfectly Imperfect Mine

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Perfectly Imperfect Mine Page 6

by Amelia Shea

  She never got out of the car at the station. She never told anyone. She felt like a coward.

  Here she was again, watching the clock. Tick, tock, tick, tock. They’d been pretty busy today. She’d been on the move since her shift started at eleven a.m. Sadie loved day shifts, the day flew by. She jumped at the chance for an extra shift when one of the girls called in sick. She’d been waiting for day shifts since she started. She was told the shifts were given by seniority and her time would come. Four years later and she was still waiting. Some of the other waitresses volunteered for the night shift, like Pearl. Not Sadie though, she was just biding time until she moved to days. There had been plenty waitresses hired after her. They were trained and ready to start. Kate was the only one who lasted. Bernie hired a new girl, Tracey, about two weeks ago. If all went well, her day shift would be here soon enough.

  Sadie just finished up a bill when she heard a group come through the door. She didn’t even bother with a glance, hoping they sat in Melinda’s section. After dropping the bill at table five, Sadie helped Juan clear tables seven and eight. A large group of older ladies had just left. She thought they were part of a book club. They had fun, laughed a lot, tipped horribly.

  She headed back with Juan to the kitchen and scanned the dining area. She saw a group of five or six in Melinda’s section. They were in the far corner table. It looked to be three guys and two girls. From what she could see they were still looking over the menu.

  Sadie grabbed the rag to wipe the counters down when Brenna walked in.

  “It’s so cold out there. Brrrrr. I was not meant for winter, Sadie. I am a flip-flop kind of woman.”

  God, she loved Brenna, she made her laugh. She was in her thirties and married with two kids. Her husband brought the kids in sometimes in the early morning for breakfast. She gushed over all of them, announcing to anyone who could hear that she had an amazing family. She truly did.

  “Me too, Bren.” Sadie laughed.

  “Leaving at eight?” she asked as she shivered.

  “Yup, eight, and not a minute later. I don’t want to turn into a pumpkin or worse, a raving bitch!” Sadie teased.

  She burst out laughing as she walked toward the back. “Well then I best clock in so you can get outta here.”

  Sadie glanced up at the old cola clock. She had three minutes left. Thank God.

  “Hey, can we get some service here?” A deep voice came from the far left in Melinda’s section.

  She peered over the counter looking for Melinda but she didn’t see her. Where the hell did she go? She was there a minute ago. Damn it! Maybe they could hold off until Brenna came back out.

  “Hey, waitress, let’s go!” the voice shouted out with a playful but impatient tone.

  Sadie knew that voice. She thought to herself but couldn’t figure out where she knew that voice from. She grabbed her pad and headed over to table sixteen to find out. As she walked closer she could see that there were two guys with a blonde situated between them. Their backs were to her. She looked past them to see a pretty redhead in between an empty seat and a light brown-haired guy who was grinning at her. She returned the smile and suddenly halted. She knew this guy and he knew her. No wonder the voice sounded familiar. She couldn’t easily forget a guy who threatened to shoot her. Bogs. Shit!

  She glanced back at the men with their backs to her. The one closest to the window had black hair. It was styled with a wave on the side. While the others were dressed casually, he had a button down dress shirt. He looked like he should be gracing the cover of GQ not ordering food off a plastic menu.

  She didn’t know him. But she did know the guy on the other end. Thick dark hair draped over the sides of his ears and slightly curled at the nape. She got full confirmation when he turned to the blonde who was giggling. Sadie saw his scar from the corner of his eye leading down his cheek. His cheeks spread wide as he smiled. Stone.

  She couldn’t do this. Sadie quickly turned around and rushed back to the counter. She would get Brenna to take their order if she couldn’t find Melinda. Panic started to rise and the anxiety set in. The humiliation crashed back in her mind. She was just about at the counter when she heard Bogs shout.

  “C’mon, sweetheart, don’t run away.” Sadie heard the laughter in his tone.

  Her heart beat erratically. What should she do? He was taunting her, laughing at her, probably with Stone joining in. The embarrassment was overwhelming. Stone probably went back that night and told them about the stupid, slutty, trailer trash waitress who basically dry fucked him in her kitchen even when she thought he might be a killer. Her mind thought back to what Stone said a week ago. The tears rimmed her eyes. “I thought flashing your tits would get you more. You might want to consider performing extra services. Or do you? A blowjob in the bathroom on break?” Then tossed the singles on the floor—“your tip.”

  Motherfucker! She took a deep breath. Then she took another one. You want a slutty waitress, you got it. She hoped he’d fucking choke on it. She smiled as she undid two of the top buttons. The gap was wide enough to show her boobs and still hide the bra. She might not have much going for her but she did have a fantastic set of C cups.

  She whipped around and marched back over to their table. The corner of Bogs’ lip went up, clearly enjoying what he saw. The redhead next to him peered up from her menu and her eyes went wide. She looked over at Bogs but his eyes were still glued to her tits. Sadie came to a stop at the head of the table. Bogs on one side, Stone on the other. The whole table looked up. Let the show begin.

  Sadie used her sweetest voice and from somewhere deep she mustered up all the confidence she had to offer.

  “Hi! So sorry you all had to wait. It seems your waitress is missing in action. Let me at least get you drinks and then I’ll track her down.”

  She completely ignored Stone and the twit next to him who was displaying more cleavage than Sadie. She turned to Bogs expectantly, waiting on his drink order. He was openly still checking out her breasts. An elbow to his ribs from the redhead had him meeting her eyes.

  “I’ll have a Coke,” he blurted out.

  “Me too!” from the redhead. Sadie smiled over at her.

  She looked to the end at GQ. “I’ll have a coffee. Black.”

  The blonde twit whose hand now rested on Stone’s thigh cocked her eyebrow at Sadie. She actually had the nerve to look her up and down and roll her eyes. Bitch!

  “I’ll have a Coke, also.”

  Sadie returned her perusal and sweetly asked, “Diet?”

  Bogs coughed trying to cover up his laughter. He was unsuccessful.

  The blonde narrowed her eyes at Sadie throwing a death glare. She suppressed a laugh and turned to Stone. “And you?”

  She expected a glare or a scowl but his eyes were soft and slightly amused.

  “I’ll take a coffee. Cream and sugar.”

  “Great! I’ll grab those for you and send Melinda to take your order.” She needed to get out of here; her confidence and fake bravado would only last so long.

  “Excuse me, where can I find the specials?”

  Sadie glanced over at the man asking, Mr. GQ. Focusing directly on him, she could see that he was extremely handsome. Damn! He had the most beautiful blue eyes. They were almost too beautiful for a man. They reminded her of the ocean. His hair was so dark it looked jet black and was cut short and professional. He must have it styled to get that wave to stay in place.

  Sadie smiled at GQ and he smiled back before looking back down at his menu. She walked behind Bogs and the redhead and stood behind the empty seat across from him. The group was staring at her again but she kept her focus on GQ. She leaned down and rested her elbows on the table. His eyes zeroed in on her breasts. GQ looked a little shocked but that didn’t stop him from enjoying the view.

  “Right here, baby,” she pointed to the menu, “they’re all listed on this side. If you don’t see anything that you like, I bet I can have the chef whip you up something specia

  She took a breath, cocked up her brow and basically purred, “Do you see anything you like?”

  She heard a few gasps and one distinct growl. She knew it didn’t come from GQ though. He grinned and winked at her. She popped back up and walked around the table. As she passed Stone, he grabbed her wrist and said through gritted teeth, “What the fuck do you think you are doing?”

  She leaned over. She was inches away from his face. She lifted her eyebrows and smirked. “Just trying to earn a good tip, babe!” Her sassy tone, followed by yanking her hand from his grip, sent him an obvious message. Fuck you!

  She rose to full standing position and Bogs raised his hand to her. “Hey can you show me where the specials are too?”

  She flipped her hair over shoulder and said firmly, “No.” His smile faltered and he looked disappointed.

  “I’ll track down your waitress, Melinda. Have a wonderful night!”

  She was done!

  Sadie had Brenna bring over their drink order. She grabbed her stuff from the break room. She could not wait to get out of there. She entered the dining area from the kitchen and headed straight to the bathroom. She intentionally ignored Stone’s table, and didn’t glance their way. She just wanted to go home but she really had to pee. She walked past the counter and down the hall to the customer washrooms and went in.

  “Yeah just like that. Suck me.” A deep male voice groaned.

  She froze.

  “Take it deep.”

  Oh My God!

  She heard a gagging sound and then a slurp. “Like that, baby?” a female purred.

  She stared at the stall door. Was someone really having sex in there?

  A deep rough voice grunted. “Fuck! Just like that. Suck me dry.” He groaned louder and let out a long sexy grunt.

  She was torn between making herself known or turning around and leaving but she really had to pee. She looked around when she heard more panting coming from the stall. She should just go. She turned around but stopped when the guy groaned, “Fuck yeah.” Sadie knew he came when the female moaned.

  Sadie stood frozen in her spot having just eavesdropped on a stranger getting a blowjob. It was insane but a little erotic.

  The door opened. Stone walked in with a scowl on his face. Sadie backed up to the stall door just as its occupants were exiting. Her feet slipped and she started to fall back. She tried to grab onto the sidewall but it was too late. She was going to land on her ass. She braced herself. But her ass never hit the floor, instead big hands gripped her ribs and she slammed into a wall. It was not a wall, though, but a body with a familiar voice.

  “You’re a little late for the party. Hell, if I knew you offered threesomes as an appetizer I would have ordered that. Maybe next time…bitch.” T laughed sarcastically in Sadie’s ear.

  Scrambling out of his hands, she rushed toward the sinks and whipped around.

  “You’re disgusting!” Sadie shouted.

  He chuckled and came out of the stall zipping up his pants. He headed for the door, said something to Stone and walked out. What Sadie saw next had her eyes bugging out. Melinda. Her curly hair was sticking out in all directions. Her lips were puffy and her face was bright red. Her embarrassment kept her from looking at Sadie as she slid past Stone and rushed out the door.

  What was she thinking? Melinda was a wild girl but even this was a lot for her. Giving blow jobs in the bathroom? And to that guy of all people!

  A snap of his fingers made Sadie quickly remember she was not alone. She looked over at Stone, who was leaning against the opposite sink with his arms crossed. His eyes were fixed on her with an expression she couldn’t quite pinpoint.

  “I have to go.” She attempted to pass him but he stepped in front of her and blocked her path.

  “We need to talk.”

  “No, we don’t.” Her tone was defeated. She needed this night to end.

  “Yeah, we do.”

  She crossed her arms and gave him a bored stare. His hands landed on his hips and he held her stare.

  “What the fuck do you think you were doing out there?”

  She continued to stare and not say anything.

  “Answer me!” His eyes were blazing. Sadie knew her silence was aggravating him. So what? She didn’t care, why should she? In a matter of a week, Stone had gone from a fantasy to a nightmare. He scared her, yelled at her, threatened her, and humiliated her. The very idea that Stone now stood in front of her demanding anything infuriated her.

  She released an angry breath. “I was just doing my job, Stone. Remember? I’m a slutty, shitty waitress who should start giving out blowjobs in the bathroom during breaks. Is that why you’re here?” Her anger escalated. “Should I drop to my knees and suck your dick? Do you have any singles, Stone? You can even throw them on the floor and have me crawl to pick them up.”

  Her eyes teared up but not from sadness. She was incensed. She waited, hoping he’d move but he didn’t. She refused to look at him and stepped around. He didn’t touch her but she could hear his low heated snarl. “Wait.”

  Sadie shook her head and started to sob. She quickly brought up her sleeve and wiped her tears. She was so frustrated and just completely beat down. She walked out the door and surprisingly, he let her.

  She hurried down the hall to the dining room not looking back.

  “Good night, honey. Drive safe,” Brenna said as Sadie walked past the counter.

  Sadie gave a halfhearted wave to Brenna and Melinda as she walked to the door. Her head was bowed and she didn’t bother making eye contact. She didn’t want them to see her like this.

  Sadie stepped to the side of the door to let an older couple pass through. She looked over to find Stone back at his table with the others. He was standing by the table, eyes set on her. His face was hard with an expression she hadn’t seen before. He looked sad and regretful. Sadie knew what he saw in her. GQ was seated with his head arched in her direction but eyes on Stone. The girls at the table were also looking at Stone. Bogs and T faced Sadie and stared. She must look like a mess. Her tears had stopped but her eyes were red rimmed and glassy. She rushed out the door to her car and drove home. Her mind should have been racing with all that just happened but it wasn’t. She was completely consumed with one thought only. She never got to pee.

  * * * *

  Stone watched Sadie walk out. Her eyes were sad and her lashes damp. That’s what tears did. Tears he caused. His gaze followed her through the front of the diner until she disappeared on the side of the building.

  “Fuck!” He said in a hushed tone. He settled back into his seat at the table next to Krista.

  “You okay, Stone?” Krista asked in a sugary tone that made him want to puke. This chick was grating on his last nerve. Bogs had a crazy ability of attracting the most annoying women in a thirty-mile radius. She put her hand on Stone’s thigh and caressed slowly. This was not the hand of the woman he wanted touching him. That woman had just left upset and angry.

  Stone lifted her hand off his knee and glared at Krista. “I’m fine.” She put her hand on the table and they all sat in silence. Stone’s mind was on Sadie and how he fucked up again. He needed this girl to get out of his head.

  The waitress whose nametag read Brenna came over to their table. “Are you guys all set to order or do you need more time?” she asked with a pleasant smile.

  Ethan raised his hand. “If we could have just another minute please?” He smiled his charming Ethan smile and the waitress nodded and blushed. Ethan had that effect on all women. Stone watched the waitress walk away before turning his attention to Ethan. Ethan looked over to Stone, shrugged, and smirked.

  Stone stood up. “I’m outta here. Call me if ya hear anything.”

  He walked through the diner and out into the parking lot. It was dark and cold. The diner was set in an isolated area off the highway. There were a lot of tractor trailers parked for the night. It would be hard to see if someone was grabbed in between the trucks. Hard to
hear someone scream with the noise from the highway.

  Sadie shouldn’t be walking out here at night by herself, she could be hurt or robbed or worse. The thought had Stone balling his fists. What kind of asshole boss didn’t walk the girls out to their cars at night? Stone immediately surveyed the lot again. He noticed Ethan grabbing something from his car and T walking to Stone’s truck. Stone came up to the front of the hood to meet T.

  “What’s up? You hear something already?” Stone asked.

  “No, E wanted to give you something and I needed some air. That fucking Krista girl won’t shut the fuck up.” T scowled, shaking his head.

  Stone raised his eyebrows and smirked. “Then why did you bring her?”

  T shrugged. “She’s a good lay.”

  Ethan walked over to them as Stone laughed. “And the waitress in the bathroom?”

  “That girl practically swallowed my dick. No lie,” T said in complete seriousness.

  Ethan and Stone shook their heads simultaneously and laughed. Typical T. The guy was born without a filter and didn’t care what anyone else thought. He would be an asshole if not for his fierce loyalty to his family and those he cared about. Stone knew no better guy than T.

  Ethan reached out to hand a folder to Stone. “Here’s Sadie’s file. I forgot to get it to you before you left for Houston last week.”

  Stone grabbed the folder and opened it. It wasn’t thick. He sifted through quickly. There were no police reports or arrest records. There was one page that caught his eye. Stone read briefly and looked up to Ethan who had a sympathetic look. He nodded toward the file. “She’s a good girl who was dealt a shitty hand.”


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