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Page 13

by Mary Ting

  I stared and stared, afraid if I blinked he would disappear. It seemed perhaps he felt the same from the intense way he looked at me.

  My pulse quickened, and I forgot the dance and why I was here. I had felt this before—so raw and powerful—it knocked the breath out of me. The ache began in my chest, growing, stretching, tearing through every layer until it robbed me of sight.

  Rhett’s final cry after he jumped into the trash chute without me echoed in my ear, and I felt the depth of his pain, for it was mine too. Rhett was here. My Rhett was here.

  My face flushed. I shuddered a breath and almost sobbed with relief. He was fine. Alive and well. I wanted to hold him tight and never let go, but the other part of me wanted to slap him for making me worry.

  Oh, Rhett, I’m so sorry. I understand why you were mad at me. I understand everything.

  Then another memory flashed of his signature sexy smirk. Quick as lightning, but it was enough. It was the first time I had laid eyes on him in ISAN. He had captured me with just one look. And I’d wondered if it was possible to love someone you’d just met.

  Oh, Rhett. I remember you.

  I remember when we first met, I wanted to say, but I couldn’t get the words to form. The room spun. No, not the room. When I came out of my daze, we were twirling together to the symphony.

  “You look absolutely breathtaking.”

  Rhett’s voice flipped my world sideways.

  “You don’t look bad yourself. Why are you here?” I whispered in his ear when the dance required us to be closer.

  “Huh. Not bad? How about ‘you look handsome and I can’t keep my eyes off you.’ Why do you think, Ava? To get you out. Come with me.”

  “I can’t. I’m not ready.” What the hell was I saying? He shouldn’t be here. I had to tell him to get out while he had the chance. “They think you’re dead. Use that to your advantage. It isn’t the time to reveal yourself.”

  “Yes, they think I am. That’s why I can be here. I wouldn’t miss this chance to see you all dressed up. Besides, you know I didn’t come alone.”

  The lump in my throat melted, but I pushed back the tears of relief.

  “Then Ozzie and Reyna are fine, too?”

  “Yes.” He gestured to a couple several spaces down.

  Ozzie wore an almost identical mask to Rhett’s, looking debonair, and Reyna’s gorgeous silver gown had a similar theme. Weapons were probably hidden in their masks. As if they had sensed I was looking at them, both gave me a knowing smile and a nod.

  “We make our escape when the song ends.” Rhett’s hand slid lower and tightened around my hip, over my tattoo.

  Not a snowflake. Dandelion. I almost told him but decided to save it for another time.

  “I can’t.” The hurt and disappointment in Rhett’s eyes matched my own. “Who died? I thought you were ...” I swayed from side to side.

  “I know.” His somber features drilled a hole in my gut. “That’s exactly how I felt when I thought you were ...”

  The music drowned out his voice, but I knew what he meant to say.

  “I’m not going with you today. I need more time. I think I know where my sister is, but I don’t know where my dad is.”

  “You have a sister?” Rhett smiled, his cheeks pushing his mask upward. “Is she beautiful like you?”

  I poked his arm. “It isn’t time to joke. You’re crazy for being here.”

  Rhett pulled me to his chest. “I shouldn’t have let you go in the first place. I promise I’ll help you find your family. You’re playing a dangerous game. Mr. Novak’s gotta know you fought alongside me when we shot the guards at the Abandoned City. I can’t handle knowing your life is on the line and there’s nothing I can do to help you. Please, Ava, come with me.”

  The music ended. Couples separated, moving to the outskirts of the dance floor in search of a final partner. From afar, I spotted Russ glancing my way. Then Mitch and my team headed upstairs.

  “I need to complete my mission. My team is counting on me. The other reason I went back was so I could take my friend Brooke with me—remember? I’m not leaving her behind.”

  “Fine. You can bring as many friends as you want, but you’re coming with me tonight. I’m not leaving without you.”

  “No, I’m not,” I stated with finality, then parted from Rhett.

  The empty and cold air stole his warmth. The painful thought of leaving him again made my gut clench. Arms wrapped around my waist and leaned me off balance, and then I swooped backward in an arc. The waterfall decorated with a festoon of flowers came into view and then the ceiling until Rhett’s face was before mine.

  “Yes. You. Are.” He crushed his lips over mine, and every fiber of me sizzled in the most euphoric way.

  We shouldn’t be doing this, and yet I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. It felt good to hold him.

  Yes, I am. I’m going with Rhett.

  My body buzzed with compliance, but my mind slapped me out of my daze when Rhett brought me upright. Only those nearby seemed to know what had happened, approving with smiles and clapping. Others in the room had already begun to dance.

  I straightened my mask, shuffled my dress, and froze. Drew pointed at me from the second floor. I turned to Rhett, but he had disappeared into the crowd. Gone with the wind. I snorted and raced upstairs. I had seconds to make up. Time was crucial.


  “It’s so cold. Why here?” Ozzie’s breath puffed out like dragon’s fire.

  “Because Mr. San is an idiot. No, we’re the idiots for following Rhett here.” Reyna scowled, shivering.

  “I told you not to come.” I waited for the perfect opportunity to file in line as we hid behind the pine trees closest to the massive structure.

  Reyna glared, her teeth chattering. “You wouldn’t make it out alive without us, so you leave us no choice. If Ava doesn’t come with us, this mission will be for nothing.”

  I ignored Reyna and answered Zen through the button on my tux coat. “We’re almost in.”

  Zen had found a private spot to land, away from other gliders, but we’d had to get to the house on foot. The hostile wind burned through my bones, and I was sure my body had turned to ice. I had been in the snow before, but adding the frigid night air, I didn’t blame my friends for complaining.

  “Be careful.” Zen’s voice faded in and out. “The glider is invisible, but we’re in their zone and they’ll most likely detect us soon if they haven’t already. If Ava won’t come, you get out. I don’t want you in the crossfire. That’s an order.”

  “Yes, sir.” I sounded genuine, but Zen knew me too well.

  “I mean it, Rhett. Don’t make me send Frank to drag you out. And don’t put the rest of us in danger.”

  When Zen and I had discussed the gala, his goal had been to find information regarding Dr. Hunt’s whereabouts. I had a different agenda. Zen had been against getting Ava out. He’d thought she needed more time, but I had convinced him it had to be done now. Her life was on the line.

  The charity ball was a perfect opportunity.

  The plan was simple. Go in with the fake invitation Zen had duplicated from an inside source, convince Ava to come with me, and get the hell out. The countless people in masks would help with the escape.

  “I’m going in.” I tapped my transmitter.


  I jerked my head to my team to get in line and trailed behind a couple. Warm air from the floating lamps engulfed me and I sighed in relief. I flexed my numb fingers and dusted snow off my pants. Adjusting my tux and mask, I swaggered down the red carpet and past the grueling security check.

  Music filled me with a sense of bliss, and I soaked in the festive atmosphere. Entranced by the luxurious old-world decorations and the people in costumes, I paced slowly to the open foyer.

  I could truly enjoy myself there. The atmosphere, the crowd, the food, made me forget my worries. I understood why people would go to such an event. To escape fro
m life, even if it was for an evening.

  “Wow. This is my kind of party.” Reyna bopped her shoulders to the music, already in a festive mood.

  “Where’s the food?” Ozzie peered over me.

  “Listen, we need to split up, or it’ll take forever to find Ava. Ozzie, go to the dining hall where the food will be served. Reyna, stay here. I’ll go to the second floor. We need to find her before Mr. San makes his appearance.”

  With nods from my team, I meandered upstairs, taking my time as I searched the sea of people. This was going to take forever.

  Where are you, Ava?

  I gave polite nods to women in passing. They smiled and giggled. I had a better view on the second floor, but no sign of Ava so far.

  After the music ended, a round of applause echoed, and then the music started up again. I shifted to the other side and spotted a blonde with a gold ball gown, then a girl dressed in black, another in rose-pink, and then scarlet.

  Though it was difficult to make out her face under the mask, I knew the person in the scarlet traditional Chinese ball gown. I knew that figure. My pulse thumped out of control. My mind might not know for sure, but my heart did. Ava looked utterly stunning.

  Her strapless dress had layers of cascading ruffles, each puffed out more than the last. Her mask was just as elegant with a single black feather peeking from one side. Her slim neck was adorned with a fake diamond necklace, no doubt a weapon, matched by her diamond stud earrings.

  Accompanying Ava’s team was Mitch and another guy, whose eyes lingered on Ava. I frowned. Not just at that guy, but at other men turning their heads after her. Ava had no clue even as she craned her neck every which way, absorbing her environment.

  Then I saw more ISAN assassins, recognizable by their controlled gait. How many did they need to accomplish this mission? No doubt ISAN guards were at standby and inside their sub-glider, too.

  Ava seemed a bit lost, wandering by herself. No, not lost. Most likely she had been instructed to compare her more accurate mental blueprint to what they had been given by their source. When Ava went to the dining area, I descended to the first floor.

  After the speeches, I spotted her in the dance line and estimated how many partners she would have. Wanting to be her last, and therefore get the longest dance, I squeezed in opposite a lady dressed in blue.

  I tried not to give myself away, but Ava kept staring down the line at me. She knew or suspected.

  When I stepped in front of her at last, I wasn’t prepared for my heart to explode out of my chest. My tongue twisted into knots as her beauty enraptured me. I bowed, and she curtsied. I raised my hand to connect our palms, but just the simple touch melted me into a puddle.

  Get a hold of yourself, Rhett.

  After the dance, I gathered Ozzie and Reyna and sneaked behind Ava on the second floor. I went down the hall, following Ava’s turns. Then she went into a room next to Mr. San’s.

  Before I had debarked from the glider, Zen had shown me a map of the structure, the escape route, and Mr. San’s room, where I had suspected ISAN would terminate him.

  “What do we do?” Ozzie adjusted his mask and stroked his feather.

  “We should go to the room next to Ava’s.” I removed the tiny, handheld Taser Zen had built into my mask. Not only was it undetectable through the scanner, the feathers had covered it.

  “How? We don’t have the key.” Ozzie unclicked the Taser from his mask as well.

  I didn’t have time to answer before Reyna extracted a circular metal gadget from her bodice and placed it on top of the scanner.

  “Like this, Ozzie.” Reyna smirked and patted his shoulder. “Just be glad Zen is inventive.”

  I pulled out the small, handheld dagger from the inside of my dress shoe and followed Reyna in.

  “Why are we in here?” I paced across the length of the costly wool rug. “Shouldn’t we be out there?”

  My mind on Ava, I had forgotten the plan. Did we have a plan?

  “You mean in the hall?” Reyna picked up a classy-looking bottle filled with alcohol. “Can I take a sip?”

  Not an ounce of worry. So calm, like Ava. Maybe women had something in their DNA we didn’t.

  “No. No drinking.” I narrowed my eyes at her.

  She shrugged, picked up another bottle, and sniffed.

  “Rhett’s right. Why are we in here?” Ozzie examined the bookcase, tapping on the fixtures.

  I almost tripped on my own feet when I marched toward him. “Don’t touch those, Oz. Now it has your fingerprints all over it.”

  Ozzie spat out a chuckle.

  I frowned.

  “I sprayed on ‘no fingerprint’ before I left. Didn’t you?” Ozzie spun a wheel of a model car.

  I hiked my eyes to the ceiling, annoyed I had forgotten. Before we left, Zen reminded us to spray a chemical solution that temporarily covered our fingerprints. Thank God, because Ozzie and Reyna couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.

  “I don’t know, but this is ...” Reyna attempted to hug the clear bottles filled with alcohol. “Jackpot.” She opened one, poured a small portion into a glass tumbler and downed it. Then she keeled over and coughed. “That burned down my throat. How can people drink that stuff?”

  I almost cackled, but there was no time or room for humor. “I told you not to touch it.”

  “Well ...” She fanned her face. “I wanted to try it, and now my curiosity has been served. I’ll never touch it again. Hard liquor is not my thing.”

  “What’s taking so long? Why aren’t they out yet?”

  Ozzie took the words right out of my mouth. Then the floor vibrated.

  “Did you feel that?” Panic choked my words.

  Reyna placed her ear by the door, her Taser by her side. “Ava’s team isn’t out yet. Maybe something went wrong.”

  I ran out and punched Mr. San’s door, but the thick wall prevented anyone on the other side from hearing me. The blow barely made a sound. What trap had Ava fallen into?

  “What now?” Ozzie brushed his hand over the steel door, as if he could somehow find a way in.

  Reyna pulled back. “Something is happening in there. I can’t tell what it is, but it’s not good.”

  “Zen.” I spoke to my communicator.

  “Rhett?” Zen’s worried voice projected.

  Ozzie and Reyna stopped to listen.

  “I need another way into Mr. San’s room.”

  “I was able to pull up the blueprint. You won’t be able to get in without being let in. Not even a bomb can blow up that room. This mansion has been built above the debris of a metro line long forgotten. There is a secret path to those tunnels from outside. It’s your only chance. Come back out and I’ll lead you to it. Hurry. You’re running out of time.”

  No secret there. I’m always out of time.


  Having Rhett here was a huge distraction. Hopefully, he’d taken my suggestion and left. Nope, he hadn’t.

  I released an agitated breath. Three hologram bodies tailed me, but they kept their distance. I placed my hand on the scanner and the door clicked open. The people in masks threw me off when I first entered. I’d thought I was in the wrong room, but the color and design told me who they were.

  “It’s about time, slowpoke.” Brooke tipped her head, a questionable look on her face.

  I would explain later.

  Justine placed her Taser on the tea table and then helped Tamara strip off her dress to reveal one of Kendrick’s skintight suits. While Payton examined the buttons on his tux, Drew and his team huddled to the side, discussing.

  Mitch closed the secret compartment on the sofa where an inside source had stashed our weapons and gave me a once-over. Russ on the other hand, his tight lips softened when he met my eyes.

  Brooke rushed to me and tugged at my zipper. “Let me help you.” Her feather brushed my face, tickling me when she leaned closer. “The guy you danced with last was Rhett, wasn’t he? He’s here, right? That means Ozzie
’s here, too.”

  My heart skipped a beat. Had anyone else figured it out? A part of me wanted to deny it, but this was Brooke. I had to tell her, especially when I planned to take her with me when the time was right.

  I nodded, letting the dress pool around my feet. After shoving the pile of fabric aside, I gathered with the rest of the team by the entrance, where Mitch injected each of us.

  “Saved the best for last.” Mitch waved the syringe in my face and then injected me.

  A cool sensation spread down my arm from the injection site. “I hope you gave me the right Helix.”

  “I hope so, too.” He raised his eyebrows. Then he shifted his attention to the teams. “Once we’re inside, Ava will map out the room. She will inform us where the traps and exits are. Don’t forget, you’ll have one hour before your cyanide releases. The team downstairs will do their best to keep the guards from coming upstairs. Let’s finish our mission quickly and get out.”

  “They’re coming.” Russ had his ear pressed to the wall. He had forgotten I could hear the pounding footsteps before he could.

  I tuned out the shuffling and whispers and listened. Mr. San and his team entered his room. Our only option for entry was the front door.

  “They’re in. Let’s go.” Blood rushed to my ears. No matter how many missions, my nerves always got the best of me. Helix helped tame the fear, but knowing Rhett and his friends would be in the crossfire didn’t ease the adrenaline.

  Russ confirmed with a nod, and I walked out after him.

  Mitch unclipped one of his tux buttons and placed it on top of the scanner. When the door whooshed open, I released a breath and readied my Taser. My team’s steps quieted behind me as we scattered about the massive room.

  Not a peep from Mr. San and his guards.

  “Ava, where are they? Find them quickly.” Mitch directed the others into position, pointing.

  “Something’s wrong.” Tamara frantically moved her Taser over the wall from paintings to the flat TV screen, and then to the bookcase that held figurines of miniature soldiers and cannons.


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