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Pushed (Billionaire romance): Pursued By The Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 2)

Page 17

by Andria, Alexx

  Sutton waved away Reece’s sour retort. “Never works with us. We’re extremists. Hot or cold, never lukewarm. You need a grand gesture. Something that will show your woman that you’re worth taking another chance on.”

  “Tana doesn’t care about money. All she cares about is….” Her grandfather’s building. But as quickly as an idea germinated, reality crashed in. “All Tana wants is to preserve the Tamarack. Dillon has already told me that he still plans to tear it down.”

  “I’ve taken a look at the Tamarack. Structurally, it’s sound. It has some cosmetic blemishes but the bones of the building are solid. If you could convince Dillon that restoring the Tamarack would be a better idea than tearing it down and rebuilding a new structure, you might have the answer to your problem. It’s a win-win for everyone.”

  Reece immediately thought of Revitalize and the plans that’d been considered before Reece torpedoed the project.

  “You might be onto something,” Reece said, thinking hard. If he could salvage the Tamarack, he could win Tana back.


  Well, it was the only shot he had so he had to take it.

  Sutton grinned and Reece stabbed a finger his direction, saying, “Don’t think I’ve forgiven you but if this works out, I might. If it doesn’t…I’m never speaking to you again.”

  “Promises, promises,” Sutton said dryly as he rose. “Good luck, little brother.”

  Before Sutton had exited the loft, Reece was already in the shower.

  Sutton had been right about one thing at the very least…holy shit, he smelled like a homeless person.


  “Want to get a drink after our shift?” Gypsy asked during a lull at Nos. “You’ve been a real buzzkill this last week. You could use an infusion of fun in your spirit.”

  Tana offered a short smile but didn’t commit. Going out was the last thing she wanted to do.

  Everything in her life had taken a dark turn.

  Papa seemed worse, his memory deteriorating at a rapid clip and since she’d let Frannie go (damn pride) she’d been stressed beyond endurance as she went through a rapid succession of caregivers without the proper qualifications because, well, there was a waiting list for caregivers like Frannie.

  No, no, no, she told herself as tears began to well. She wasn’t about to cry at work. Bartenders didn’t cry.

  But the fact was, she had a lot to cry about.

  Reece had betrayed her, her papa was spiraling into his dementia, the Tamarack was lost, and her heart felt as if someone had repeatedly stabbed it with something sharp and pointy.

  So, yeah, tears were never far behind and it took all her energy to put up a stony front so no one ventured to ask if she was okay.

  Except Gypsy.

  Tana dropped a shot glass and it shattered. “Jesus Christ, butterfingers,” she muttered, angry with herself for being so distracted but Gypsy stayed her hand when she reached for the broom.

  “Go in the back, compose yourself. I’ll clean up for you.”

  Tana jerked a nod and nearly fled the floor. How much longer could she stand this hell?

  Face the facts, Tana.

  Your heart is broken.

  You loved him.

  She might’ve been able to withstand the pain of losing the Tamarack if Reece hadn’t been the one to stab her in the back, no, correction, heart, but knowing that she’d lost absolutely everything including the illusion of what Reece had been…was more than she could stomach.

  Tana rinsed her face and tried to focus.

  Tried to will her heartache away, if only so she could finish her shift without completely disintegrating, but the tears kept flowing.

  It was a long moment before Tana could successfully dry her face and leave the bathroom but as she did, she ran into the one person she did not want to see.


  “Go away,” she cried, unable to hold herself together. “Just leave. Please.”

  But Reece didn’t budge. If anything, he came straight for her and she didn’t have the strength to run in the opposite direction, or punch him in the mouth.

  Reece pulled her into his arms and squeezed hard, holding her tightly as if he were trying to press together all the broken pieces inside her and she sagged against him, too heartbroken to fight.

  He didn’t say anything, just held her.

  As if he needed to feel her against him as much as she needed him.

  What was happening?

  “I can’t do this, Reece,” she whispered, still clutching him, loathe to let go. “I can’t.”

  “I love you.”

  Those three tiny words shattered whatever she had left inside and she lost the strength in her legs but Reece caught her and swooped her into his arms.

  “Don’t…” but Tana was sobbing, shaking her head. “Don’t play me anymore.”

  “I. Love. You.”

  Tana’s gaze locked with Reece’s and she gasped at the intensity staring back at her. There was no game play, no teasing, just stark emotion and it was real as fuck.

  “I love you, Tana. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone in my life.” He swallowed, adding, “I love you more than lacrosse.”

  And she knew he wasn’t lying.

  That he wasn’t playing.

  The words were a revelation and promise.

  But there was so much broiling between them, both good and bad, could she actually accept his words at face value, pushing aside everything they’d been through?

  “You can’t just come in here and say that to me,” she said, the words cutting her mouth. A part of her wanted to forgive him on the spot but the other part was demanding that she walk away.

  That Reece didn’t deserve her.

  “When this all started, I was a different person. You made me realize that there is so much more to life than taking. I never realized how much I was actually missing out on until you showed me.”

  “I wish I could believe you but you betrayed me,” Tana reminded him with a cry, hating that it hurt so bad.

  “I did,” he said with a solemn nod. “I would do anything to take it back but I can’t. All I can do is promise it will never happen again.”

  Could it be that simple? Forgive and forget?

  No, of course not.

  But seeing him again, awakened a fire inside her that refused to die, no matter what was thrown on it.

  Her heart fluttered with unfettered joy at seeing his face again even if the pain of everything else was nearly crippling.

  “Do you love me?” Reece asked, searching her gaze, baring his soul. “That’s all I need to know. Everything else is fixable if I know that I haven’t lost you forever.”

  Tana’s eyes welled as she nodded slowly, accepting the truth between them as the words fell from her own lips in a broken cry that came from her soul.

  “I love you, too, Reece. God, I love you.”

  “That’s all I need, sweetheart,” he said, sealing his mouth to hers, drinking in her sadness and replacing it with joy. “That’s all I need.”

  Reece gently put her down and grasped her hand, pulling her with him. “Time to clock out.”

  “My shift isn’t over,” she protested weakly but in truth, she didn’t want to stay.

  “Your shift is permanently over at Nos,” Reece told her, sending a shiver down her spine with his firm declaration.

  “I need to work. How am I supposed to make money?” she said, a small frown worrying her brow but when Reece stopped abruptly, caressing her cheek, his gaze soft yet hot, any argument she might’ve waged died on her tongue as he produced a ring from his jean pocket.

  The massive diamond glinted in the light, sparks of fire from the perfect cut nearly blinding. “You’re going to be a Buchanan. Money is something you’ll never have to worry about ever again.”

  Tana’s eyes welled as she stared. “Did you…just ask me to marry you?”

  “No. I told you I am going to marry you,” he corrected her softly, a
sensual smile lighting up his handsome face as he slid the ring onto her shaking finger. “Because there’s no way in hell, I’m every letting you go again and the best way to keep you…according to Queen Bey…is to put a ring on it. Am I wrong?”

  God, no. “You’re not wrong,” she choked out a happy answer, throwing her arms around his neck to kiss him hard.

  “Thank God,” Reece said, breaking the kiss. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. I haven’t slept in a week and I won’t sleep until you are in my bed.”

  “Just to sleep?” Tana teased and Reece paused, a devilish glint in his eye.

  “Well, maybe a quickie. To help us sleep.”

  Tana giggled and followed Reece, hand in hand.

  Gypsy stared, gape mouthed as Tana and Reece walked past the bar, but when she saw Tana’s deliriously happy smile, she relaxed.

  Call me, Gypsy mouthed and Tana wiggled her hand, showing off the beautiful gem on her finger.

  Not until tomorrow, though.

  She and Reece had plans.

  Naked plans.

  And Tana couldn’t wait — to sleep.

  Okay, and maybe bang out a quickie.

  With her fiancé.

  A shiver danced on her spine as Reece helped her into the Towncar.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, instantly concerned.

  She melted a little more and graced him with a happy smile.

  “With you…I will be.”

  And it was the truth.

  Reece would help her figure out things with her grandfather, the building…everything.

  He was her partner, lover, and friend.

  The best a girl could ask for.

  bookmark: EPILOGUE


  After Reece was able to convince Revitalize to come back on board to restore the Tamarack, Reece and Tana presented the plans to Dillon with a presentation to turn the Tamarack into the elite commercial space that Dillon had envisioned, only this time, instead of being a cold, impersonal building, the restored Tamarack would bring a sense of style and history to the tenants.

  And they could charge an arm and a leg for that privilege of having space in the historic Tamarack.

  Dillon was pleased with the presentation and agreed to bring Revitalize on for the renovation but the biggest win of the day was the smile Tana gave Reece afterward.

  But Reece wasn’t finished.

  Reece took Tana to the Tamarack for his true gift to her.

  They walked into the building, their footsteps echoing in the dim light. Dust motes swirled in the fading sunlight yet a sense of dignity clung to the old walls.

  She turned to Reece. “Thank you for saving my grandfather’s building. If he were lucid…”

  Tears welled in her eyes and his heart broke for her pain. He wiped away the tear that snaked down her cheek. Tana smiled up at him, sniffing back emotion.

  “You’ve changed my life and I love you so much for everything you’ve done for me and my family. Even paying off my wretched mother so she’d leave us in peace.”

  “It’s only money. If I could give you back your grandfather, I would do it in a heartbeat but I can’t. All the Buchanan money can’t fix your papa and I’m so sorry.”

  She nodded, swallowing. “I know.”

  Reece slowly pulled a small bronze plate from his breast pocket and presented it to Tana. “We’re going to mount this plate here,” he pointed to the dingy column in the middle of the foyer “so that everyone who walks through the front doors will know the history of this building and your family’s legacy.”

  Tana gasped and covered her mouth with shock as she read the inscription.

  The Tamarack Hotel, built in 1925 by the Morris family when New York was young and wild, remains a testament to New York’s enduring spirit. Loving restored as a gift by the Buchanan family to preserve the Morris legacy.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Tana said, her voice choked. “It’s beautiful. It’s perfect.”

  Reece gathered her in his arms, holding her tightly. “It’s everything you deserve. I would give you the moon if it were within my power to do so.”

  “I don’t need the moon. I only need you,” she whispered, lifting her mouth to his.

  And he knew it was true because he felt the same.

  In all the world…Tana was all he’d ever need.

  But there was one more gift he had for his soon-to-be-wife.

  “I have something else for you,” Reece said, surprising Tana.

  “Something else? You’ve already done so much and I love you for it.”

  “You’re going back to school,” Reece said. “I’ve already talked with the dean at NYU and explained the circumstances. He said there’s no problem with getting you into the classes you need to earn your degree.”

  For a long moment Tana just stared. Then she exploded with babbling happiness as she jumped into his arms.

  “I can’t believe you! Really? I’m going back to school?”

  “You bet. And you’re going to help with the restoration of the Tamarack. Dillon has even agreed to pay you a consulting fee for your services.”

  Tana began to sob as she clung to Reece and for a minute Reece worried he’d done something wrong but when she sealed her mouth to his with a ravenous kiss, he knew he’d done something very right.

  And he liked that feeling.

  Hell, it was safe to say, he was already addicted to making his woman happy.

  “Thank you, Reece,” Tana murmured with a sweet smile reserved only for him. “You’re an amazing man.”

  Reece faltered, an immense well of love for Tana choking his ability to speak. But when he found his voice, he said solemnly, “You make me a better version of myself. For the first time in a long time…I like what I see when I look in the mirror. That’s all you, baby. I’ll spend my life earning the right to have you by my side.”

  Tana smiled with joy and brushed a tender kiss across his kiss. “And I’ll spend my life happy to call you mine.”

  “Always and forever, sweetheart.”

  Tana settled against him, her arms wrapped around his waist, her head resting on his chest and he thought he might die from extreme happiness.

  He supposed at some point he was going to have to thank Dillon and his brother for meddling in his life.

  A grin found his lips.


  For now, he was too busy loving his woman.

  Making her happy was his top priority.

  Oh, that, and his new youth lacrosse league.

  Who knew volunteering to work with kids could be so rewarding!

  An idea came to him.

  “How do you feel about being a pregnant bride?”

  “Ha! Dream on,” she answered with a laugh but Reece had found a new mission.

  And a Buchanan with a mission…

  Never failed.


  Are you new to the Buchanan family? If you missed COERCED, the first in the East Coast cousins, check it out!

  Once you read Buchanan…you’ll always want more!

  Watch for Whitney Buchanan’s story, DAMAGED, coming in the spring of 2016!

  Bookmark: MORE BY ALEXX


  Are you looking for more by USA Today bestselling author Alexx Andria? Check out the following titles!


  *Bought By The Billionaire Brothers

  *The Buchanan’s Baby

  *The Buchanan’s Redemption

  *A Christmas Promise

  *The Billionaire’s Sweet Surprise



  Still Into You (Miles and Dani’s story) (Formerly Falling from Grace


  Club Chrome series:

  Kings of Asphalt (MC romance)

  All Dogs Bite (MC romance)

  Up In Flames

  *The Awakening series (Parts 1-6)

  *One Naughty Girl series (Parts 1-5)

  Looking for something really HOT and NAUGHTY? If you dare…here are some value-packed bundles for your reading pleasure!

  Dark Control *formerly Unwilling

  Dirty, Dirty Dozen


  She Did WHAT?

  For the entire list of Alexx Andria titles that are hidden from the general search, please visit her Amazon Central page at

  Or, if you’re looking for something paranormal…try Alexx’s new pen name, Kinsey McClane!

  Blood Moon Rising, PT I

  Blood Moon Rising, PT II

  Blood Moon Rising, PT III

  Blood Moon Rising, The Omnibus

  Or if you’re looking for something a little off-the-beaten path with plenty of sass and a little bit twisted? Check out the episodic serial by Angel James!

  Property of Heartbreak Ranch, PT 1

  Property of Heartbreak Ranch, PT 2

  Property of Heartbreak Ranch, PT 3




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