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Haunted: A Sentry of Evil Short Story

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by amanda bonilla

  “Jesus Christ, are you out of your mind!” she seethed as she scrambled off of him, her brows drawn tight and her mouth a hard line. “You scared the hell out of me! Who are you and what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?”

  “You can’t leave the grounds.” He hadn’t intended to act, but neither could he allow her to be killed. Her ignorance of what lay beyond the property was no justification for the fate she would have met.

  She scrambled away from him, her back now resting against the intricate whorls of the wrought iron fence that bordered the property. Still too close to danger for him to feel safe. He noted how her eyes shone bright in the silver moonlight and how pale her skin. A more ghostly apparition of beauty, he had never seen.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He pushed himself up to stand and extended his hand. “I’m Alec Bailey. I’m the caretaker of this property.”

  She reached up and placed her palm in his. Alec allowed his eyes to drift shut for the barest moment as he reveled in her warmth, the softness of her skin. The same sensation of familiarity tugged at his subconscious and Alec let it overtake him. This was wrong. It violated all of the rules. His rules. But he didn’t care. He held on to her for a moment longer than was appropriate and she cleared her throat as though nervous. The spell broken, he pulled her up to stand, and once assured she had her balance, forced himself to break contact and let her go.

  “And I thought I was cold,” she remarked, rubbing her palm against her jeans. His eyes wandered to the curve of her hip as he watched with fascination. How he wished he could replace her hand with his. “I’m Alyssa Shaw. I didn’t realize anyone but the news crew was staying here.”

  Alec dragged his gaze from her hip to her face and she quirked a brow. The expression wasn’t exactly friendly. So she walked bravely into the dark but was skeptical of his presence there? Foolish, but at least her guard wasn’t totally down. “There’s someone here all the time. But I try to stay out of the guests’ way.”

  Her lips puckered and she considered him with a narrowed gaze. “Sorry to break this to you, but tackling the guests like a linebacker isn’t exactly staying out of the way.”

  “True. But it was either that or let you walk out into the forest. There have been several—” What? What lie could he tell to sufficiently deter her? “—bear sightings in the area over the past week. It’s not safe.”

  Alyssa turned and stared out into the dark. The seething energy beyond the barrier of the iron fence pressed upon Alec until its weight nearly sent him to the ground. She couldn’t sense it. It was only his sensitivity to the preternatural presence that made him feel as though he might be crushed. “Well…I guess I should thank you for the warning. Though I gotta say, a quick shout would have been just as effective.”

  “Noted,” he said with a smile.

  “All right, then. Thanks for the warning, I guess.”

  Her shoulders slumped as though disappointed and when she faced him, the angry wind subsided to a breeze, sending a curtain of hair in front of her face. Alec couldn’t help himself. He reached out and brushed the silky strands back, tucking them behind her ear just as he’d imagined doing. How could such a simple act bring him so much pleasure?

  A corner of her mouth hinted at a smile and emotion swelled in Alec’s chest. “Okay, so the forest is off limits unless I want to be a midnight snack for a hungry bear. I don’t suppose you’d want to walk me down to the lake? Unless there’s something in the water that might jump out and eat me, too?”


  AS ALYSSA WAITED for him to respond, she took a deep breath and tried to slow the frantic beat of her heart. The rush was akin to the elation of seeing someone she’d been long separated from. Which was crazy, because she’d never seen this guy before in her life. Still…she was practically drunk with excitement and she fought the urge to wrap her arms around this total stranger and never let him go.

  She hadn’t dated in months—not even a prospect—and standing in front of her was a guy good looking enough to grace the cover of a magazine. Surely that explained the way she felt right now. Because, seriously, what else could it be? It wasn’t every day a drop dead gorgeous hunk of man flesh surprise tackled her. And that was exciting.

  The way he brushed his fingers over her brow as he swept her hair behind her ear caused chills to break out across her flesh and it had nothing to do with the cold. In fact, Alyssa flushed with warmth as Alec’s dark gaze bore into hers. His eyes were the strangest color, almost violet, and she could have sworn they glowed with a soft illumination that was otherworldly in its beauty. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she knew him somehow. That she’d looked into that mesmerizing gaze before. He towered over her, had to be over six feet tall, and was built like he spent his days lifting weights or moving boulders rather than watching over an abandoned property. The style of his dark hair was a little outdated, as were his clothes, but maybe it was a small town thing. Or maybe he didn’t make much money. Hell, maybe he’d raided the closets and wore the clothes to match the roaring twenties style of the hotel. She could totally see Jeff setting something like that up to impress Melinda. Blech.

  “Well? Are you going to take me on an adventure, or should I make the arduous climb back to my room?”

  His expression fell, and he expelled a deep breath that had way too much sorrow behind it for her simple question. “No!” Alec said, frantic. “Please, do not venture toward the lake. I think it’s best you stay on the property. You’re more than welcome to walk down to the lake, but I won’t be able to accompany you and I’d never forgive myself if something were to happen to you.”

  Damn, the guy looked a little wigged out. Worried, even. Borderline terrified. Maybe there was more to the whole animal attack angle than she thought. “Oh yeah? I guess I’ll stay close, then. Far be it from me to cause you any undue distress.”

  His full lips spread into a brilliant smile and Alyssa’s legs threatened to give out from under her. A more stunning example of male perfection didn’t exist. So what if he was a little over the top in the acting department? “Can I walk you back to your room?”

  Wow. Retro outfit, formal speech, and rocking the chivalry. Looked like Alec Bailey took his job seriously. “You can, but I have to warn you, the third floor is haunted.”

  Amusement lit his expression and he said, “Really? And why would you say such a thing?”

  Alyssa grinned. “What do you think drove me out of my room? The most horrible sounds I’ve ever heard woke me from a dead sleep.” She leaned in close as if sharing a secret and his scent washed over her, dark and masculine with an edge that reminded her of the ozone smell that accompanied lightning. Her heart rate kicked up in her chest and she took another deep breath and held it in her lungs.

  “The tortured wail of ghosts?” Alec leaned in and whispered close to her ear, “You’re not buying into the haunted hotel stories, are you?”

  His voice was a warm sensual caress that touched every part of her body. A pleasant shudder traveled down the length of her spine and rather than back away, Alyssa took a step closer. Why should Jeff and Melinda have all the fun? True, she’d been out of the game for a while, but Alec seemed interested. At least, his body language was telling her all the right things. And okay, he was a little odd, but she’d dated weirder guys than him. Hell, her last blind date had been with a guy who collected snake skins and lived his mom’s basement. Playing dress up to add ambiance to a hundred year old hotel was nothing compared to that.

  “Ghosts…no.” She stood on her tiptoes to murmur close to his ear. Her lips brushed the rough stubble of his cheek. “What I heard was far more terrifying.”

  He put both of his hands on her shoulders and eased her away from him. He studied her for a silent moment, that same look of concern etched into every line of his face. A long silence spread between them before he relaxed and a charming half-smile quirked his lips. “You’re talking about the man and woman you came with, aren’
t you?”

  “The ones going at it like they’re trying for a world record? Uh, yeah.”

  He laughed and the sound did all sorts of lovely things to Alyssa’s insides. “They’re enthusiastic lovers, that much is clear.”

  Apparently she hadn’t been the only one wide awake and forced to endure Jeff and Melinda’s audio nightmare. It explained why Alec found her out here in the first place. “Enthusiastic is an understatement. I was afraid I might suffer permanent hearing loss if I didn’t get the hell out of there.”

  “They offended you?” he asked, not in a mocking way, but as though he was truly concerned.

  “Alec, that sort of strange is offensive to all of humanity.” He held out his hand and she took it in her own. Damn, he was wearing twice as much as she was and he felt borderline hypothermic. “Hey, you’re freezing. I think we better get inside before you get frostbite and lose a finger or two.”

  “I can assure you, I’m not at any risk for losing appendages. And certainly not from the cold.” His voice became sad and it soaked deep into Alyssa’s chest, causing a dull ache she was desperate to rub away.

  “Cold or not, I think you need to get inside.” The prospect of going back to her room for round two of Sextober Fest wasn’t in the least bit appealing, though. “If you’re not tired, maybe we can forage up some food in the kitchen?”

  Alec turned to her and smiled. “I think I can manage something.”


  The relief Alec felt once they were inside was palpable. Alyssa had no idea how close she’d come to losing her life just now, and his inability to do anything other than coax her inside with some sweetly spoken words was a bitter gall to swallow. For now, though, she was safe, and he was going to do whatever it took to spend a few more moments with her.

  “I can’t believe the kitchen is clean,” Alyssa remarked as he flipped on the light. “Jeff pretty much threatened to fire anyone who dared to pick up a dust cloth. I guess he thinks dirt is terrifying.”

  “I believe the good people at the historical society had the kitchen stocked for your associates.” Alec filled a kettle with water and put it on the stove to boil.

  “Does that mean you’re the caretaker and the chef?”

  Alec smiled at her teasing tone. “Hardly. But there’s more than enough to eat. What would you like? There’s fruit and cheese, and I believe there’s a loaf of bread and crackers in one of the cupboards.”

  Alyssa crossed to the pantry and searched the shelves. “Screw the fruit and crackers, you have chocolate.”

  She held the confection high in the air as if it were the spoils of war. As he retrieved a cup a plastic bottle of honey, and some tea, she took a seat at the kitchen island on one of the high stools. “Only one cup?” she asked. “You’re the one who’s freezing, I think you need a hot cup of tea more than I do.”

  Aside from the mug warming his hands, there wasn’t much else hot tea would do for him. “I’m fine, really. I think you’re probably more chilled than I am. Chamomile, or Earl Gray?”

  “Hmm…Earl Gray.”

  He opened the paper packet and dropped the sachet of tea in the mug. When the kettle whistled, Alec snatched it off the stove, opening the lever on the spout, lest the noise wake anyone else. He had no desire to entertain anyone but Alyssa. If he had it his way, he’d send the rest of them home tonight. While he poured the steaming water into the cup, he watched from the corner of his eye as Alyssa unwrapped the chocolate bar, broke off a corner, and placed it in her mouth.

  “Oh my god,” she moaned. The sensual sound stirred Alec’s body in way he didn’t think was possible. “This has got to be the most delicious thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.”

  Her mouth was the most delectable spot he’d ever seen a piece of chocolate placed. He wanted to kiss her, taste the bitter-sweetness of it on her lips and tongue. Alec set the kettle down with a little more force than he’d intended, his control slipping. How long had it been since his body had responded to a woman this way? Too long.

  “Oh, sorry,” Alyssa said with a laugh. “I didn’t mean to hoard the chocolate. You stocked some seriously good stuff, though. Do you want a bite?”

  She broke off another chunk and held it out for him. Alec imagined himself leaning forward, his gaze locked on hers as he took the piece of chocolate from her fingers with his mouth. His stomach clenched as he thought of his tongue flicking out at her skin, or his lips closing around her finger before pulling back to enjoy the treat.

  “No thank you.” Alec forced the words from his mouth. Her expression fell and disappointment cut through him like a blade. “I’m afraid chocolate doesn’t agree with me. But I’m sure that watching you eat it is just as good as experiencing it firsthand.”

  Color flushed her cheeks and she looked at him from beneath hooded lashes. He was pressing his luck, but he didn’t give a damn. Though he knew nothing about her, she’d managed to captivate him from the moment she walked through the door. He wanted her and he was beginning to convince himself that he could have her.

  “I’m officially devastated on your behalf. I have no idea how you could possibly live without chocolate, but let me tell you this is premium stuff.” Alyssa popped the piece into her mouth and her eyes drifted shut for a blissful moment. “So. Good.”

  He slid the cup of tea across the counter top and Alyssa scooped it up into her palms. “Tell me about yourself and why you’re here, Alyssa. I’m dying to know why our paths have crossed.”

  After taking a sip from the edge of the cup, she propped her elbows up on the counter and rested her chin in her palm. She leveled her blue-eyed gaze on him and said. “Uh-uh. You first. I want to know everything about this place, including how you managed to wind up as the caretaker of a haunted hotel.”


  IT HAD TO be after two in the morning, but Alyssa didn’t care. The rich timbre of Alec’s voice warmed her, and the cadence of his words relaxed her. They’d been talking for at least two hours, and she could sit here and talk to him for another ten if he wanted to. She was going home Sunday morning, and one-night stands weren’t exactly her style. But the longer she sat and talked with him, the more she was willing to throw caution to the wind and see where things might lead. Besides, they hardly lived in different states. Boise was only a couple of hours away. If things went well this weekend, maybe they could see each other again. It’s not like she had a roaring social life to take up her weekends or anything…

  Okay, slow your roll. Maybe she was getting ahead of herself. It’s not like Alec was giving her any overt signals that he wanted to hook up. But the way he looked at her. The way his eyes smoldered and jaw tensed told her that he wasn’t not interested, either. She couldn’t stop staring at his mouth. His full lips looked totally kissable. Would he freak out if she just leaned over and put her mouth to his? Maybe he wouldn’t like her taking the lead. Some guys were sensitive like that. Seriously, though, with every minute spent together, her self-control slipped another notch and she felt like if he didn’t kiss her soon, she might spontaneously combust.

  “You look tired.” Alec sat on the stool beside her, so close that they were almost touching. “And I think your ghosts have finally quieted.”

  Alyssa hadn’t given Jeff or Melinda a second thought since coming inside. Why bother when she had a sexy distraction of her own? Over the past couple of hours, he’d given her a complete history of the hotel, starting from when it was built in 1904. She had more than enough background—probably more than Jeff—for their story, and though Alec hadn’t told her anything about himself, she could tell that this place meant a great deal to him. She’d told him about her job, her life, enough that she felt like they sort of knew each other. And now he was sending her off to bed. Not exactly how she’d hoped the night would end.

  “I do have an early morning.” Their comfortable companionship had grown awkward, a fact that made Alyssa’s stomach twist into a tight knot. This definitely felt like a brush-off. “I
should probably get some sleep.”

  With a slight incline of his head, Alec replied, “Then I’ll see you to your room.”

  Was it her imagination that he seemed disappointed? Damn it, she really wished she was better at reading people—well, men—because she had no idea what he wanted. The old-fashioned, gentleman thing he had going on was nice, but it made whatever this was building between them so much harder to negotiate.

  Alyssa’s feet were like lead weights as she made the trek up the stairs, Alec at her side, again so close their bodies almost touched. He held her hand when they were outside, but now, he acted like he might burst into flames if his skin were to brush hers. Gee, what an ego boost. Silence stretched between them, and she couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about. Was he glad he didn’t have to entertain her anymore? Or, like her, did he want to sit and talk until the sun came up.

  When they reached her room, Alyssa turned the knob and faced Alec. His brows were drawn as though pained and he held his arms tight at his sides. “Sleep well, Alyssa,” he said, taking a step backward.

  “Yeah, you too.” She didn’t even try to hide the disappointment in her own voice. Why bother? Six doors down, Jeff and Melinda were probably passed out in the aftermath of their wild, jungle sex while she was about to slide into a lonely bed with nothing more than cold sheets to welcome her. Alec turned to leave and she closed the door behind her, staring for a long moment across her dark room, cut by a swath of silvery moonlight. Beyond the French doors, the shadows of tall pine trees danced in the breeze and Alyssa shook with a sudden chill. She had a feeling that the animal Alec didn’t want her to come across in forest lurked just beyond the iron fence as though it was some sort of unbreakable barrier. And likewise, she couldn’t shake the impression that it was watching her.


  A quiet knock came at her door and Alyssa started. Her heart rate tripled and adrenaline shot through her system in a mad rush that left her limbs weak and shaky. With the quiet stillness and eerie backdrop of the forest illuminated by moonlight, she’d managed to scare the crap out of herself. Who needed a haunted hotel when her imagination was getting the job done? Sheesh.


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