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Reckless Angel

Page 18

by Maggie Shayne

  She’d thought she was lousy! Nick let his eyes fall closed as her fingers moved to the fly of his jeans. A moment later her hand dipped inside and gripped him tightly. The reaction to her touch was both instant and intense. Never had a woman made him feel the way she could. Her touch sent jolts of pleasure to his toes. She eased herself lower over his torso, and when he read her intent he thought he’d explode. He felt her hot breath bathing his manhood. Her lips went around him. He wanted to roar like a lion. Instead, he fought to catch his breath while she worked exquisite magic, and when he forced himself to speak the words came in broken, gasping fragments. “To—ni…I…I—need…”

  She knew, he realized through the haze of need in which she’d immersed him. She knew she’d driven him to the edge, and she’d enjoyed it. She rose away from him, and the tidal wave he’d felt approaching receded just beyond reach. She shoved at his jeans, and he helped her to remove them. He caught her hips in his hands and pushed her silky panties down over them. She kicked them off and returned quickly to her former position. Her hands on his shoulders, her eyes holding his prisoner with a power he couldn’t resist, she positioned herself over him. She willed him not to move as she sheathed him slowly. He heard her breath leave her in a rush as she took all of him. So small, he thought. So tight around him. It amazed him that she could hold him inside her. She lifted her body and began the achingly slow descent again.

  He could hold back no longer. If she’d intended to drive him to the brink of madness, she’d already reached her goal. He gripped her hips and held her hard while he moved all the way into her heat. He withdrew, suddenly and completely, and plunged into her again, and again. She arched so far that her hair cloaked her back. Her hips rocked with his every stroke. She rode him like a goddess riding a storm.

  He knew when her body began to tighten from the rapturous, desperate expressions that raced over her face. Her muscles clenched in the building tension. Her breathing quickened, grew ragged, and she slammed herself down onto him as roughly as he slammed himself upward into her. His own body traveled the same rocky path, gaining momentum as he approached the cliff that would land him in a sea of pleasure. He couldn’t slow his pace now, but he wanted them to plunge over that cliff together.

  He reached down to the place where they were joined and pressed the pad of his thumb to the quivering nub of flesh at her apex. She shook violently, her eyes flying wide. His other hand caught one jiggling breast and held it for his mouth to capture, his teeth to torture. He attacked her until each exhalation she released was a moan. Her body rocked. The spasms began, and she cried his name so loudly anyone outside could have heard. Her body squeezed itself around his in the rhythm of her climax, and he lost himself to the feeling of his own shattering release. The ecstasy of his seed spilling into her, of her body milking it from him, became the focal point of his entire being. He groaned with the force of it. Moments later her small body collapsed on top of him, and he closed his arms around her.

  When his mind stopped orbiting his body, Nick cursed himself for feeling what he was feeling. He’d never had it so good. He knew he never would again—not with anyone but Toni. There was something that went way beyond the frenzied coupling of two bodies happening here. They connected on some deeper level. He’d sensed it before. The result was this incredible sex.

  He knew he was allowing himself to get way too attached to his little Gypsy. He’d warned himself against it. He’d moved beyond that now. Now, dammit, he thought he’d move heaven and earth to keep her with him. It would no longer be enough to admit he’d be devastated when she left. He couldn’t let her leave. He wouldn’t.

  Okay, so he’d admitted it. He cared about her…maybe a little too much, but he didn’t love her. He wasn’t stupid enough to have let that happen. Not again. A pain like he’d never known tightened around his heart, and past realities forced themselves to be acknowledged. He’d loved his father. He’d loved his mother, dammit. It had hurt when they walked away. It still hurt.

  He’d loved Danny…like no one else, he’d loved Danny. Nothing he’d done, though, had ever been enough to make the people he loved stay with him or even love him back. He’d long ago learned that no one could. He simply wasn’t capable of inspiring that emotion in another person. Even as a child, he’d given up waiting to hear those words spoken to him. He had no illusions that Toni might fall hopelessly in love with him. But could he inspire her devotion? Could he make her want to be with him? How?

  He didn’t have a lot of time to puzzle out the answer. She moved devilishly against him, and every sane thought went out the window. Nick tightened his arms around her waist, already hard for her again. With a soft growl, he rolled her over, covered her body with his. He’d have her tonight, and he’d be sure he was like no other man she’d ever had. He’d burn his touch into her soul until she could never forget that she belonged to him. She was his.

  She’d never been so brazen in her life. She knew it and she understood it. She’d never been in love before. Everything she did was born of the burgeoning feelings inside her. She couldn’t bring herself to tell him she loved him, but it poured from every cell of her body. She kept herself from saying the words, but she couldn’t hold so much love inside—it burst from her like water from a broken dam. She couldn’t seem to hold him tightly enough or closely enough.

  Toward dawn she nestled into his arms, listening to the steady beat of his heart. This past week had changed the course of her entire life. Nothing would be the same—not ever. If she could find a way to unlock his heart, she’d have her dreams come true. She was only just beginning to realize that those dreams didn’t necessarily have to include a rambling Victorian home or a sheepdog. She needed only Nick…having him with her to share whatever kind of life she ended up living. The other things had been symbols of the peace and security she craved and could find only in him. If she couldn’t make him love her, she knew she’d spend the rest of her life grieving his loss. She sighed deeply.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I love you, Nick, her heart whispered. I love you and I don’t know what to do about it.

  “Nothing, I…can’t get to sleep.”

  “Neither can I. You’d think after all night long, we’d both be exhausted.” His fingers continued threading themselves through her hair, as they’d been doing for some time. She didn’t think he was aware of it. “You want to get up, then?”

  She rose a little, propping her arms on his wide chest and regarding his face. She wished she could look into those tiger-striped eyes and see his feelings there. Had last night made any difference at all? Did he realize yet that they belonged together? “It isn’t even light outside yet.”

  “I saw a truck stop back along the street. They’d be open. We could walk over there and have breakfast. What do you think?”

  Dark beard shadowed his face. It made him look incredibly sexy, she thought. She lowered her face to his and rubbed her cheek over his stubbly jawline. “I think if you want to go, we’ll go. I can’t say no to you.”

  His chest moved with his soft chuckle. “That’s one hell of an admission, lady. I might have to put it to the test.” His fingertips moved over her spine, and she shivered. He lifted his head and kissed her languorously. “Will you join me in the shower?”


  “Scrub my back?”

  “Yes, Nick.”

  “Give me a shave?”

  She smiled. “Don’t push it.”

  Toni placed their order at the counter and joined Nick at the pay phone in the back. Her stomach growled at the wonderful aromas coming from the grill. Nick frowned. “Funny. I got a recorded message when I dialed Harry, with another number to reach him.”

  “So dial it,” she suggested. She caught a whiff of brewing coffee and licked her lips. “And hurry, I’m starved.”

  “I wonder why,” he quipped. He punched another number and waited. “Harry? Is this phone secure?”

  Toni thought he’d b
een in the undercover business for too long. She saw him sigh and shake his head. “A hospital pay phone?” He covered the mouthpiece and shook his head. “They’re working out of Joey’s hospital room. It’s the only way they can keep him down, and whenever he gets up he gets sick.”

  She smiled softly. “Is my mother still there?”

  He repeated her question to Harry, then nodded. “They can’t get rid of her.” He winked and went back to listening. He looked more worried after a moment. “You’ve checked his place in Jersey?” He shook his head again. “Okay. Every four hours, got it.” He replaced the receiver, his expression grim.

  “Tell me,” she said.

  “The warrants have been issued, but they can’t find Viper or Lou. It won’t be safe for you in the city until they’re both behind bars. We’re stuck here for a while.” He checked his watch. “We’ll check in again at 10:00 a.m. Every four hours. Remind me, will you?”

  “Okay.” She bit her lip. She hadn’t liked the way he’d phrased that, we’re stuck here for a while. It sounded as if he were eager to get this over with.

  He put an arm around her, and they moved to a small table. The young blond man came from behind the counter to fill their coffee cups. An older woman, who might’ve been his mother, turned sausage links on the grill beyond the counter.

  An orderly with small, fishlike eyes watched the federal agent replace the receiver. He waited for the man to round a corner, heading back to his comrade’s room, before he approached the same pay phone with an uneven gait. Despite the limp, he moved quickly. He punched the “O” and waited. When the operator answered, he made his voice as pleasant as it could get.

  “I am sorry, but I was cut off in the middle of a conversation. Could you please reconnect me right away?”

  “Certainly, sir. What number were you calling?”

  “Just a minute.” He paused, waiting, then said, “Damn—I had it here. I guess I threw it away when I got through the first time.”

  “Give me the number you’re calling from, and I can check for you.”

  He read the number from the pay phone, and in mere seconds the helpful woman came back, read off the number and even connected him. When a young male voice answered, he turned on the charm again. “I’m afraid I have the wrong number. To whom am I speaking?”

  “This is the pay phone at Tracey’s Diner,” the kid said.

  He smiled. He already knew about the midseventies-model Mustang stolen from the parking lot near the intersection where the traitor’s car got smashed. He thought he had him when he’d shot his boss, near the gates to that heap of stone he called a house. It turned out he hadn’t even killed the boss, just nicked him. His nerves were showing. He never missed. He’d misjudged the nature of Salducci’s injuries, as well. He’d been sure the rat would be dead by now. He was slipping, and it was not a good sign.

  He cleared his throat. “Then I do have the right number. I’m supposed to meet a friend there later. Do you suppose you could give me directions?”

  He smiled, jotting them down on a pad as the boy explained them. He nodded hello to a uniformed cop who moseyed past. The place was crawling with them. He wasn’t worried about being recognized, though. Other than Lou, only two people alive knew what he looked like. The traitor and the bitch. He’d take care of them before the day was out.

  She’d said she wanted a normal night. Nick figured he’d give her all the “normal” she wanted, although it had been far from normal for him. His feelings for her had turned into a runaway train last night. They picked up velocity with her every touch, her every breath, until he knew it would be impossible to apply the brakes. He had a feeling there was a brick wall looming somewhere ahead. He was afraid of what would happen when he hit it, but he didn’t have a clue how to avoid it. He supposed he’d have to hold on tight and pray for a miracle. He didn’t like feeling as if he’d lost control, but he knew that’s exactly what had happened to him with Toni. He had no say over his emotions where she was concerned.

  They lingered over their breakfast of pancakes and sausage, then walked hand in hand to a grocery store in the distance. They bought toiletries, and he promised they’d stop at a department store for a change of clothes after they left the motel.

  She clutched her brown paper bag in one hand, while the other encircled his waist. “I thought you said we were stuck here for a while?”

  He carried a small bag, too, and had one arm draped around her shoulders. “I think it would be best if we moved around a little. We’ll check out, drive a little farther and find another motel.”

  She shook her head. “If Taranto’s smart, he’ll be on his way out of the country.”

  “I’m not sure about that. He places a lot of value on loyalty, and I betrayed him. He’s not going to want to leave until he sees me pay for that.” He felt her small arm clutch him tighter. “I know how he thinks,” he went on. “He might have some idea that if he learns what we have on him, he can find a way out of it. He’s done it before. It’s usually a matter of eliminating witnesses, tampering with evidence or inventing alibis, all things he is good at.”

  “The man doesn’t give up easily, does he?”

  “No. As long as he thinks there’s a chance of weaseling out of this, he’ll keep trying. He has a lot to lose if he leaves. He’s built an empire in this country.”

  Inside, Nick almost hoped Lou evaded them for a while. It would give him more time to find a way to keep Toni with him. He was unaware of his arm tightening around her shoulders or of the way his jaw went so rigid he grated his teeth. He was only aware of raw determination. He would make her want to stay with him. He could do it. He just hadn’t tried hard enough with the others, his parents, his brother. This time he’d do anything. There had to be a way.

  “Nick, what’s the matter?”

  She’d stopped and turned in his embrace to stare up at him, concern in her onyx eyes.

  He tried to will the burning sensation away from the center of his chest and offered her a smile he was far from feeling. “Nothing. I…nothing.” He shook his head and pulled her to him, kissing her to show her what he felt. He couldn’t tell her. Not yet.

  It had been two hours since they’d arrived at the diner. The sun shone brightly now, and the long walk had done him a world of good. They crossed the motel parking lot, and Nick opened the door to their room.

  As soon as they walked in, all hell broke loose. The door slammed behind them. Toni was jerked from his arms, and a gun barrel poked into his temple. He saw another one held upright, under Toni’s chin, forcing her head back.

  Lou Taranto stood in front of Nick, smiling. “Well, Nicky, I’m glad you could join us. I was afraid you wouldn’t show.” His gaze slid away from Nick. “Miss Rio, I presume? Viper figured we’d find you with Nicky.”

  Viper held Toni, and Nick felt absolute rage for a moment. He felt a jab in his upper arm, and his gaze swung fast to pinpoint its source. David, the mousy little M.D. Lou had brought to tend his leg, was depressing the plunger of the hypodermic in Nick’s arm. Instantly the room began to fade. Nick’s head grew heavier, and his vision clouded. He saw the small man shove his wire rims up on his nose, holding another needle and moving toward Toni. Darkness loomed. He forced his eyes open just in time to see her slump lifelessly to the floor.

  “Nooo,” he moaned just before he joined her there.

  Chapter 13

  Joey had trouble focusing at first. When he did, he wasn’t sure he was seeing clearly. Harold Anderson, the most miserable bureau chief he knew of, was handing Kate a cup of coffee and asking politely if there were anything else he could do for her.

  “Where’s mine?” he croaked, surprised at the dryness of his throat. “Cream and one sugar, Harry. I’ll take a doughnut while you’re at it.”

  “Why waste good food on a guy who can’t keep it down?” Harry barked. His return to his normal state reassured Joey, oddly enough.

  Kate came close to the bed, her intense blue
eyes scanning his face. Her high, defined cheekbones and tight, unlined skin reminded him of another Kate—Hepburn. Her take-charge style did, as well. “You’re awake,” she said, smiling.

  “I didn’t expect to see you still hanging around.”

  “Mr. Anderson says I’m probably safer here than anywhere. I’d have been driving back and forth anyway, to keep tabs on Antonia.”

  Joey slanted a glance at Harry. “Mr. Anderson isn’t always the best of company.”

  “He’s been wonderful. He even sent some men to my apartment to pack me a bag.”

  “Did he, now?” Harry scowled at Joey, so he dropped the subject. Joey had no doubt Harry was as affected by Kate del Rio’s presence, not to mention her looks, as he was.

  She leaned nearer him now, thumbing the button to raise his head and shoulders. The light from the window danced over her golden honey hair. She wore it longer than was in fashion for a mature woman. It curled softly around her face and brushed her shoulders. “They said you could have water, weak tea, broth, gelatine….” She glanced up and caught him staring. “Just stop me when I get to something that sounds edible.”


  “His lights are on, but no one’s home,” Harry snapped. “She was asking what you wanted to eat, Einstein. The nurse on duty told us to let her know what to bring you.”

  Joey blinked and began to wonder about things that should have occurred to him before. “Why are you here?” he asked Harry. “What’s happening? Have Taranto and Viper been arrested? Where the hell is Nick?”

  Harry nodded. “That’s more like it. Maybe Lou’s steroid-fed thug didn’t permanently loosen your screws after all.”

  “Please, Mr. Anderson!” Kate smoothed the white sheet over Joey. “Mr. Anderson has set up a command center right here.”


  “He didn’t have a choice, Joseph. That assassin mistook him for your friend Nicholas and shot him. That’s the reason no backup team arrived to help at Antonia’s apartment…but you probably don’t remember much about that, do you?”


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