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Scorpius Rising

Page 12

by Rebecca Zanetti

So far, based on the newest data from Zach’s reign of terror, most people lost the fight. The CDC had released information to the drug companies, and they were rushing to find a cure. Or vaccine. Or hopefully both. But with the foremost experts in the country still unsuccessful, their chances looked bleak.

  Deke reached the office. Empty. He turned toward Siles. “Have you seen Nora?”

  “Nope.” Siles’s phone rang, and he glanced at the face. “It’s the vice president. No, I mean the newly appointed president. I bet your girl is either meeting with agents or is in the break room. Call me if you can’t find her.” He turned for the nearest exit.

  Deke nodded, glancing down the bustling hallway. A month ago, he’d enjoyed the peacefulness of his job and slow days. Now he could barely find a spot to think. Where the hell had Nora gone? The back of his neck tickled, and he shoved down impatience. She was fine. Zach Barter couldn’t have gotten into the building, considering his face was plastered everywhere, and Nora wouldn’t have gone outside without protection, even if she was pissed about the missing vials.

  Where the hell was she?

  He scouted the building, going office to office, asking everybody if they’d seen her. All he got were shrugs and head shakes.

  He sucked in a deep breath, everything inside him calming. Okay. She wouldn’t have gone anywhere. So he needed to relax and just find her. Yet he couldn’t help but hurry as he headed for the control room.

  The men let him in and didn’t question him as he ran through recordings of the last two hours. Damn it. He watched the meeting between Nora and Bobbi, and his gut clenched when Bobbi fired. Nora hit the ground, and then the aide had carried Nora outside with surprising ease. The camera outside captured them getting into a white SUV with a man driving. Probably Zach.

  Bile rose from Deke’s gut. If Zach had Nora, and if he’d bitten her, Deke was too late.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nora’s head rolled on her shoulders, and she caught herself in a snort. Her eyes opened.

  Candlelight. Tons and tons of candles surrounded her.

  She blinked and shook her head, trying to focus. Pain lanced along her wrists, and she glanced down. Rough rope bound her wrists to an old-fashioned wooden chair. A gasp escaped her at seeing the pale-pink, see-through teddy barely covering her. “What the hell?” she asked. The room was sparse with only a twin bed in the corner and her chair.

  The door opened.

  Her heart slammed into her gut. “Zach.”

  He smiled, the expression full of charm. “Nora. I’ve missed you.” An odd glint filled his movie-star blue eyes, and somehow, his voice had deepened. “Did you miss me?”

  Hell no. Her mouth tasted like sand. “Where am I?”

  “Bobbi’s aunt’s house. She’s quite the helpful girl,” Zach said.

  Bile tickled the base of Nora’s throat. “Where’s the aunt?”

  “On a cruise.”

  “Why am I tied up?” She tried to keep her voice level.

  He shrugged and shut the door behind him. “You’ve been playing hard to get, so I figured I’d just go ahead and catch you.” His chuckle filled the room with a slightly manic sound. “Some women like these kind of games.”

  The blood rushed through her head. “Did you infect me?”

  His eyebrows rose. “Not yet. I figured we’d do that the old-fashioned way.” His perfectly coiffed blond head jerked to the bed.

  “Why do you want to kill me?” she whispered.

  He frowned. “You won’t die. Sure, it’s a rough few days, but you’ll live through the fever. Then we’ll be together forever.”

  She jerked against the restraints. “Most people catching the infection are dying, Zach. If you care about me at all, you won’t want to kill me.”

  He licked his lips, his gaze dropping to her breasts. “You’ll live.”

  A shudder wound through her. “Where’s Bobbi?”

  Zach shrugged. “She served her purpose.”

  Oh no. He hadn’t killed the young scientist, had he? “You’ve gone mad.”

  He smiled again. “They do say that most genius is akin to madness, right? Trust me. You want this feeling.” His tennis shoes made little sound as he crossed the room to kneel in front of her, his hands clasping her thighs. Calluses marred his palms and scratched her skin as he caressed up her legs.

  Nausea kicked into her gut. She tried to push back, to kick him, but his hold was absolute.

  He frowned. “Stop fighting me, or I’ll bite you right now.”

  Her legs trembled. Fear bit like fire through her. What should she do? If she fought him, he would infect her. His fingers reached the edge of the pink panties. “Please, stop,” she whispered.

  He groaned and reached up to tug down the bodice. Cool air brushed across her nipples. Terror ricocheted through her arms, and she pulled harder against the ropes, shredding her skin.

  “I’ve waited so long to taste you,” he murmured.

  She shook her head, trying to get away. “If that’s so, why did you leave?” If she could get him to talk, maybe she could buy herself some time. Deke had to be looking for her by now.

  Zach blew warm breath over her skin. “I had a job to do. Infecting all of those people took time, and it also kept the authorities busy.”

  “Zach, look at me.” She had to get his focus off biting her, damn it. Her voice trembled as she asked, “Why did you infect all those people? I mean, why would you do that?”

  He blinked, clearly perplexed. “To thin the herd. You really don’t get it, do you?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  He sat back. “This is new. I’m something new—in the chain of evolution.” He glanced down at his arm. “Since I survived the infection, I’m stronger. Smarter even. It’s time for the next species on earth—it’s time for me. People who survive the illness are different. Surely you know that.”

  The tests were still coming in, but was it possible? Could it be that the infection actually allowed its host to use more of the brain than humans normally were able to access? “Then we should get you into a facility for testing, don’t you think?” she asked, hoping to reach the scientist he used to be.

  His gaze sharpened. “No. Why would I let lemmings study me? If the scientists survive, once we’ve gotten rid of lower beings, then I can be studied. No problem.”

  A tear rolled down her cheek while her brain fought to get through to him. “I’d like to study you. Please let me.”

  His lips spread in a pleased grin. “As soon as you prove you’re worthy, we’ll find a place to study each other. Now I’ve waited long enough to taste you. Stop trying to distract me.” His gaze intent, he leaned toward her breasts.

  “No!” She shoved back against the chair. His saliva was infected, but so long as she didn’t have any cuts, she’d probably be all right. She kicked out again and nailed him in the ankle.

  He growled and slapped her across the face. Hard. Agony bloomed along her cheekbone.

  Her vision blurred, and her ears rang.

  “Bitch. Now I bite.” He bared his teeth and grabbed her neck, moving toward her breast.

  She screamed.

  The door burst open, and Deke barreled inside. He took one second to assess the situation and ran full bore for Zach, manacling him around the waist and lifting. Zach flew through the air to strike the wall and fall down. Hard.

  Deke turned toward Nora just as Zach stood up and rushed him.

  “Deacan!” she yelled.

  Deke pivoted and kicked Zach in the chest, sending him sprawling again. Circling around, Deke kept his body between Nora and the threat. The image of her, pale and terrorized, half-naked in the chair, would haunt him forever.

  Zach shoved to his feet and smiled, blood covering his teeth.

  “Don’t let him bite you,” Nora said, her bare feet slapping uselessly against the floor.

  Sirens trilled outside, while blue and red lights swirled through the partially closed blinds. “My b
ackup is here,” Deke said calmly. “Get onto your knees, and I won’t have to shoot you.” He drew his gun and pointed.

  Zach smiled. “You won’t shoot me. They need me alive.”

  “No. They want you alive. I’m okay with you dead.” Deke kept his gun pointed levelly. If he shot, blood would spray. While he could probably block Nora’s body with his own, he couldn’t be absolutely sure no blood would get on her.

  Zach spat blood toward him.

  Nora cried out.

  He turned his head to avoid the liquid touching his face.

  The door opened, and the blonde ran inside, knife in her hand, heading for Nora.

  Time slowed. Deke’s focus narrowed. Drawing on training, drawing on history, he launched himself into action. Spinning, he kicked Bobbi full in the jaw, throwing her back into the door. Her head hit with a sickening thud, and she dropped hard, eyes closed. Without missing a beat, he turned just as Zach leaped for him.

  Deke clasped the man in a bear hug, pivoted, and slammed him face-first onto the floor. Blood arced over Deke’s hands and flew in every direction, along the floor, spattering Nora’s feet. Zach slumped into limp unconsciousness.

  His hands slipped, but Deke clicked handcuffs into place. He jumped to his feet. “Any cuts on your feet?”

  She shook her head, tears washing down her face. “Have to get clean. Have to get you clean. Cuts on your hands?”

  He glanced down at his shaking hands, covered with blood. “I don’t think so.”

  FBI agents burst inside, guns out.

  “Cut her free,” Deke said, yanking off his shirt and kicking out of his clothes. He waited until the nearest agent had cut Nora free. “Get into the shower. Now.”

  She nodded, gulping air. With barely a glance at the agents, she shimmied out of the teddy and ran, buck-assed naked, for the hallway. Deke followed her, waiting until she’d stepped inside the shower. “Use soap. Wash it all off.”

  He kept his hands away from his body and dropped to one knee, peering at her feet. She scrubbed them with soap until they were pink. He breathed out. No cuts, not even a scrape. Good.

  She stepped out. “Your turn.”

  He nodded and shoved by her, careful not to touch. Minutes later, he’d washed off the blood and reassured himself he didn’t have any cuts or wounds.

  The first agent poked his head into the bathroom. “You’re both to stay here until the CDC guys come for you. They’re bringing decontamination chemicals.”

  Deke nodded and flipped off the water, not wanting to touch anything else in the room.

  Nora shivered next to the shower but didn’t reach for a towel. “Anything in here could be contaminated.”

  “I know.” He wanted nothing more than to reach for her, but just in case he was contaminated, he kept his distance. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes. He didn’t bite me.” Her lips began to turn blue. “How did you find me?”

  His chest hitched. “Saw Bobbi take you on video, tracked her through town, did a search for anybody she might know. The aunt and her address popped up. The SUV is in the driveway.” He shook his head. “I thought I’d be too late.”

  Her hand trembled as if she wanted to reach out and touch him. Reassure him. But they had to follow protocols. Instead, she gave him a smile. “We’ll be okay, Deke. I promise.”

  “I can’t live without you.” Standing, dripping cool water, having just faced death, he gave her the truth. “I’ve loved you since I was sixteen years old, and I don’t want this life, any life, without you.”

  Color bloomed in her face. “You pick the darnedest times.”

  He chuckled. “I know.”

  She smoothed water from her hands. “You live by different rules, but you’re true to them, and you’ll be true to me.” Her smile brightened the entire room. “You’d go through hell for me. How could I not want you?” She faced him fully, shivering but with determination in her eyes. “I love you, too.” As she gave him the words, as she gave him herself, she met his gaze. “It’s always been you, Deacan.”

  Yeah. He smiled. “I’ll make you happy, baby. I promise.” More importantly, he’d keep her safe, because the woman had pegged him right. Hell was definitely coming, and he fully intended to storm the flames for her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Week 4

  29,071 people dead

  Likelihood of Scorpius Containment: Impossible

  The Romans fell, their last moment a quiet movement of time. The Athenians fell, their blood soaking the earth. The grand Highlanders fell, their mighty swords still clanging in history. Now it’s our time to fall. The difference is, in this time and with you . . . we will rise again.


  Nora stretched her neck as she shoved open the door to Deke’s apartment. The statistics of the infected, crazy, and dead were going to give her nightmares. The public finally knew the truth, and society was holding its breath.

  The aromatic scent of spaghetti rumbled through her to warm her belly. How could she be hungry? But she was. Yep. That was Deke. It was toast, steak, or spaghetti if he was cooking.

  She closed the door, kicked off her boots, and wandered to the kitchen, where he stirred the pot.

  He turned, his gaze serious.

  Her system instantly went into overdrive. “What?”

  He handed her a glass of wine, took another, and grasped her hand to lead her to the living room. His hold was firm and warm. “The noodles need another three minutes, and you and I need to talk.”

  She slipped onto the sofa and took a sip of the Cabernet. Warm and robust, it exploded on her tongue. Protecting herself, she tucked her feet under her. “All right.”

  He set down his glass. “Our tests came back, the third round, and neither of us was infected by Zach.”

  “I know.” The CDC had called her, too. “I actually spoke with Lynne earlier.”

  Deke’s eyebrows rose. “How is she?”

  “Not great, but hanging on.” If anybody could survive the beginning of the pandemic, it’d be Lynne. “Said she’s basically a pincushion in the name of research right now.”

  Deke nodded. “That makes sense, although I feel for her.” “Me too,” Nora said, plucking at a loose thread on his shirt. “Also said that sleeping with the second in line to the presidency hasn’t given her any more power, darn it. They won’t let her leave.”

  Deke rubbed his eyes. “They’re an odd couple, don’t you think?”

  Nora squinted and took a moment to digest the news. “No. They’re both strong, stubborn, and smart. Probably a good match, really.” She sighed. “Any news on Zach or Bobbi?”

  “No. They’re still in custody and being studied.” Lines cut into the sides of Deke’s generous mouth. “I’m still wondering if I should’ve put a bullet in each of their heads instead of letting them live.”

  “You did the right thing.” She cleared her throat and steeled her shoulders. “I’m no closer to getting inside Scorpius, though.” She focused on him, needing to look at something good. To feel something strong. “So you wanted to talk. Talk.”

  He rubbed the scruffy shadow covering his jawline. “The infection is spreading, and we’re going to need national containment measures.” Green and dark, his eyes sizzled with an impenetrable light.

  She blinked. “You’ve been asked to be part of the, well, whatever it is.”

  He nodded. “Yes. I’m sure they’ll come up with a grand acronym, but basically, it’s a first line of defense against the threat, and right now we’re calling it the Brigade.”

  Front line of danger, that was. Her hands shook. “You took the job?”

  “Not yet.” His head lifted, his look all male. “I figured I should talk to you first.”

  “What if I say no?” she asked quietly.

  He didn’t answer.

  She lifted an eyebrow.

  He cupped her jaw. “We’re in a war, Nora. A new one. Most people who catch the infection die
. A few live, and a few are different. Dangerous.”

  She swallowed. The truth of his statement carved fear through her, but they’d faced terror before and won. “You’re going to hunt them down.”

  “Yes.” He kept hold of her jaw, trapping her gaze. “I tried to be somebody else. To get you back, to make you love me again, I tried. God knows I did.”


  “No.” He brushed a finger cross her lips. “I’m a fighter, and I’ll always be a fighter if there’s something needing to be fought. This disease? It needs to be fought. The people trying to spread it need to be stopped. I canna sit on the sidelines and watch.”

  She’d known. From the first day they’d met, she’d known he was different. Special. Dangerous. A deadly predator now created havoc amongst them, and there wasn’t anybody she’d trust to stop it more than Deacan McDougall. They were going to argue about government and freedom, and she’d stick to her guns. But she would be there for him as he did his job. If he needed her support to do it, then she’d square her shoulders and help him.

  If nothing else, she’d learned that life was short, and no way did she want to live it without him. “I love you as is. Always have and always will,” she said softly. She couldn’t ask him to be less than he was. Less than the man she loved.

  His head lifted, and his eyes glittered. “I love you, too.” “I know.” She reached up and took his hand. “It’s you and me, Deacan. Together. No matter what happens next.”

  He took her mouth, kissing her deep. When he leaned back, the look in his eyes, true and absolute, was for her. Just her. “Aye,” he said.

  Read on for an excerpt from the newest Scorpius Syndrome novel by Rebecca Zanetti, coming in February 2017.

  Before surviving the Scorpius bacterium, Tace Justice was a good ole Texas cowboy who served his country and loved his mama. After Scorpius, the world became dark, dangerous, and deadly—and so did he. The Vanguard medic is stronger, faster, and smarter than before, but he’s lost the line between right and wrong. His passion is absolute, and when he focuses it on one woman, there’s no turning back for either of them . . .


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