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Sinner (Shelter Harbor #1)

Page 38

by Aubrey Irons

  There’s just a sheet covering us later, me lying on top of him with my head in the crook of his shoulder.

  “Holy shit, it got late.”

  “Gee, I wonder how we lost track of time.”

  I turn back to see him grinning before his face grows serious. “Look, Serena, I’m not telling you to leave or kicking you out or anythin-”

  “No, I get it.” I smile as I lean back over and kiss him on the lips. “It’s complicated.”

  He shrugs. “Emily and all that. It’d just be confusing for her.”

  “To see me at breakfast?”

  “Basically.” He slinks out of bed and pulls on his boxers. “Hang on, I’ll grab your stuff from the kitchen.”

  His lips brush the back of my neck on his way out.

  I turn, my eyes moving over the masculine decor of the room - the dark wood, the sleek metal hardware on the closet drawers and bedside tables. There’s a fireplace I’m just noticing on the far side of the room, and my eyes drift over the framed photos arranged across the mantle. I slip from the bed and step closer, smiling at a picture of Landon and Emily laughing in a heap of snow, eyes shining and cheeks pink with cold. There’s one of a birthday party, with Emily blowing out candles and grinning a gap-toothed smile at the camera.

  I’m grinning as I move down the line of photos, watching as Emily gets younger and younger until I stop short at a picture that suddenly has more than just Landon and his daughter in them.

  It’s one of all three of them.

  I swallow, a hand coming to my mouth as I pick the picture off the mantle.

  She’s pretty. Dark blonde hair, a broad, warm smile, and an infant Emily in her arms.

  And I feel awful.

  “Her name was Sarah.”

  Landon’s voice startles me as I quickly put the picture back down and turn.

  “Sorry,” I say quickly, suddenly feeling even more naked than I actually am.

  “For what?”

  “I- I don’t know. For intruding.”

  “You’re not,” he says evenly, stepping towards me and handing me my clothes - well, his clothes - from earlier. I slip the sweatpants on and pull the t-shirt over my head.

  “Did you all live here?”

  I immediately wince and quickly look up at him. “I’m sorry,” I say quietly, pulling the shirt down over my breasts. “That’s really none of my business.”

  Landon shakes his head. “No, that’s fine.” His hand comes up to push the hair away from my face. “And no, Serena, this isn’t the house or the bed I shared with my wife.”

  I say nothing, biting my lip and looking away.

  “Was this okay?”

  He smiles. “Little late for that, don’t you think?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do.” Landon nods. “Look, it was six years ago. I’m not over it, because I’m never going to be, but I’ve dealt with it.” He raises a brow as a grin teases the corners of his lips. “And don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s also not like I’ve been celibate for the last six years.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, you did take me to your skank-spot, remember?”

  He chuckles and reached for me, pulling me close. “This wasn’t wrong, you’re not intruding on anything, and I had a very good time tonight. All of it.”

  I give him a wry smile as I nod.

  Landon leads me back through the house, but his brow furrows as we reach the front door. “I’m really not trying to kick you out like this.”

  “Stop, I get it.” I shrug. “So, we’re good? For work I mean?”

  “Just two adults making adult choices, right?”


  He nods, his eyes darting over my face. “Thanks for a great night.”

  “See you at the office.”

  I stand on my toes to kiss his cheek before I duck out the door, trench coat and sexy underwear in hand, and the smell of him still wrapped around me.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “So, how are things going?”

  Don leans back in his big office chair and brings a white Starbucks cup up to his lips.

  Technically, I outrank and out-vote Donald Olyov on the board. But if you want to get real, the man has thirty years of boardroom experience over me, and with that, a keen sense of being able to keep his finger on the pulse of the rest of the board. Since this whole thing with Sam, he’s stepped up to fill in on some of my duties.

  “Good,” I nod, crossing an ankle over one knee and glancing around the room at Robert Lehman, Michael Standish, and Albert Harris - also present for this meeting.

  “Actually, we’re doing really good.”

  “How are things going with that Dalton Cole kid?”

  I glance back up at Don, clearing my throat and my thoughts.

  “Done deal. Signed him this morning.”

  He beams. “That’s wonderful!”

  “The kid’s young, but he’s got an arm like a fucking scud missile. He’ll do good things here.”

  “That’s what we like to hear.” Sam’s lawyers nod approvingly, as if they have any idea how good our new quarterback is. Don sips at his coffee again. “How’s advertising?”

  I snort through my nose. “Jesus, we’re running through the whole list, huh?”

  “Landon.” Don looks at me sharply. “You know I’m in your camp, but you have to know the board is pretty split on this.”

  “Mutinous shits.”

  He chuckles. “You know how it is, and you know how investors are. It’s dicey right now, and people get jumpy when prices go down.”

  “They’ll go up, Don. You know that.”

  He sighs. “Well, let’s hope so. And how are we doing with Ms. Roth?”

  I nod. “She’s doing really well. The Dalton Cole deal was actually mostly her doing. She hammered down the final contracting stuff with his people.”

  Don nods approvingly.

  “She’s a fast learner, and she’s a pretty solid addition to this team.”

  The men in the room nod again as Don closes the file folder on his desk and stands. “Well! I guess we’re all done here then!” The rest of us get up and move towards the door to Don’s office before he stops me with a hand on my shoulder.

  “Hang back a sec, Landon.”


  I shut the door and lean against it as Don heads back to his desk and sits with a heavy, drawn-out sigh.

  “You alright, Don?”

  “You and Ms. Roth.” He arches a brow at me from behind his heavy desk.


  “Do I need to be worried?”

  I frown, crossing my arms over my chest. “Of course not.”


  “Landon, you know I’m the last one to have anything to say concerning looking for comfort after-”

  “I said it’s not a problem, Don,” I say coldly.

  He holds my eyes. “I know Sam taught you a lot, but don’t go mirroring him.”


  “Meaning I love the guy too but his dick got him in more trouble than I’m betting any of us even know.” He arches a brow. “And we know a lot.”

  “I can assure you that my dick is none of your concern. Ms. Roth and I are strictly professionals in this,” I lie.

  “You two need to run this team, and no hanky panky bullshit and hurt feelings can get between that and-”

  “How many times would you like me to say it, Don?”

  He nods. “I’m just looking out for you, Landon.”

  “Thanks.” I glance at my watch. “Anything else? I gotta go grab Emily.”

  Don shakes his head.


  There’s a cloud following me as I storm back through the stadium offices and down to the garage.

  I never should have let her in like I did. The night in Houston should have stayed just that: that one night in Houston, just like a terrible country song title.

  There are a
lot of other girls out there I can go screw, and then wash my hands of. One and done, that’s my style and that’s how I keep going. It’s how I stay whole. No relationships, no dates, no bullshit. Anything more is drama, and drama like that pulls you under until you drown all over again.

  And I can’t drown. I need to breathe, if not for me, than for my daughter.

  That night a few days ago here in my house? I don’t let go like that. I fuck, I make them come like they’ve never come before, and that’s it. There’s no talking, no reminiscing about life. There’s sure as shit never been me talking about Sarah, and now I’m extra ticked off at myself for doing it. I’m pissed at myself for having her meet my damn kid - for bringing her into my life.

  The important thing here is the money. Sure, I keep telling myself and everyone around me that it’s the “legacy” that matters. And it does, but the money that comes with securing the team and Sam’s legacy secures a future for my daughter.

  And that’s all that matters.

  That’s all that can matter in my life, no matter how drawn I am to Serena.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Your place looks amazing!”

  I snort, slugging back some of the wine I’m drinking out of a plastic cup. “Oh, yeah, it’s really something.”

  I’m sitting cross-legged on the floor of a completely empty condo. My brand new, completely unfurnished, Denver condo. Despite some of the ridiculously nice ones with the ginormous price-tags that Landon and I toured, I ended up going with a much more modest one on a quieter street away from downtown, with spectacular views of the mountains. Even with the more modest price, the entire thing was only made possible with an advance loan from the Rattlesnakes board that Landon badgered through on the grounds that it was insane that I was still living out of a hotel.

  Part of me wants to bitch about being able to handle things myself. The other part of me is really content with this awesome view and a nicer living space than I’ve had since I was still living with my dad.

  “I mean it has potential, smart-ass,” London laughs, grinning at me through my computer screen.

  Seriously, this is my Friday night as a single woman in a brand new city. Alone in a condo completely devoid of any furniture, sitting on the floor drinking wine from a to-go cup and Facetime-ing with my friend back in Houston.

  I’m pretty okay with it.

  It’s been a week since the time at Landon’s house - my disastrous attempt at “sexy trench coat” that turned into pajama movie night with his daughter. And then of course, everything that happened after.

  Crashing into each other.

  Ignoring the warning signs.

  Breaking our rules all over again.

  “Once you’ve got some furniture in there, that place is going to be gorgeous.”

  I wave my hand dismissively. “Oh, no, I’ve decided to go with this whole minimalist thing. Furniture is so material.”

  London rolls her eyes. “Nerd.”

  “Anyways, like I can afford any anyways. This whole condo is basically one giant IOU from the Rattlesnakes board.”

  “And when do these voting shares get turned into the millions of dollars you’re going to use to take the two of us on a fabulous vacation after this little one pops out?”

  She points her laptop screen lower so I can see her belly.

  “London, you’re like a month pregnant. There’s no bump.”

  “There is so.”

  “There’s not, but I can tell you want me to lie pretty to you. So, yeah, I see it.”

  She grins. “Thanks.”

  Suddenly, two big, masculine hands reach around and slide across her stomach.

  “Oh you mean this bump?”

  I smile. “Hi, Holden.”

  “What’s up, Serena?” London’s fiancé pokes his head over her shoulder and grins at me. “How’s working for the enemy?”

  “Wow, so the team you played for less than two months ago is now the enemy?”

  “Yep. Fuck those guys, go Houston.” He flashes that cocky smile he’s famous for. No, actually famous for. Besides one of the best quarterbacks in pro ball, he’s been in half a dozen commercials.

  “No, but for real, how’s everyone treating you over there?”

  “They’re all fine. I’m hitting the ground running, but it’s going well.”

  There’s a beeping sound and Holden’s face suddenly disappears from my screen.

  “Sorry, he had to go check on dinner.”

  I raise a brow. “Holden’s cooking?”

  “Yeah! He wanted to pick it up as part of his whole new health kick.”


  “Oh, he’s a natural,” London says loudly over her shoulder before turning back to me with a horrified look on her face and her tongue out.

  “Send delivery,” she whispers dramatically, making me giggle.

  “And how’s everything with Landon?”

  My eyes snap to her - her and that knowing, impish grin.

  “He’s fine,” I say quickly. “He’s helping me get my bearings with all this.”

  “Lots of late nights at the office, huh?”

  “Man, fuck Landon Reece,” Holden shouts from somewhere in the background. “That guy is a colossal douchebag.”

  “Oh, you’re just mad because he took me out that one night.”

  “It sure as shit doesn’t help my opinion of him.”

  She’s referring to that night in Houston. The night Landon took my friend out to try and head-hunt her away from the Houston Bulls - the night she ditched him to go see Holden, and the night he and I bumped into each other at the dive bar.

  Yeah, that night in Houston.

  Holden reappears on my screen. “Sorry you’ve gotta work with that dick-wad. Just think of it as your trial by fire before your big payout.”

  I laugh. “He’s not that bad, Holden.”

  His eyes narrow. “No, believe me, he is.”

  “Aww, this sounds personal,” London coos, dramatically petting her fiancé’s cheek. “There there, Holden.”

  He frowns. “I’m serious. The guy thinks he’s a golden boy because Sam Horn treats him like a little prince.”

  “Well,” I shrug. “He’s good at what he does, I’ll say that. Still,” I sigh, looking at London. “This whole thing is way more complex than I thought it’d be.”

  “Too bad it didn’t end up being sex toys, huh?”

  “Well, Landon Reece is a dildo, so you’ve got that.”

  I snort a laugh at Holden as my friend turns and prods him in the arm.

  “Look, I’m sorry you don’t like him, Holden, but he’s been a huge help to me here.”

  “Because he’s trying to fuck you.”


  London glares at him but he just shrugs. “Sorry, not trying to be crude, Serena, but I’m not kidding.”

  “He’s not trying to fuck me, Holden,” I say with a forced roll of eyes.

  He’s successfully fucking me, actually, I want to add out loud.

  I deny that impulse.

  “That’s exactly the kind of guy he is. Everything about that fuckin’ suit is about chasing tail.”

  London snorts. “Right, cause you were a saint before we met.”

  Holden’s face reddens - not exactly a frequent occurrence with him. He turns back to me. “Look, just passing it on. The guy has a bit of a rep. Heard any talk around the office about Denise Owens?”

  I frown and take a quick sip of my wine, hoping it hides the bewilderingly angry flush on my cheeks at all this discussion about Landon and his apparent sexploits.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Holden, she just works with the guy,” London says dismissively. “Quit trying to sabotage her new-”

  “No, no, hang on,” I stop her, speaking too quickly. “What about Denise Owens.”

  Holden glances at London before shrugging. “She was this new contract rep we had last winter. I dunno t
he details, except that she and Landon had a little extracurricular thing going on, if you catch my drift.”

  “She’s not twelve, Holden, I think she gets the innuendo.” London rolls her eyes and punches his arm playfully.

  Yeah, I get the innuendo. I also get a creeping feeling climbing up inside of me that can really only be labeled one thing.


  Petty, stupid, bewildering, ridiculous, totally unfounded jealously.

  “And what exactly is so scandalous about two consenting adults having a good time?” London says sharply. “Nothing wrong with that, right Serena?”

  I blink quickly, snapping out of it as I drag my eyes back to hers through the camera. “Uh, nope.”

  And honestly, why am I getting so drawn in by this story? Why should I care about who Landon slept with so long ago? Not only is it none of my business, but it has nothing at all to do with-

  “Yeah, well, except Denise Owens was married.”



  Fuck me.

  “What?” I say quickly, my mouth growing dry and my eyes suddenly glaring a much angrier glare than they should.

  “Yep,” Holden shrugs. “Definitely had a husband. Ended up breaking up the marriage when the whole thing got out. Then she tried to get with Landon, but the guy suddenly wasn’t interested once there wasn’t any drama for him to stir up. Denise ended up quitting and going to work for like, Minnesota or some place.”

  The creeping feeling inside turns cold, chilling me to the core as the weight of what Holden’s just said sinks in.

  “You okay?”

  I shake myself out of it again, glancing up at him. “Oh, yeah! I just can’t believe that!”

  “Right? What kinda guy does that.”

  London sighs loudly. “You two are like my gossipy aunts, Jesus.”

  “Well excuse me for making sure your best friend knows to watch out for the resident creep at Rattlesnakes HQ, babe.” Holden grins at my friend before he turns back to me. “Just watch out for him, Serena.”

  Chapter Twenty


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