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Provocative Attraction

Page 3

by Altonya Washington

  “I think from here on out the chief’s got her security well in hand. I’ll review and sign the report when I get there.”

  Lourdess Securities, known as L Sec by the clients it handled in the private, public and entertainment sectors, had been hired to provide its coveted brand of protection to Sophia Hail following her recent promotion. The detective’s investigation into an ever-increasingly sensational money-laundering scheme had taken root. Threats had also taken root to encourage the insightful detective to back off her inquiries. As a result, Philadelphia DA Paula Starker had sought out Rook and his team to shadow her colleague and friend.

  “The rest of the team is in agreement that Chief Hail’s normal security detail will be enough, but we’re good with maintaining our posts until a certain person of interest is apprehended.”

  Rook knew what Burt was saying. The team had been on hand the previous evening when several arrests were made in the case. The team knew that Sophia’s investigation had led her to Murray Dean.

  “According to what I heard last night, our old friend Dean has a role to play in all this.” Burt told him.

  “Yeah...” Rook’s tone was light, but his agreement on Murray’s involvement was firm.

  “Will this be a new problem for you and Viva, man?”

  Rook laughed. “We’ve had no problems for at least six years, B,” he reminded his friend and business associate.

  “True, and it’d be a shame to have new upsets weighing in when you’re about to pull up stakes for Italy.”

  “Yeah...” Rook voiced his light agreement once more, but offered no further opinion.

  “So I’ll see you later?” Burt seemed to take the cue that his boss was all chatted out.

  “Yeah, B, thanks.” Rook added a goodbye and ended the call.

  Setting aside his mobile, he rubbed tired eyes and yawned for what had to be the fiftieth time since he’d awakened that morning. Smirking, he turned the word over in his head... Awakened. More like arisen from a troubled bout with his bedsheets.

  Dreams had been shoved aside for a night of tossing, turning and images of Viva Hail attacking his subconscious. The sleep he’d hoped to indulge in had flitted away without so much as a toodle-loo when he’d strolled through the quiet, broad space of the condo to the bedroom.

  The bed conjured the first of many images—Viva sprawled out on her stomach and sleeping him off after an enthusiastic session of sex, covers twisted with erotic intricacy about her shapely calves and lush thighs. Sleep for him then had become a wish with no possibility of materializing.

  Her face and body were irrevocably stamped on his brain. They would never be removed and he wouldn’t want them to be. Such a thing was assured when he’d seen her a few weeks earlier rushing into her sister’s place. She’d been staying with Sophia while visiting Philadelphia. The image of her had then been reasserted last night. He recalled seeing her on the terrace, knowing how close he was to reaching out to take her to him before they were interrupted.

  The body, still curvy and lush, was even more alluring. The added muscle tone was attributed to her active career and the physical demands of the roles she secured. The face was a work of natural glamour enhanced by coils of light brown curls surrounding a honey-toned face.

  It was a face that needed no man-made accents. The mouth was a study in erotic art as were the high cheekbones and small nose that upturned just a fraction at the tip. Big brown eyes were offset by ebony flecks that sparkled amid upset or...arousal.

  No, getting to sleep last night was an idiot’s assumption. And what of Italy? Another assumption? The trip was about more than adding a boost to his business. L Sec was a bona fide success. The investment his parents had made in the dream of their only child had been a smart move. The elder Lourdesses had earned back their seed money many times over.

  Rook knew the truth and he suspected most of his executive team knew it, as well. He was running. Two of his best friends had found women with whom they wanted to spend the rest of their lives. It had become too much to remain in the place where he’d lost the woman with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his. The memories that had sustained him for the last six years had at last become a series of ropes knotted into a noose of increasing tightness.

  Yes, he was running. Italy was far enough to ease the memories, even if the distance wouldn’t totally remove them. Italy, for him, signified freedom. Freedom from a past he was desperate to exorcise.

  Of course, all that was before he’d seen Viva again. Rook glimpsed his hand and realized he’d clenched a fist without feeling the move take hold. His temper was elevating to boiling point. It was another of those ropes that were starting to develop choking intensity.

  He was considering some time in the gym to trample the blackness clouding his mind, when his phone chimed, reminding him of the meeting with Sophia.

  Once more Rook studied his hand. Flexing it slightly, he cast a lingering look toward the door at the end of the hall that led to his home gym. Pivoting then, Rook headed away from the door as though he were being hunted.

  * * *

  “Are you sure I can’t bring you anything, Mr. Lourdess? We’ve got soft drinks and an array of bottled waters if you prefer that to the chief’s coffee.”

  “I’m good, but thank you.” Rook’s smile exhibited genuine appreciation when he addressed the attractive brunette from his seat before the wide walnut desk.

  “Well, you be sure to let me know if you change your mind.”

  When the woman left, Rook graced the chief with a look of earnest ease that lent credence to the fact that he had no interest in the magnitude of his appeal.

  Sophia’s grin was equally earnest as she observed him. “I should apologize for my assistant. She’s not always so obvious in her appraisal of my guests.”

  Rook tossed up a hand, another clear indicator that he thought nothing of the assistant’s overt flirting. “It’s good to have a talent for making the guests feel special.”

  “Mmm...” Sophia sipped at her coffee, nodding. “To be on the safe side, I think I’ll tell her your heart belongs to my sister.”

  “Sophia,” Rook groaned, leaning back his head a fraction. “Tell me this isn’t why you wanted to see me.”

  “No, not exactly.” Sophia studied the steaming liquid in her ceramic mug. “But anyone who saw you guys last night would know there’s still love there.”

  “Does it matter?” Rook asked after a moment’s consideration.

  Sophia reared back in the scooping burgundy suede chair set behind a desk of impressive breadth befitting the new chief of detectives. “The way you feel about my sister could matter quite a bit in light of what I’m about to ask you.”

  “Which is?” Shifting a bit in the boxy chair, same color and finish as the one Sophia occupied, Rook felt equal parts expectant and hesitant.

  Sophia left her chair to round the desk and ease her hip down to one corner. “V didn’t come to town just visiting. She wants to make a statement and testify if need be against Murray Dean.”

  “What the hell, Sophia?” Rook’s voice was a ragged whisper. His arresting gaze was hard and fixed on Sophia then.

  “While she’s worked with Murray, she’s witnessed some things. Things that could tie him up nice and snug to some of Philadelphia’s finest who’re tangled in this laundering case.”

  Rook left his chair. Working his square jaw beneath his fingers, he looked as though he were suspended in a state of disbelief. “Is she involved?”

  “Viva?” Sophia almost laughed over the absurdity of the question. “No, Rook, that’s not it. She’s seen him with certain people he’d have a challenging time explaining his connection to.”

  Rook curbed his desire to question further. He knew there was only so much the detective could share. “Why’d you want to see me t
oday?” he asked instead.

  Sophia tugged at a lone curl that dangled from her updo and debated before answering. “I want to secure V someplace impenetrable until we can convene a grand jury. We don’t know if we can indict Dean on what we have now, but we’re determined to pull in as much ammunition as we can.”

  “And you’re okay with that? Letting Viva put her ass on the line like this?”

  “I don’t need my sister to wrap this, Rook.” Sophia’s voice held the slightest edge. “Viva came to me with this. What she’s got to share could tip the scales a lot more in our favor.”

  “What’d you mean about putting her someplace impenetrable?”

  Sophia’s shrug momentarily wrinkled her tailored short-waist black blazer. “I’m sure someone in your...line of work would know of such places. You or your men,” she quickly qualified. “I’m not trying to put you on the spot here, Rook. You could pass this on to one of your guys. Everyone around here will attest to the great work you guys do. I’m at the head of that line. I need to know my sister’s someplace safe if she plans on being involved with this thing.”

  Rook stalked the spacious office, having resumed his jaw massage. He drew to a complete halt at Sophia’s next words.

  “Tigo said something about you going to Italy.”

  It seemed that only Rook’s facial muscles were capable of movement then. He used them to fix Sophia with a stunned look.

  * * *

  “This all seems so unreal,” Veronica Hail cooed while holding her eldest child in a rocking embrace.

  Viva enjoyed the feel of being secure in her mother’s arms while her father’s arms enfolded them both.

  “I know this was sudden,” Viva said when her parents allowed her to move out of the embrace just a fraction. “Me just showing up out of the blue, but when I heard about Sophia—”

  In unison, the Hails were shushing their daughter.

  “It’s forgotten, baby.” Gerald Hail dropped a kiss to the top of Viva’s head. “You never have to apologize for coming home.”

  “You never had to apologize.”

  Viva heard the stress her mother inserted. “Thank you both.” She hugged them again. “You guys were right, you know?” She drew back to fix them with solemn looks. “You warned me against jumping for the first brass ring tossed my way. Hmph. I not only jumped, I threw away my future while I did it.” Viva saw the look her parents exchanged and read it well.

  “I’ve seen Rook,” she told them.

  Gerald Hail looked pleased. Veronica Hail looked elated.

  “Stop.” Viva raised her hands to ward off their glee. “There’s no reason to get all crazy happy here. We didn’t rush into each other’s arms either time.”

  “Tell us about these ‘either times,’” Gerald urged.

  The Hails listened intently as Viva recounted the meeting at Sophia’s condo days earlier and the party in Sophia’s honor the night before.

  “Are you sure it means nothing, honey?” Veronica asked.

  “I’m sure and it wouldn’t matter either way since he’s about to head off to Italy.” Viva quickly shared the details of Rook’s travel plans.

  “And how do you feel about this trip?”

  Viva shrugged, hesitating to answer her mother’s question. “I’m in no position to complain. I’ve been out of his life for six years.”

  “I don’t know, Roni, I’m not so sure she answered your question,” Gerald Hail teased.

  Viva smiled, fought back the urge to laugh. “Hearing him discuss travel plans was like an arrow through my heart. Am I terrible for saying that? Dramatic and terrible?”

  “Oh well.” Gerald squeezed his daughter close and put a kiss to her temple “I’d say yes to the dramatic. You’re an actress, after all.” He sent her a sly wink. “I don’t think we could convict you of being terrible, though.”

  “Last night, I wished his business deal would fall through so he wouldn’t have to go. Sounds pretty terrible to me.”

  Gerald caught his wife’s eye, smiling when she nodded. “I’m gonna go get our coffee, sugar pea. Smells like it’s done,” he said to Viva after inhaling the air that held the aroma of rich cinnamon.

  “Honey, you know you’re entitled to have those feelings about the man you love,” Veronica was saying once her husband had left the den.

  Viva’s expression was then playfully stunned. “How do you and Sophia do that? Just assume love is still involved?”

  Veronica pulled Viva with her to a time-worn love seat positioned near the fireplace. “I remember that a wedding seemed to be the way things were heading before all those ships started rolling in for you.” She put a hand on Viva’s knee and squeezed. “You left to follow opportunity, baby, not because you’d fallen out of love with Rook.”

  “And that has so much to do with it right there. I chucked it all for fame. How shallow could I get?” Viva leaned forward to scrub her face against her palms. “Rook would be an idiot to forget all that and just take me back on faith.”

  “But would you want him to?”

  “He wouldn’t, Mama. I’m sure the man certainly has no shortage of women who’d be willing to stay put for anything he’d ask of them.” Viva flopped back against the love seat, a dreamy tint softening her eyes. “You should see him, Mama.”

  “Oh, I have.” Veronica gave a coy smile. “So have several of my friends.”

  The suggestion roused laughter from both women.

  “Listen, sugar pea,” Veronica said as she slapped Viva’s knee then. “There’s only one thing wrong with all these women in Rook’s perfect life.” She tapped her daughter’s nose. “He doesn’t love any of them, because they aren’t you.”

  * * *

  “Take her with me? You’re serious here?”

  “Oh, please stop, Rook.” Sophia rolled her eyes. “I’ve just given you first dibs at an offer every man in the hemisphere would jump to claim.”

  “She’d never go for it.”

  Sophia shook her head as if pitying the fact that Rook truly seemed to have no idea of his appeal to the opposite sex. “You know, I’m sure you could find all sorts of ways to persuade her.”

  “I’m sure I could,” Rook said, finally acknowledging a certain level of his power. “But she’s also got a job to get back to. Or has her decision to offer testimony against her agent robbed her of her desire to act?”

  “She’s between projects, and filming for the show won’t resume for another five months.” She gave him a teasing look. “Are you trying to tell me you’re afraid to be alone with a sexy thing like my sister?”

  Rook massaged the bridge of his nose and sighed. “You can still be such a brat sometimes.”

  “I’ll have you know that I don’t answer to ‘brat’ anymore, only Chief of Ds.” Sophia gave an indignant sniff.

  Rook was moved. “I knew you as ‘brat’ first.”

  “Level with me, Soap,” Rook said once their laughter had eased. “How serious is this? Do you think someone might go after her?”

  “I promise you this is only about me erring on the side of caution here.” Her gaze turned steely. “No way would I be making jokes and wasting time trying to convince you to do this instead of citing you with some kind of obstruction if you refused to go along.” She dismissed the steely look then to make way for one that skirted about playful wickedness.

  “I’m leveling with you here, Rook. No way would that be happening if I thought there was any more we should be doing to keep her safe. But I’d still love it if you’d take the job.”

  Rook worked his fingers against muscles at his nape that had suddenly bunched. “I won’t force her to go along with this,” he said.

  Sophia appeared satisfied. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got no problems with forcing her.”

>   * * *

  “Please tell me you’re calling from Malibu and not back east.”

  “I’d be happy to tell you that, if you want a lie.” Viva grinned at the sound of the familiar nasal voice on the other end of her mobile.

  Artesia Relis groaned. “Do you know what you’re putting me through here?”

  “You mean by visiting my parents for a little TLC?” Viva colored her words with the hint of a snarky undertone.

  “Funny.” But Artesia didn’t sound amused. “I mean leaving us here with Murray. You know no one but you can deal with him when he’s riled up.”

  Viva set down her tanned leather tote bag, deciding to finish the conversation with Murray Dean’s assistant there at her parents’ place, instead of outside amid steadily dipping temps.

  “What’s he riled up over?” Viva asked once she’d slipped into the Hails’ spacious laundry room. She heard Arty’s dramatic sigh—one she’d heard the aspiring actress deliver on countless occasions. Arty had perfected the gesture over the years and it’d become difficult to tell whether the sigh meant true distress or only mild irritation.

  “Well, if you don’t know, how the hell do you think I do? I only called because Murray goes back farther with you than anyone.” Arty let the sigh make an encore.

  “He’s been jumpy, snappish and hard to reach. I mean that literally and figuratively, Veev. Half the time, his clients are calling my line because they can’t get through to him on his cell. When they do manage to get in touch, they say he’s distant. More than a few of his top names are getting nervous and you know what happens when you guys get nervous.”

  “Yeah...” Viva was working the bridge of her nose between thumb and forefinger. Folks jumped ship when they got nervous. “And you’ve got no idea what brought this on?” She played the angle, hoping to plumb information Arty may’ve cast aside.

  The practiced sigh made another appearance. “Hard to say... In this business, there’s always one thing or another to get pissy over but he did seem more on edge than usual after that meeting a couple of weeks ago.”


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