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A Little Wish Upon a Star

Page 21

by Breanna Hayse

"You understood it?"

  "What do you mean? Of course I understood it."

  "I was singing in Lotopian," he said.

  "No way! Does that means the Water Station training worked?" She lifted her head to look at him. "But I can't speak it."

  "You don't have to. Listen."

  His words sang in the beautiful language. Savoring that, coupled with the aroma of him, Tabby allowed herself to sink into his flesh while running her hand along the sculpted line of his jaw, shoulders, chest, down to the rippled abdomen. She slid out from his hold and climbed on top of him to straddle his solid waist. Leaning forward, she wiggled until her chin rested on his tummy and her swollen, moist pussy invited the entrance of the probing cock. The pleasure fold enveloped her clit, circling and teasing it, trapping it in place while the vibrating head stroked her g-spot. She gasped as his enormous hands grabbed both of her cheeks and spread them wide before he inserted a single long, thick digit into her tight, tiny asshole.

  She felt her muscles clench, and drove her hips forward. Deep spasms quaked with each exquisite slow thrust and a surging pulse traveled through the length of his manhood as he embedded himself within her. Her pussy was stretched wide and tight, leaving her throbbing swollen clit to be teased in a more vulnerable, exposed state.

  "Join me," he ordered, increasing the speed of both his heaving manhood and the suction of the pseudo-mouth that had adhered to her clit. "Join me now!"

  He roared, taking her with him down a rabbit-hole of bliss. She fell aimlessly through semi-consciousness, surrounded by large clouds of delicious smelling mist that left every sense filled and satiated. They never struck bottom; spinning and floating together in joy and blessed by the sensual rays of the new moon.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "Why do I hear Mother screeching, wife?" Seth asked, several phases after his coronation and the grand announcement that Lotopia now had a human queen. The people had received the news with excitement—the Helminthe, however, had vowed eternal hatred and threats of a feast.

  Tabby smiled, happily cuddled against him as they watched the end of the orange phase and the rising of the moon. She kissed his palm that had inched its way up to stroke her face. "I might have ordered some artwork for the palace," she admitted.

  "What kind of artwork?"

  "We have a technique on Earth called ceramics, where the paint is fired into the base structure with a kiln. I used a similar process using electricity to melt your special paint into the metal structures of the palace."

  "Why did you do that, you little brat?" he asked with a chuckle.

  "We really needed some color around here. Seriously, Daddy, the palace is so drab."

  "That is very naughty of you. We both know the truth, don't we? You're making barriers to prevent that slug from coming anywhere near you. I think someone might be needing a spanking for being so sneaky."

  "Nah, someone just needs some loves." She giggled and snuggled up next to him. "That screeching drives me crazy. By the way, I'm having a local artist paint a mural on the ceiling of the dining room."

  "Were you like this when I married you?"

  "Worse, my darling. Much, much worse."

  "I still think you need a spanking." He patted her hip.

  "Wouldn't be able to enjoy it with all that noise going on. Your poor father."

  "I can guarantee that he is nowhere near her. I suspect he is out celebrating his retirement."

  "I'm sure he is. He is also determined to get me to learn how to speak your language. I think it is an excuse to get us both away from her." She giggled.

  "I won't disagree. Are you ready to start your morning? I have a full day of negotiations, so I won't be back until later."

  "Are you sure I can't come with you?"

  "Not this time, love. Take some time to rest. You've been looking a little tired lately."

  After they had shared their morning meal, Tabby walked with Seth to the shuttle bay to send him off with a loving kiss. No sooner had his cruiser disappeared into the sky than her nose was filled with the bitter odor of Helminth.

  "No one is left here to protect you, little human," H'annaot growled, winding her clawed fist tightly in Tabby's hair. In her other hand was the 'light' pen. "Looking for this?"

  "Let go of me!"

  "Let go of you? Oh no, not while I finally have a way to rid myself of you. I know your plans, and will beat you to them."

  Unable to release herself from the painful grip the hideous beast had on her, Tabby had no choice but to be dragged through the halls and into the baths. She desperately looked around for one of the remaining Lotopian palace servants to help.

  "You won't find anyone to assist you," H'annaot crowed. "They are all gone. I made certain to dismiss the remaining meat-bags from service this morning, and replaced all of them with droids. Droids programmed to follow my orders and no one else's."

  "You will not get away with this!"

  "I certainly will. We both know that a hybrid cannot perform a life bond with that stupid moon-god this idiotic race has. But since you have managed to lure my son's prick with your whorish cunt, your death should be enough to destroy his spirit. He will relinquish the kingdom back to his puny father and it will be mine once again."

  "You are pure evil! To hurt your own child solely to gain for yourself is the most despicable thing I have ever heard of!" Tabby cried out.

  "No, it is the most satisfying. Even more enjoyable will be hearing you begging for mercy as I drown you like an unwanted cat." She slithered into the pool, dragging Tabby with her. Having nearly three hundred pounds over the human's slight frame, the Helminth had no difficulty pulling her to the center of the pool. "It is a shame your screams won't be heard by anyone else."

  Tabby struggled desperately as she was plunged under the teal water and held there. Panic rose as her air became scarce and she was unable to break the iron grip of the fingers in her hair. She twisted and scratched, praying for help of any kind.

  Bubbles escaped from her lungs as the last breath started to leave her body. She closed her eyes, remembering the moment she'd faced death in the damaged space capsule. How long ago had that been? Months? Years? Time had ceased to exist because of Seth and his love for her. He was her universe. He was her light. She began to sink into unconsciousness, regretting only one thing—that she would not give him what she had promised. A child.

  The water seemed to swirl around her as though it was trying to ease her final suffering. A surge of energy trickled through her body, much like what she had felt when she had joined with Seth in the Moon Temple. The power of Ceres and the sphere that brought her healing and hope now comforted her at the moment of death.

  The pain of her hair being yanked from her skull ceased to exist. Tabby also noticed that the burning in her lungs at the absence of air had disappeared. Odd, the water almost felt 'angry' as it raged around her body. What was this turmoil she was imagining? She heard a distant scream, with the fierce, piercing intensity of nails slowly being drawn down a long slate. Then she floated to the surface, separate and apart from life. Ceres' rays caressed her face like a mother lovingly soothing a hurt child. Death did not feel lonely with the moon staying by her side.

  The moon? How could she feel the moon when the bathing chambers were closed to all outside light? Tabby's fleeting thoughts went to her little wish that she had made upon the star that first time. She smiled softly, thanked Ceres for her life, and then drifted into blackness.


  "She's awake," a distant voice whispered. "She's going to be well."

  Tabby slowly opened her eyes in the dimly lit room. Seth hovered over her body, his face pale with worry.

  "Seth? Your mother…"

  "She is dead. We found her remains in the pool where she tried to drown you. What happened?" he said.

  "I don't know." She sat up and accepted a goblet of water from Kalavan. "I thought I was dead."

  "Ceres protected her child," the king said gentl
y, stroking Tabitha's cheek. "She is the mother of life, and will not allow anyone to harm her children."

  "Father, the moon does not rescue us from death. If it could, we would never have been subject to war in the first place. This is not the time to talk about religion. That thing tried to murder my wife!" Seth said furiously.

  "You don't understand. This is not about religion. It is about love. Ceres has a heart for her children. She will not allow them to die," Kalavan said.

  "That's enough, Father. I—"

  "Wait a minute. Grandpa? Are you saying that you think I might be pregnant?" Tabby suddenly asked.

  "Lotopia has never experienced the loss of an unborn child. Even in times of war, expectant mothers seemed to be protected beyond that which we could understand. Since a child can only be conceived under Ceres' rays, it is believed that her blessings also come with protection," the king told her.

  "That's impossible. Even if the moon's rays could have disintegrated her, there was no access for it to come into the baths," Tabby said.

  "The rays did not come from Ceres herself. They came from you."

  "Are you trying to tell us that Tabitha is pregnant?" Seth repeated absently.

  "Haven't you been listening, boy? You are going to be a father. And your child will be born into a new world that is free from the ugliness of the past. The remnants of war, including your mother, are gone. This is a new beginning for our people, and Ceres has blessed it."

  "I'm going to have a baby?" Tabby whispered, her hands drifting to her abdomen. "Am I really going to have a baby?"

  "I believe so." Kalavan nodded. "You have also become a hero to our nation. The people—your people—are rejoicing in their freedom from the Helminthe's presence."

  "But they aren't gone. Hitopia still exists," she said.

  "After the death of the former queen was announced, the Helminthe rose against the Lotopians in the mountains. The reflectors were activated to save us from another invasion. They are no more."

  "You wiped out an entire race because of me?" Tabby felt sick to her stomach.

  "No, they wiped out their own race. They had been building transportation and weapons in secret since their exile to the high lands. The treaty had promised their protection under the single condition that they never attempt to invade Lotopia again. They disregarded the agreement, as prideful and arrogant people tend to do. They paid the price," Kalavan explained.

  "Because of you, our people no longer need to live in fear of their future," Seth said softly. His hands traveled to her stomach. "I'm not an examiner, but do you think I might be able to sense a life in her?" he asked his father.

  "An examiner cannot sense the presence of a child, so I cannot say."

  Tabby pressed her hand on top of his. "Try it. I want to know if this could possibly be true. Tell me what you feel."

  Seth's hands trembled slightly as they rested on her soft flesh. She felt them tingling lightly, warming the skin underneath them as he released a trickle of current. His eyes widened with wonderment.

  "I can feel him. Tabitha! I can feel his presence!" Seth said excitedly, tears streaming down his face. "It is different to anything else in this world. We are giving birth to a new species of people, my love. A beautiful, strong new species."

  "Sweetheart? Why do you cry?" Kalavan asked with concern. "This is a joyous occasion."

  "I was thinking about Buzz," Tabby said. "I know this is foolish, but I would like to launch a message in a bottle. Just to say goodbye. I know he will never get it, but it will give me some closure."

  "If that will make you happy, then we will do so, my Queen," Kalavan said and smiled, kissing the back of her hand.


  Buzz closed his weary eyes as he leaned back in his hospital bed. He had just celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday and was ready to move on. Life had been too hard, with too many disappointments, and it was time to let go. A gentle knock on his door was heard.

  "Come in."

  "Mr. Aldrin? I'm sorry to bother you, sir, but there is a man here to see you."

  "Neil? What brings your old body to this neck of the woods?" the former astronaut said to his old partner. "Are you planning another trip to the moon?"

  The other man waited until the nurse had left and sat down next to him.

  "No more moon walks for me. I have something for you, though. It was found floating outside the Indian Ocean."

  "What is it?"


  Buzz was handed an old green soda bottle that had his name etched on the outside. With a frown, he twisted open the bottom portion. A picture of a little blonde girl in a polka-dotted dress smiled back at him. There was also a plastic locket, shaped like a heart, from Build-A-Bear that contained a message:

  My dearest Buzz,

  Thank you for allowing me to make that little wish upon a star. I found a home and am happy, whole and have both love and peace. I will always remember your love and faith in me.

  Yours through eternity,

  Tabby-Cat xxx

  The End

  Breanna Hayse

  "I write what I know. With few exceptions, my scenarios are pulled from either personal experience or observation. I've served overseas as an Intell Specialist in the USMC, work as a nurse, and have degrees in Biology (pre-med) and a masters in Psych. Specialty? Deviant behavior and alternative lifestyles, of course. I put all of this together and try to bring about a fun, unique and, hopefully, thought-provoking reading experience."

  Visit her site here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Breanna Hayse and Blushing Books!

  The General’s Daughter Series:

  The Siren,

  Up A Notch

  Caught in the Net



  New Beginnings

  The Game Plan Series:

  The Game Plan

  Time Out

  Meeting Her Master

  Playing A Little

  Dare to Defy

  Painful Consequences


  The Reformer

  Two By Day, Three By Night

  Guardian Domination

  Cowboys Know Best

  Serendipity Ranch

  Lost and Found

  Captured and Conquered

  Naked and Defiant

  Piper’s Journey: Into Submission, Book One

  Over the Barrel

  Two Guardians for Little May

  Liars & Tigers (Are Bared…Oh My!)

  King Dom Comes

  Little Lady Jane: The Adventures of Lady Jane, Book 1

  Strictland Academy: The Darkness Series, Book One

  Emma’s Corner: The Darkness Series, Book Two

  His Little Courtesan: The Adventures of Lady Jane, Book 2

  The Whip Master: Fifty Maids of Graye, Book One

  Moving a Little Heart

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