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A Drogons' Fate Epilogue: SciFi Alien Soul Mates Romance (A Drogons Fate Series Book 6)

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by T. J. Quinn

  She moaned and nodded. “Yes… please…”

  Using the orange water as a lube, he slowly pushed one finger inside her tight hole, drawing circles to stretch her walls. Soon he had a second finger inside her, while his mouth captured and sweetly tortured her hard nipples, with kisses and nibbles.

  When she was ready for him, he slid one of his hands between them and went straight to her throbbing clit. Rubbing and pinching it brought her closer to paradise and it was only then he decided it was time to take her.

  His second cock came out and grasped her by her hips he pulled her up before he slowly started to make her go down on his cocks.

  Gil Ra let out a loud moaned as she felt the ridges on his cocks rub her inner walls, pushing her one step closer to paradise.

  She could feel the powerful orgasm building inside her and she knew she wouldn’t last long.

  Her walls clenched hard around his cocks and a few more thrusts were all she needed to fly over the edge of the wild waves of pleasure washed over her.

  Colborn felt the world unravel around him as he exploded in a powerful orgasm, driven by the convulsions of her body around his. Her walls clenched so hard around him he almost lost the thin thread of control he had over his drogon. He let out a loud growl of pleasure and poured himself deep inside her. Nothing felt better than that.

  Leaning against each other, they stayed there, for a long while as their bodies slowly went back to normal.

  “How do you manage to make each time better than the last?” he asked her, with a naughty smirk on his face.

  “I was about to ask you the same thing.” She assured him.

  He chuckled and getting up, still buried inside her; he carried her to the shower stall, where they quickly bathed.

  Nari would soon wake up as it was dinner time.

  Chapter 3

  The Announcement day arrived and all the women were getting ready in the same room at the palace. There was so much excitement in the room you could almost touch it.

  Oydis was there too, determined to help them get ready. She had brought her hairdresser and after a few instructions, the woman was able to do miracles with the women’s manes. They all looked amazing and Gil Ra had never felt more proud about her creations.

  At some point, Eleanor had crossed the room and hugged her tight. “Thank you for making this day even more special for all of us.” She said, with her eyes shining with sheer emotion.

  The rest of the girls joined her in their appreciation and Gil Ra felt the day couldn’t get any better.

  The ceremony itself was overwhelming and the feast organized by Sasha was so magnificent that everybody had a great time. Even Nari looked happier than ever. She had been one of the party’s attractions and Gil Ra understood why. She was a symbol of hope for a people that not long before, had started to lose it.

  Oydis had offered to take care of Nari that night, so that they could have a special night and though it was a bit hard for her, Gil Ra ended up accepting her offer. Colborn deserved a special night and she wanted to give it to him.

  When it was time for them to return home, she surprised him with the news.

  “I hope you don’t think Nari bothers me in any way.” He said, with a slight frown.

  “No, I would never think that. I just thought we could use a night alone, just the two of us.” She said, with a naughty grin. “This is a special night after all.”

  He cradled her face and kissed her, passionately. “Yes, it is special. I was able to tell the whole planet you were mine.” He murmured against her lips.

  “Then let’s go home and celebrate, just the two of us.” She said, smiling.

  Chuckling he guided her to the vehicle and only minutes later, he was parking it in front of his house.

  He almost dragged her inside, suddenly eager to have her in his arms and spend the night making love to her.

  They never reached the bedroom. The minute they walked in the house, he helped her take her dress off and got rid of his own clothes before he pressed her against the nearest wall. He had been craving for her the whole day, especially after he saw her walk out to him, wearing her magnificent white creation. She looked so beautiful; he had trouble controlling his urges to pick her up and drag her to the nearest room. But what he had loved the most had been the confident look on her face. The fears and demons from her past had been defeated finally and she oozed confidence through every pore of her body.

  Now that he finally could have her, he didn’t waste a second.

  Never stopping kissing her, he cupped her breasts and played with them for a while, making sure her arousal reached the same levels as his. He wanted her ready for him, so he slid his hand between them and thrust a couple of fingers inside her, rubbing her aching clit with his thumb, grazing it with the tip of his claw, ripping loud moans from her mouth that he muffled with his lips.

  “Are you ready for me, válkana?” he muttered against her lips, heaving as hard as her, swept by the wild passion conjured between them.

  She nodded, unable to utter a word, and he immediately replaced his fingers with his cocks, making her gasp with sheer pleasure.

  Her walls stretched for a moment to allow him to go all the way inside her, welcoming him. His thrusts this time were urgent, powerful and with the only goal in mind: take her to paradise along with him.

  Gasping and moaning, she wrapped her arms around his neck as her walls clenched hard around him. The orgasm that had been building inside her quickly exploded in powerful waves of sheer pleasure and shuddering; she cried out the bliss rushing through her body.

  Colborn followed her, growling as his thrusts became faster and harder, surrendering to the raw pleasure that blasted through his whole being.

  This time, he was unable to hold back his drogon and its thirst for her blood. His fangs instinctively buried themselves on her neck and finally took her essence. The pleasure still rushing through him became stronger, overwhelming and breathtaking. He had never felt anything like that.

  When Gil Ra felt the sting of his fangs on her neck, she hadn't been expecting the surge of pleasure that blasted through her whole body. It was so powerful and amazing that she almost lost consciousness. The only thing keeping her in this world was his thrusts deep inside her, giving her a bit more of pleasure with each one.

  Sated, Colborn sealed the tiny holes in her skin, licking them and then kissing her. He could tell she was still lost in the haze of pleasure, so he carried her to their bed before he slashed his own wrist and offered his blood to her.

  “Are you sure you want to do it tonight?” she asked him, panting hard.

  “What better moment to do it?” he asked her instead, placing her lips on his wrist.

  She took his blood, relishing on its sweet taste and its warmness. He sealed the wound in his wrist and kissed her. “That was your first step into my world, válkana.” He whispered in her ear and she kissed him.

  “There’s nothing I want more, my love.”

  The following days, life went back to a routine. As Olaf had predicted, Gil Ra received many requests for dresses, especially from the women that had come from Earth on the last trip and that had been already mated.

  She was thrilled to help them get the dress of their dreams, and Olaf had been a huge help giving life to her creations. But a few days after the first stage of the conversion, she started feeling weaker and weaker, to the point she started having a hard time getting up in the mornings. At first, she had kept it to herself, not wanting to worry Colborn over nothing. But when a whole week went by and she didn’t get any better, she decided it was time to share what was going on with him.

  She waited for him to get home from work, playing with Nari in the living room.

  “Ah, there’s nothing better than to arrive home and find my favorite women waiting for me.” He said, with a broad smile, as he picked Nari in his arms and played with her.

  “How was your day?” she asked him with a faint smile. />
  “It was great. I thought you would be working on your drawings.” He said, taking a seat next to her and claiming a passionate kiss from her lips.

  “I was… but I needed to talk to you.” she said, kissing his lips once more.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, suddenly realizing she was too serious.

  “I haven’t been feeling well. In fact, as the days go by, I seem to feel worst and worst.” She confessed.

  Colborn jumped to his feet and put Nari on her stroller before he dragged both of them into his office. "Why didn't you tell me this before?" he scolded her, worried.

  “I thought it was just tiredness. I have been working hard lately, but though I’ve delegated some of the work to Olaf and his assistants, I don’t seem to get any better.” she explained, as she allowed him to put her in the examination table.

  “What exactly have you been feeling?” he asked, as he pulled up the scanner and started scanning her.

  “Extremely tired… as if something was sucking all my energies. I even have trouble hopping out of bed in the mornings.”

  Colborn gasped startled.

  “What is it?” she asked, worried about his reaction.

  He enhanced the image and turned the screen for her to see it, while he pulled his communication device and called Erin.

  “Is that… is that a baby?” she asked, having trouble to believe her eyes.

  "Erin… could I bother you to visit me?" he asked the woman on the other side of the line.

  “Sure, where are you?”

  “Home. I need you to confirm something for me, please.” He asked her.

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  He turned to look at Gil Ra. “Yes, my love, I believe that’s a baby.” He replied her question.

  “But… but you haven’t converted me.” She pointed out, surprised.

  “You don’t have to be converted to get pregnant.” He said, with a self-deprecating scowl. “Something I totally forgot.”

  “Will the baby be alright?” she asked, with a frown.

  “Yes, I believe so. But clearly, a drogon baby requires more from a human mother than from a drogon mother. I’m guessing he or she is sucking all of the nutrients you’re eating.” He said, examining the images on the screen.

  “How long do you think I’m pregnant?” she asked him.

  “I would say it happened the first time I made love to you in my drogon form.” He admitted.

  Erin arrived at that moment and Colborn went to open the door for her.

  “Tell me, what’s going on?” she asked him, as he guided her to his office.

  “I think Gil Ra is pregnant.”

  “I assumed you hadn’t converted her yet.” The woman said, surprised.

  “I haven’t, but you don’t have to be converted to get pregnant.” He explained.

  “Oh… yes… I guess I had forgotten that.” They entered the office and she greeted Gil Ra. “Hey sweetie, how are you?”

  “Well, that’s a hard question for me to answer right now.” She said, chuckling.

  “Yes, I can understand that.” The other woman laughed and turned her attention to the screen. “Yes… that’s a little fellow, alright. You can even see the heart beating.” She confirmed the news. “Congratulations, mommy and daddy.”

  “The problem is she has been feeling exhausted, with no energy.” He explained.

  “Well… drogon babies develop a lot faster than a human baby. So far, the babies have been conceived after the conversion.” She stated. “It makes sense that the baby is sucking up all of her energy and the nutrients she should be sharing with him.”

  “Yes, that’s what I thought too.”

  “I guess converting her now is out of the question.” She said.

  “Yes… we have no idea how that could affect the unborn baby.” Colborn explained.

  “Not a risk anyone would take.” Erin nodded. “We’ll just have to double the doses of vitamins we’ve prescribed to the other future mom’s and you’ll have to eat for two literally."

  “Do you think that will solve the problem?” Gil Ra asked, a bit worried. Being always tired, with a small baby to take care of, wasn’t a good prospect.

  “I am guessing here, sweetie. This is all new for us, and when we think we have things figured out, a new element comes up and changes everything. I hope that by the time the tenth baby is born we have a clearer understanding of the whole thing.” she replied, chuckling.

  “Yes… we can always hope.” Colborn said, with a wide smile.

  “Enjoy your pregnancy, and let me know if you need help.” The woman said good bye and left the house.

  Colborn returned to the office and helped her to come down the examination table.

  “We’re having a baby.” She muttered, still getting used to the news.

  “Yes… we’re having another baby.” He agreed, kissing her forehead. “For me, Nari is mine as well. After all, I brought her into this world."

  The word game made her laugh and she buried her face in his chest. “I’m so happy.”

  “Yes… I feel the same. But now, you’ll have to accept help with Nari, at least while you feel this way.” They had discussed this before when she started receiving too much work, but she hadn’t accepted it, sure she would be able to deal with everything on her own.

  “Yes, I guess you’re right.” she let out a sigh.

  “We can steal Ingvar from Brynjar. You already know him and have worked with him before.” he suggested.

  “Oh, yes, that would be perfect.” She nodded.

  Nari let out a sharp cry calling their attention. “I guess someone around here is hungry.” Colborn said, chuckling.

  Ingvar was an angel sent from heaven. He was fantastic with Nari and seemed to guess what Gil Ra needed even before she did. His help was amazing, especially when the vitamins didn’t work nor the rich diet she was following. The baby inside her clearly needed something else and it despaired her not knowing what it was.

  She knew Colborn felt helpless and frustrated. After all, he was helping all of the other pregnant women on the planet and didn’t seem to find a way to help his own válkana.

  In one of her controls at the hospital, when she was around two months pregnant, she bumped in with Oydis in one of the hallways.

  “Hello, sweet heart, how are you? I heard you were pregnant too.” The older woman greeted her.

  “Oh, hi, Oydis. Yes, it’s true. I’m two months now,” sheGil Ra replied with a faint smile.

  Though she insisted on coming to the hospital for her check-ups, the truth was it tired her a lot.

  “Do you have time for a mungát? I would love a chance to talk to you.”

  “Sure. Now that I have the best nanny in the planet, time is what I have the most.” She chuckled.

  “Yes, I’ve heard you stole one of Brynjar servants from the palace.” Oydis said, amused, as she guided Gil Ra to the hospital’s refectory.

  “He’s been wonderful. I don’t know what I would have done without him these days.” She admitted.

  “And yet, you look as if you hadn’t had a moment of rest in your life.” The older woman commented as she ordered two mungáts to the waiter.

  “Yes… I know. The baby takes all of my energy. Though humans are supposed to be able to have drogon babies, I assure you it’s not an easy task.” She said, with a sad smile. “The only thing that worries me is that the baby might not be getting what he needs for his development.” She confessed. “And I’m sure that is driving Colborn insane.”

  “Oh, yes, I’m sure.” The older woman nodded. “I have to admit I haven’t paid much attention to your pregnancies since my area has more to do with the final product." She said, frowning.

  Gil Ra chuckled. “Yes, it’s true.”

  “Could you explain to me how it works?”

  “Sure… after the sperm fertilizes the egg, it settles on the woman’s womb, and a cord is created to join mother and
child. Through that cord, the baby receives blood, carried with nutrients and oxygen until the day the baby is born.” She explained as best as she could. “That day, the cord is cut and the baby can breathe on his own."

  “I see… we don’t create that cord with our babies. Inside their egg, they have all they need until the moment they are born.” Oydis said, sounding puzzled.

  “Yes, so Colborn has told me. Nonetheless, Eleanor and Rosalind have created the cords. That part of the pregnancy remains equal, despite the fact they are now drogons.”

  “Yes, so I’ve heard.” She went silent again as if trying to figure out something in her mind. "And that's the difference between them and you. They are drogons. The blood they send to their babies is drogon blood, not human blood.” She finally said, in a victorious tone.

  “Yes, I guess…” Gil Ra said, but Oydis interrupted her, jumping up and dragging Gil Ra with her. “Please, send those mungáts to Dr. Colborn’s office.” She shouted at the surprised waiter as they were leaving the refectory.

  “Where… where are we going?” Gil Ra asked the other woman, as she dragged her through the hospital halls.

  “To see Colborn." She replied, slowing down a bit when she realized Gil Ra was panting. "I think I know how to solve your problem." She said, with a delighted smile.

  “You do?” she panted harder, but fortunately, they had arrived Colborn’s office.

  He was still alone, looking out the window of his office.

  “Oydis, Gil Ra… what’s going on?” he asked startled.

  Gil Ra took a seat on a chair and allowed the older woman to explain.

  “I think I know why she’s so drained.”

  "The baby takes it all from her; we know that." Colborn replied, in a cold tone.

  Oydis opened her mouth to expound her point of view when someone knocked on the door. It was the waiter with the mungáts they had ordered. Colborn thanked the man and the older woman was finally able to speak.

  “The baby is not receiving the blood he needs.” She explained, but the confusion in Colborn’s face told her he hadn’t understood a thing.

  Oydis walked to one of the walls and pulled a screen out and quickly drew some simple figures in it.


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