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Defiance (Rise of the Iliri Book 3)

Page 28

by Auryn Hadley

  He turned her face to his and she surged toward him, her lips crashing down on him. He returned the kiss, his strong grip unrelenting until Sal pulled away. "Come with me, kitten," he said, guiding her toward their tent. Sal followed, only looking back once at Zep. He knelt before Shift, his wounds nearly healed already.

  "She'd really eat humans?" Danku whispered at her retreating back.

  "No," Blaec said.

  "Yes," Zep corrected, contradicting him. "Don't lie to him, sir. Yes, they will eat humans. No, they don't eat humans, because it's rude and causes too many problems. Jase and Sal are the ones you need to worry about most. The rest of them don't get it as strong unless they're linked with the berserkers. Sal has more control than Cyno, I mean Jase. She was raised as a human. He was raised iliri. It shows at times."

  Danku gaped after the Kaisae. "I felt it. You had us linked like that, and I felt it." The other Shields nodded in agreement, some too stunned to talk.

  "LT, I got this. I don't think you can even understand them right now," Zep said.

  "You're probably right. Go ahead, man."

  Zep gestured for the men to relax. "I wasn't in your link, but I can guess what came across. You felt how Sal moves, so balanced, so precise. You saw how her eyes pick up things you'd never notice -"

  "The blade! The edge was nicked," Tebio whispered.

  "Yeah, and did you catch the colors?"

  "No. I mean everything seemed vivid but was that the link, or was that her?" Caein asked.

  "That's her. That's how she perceives everything, all the time. I know she showed you the smell. Did she sheath that dagger of hers or drop it?" Zep asked.

  Roo trotted over and sniffed. I think she dropped it, hang on. She made a circle, and then pulled it from the dusty ground. Walking carefully on her hind legs, Roo handed it to the closest Shield, Ricown.

  "Smell that, and pass it down," Zep told him.

  Ricown sniffed at the steel, nodding, and passed to the next man. When it reached the end of the line, Zep walked over and took the blade from them, tucking it into his belt. "Remember what it smelled like to Sal?"

  "Yeah," Tebio said. "It was amazing. And she intentionally cut her tongue on it. Her blood in her mouth, it was... it was different."

  "It tasted bitter, but in her mind, it was mellow. It's like the sense of the taste was on both me and her," Dag said.

  "And there's the smell and the taste of humans. I know you all tasted it when she bit me." Zep said.

  The men nodded, looking uncomfortable.

  "She wanted to eat you, but..." Caein shook his head. "I can't be the only one that felt that, am I?"

  "You mean the sexual tension?" Vanja asked. "Nope. That was fucking weird. She was hunting him, but it was like sex for her or something."

  Blaec chuckled, and the men looked at him. "Oh, it's sexual enough," he told them. "That's just how she is. Death is a turn-on for her in a way that you only barely got a taste of."

  Ilija rubbed his palms across his thighs. "Yeah, I felt it. Her teeth," he shuddered. "Her teeth ripped, and she flooded us with it."

  "And that happens in the middle of battle?" Dag asked.

  "That's the maast," Zep told them. "If you're ever lucky enough to link with an iliri in battle, you'll get it full force. You lose all fear. Pain turns into this erotic feeling and death becomes all you want. If you're locked with her long enough, it turns from a need to kill to a sexual need, and there's nothing else like it." Zep smiled at the memory.

  "You got locked in maast with her?" Tebio asked, shocked.

  "Yeah, that's how I got the scar. Sal almost died and Risk's healing? It's brutal. So, first she had the emotional rush of the attack, then the maast stole her fear of death even as she was drowning in her own blood, and then Risk may as well have burned her at the stake. By the time she was conscious, she was so far in the maast that she was bleeding over without Arctic linking us. I was so damned worried about her that I forgot to close off my mind, and she pulled me in."

  Blaec tilted his head ruefully. "Cyno's blade pulled you out fast enough, though."

  "Yeah. And that's another thing. If she goes into maast, do not get between her and Cyno. He'll kill you – and there's nothing any of us could do about it. I think the only one of us with a chance is LT."

  Blaec shook his head. "Not in maast. He's tough in a fair fight. Sal's better than him normally, but when he's in maast, I'm not even sure she can match him. He's a predator. He's better now, but if you get between him and Sal, he'll kill you. She's his whole world."

  That's why you gave up Ahnor, isn't it? Zep asked.

  Blaec looked over at him and tipped his head in acknowledgment. I felt it, in Escea. I've always known that she'd choose him. She just had to figure it out on her own.

  "I don't know about them," Ilija said, gesturing to his men, "but I understand iliri a lot better. Am I right to assume the rest of you are varying degrees of what Sal is?"

  "Yes," Arctic answered. "And don't assume how we act on the outside is indicative of our iliri instincts, either. LT does a good job of playing human, but he's probably as feral as Cyno. Risk, on the other hand, is no more feral than Shift. Don't confuse our control with our desires."

  "Where'd the Kaisae go?" Ricown asked, all too aware that neither she nor Jase, were back yet.

  The Blades all grinned, and Audgan giggled. "Well?" Zep asked, "who wants to answer that one?"

  "She's fuckin' Cyno's brains out," Shift said. "I say give it about an hour, and you'll see what happens when I have to put them back together."

  Blaec gestured to the campfire. "And while we wait, let's teach these fools how to speak through the link. Roo, keep it the Shields and me. The Blades don't need the headache, and none of us wants Sal to hear this."

  Chapter 37

  It was early the next morning when the grauori voice spoke in her mind. The air smelled crisp and damp, proving they were in the coldest part before dawn. Kaisae, they're moving. I think they'll be there by mid day.

  Are they wearing armor? she asked without opening her eyes.

  Yes, Kaisae, but they aren't coming into the valley. They've split up into four groups. If it was a hunting party, I'd say they were planning to surround the prey.

  Maast. Thanks. I'll get the army ready.

  She kissed Jase's back and ran her fingers through his pewter hair, waking him gently. "Killer?"

  "Mm," he replied with a sleepy sound, rolling to face her as he peeled his eyes open. It was still dark in the tent. "I like the way ya wake me, kitten," he mumbled, pulling her close.

  Sal giggled. "With death and mayhem?" Then she kissed his soft lips. "Jase, the Terrans are coming, they're geared up, and they aren't headed for the meadow. We have about five hours before they're here, and we need to get the camp awake."

  "They can wait for a few minutes," he tried to convince her.

  Sal poked him. "Nope. Get up. I need armor."

  He groaned but sat up. Morning light was just tinting the walls of the tent a pale blue. The color would be too faint for a human to even notice. In a gesture that made Sal smile, Jase rubbed his hands across his face, trying to force himself awake. For months, he'd tried to be nothing but perfect around her, yet as he grew more relaxed, she found herself in love with him more.

  "I gotta get the Blades up and moving, killer. Toss me some blacks? Then I need you to get the units prepared because they're coming in armed. I'll wake Ilija and Dom, and get the Shields in motion."

  "K. What else do ya need from me? It's not even really dawn."

  "The grauori. Rragri should've been told, but I'll need you to relay our plans to her."

  Jase sighed. "Ok, but then I'm back to your side."

  Sal smiled at him while she pulled on tight clothing to fit under her armor. "Of course. Just establish a link over there, invite Rragri to the King's pavilion, and come back. If you didn't speak Grauoran so well, you wouldn't have to go."

  He kissed her back before
her shirt slid over it, then began pulling on his own clothes while Sal strapped the first piece of armor on. She wasn't wearing the fancy stuff this time. A battle like this required plates of resin compounds.

  "Ya expect this ta get ugly?" he asked.

  "Yep. I have four groups coming at us from different directions. The grauori say it looks like a common hunting trap, which means it probably is. We're fighting today, killer. No way around it."

  "Maast, ok. Go tell LT and I'll tell Rragri, then meet ya at Dom's tent."

  As she buckled her curiass across her chest, she leaned down to kiss him. "Lemme wake Ilija, first. This should be amusing."

  Colonel, Sal thought at the human. Colonel Vayu, it's time to get out of bed. C'mon big guy, wake your ass up. We have an army coming at us.

  WHAT? Ilija screamed back in her head. Sal winced.

  Easy on the mind there, man. Grauori scouts say Terric is headed our way, we have four hours or so, five at most. Get up, get in full battle armor, get the Shields moving, and meet me at Dom's pavilion.

  Fuck, Sal, sorry. I was having the best dream, he murmured at her sleepily.

  Yeah, and I wanted to get laid. We got bigger problems, man. Six thousand troops, split into multiple groups, each coming at us from a different angle. Wakey-wakey big guy.

  Damn. Ok. I'm moving Sal.

  She chuckled – and kissed Jase again – before slipping out of the tent. Roo and Hwa were sitting beside the fire, cleaning what looked like it had recently been a boar.

  "Do you two ever sleep? Gonna be a lot of men up in a few minutes, Roo."

  The girls were hungry, so we're up. And I heard, Sal. They're muttering about it pretty loud. You know I can't fight, not with the pups, right?

  "I know, Roo. I just need you to do some linking and keep the kids safe. Will you be able to keep them near the medical tents or will the smell cause problems?"

  It should be fine, Kaisae. The pups aren't eating solids for a couple more weeks.

  "Ok, because I'll want you to make sure there're no problems between humans and grauori over there." When Roo nodded, Sal turned for Blaec's tent.

  She slipped through the flap, surprised to find her commander still asleep. With a gentle brush against his mind, she perched beside him on the edge of the mattress covered cot. "Blaec?" she whispered softly.

  He smiled before his eyes opened, one hand reaching to her side. When he felt her armor, he huffed out a disappointed breath. "Today, huh?"

  "Yeah," she said, leaning down to kiss his head. "They know where we are, and they plan to fight. Roo's outside making pork."

  Blaec chuckled. "You know, I really like her. She's not a soldier, but it's been kinda nice to have someone taking care of us."

  "See, I told you they were worth it. And don't let that little bitch fool you, either. She doesn't like combat, but she's vicious. Come on, love, get out of bed. I have to get Dom up, too."

  Blaec murmured sleepily, "He doesn't get the same treatment Jase and I do, does he?"


  "If you're kissing a human, yeah." His mouth split into a grin even as he tried to hide it. "I didn't give him permission, you know."

  Sal grabbed Blaec's pillow out from under his head and thumped him with it. "Ok, you're awake if you're willing to joke. Kiss me, love, and get the Blades moving."

  She leaned over, and Blaec wrapped his arms around her resin shoulders, pulling her down against him. "I love you, Sal. Keep Jase on your left today, ok?"

  "Is that an order?" she teased, smiling at him. "I always keep him there. You get the right, and yes, I love you, very much. Now get up," she said, kissing the tip of his nose before walking from his tent.

  As she passed the campfire, Roo called out, Yours is done, Sal. Take it before you go.

  "Thanks, mutt." Sal rumpled her ears and grabbed the meat Roo offered. "Kiss the pups for me? I have to go."

  Yes, Kaisae, as soon as they're awake, I will.

  With a leg of rare pork in her hand and the sun turning the sky into a blaze of purples and pinks, Sal walked through the human side of camp. Overhearing one man comment on the officer's meals, she called back, "Get friendly with the grauori. They caught our breakfast fresh this morning." She waved the meat at him as she spoke, but didn't stop walking.

  When she reached the King's pavilion, she was pleased to see the guards standing awake and aware. One man nodded at her as she approached. These weren't the shields, but one unit could only do so much. Evidently Ilija still had palace guards working the night shift.

  "Good morning, Kaisae. He's still asleep," the man on the left warned her.

  "Ok." She hadn't expected anything else. "How long have you been on duty?"

  "We're off in about an hour, sir," the other replied.

  "Nope, you're off now. I'm sorry, you only get about three hours of sleep. Terric's coming. Make sure you sleep some, though. I'll take guard until the Shields are ready."

  "Thank you, Kaisae," the first man said, glancing at the second. Sal shooed them away and slipped inside.

  The main room of the pavilion was quiet. A soft snoring drifted through the canvas walls from the back. Sal whispered softly as she reached through the door, untying the flap to the sleeping chamber. "Dom?"

  He snorted, and it sounded like he shifted in his bed, then the snoring began again. Sal stepped inside his room, the corner of her lip creeping up when she saw the King asleep. His blankets were thrown across his body haphazardly, and his bare ass hung out. She gently tugged at the blankets, covering him, and then touched his shoulder, whispering his name again. Dominik murmured at her but didn't wake. Sighing, she sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his arm.

  "Your Majesty? Dominik? Come on, man, it's well past dawn."

  "Sal?" Dom slowly crawled his way out of the deep sleep he was in.

  "Good morning, sire. I'm sorry to wake you, but the grauori already talked to me."

  "Terric?" he asked groggily.


  Dom sat up, finally realizing that Sal was alone in his sleeping chamber – and that he was nude under the blankets. He glanced down, tugged the covers more securely around him, and blushed brilliantly. "Now I know why we always had men in charge of the army," he grumbled. "We have to stop doing this Sal."

  "Yeah, but at least this time you don't think I want to do anything besides get your ass in motion. Sire, I have Rragri, Ilija, Blaec and Jase all coming this way. Is there anything you need me to do to help you get ready?"

  "No," he said, rubbing at his face. Sal cocked her head to the side, recognizing it as the same habit Jase had. "Send my guards for breakfast?"

  "The Blades have eaten, and I'm sure Rragri has, too. It's just you and Ilija, and I'll see if Roo has enough to spare. I sent your guards away, sire, so I'm your only bodyguard until the military council arrives. I'll be in the main room."

  Dom chuckled, and thanked her, waiting until she'd pulled the flap closed before he made any effort to get out of bed. In the main room, she found a chair and sat, listening to the sounds of the King dressing while she mentally organized the rest of their group and begged Roo to send food for the humans. It didn't take long before Dom pushed the flap aside and staggered out wearing nothing but his pants, trying to shove his arm into the wrong sleeve of his shirt.

  "Full armor. I'm going to need my page," he mumbled.

  "You have a few hours yet," Sal assured him just as Ilija slipped inside.

  "Oh good, he's up," the big man greeted her. "Morning, sire."

  "Roast pork is coming from the Blades' camp. Ilija, get a page to bring in some coffee or something. It looks like a few of you need it. Blaec's almost here. Jase and Rragri are a bit behind him," Sal explained.

  Ilija poked his head out of the tent and yelled at the first soldier he saw. Sal heard the man agree and run off to the mess tent, then Ilija greeted someone else. When he pulled his head back inside, a dark shape followed.

  "How many of us did you wake thi
s morning, Sal?" Blaec asked in greeting.

  "Rragri was up." That was the best way to evade the question.

  Blaec just chuckled. "Good, then I don't feel so bad."

  "Don't, love," she assured him. "The grauori woke me."

  Blaec walked to her and kissed her, then found a chair. Dominik watched, giving up on his feeble attempts to right his shirt. "Ok, I have to ask," he said, looking at Sal. "Does that get awkward at all?"

  "What?" she asked, confused.

  "Him, Jase, you know, and all living so close together?"

  Blaec snagged the end of the King's shirt, pulling the sleeve where it was supposed to be. "Humans. No. I am Dernor; Jase is Ahnor. There's nothing awkward about it. Jase always gets priority over me in personal matters. Militarily, I make the decisions. It's more awkward with Sal being in charge of the Anglian army, in all honesty."

  "Really?" Ilija asked.

  "Yeah, I can't exactly order her around now. I mean, I could try, but her responsibility to her men, who are not my men... It gets confusing." Blaec just shrugged.

  "But," Dom started, then shook his head, clamping his lips together.

  "No, ask," Blaec told him. "It'll eat at you unless you ask, and if you know, you're more comfortable with us."

  The King nodded as if talking himself into it. "So, the chain of command is more confusing than knowing when you can – or should – kiss her, or whatever?"

  Sal spoke up. "You have it backwards, Dom," she told him as Jase and Rragri slipped into the tent. "I kiss the man I want, when I want. If they don't like it, too bad."

  Rragri whuffed, letting her tongue loll out of her mouth. "Oomans na gre corvae?"

  Sal shrugged at the Orassae. "It's not that they don't know about love, it's that with humans, males are dominant. The men choose the mates, and they tend to have only one. It's confusing to them that I have Ahnor and Dernor."

  Rragri's head cocked to the side, "Rralli?"

  "Yep, really. Humans do things differently."

  The white beast sat down and smiled. Then it should be very interesting to fight with them. Let the Kaisor know we're ready.

  Chapter 38


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