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Page 21

by Mary Ting

  “We’re spending the night here?” I swallowed a nervous lump.

  Rhett straightened the blanket and lay on top. “We can leave if you want. I have to let you go again tomorrow, so I thought I’d take you on a date.”

  I slid beside him. “I’m sorry. I wish there was another way.”

  “You have no idea how much I want to talk you out of it.” Rhett gently laid me down. “Look up.”

  The multiple holes in the ceiling revealed the night sky, a perfect view of the moon and stars.

  “It’s beautiful.” I released a deep breath as if I could let go of all my worries.

  Rhett placed his arms behind his neck. “In the olden days, people used the stars as maps to travel, and they were just fine. People rely so much on technology these days. They can’t live without it.”

  I snickered. “You don’t need stars or technology when you’ve got me.”

  Rhett chuckled and scooted closer until we were merely inches apart. “I have a map, too.”

  “Really?” I perked my lips, holding in a laugh. “And where’s your map? Or should I be asking what is your map?”

  Turning sideways, Rhett took my hand and placed it over his chest as he fixed his eyes to mine. “My heart is my map, and it leads me only to you.”

  Breathless. Speechless. His words filled me. A warm tingle traveled through my veins. His featherlight fingers journeyed up my arm to the curve of my neck, and then his thumb glided over my mouth.

  “I love your mouth.” He circled my lips again.

  “How much?” My pulse raced when his face moved closer. “Show me.”

  Rhett kissed me tenderly and rested his forehead on mine. “This much.”

  My thumping heart galloped faster. “That’s it? I don’t think you love it that much.”

  He waggled his eyebrows. “Maybe you’re right. I can do better.”

  Rhett proved it when he crushed our lips together as his hands explored my curves.

  I craved him. Yearned for him. I wanted more than we had shared so far. I let myself go and gave into Rhett. I wanted to be his. I wanted to give him all of me, for he had always been there for me. Had always been mine.

  Then Rhett pulled away and plunked on his back, breathing heavily. “I have to stop, or I won’t be able to control myself.” He planted his elbows on the mattress to push up.

  My news was going to kill the mood and definitely change our future. I would leave tomorrow anyhow. Perhaps it was for the best. He could have a clean break and move on with someone else. Someone who could give him the happiness he deserved.

  “I have to tell you something first. Girls in ISAN ...” I gnawed at the inside of my mouth. “We ... I can’t get pregnant. The serum they inject every day inhibits fertility hormones. I can’t ever give you children, Rhett. I can’t ever give you the family you deserve.”

  There. I had said it. I felt better than I had, but it hurt so much. Curling into myself, I shifted away.

  Tears dampened my eyes. I reprimanded myself for being weak. I didn’t want Rhett to feel sorry for me, or stay with me because—

  “I already know. You probably don’t remember, but we had this conversation before. Regardless, I don’t care.” He slipped his fingers through my hair and brought me back to him. “Ava, I love you, not because I wanted you to give me children. I love you for who you are.”

  “But you said you wanted lots of children with me.” I blinked in confusion, but thankful the outcome was different than I’d thought.

  “Yes, and I do, but I meant adoption. I’m sorry. I should’ve clarified.”

  “No, don’t be sorry.” I eased the tightness in my chest as I exhaled and lightened the mood. “Did you say you love me?”

  “Yes. You may not love me back, but I love you. I love you with every breath, with every fiber of my being. My favorite place in the world is next to you.”

  I swallowed. Even though my head said otherwise, my heart knew it. Tomorrow was uncertain. But he was certain, as was this moment.

  “I love you, Rhett,” I said with conviction.

  He blinked and stared and blinked again as if I had spoken in another language.

  “Say it again.” His lips curled. Wicked. Sexy.

  I climbed back on top of him, pinned his arms, and drilled my eyes into his. “I love you, Rhett.” Then I kissed him.

  “I’m going to show you how much I love you.”

  His words were a love song to my ears as he kissed me back. Fierce and hard, with so much passion, I thought, we’d burn down the crumbling home.

  He slowed and planted gentle kisses on my exposed skin as he began peeling off my clothes. He aligned his body with mine until our tattoos fit together like two lost puzzle pieces.

  “Do you remember this now?” His eyes gleamed gold in the firelight.

  “Yes. I do. We were in a fun zone. Our team won some time off. You and I wandered off alone. It was snowing. We had our first kiss. Then I said, let’s get a tattoo to remember this moment. And you said to add WIT for whatever it takes.”

  “Yes.” He nodded reverently. “Your mantra, babe.”

  “And you cried like a baby.”

  Rhett gave me a sideways glance, and then realized I was teasing when a strange, happy sound escaped my mouth. I could no longer keep a straight face.

  “Ava.” He wrapped his arms around me and pushed us down. We bounced on the bed, laughing until Rhett kissed me again, and that time we didn’t stop.

  I imagined Rhett coming home late from work. He was a pilot, and I had just tucked our kids, many adopted kids, into bed. He surprised me with roses and chocolate. Yes. This. I held onto imaginary life with Rhett and our children.

  In a world where only Rhett and I existed, the two of us rediscovered each other as if it were the first time, under the stars and moonlit sky.


  Every day Ava and I were separated, I had slowly lost a piece of myself. After last night, it wouldn’t be a piece—all of me would shatter when I had to let her go.

  Last night had been surreal, and I would never forget what we shared. Having Ava remember loving me meant everything.

  Kidnapping her and fighting to bring her back to the rebel base, to get her to remember us, had been worth the risk. Not only for my selfish need, but Ava was an asset to our team.

  If I had it my way, I would destroy all the serum plus any studies and data, so no one could ever recreate it.

  Ava and I used to talk about adopting children after we escaped from ISAN and settling down. I loved Ava whether she could bear children or not.

  Three days. Ava needed to survive three days. Three days with Mr. Novak, that crazy son of a bitch. And I had to hold my shit together and not fall apart. I wouldn’t be able to sleep or breathe freely until she was back safe in my arms.

  Ozzie and Reyna sat in the back of the truck, ready to head out. I waited between Ava and Cleo as Zen gave his speech.

  “Ava, you have three days. We’ll meet you at the rendezvous point. Rhett will give you the location.” Zen turned to me, his jaw set in stone. “Look after my daughter. Don’t let anything happen to her.”

  “Dad.” Cleo sighed, her face contorting with annoyance. “Rhett is not my keeper. I can take care of myself.”

  Zen kissed his daughter’s forehead. “I know you can, but I’ll feel better letting you go if I have others looking after you, too. Rhett will have to ditch the truck on the way back, and a glider will be waiting for you. We’ll retrieve it at another time. Now, go. It’s almost noon.”

  I gave a brisk nod to Zen and pulled up my gloves. “See you in a few hours.” I saluted.

  Zen patted Ava’s shoulder. “Be safe. Best of luck to you. After today, you’ll never be asked to go back to ISAN, so make it count.”

  With that speech, I drove us out of Hope City and into civilization where all seemed perfect and no one knew of our existence. Silence filled the space in the truck. I glanced at Ava beside me every now and th
en. She faced the window, her shoulders relaxed as if we were going for a fun ride. Not a sign of any nervousness from her.

  Ava hid her feelings well. I wished I knew her thoughts. I wanted to comfort her, reassure her everything was going to be fine, that we would see each other again. Shifting in my seat, I released a heavy sigh. I ran one hand through my hair and gripped the wheel tighter. Perhaps I needed comfort more than her.

  As if she could read my mind, she placed a hand on my leg. With that simple touch, she made my breathing and muscles ease. But the adrenaline pumping through my blood had my pulse thumping faster.

  Steady, Rhett. Can’t think straight if you’re a mess.

  I took a couple of deep breaths and became the leader I needed to be. “We’re going to have to go on foot after I ditch this truck. Reyna and Cleo, stay by the entrance. Ozzie, you come with me and Ava. We stick to the plan.”

  “About that ...” Reyna tapped my headrest to get my attention.

  “It’s a stupid plan, Rhett.” Cleo stuck out her tongue at me. “I only agreed because my father wouldn’t let me go if I hadn’t.” She twisted her braids into a coil, shoved them under her beanie, and adjusted her fake glasses.

  “Yeah. I agree with Cleo. It’s ridiculous. Why does Ozzie get to go and we don’t?”

  Not now, Reyna. Not you too. Don’t argue with me. I don’t have time for this.

  Reyna ruffled my hair and sat back. “Don’t you think it’s safer for all of us to be together? We rarely split up.”

  “I have to agree with the girls.” Ozzie shifted his cap on his red mop of a wig.

  I had asked him to keep a lookout for Council drones and anything suspicious.

  “You would agree with the girls, wouldn’t you?” I said, half joking.

  Ozzie jabbed my shoulder, then turned back to observing. “You don’t have to stick to Zen’s plan, that’s all I’m saying. Sometimes your ferret plan works out better.”

  “Compliments will get you nowhere.” I furrowed my brow.

  Their doubt heightened my own disagreement with Zen. He had planned around his daughter, to keep her from going up to the room. I had agreed to it. If I stuck to Zen’s scheme and something happened to Cleo, I would bear no guilt.

  It should be a simple in and out. But something in my gut tugged at me. I told myself it was taking Ava back to ISAN that had me paranoid. I had to think that. It was the only way I could let her go.

  “We’re safer in numbers. That’s what you always say.” Ava squinted and rubbed her temples.

  That’s what you always say?

  What memory had popped into her head? I had said that many times, especially during training. I squeezed her hand still on my lap.

  “Fine.” I let out an aggravated breath. “Just be careful. We should be fine.” The last sentence was more for me than them. “Keep your head down. There are cameras everywhere. And if you see any Council guards, don’t panic. If you don’t look like you’re hiding something, they won’t stop you.”

  After I parked the truck, we trekked a mile into the city.


  I loved and hated the city. The rush of people coming and going excited me. Booming voices from the commercials playing on building-sized signs drowned out the gliders flying above.

  Then Helix took over my overstimulated senses and hologram bodies appeared over real bodies everywhere I looked, practically covering my line of sight. More drones than we usually encountered flew over us. Too many. Too many, interfering with my physical vision. I didn’t know which way to turn, or what I was doing.

  Calm down, Ava. Turn it off.

  I inhaled deep breaths, soothing my nerves and the adrenaline pumping through me.

  Be part of the crowd. Nobody knows you.

  People smiled at me when I met their gaze. I tried to avoid them, but so many traveled along the busy walkway with families and friends. Keeping my head low, I scratched an itch under my short black wig.

  “We’re almost there.” Rhett grabbed my hand. “Keep your head down. I see Council guards up ahead.”

  I passed the holograms talking by the shops and looked over my shoulder to make sure Oz, Reyna, and Cleo didn’t get lost in the crowd.

  I’d never feared pain. I’d never feared death. After my mother passed away, I’d had no one to live for. Until now. I finally had something to lose. Someone to lose.

  Rhett tightened our intertwined fingers. “I don’t care what Zen said—that serum isn’t more important than you. Don’t risk your life, Ava. I need you to come back to me. Do you understand?”

  “I do.”

  The only reasons to go back were for Brooke and the serum, but now that we’d reached the last stretch before I parted from Rhett, I hesitated.

  Rhett squeezed my hand once, twice, and again, as if letting me know everything was going to be just fine.

  We crossed the street and stopped at a skyscraper. When he placed his chipped hand on the scanner, the door slid open.

  “Hurry.” Rhett raced across the polished floor and stopped at the elevator. “It’s almost noon. Mitch better be there.”

  The elevator dinged and opened. Rhett went in first and we followed. I readied my Taser. Reyna tapped her foot, Cleo stared at the ceiling, and Ozzie rested his hand on my shoulder.

  “Ava,” Ozzie whispered so only I could hear in the confined space. “Do whatever it takes to stay safe. I’m going to be mad as hell if something—”

  A memory unfolded at Ozzie’s words. I curled my fingers into a ball and extended it to him, keeping steady as I spoke.

  “This is going to sound strange, but I think we did this before and said, fist bump swear it. Whatever it takes.”

  Ozzie gawked at my fist bump and hesitantly placed his on top of mine. “Whatever it takes.”

  Reyna’s eyes turned glassy. “You remember?” She flicked a strand of blonde wig from her face and closed the distance.

  “Yes, I think.”

  She jerked her chin, rested her fist on top of Ozzie’s, and said with pride, “Whatever it takes.”

  Rhett pressed his lips and nodded, but his expression told me our actions touched him deeply, and he stared as if reliving some other moment. Then he locked eyes with me, and instead of placing his fist on top of Reyna’s, he placed it under mine.

  “Whatever it takes.”

  The four of us remained for a few seconds as we exchanged loving, caring glances.

  I broke the silence. “Cleo, get with the program.”

  She glanced at all of us and gently laid her fist on top of Reyna’s. “Whatever it takes.”

  It sounded more like a question.

  When the door dinged, I broke our chain.

  Rhett pressed the button to hold the door open. “I’ll go first. Wait about ten seconds and go to room 4012. Ring the doorbell three times. If Mitch is there, he’ll let you in.”

  Rhett walked out.

  I counted one and jerked back when Rhett reappeared.

  “What are you doing? You should—”

  “Ava,” he growled softly and gave me a kiss to remember. Then he swaggered away.

  “Where’s my kiss, Rhett?” Ozzie snickered.

  “You’re too ugly, Oz.” Rhett’s voice echoed down the hallway.

  A few seconds later, a door slammed and something thumped on the ground. My heart thundered. Our momentary peace had ended. As I turned on my mental map, I counted in my head. One, two, three ... five ... eight ... ten.

  I dashed out and noted Rhett had gone the opposite way.

  “Room 4002.” Ozzie pointed his Taser to the number. “4004, 4006, 4008, 4010.”

  “We’re here.” Cleo swallowed.

  I rang the bell three times like Rhett had instructed. The door creaked open and Mitch’s face appeared.

  “Where’s Rhett?” My Taser in front, I entered.

  I ambled carefully along the polished floor and into an open space with simple furniture. Kitchen to the right and a hallway to my
left, leading to the bedroom. The length of the back wall gave a stunning view of the city.

  My mental map showed me there was no other exit, only Mitch in the room, and a hologram body coming our way.

  Rhett stood by the threshold, leaning against the doorframe. “Hello, babe.”

  Babe. The word made my stomach somersault every time.

  “‘Well, hello, Mitch.’” Mitch rolled his eyes at me and shut the door. “‘It’s so nice to see you. How have you been? Thank you for sticking out your neck for me.’”

  Ozzie grunted. “You only stick out your neck for yourself. We’re not here to socialize. Hurry the hell up and tell us what we need to know so we can go.”

  “Why is she here?” Mitch gestured toward Cleo with a disgusted look. “And why is your amateur team here? It was supposed to be only you, Rhett.”

  “Plans have changed. You’re taking Ava back.” Cleo held up her chin and holstered her Taser.

  Cleo knows Mitch, too? Of course she does.

  “What? That wasn’t our plan.” Mitch’s nostrils flared. “Ava can’t go back. Mr. Novak will kill her.”

  “Not if I have a reasonable explanation.” I tossed my wig at him since I didn’t need it anymore. He let it fall to the ground. “I’m going to tell Mr. Novak I had a lead on the rebels, and I followed it, but I couldn’t report it back to the team because my comm broke in the fall at the hotel, and I had no way to communicate. I followed the rebel team to their hideout and then to this apartment. That is when I spotted you, and we’re going back to ISAN together.”

  Mitch sighed and rubbed the side of his throat. “Could work. But listen, you don’t have much time. Rhett knocked out some ISAN guards in the hall before you came. If they don’t answer their comms, you’ll have less than five minutes to get out.”

  “Fair enough.” Reyna cocked her gun. “We’ll be ready. Now tell us what we came for.”

  Mitch paced from the sofa to a tall fake plant. “I don’t know when, but ISAN is planning to bomb the rebel base in the South.”

  Nobody said a word.

  “Aaand?” Reyna dragged out the word.

  “And what? I just told you.”


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