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Ride The Mustang (SEALs Going Hot)

Page 3

by Desiree Holt

  Languorously, she trailed her tongue down his body, stopping to trace the indentation of his navel before returning to lap at his cock. Stroking from root to tip and back again, she followed the trail of her fingers with her tongue, pausing intermittently to take the entire length of him in her mouth. She wanted him right on the ragged edge, and he was getting there.

  “You know what I want, Fletch?” She hummed against his flesh, closing her lips around the furled crown of the head before slowly drawing them back.

  “What?” She heard the edge in his voice and knew he was fighting for control. “Better tell me quick because I think in ten seconds I’m going to explode.”

  “I want you to take me from behind,” she whispered. “Make me wet and fuck me that way.”

  He nearly came up off the bed.

  April tightened her grip on his cock and evaded his hands. “I want to suck you dry, and then, when you have a chance to catch your breath, I want you to fuck me in the ass.”

  His cock jumped in her hand and bumped against her lower lip. Another bead of fluid seeped from the slit, and she dragged her tongue over it deliberately, slowly drawing it into her mouth.

  “Damn, April.” He tried to sit up, but she pushed him back, one hand still wrapped around his hot shaft. “Come on, sugar. You can’t say things like that and expect me to just lie here.” His voice was thick with need. “And my cock is so ready to explode in that sweet, sweet mouth of yours.”

  She released his cock and sat back on her heels. “But not until we talk.”

  She almost laughed at the look on his face.

  “You want to talk?” He swallowed. Hard. “Now? Are you crazy?”

  “Uh uh.” She shook her head. “Every time we get into bed, I have the distinct feeling you’re holding something back. There are things you want that you think might, oh, I don’t know, offend me? Freak me out? Or something else? I don’t know what. So unless you want to go home in this condition, time to fess up.”

  He stared at her for a long time, as if trying to actually see inside her. His chest heaved with the effort at control, and he swallowed again. At the very moment she feared he’d tell her never mind, he grabbed her arms and hauled her up so her face was practically touching his. “Be very careful what you ask for, April. Very, very careful.”

  The heat blazing in his eyes was so intense it scorched her. For a moment, she was tempted to tell him never mind. Maybe she had over calculated, bitten off more than she could chew. She really had no idea what she was asking for. But she trusted this man, and that was the important thing. She ran her tongue carefully over her lower lip, a tiny thread of excitement wriggling through her body.

  “Bring it on,” she told him in what she hoped was her best sexpot voice. “Give me all you’ve got, or I’m sending you home like this.”

  He took so long to answer her she was afraid of what he’d finally say. The twitch of a cheek muscle was the only other indication of a battle he was obviously fighting with himself. At the moment she was ready to admit this was a lost cause, he pulled her against him and took her mouth in a kiss that was almost brutal in its possession. His tongue swept in, a flame igniting fires wherever it touched. Skating over every interior surface, sliding over her teeth and her inner lips. The intensity of it nearly made her heart stop.

  When he pulled back at last, she was stunned, completely shaken, her bones liquefied. What was going on here?

  “I’ve argued with myself about this almost since we met.” His words came out on a rasp of breath. “You’re right. I have been holding back.”


  He touched his fingertip to her lips. “Let me finish. Letting you in to the things I really like is a big step for me in a lot of ways. It could be…very dicey.”

  “In what way? I don’t understand. Tell me.”

  Again, there was a long pause. April had to dig her nails into her fists to stay silent. She sensed that whatever came next would be a major turning point in their relationship.

  “There are so many reasons not to do this, April. But damn. I’m not sure I have the strength or desire to get up and walk out of here.”

  “Do you want to?”

  “I should.” The muscles twitched again. “I damn sure should. But I’m not going to.” He took her in another of those all-consuming kisses again, then pulled back. “All right. Just remember, you wanted this. Do you have any scarves?”

  She stared at him. “What? Scarves?”

  “Yeah. You know. Silk squares. Jesus, I thought all women had them.”

  “I do. Yes. Absolutely,” she stammered, scrambling off the bed. “I’ll get them right now.”

  Chapter Three

  Lay down, damn it.

  Mustang gave a silent command to his very independent cock, which, after April’s hot mouth, wanted to take control of the situation. April had worked magic with her mouth, and now the appendage was doing its damndest to be the focus of his attention. He had other things he needed to concentrate on. And not just April Coe’s lush, naked body.

  She had certainly shocked the shit out of him with her demands. That was the last thing he expected from her. He’d been so sure he did a good job of hiding his real needs from her, but apparently either he was bad at it or she was even smarter than he gave her credit for.

  And hadn’t he just battled with himself about this very thing? Walk away before he let her into the secret places of his life? All the secret places, physical and emotional.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been with a new sub, never mind one who’d never been instructed or trained. The fact that April Coe affected him so strongly didn’t help one bit. He was torn between raging desire and the uneasy feeling that he was making a huge mistake.

  Should have just walked away, asshole.

  Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I didn’t want to. What does that say about the condition of my brain?

  But holy fuck! Just thinking of the hard ride he could give her had him almost to the point of orgasm again.

  Taking one last deep breath and letting it out, he picked up the silk scarves she’d taken out of a drawer. He held them loosely with the fingers of one hand while smoothing over the soft material with the other as he studied her naked body. She stood next to the bed, trembling slightly, but her chin lifted in the gesture of determination he’d come to know so well. Her puckered nipples had darkened from pink to a deep rose, her breasts rising and falling with her accelerated breathing. Excitement at the unknown flared in her eyes.

  I just hope I’m not making a damn mistake here.

  Get your shit together and you won’t.

  He dropped all but one of the scarves on the bed, folding the one he still held into a long strip. “Do you know anything about BDSM, April? About D/s relationships?”

  “N-no.” She drew in a breath and let it out. “Well, yes, but not so much. I mean, I’ve read about it in some of the erotic romance novels.”

  A soft blush crept up her cheeks. For Fletch, who was so used to “out there” women, who had never been with a neophyte before, it was an incredible turn-on. “You. Have.”

  She nodded. “A lot about it, actually.”

  “I have no idea how accurately they portray anything,” he said, “so let me tell you a little bit about D/s and how I came to it. How I practice it.” Slow and easy, Mustang. “I discovered it shortly after BUD/S training when another SEAL took me to a private club. I thought it might be a kick to try it out.”

  “Did-did you already know about it before then?” Her question came out in a rush.

  “A little. Just from stuff I’d overheard. I discovered there really is something called the pleasure/pain principle. And for me, at least, it answered a need I didn’t even know I had.”

  “Like what?” She wrinkled her forehead.

  “Like the intense pleasure you can get from both giving and receiving pain. Like the erotic charge that control provides.” He cleared his throat. “Being in control.
Doing those things.”

  A soft flush reddened her cheeks. “Pain? What kind of pain?”

  Mustang chose his words carefully. “Nothing a submissive can’t tolerate. For example.” He stroked her cheek. “Do you think you’d enjoy being spanked? Because I’d love to redden that very sweet ass of yours.”

  He focused on her eyes, looking into them to make sure she was aware of what he said. And what he meant. He expected some indication that she wasn’t quite comfortable with the tiger she’d unleashed. Instead, he saw burning curiosity and desire. He had to be very, very careful here.

  “I-I’ve read about it.” More tongue.


  “I, um, think I’d like to try it.”

  Okay, Mustang. Slow and steady does it.

  “You need a safeword, April.”

  Her forehead wrinkled in a delicate crease. “Safeword?” Then the frown disappeared. “Oh, yes. I read about that.”

  “And did any of those books happen to mention why it’s important?”

  She looked straight into his eyes, then nodded. “Yes. Different people have different levels of tolerance. The safeword is a safety net. Any time the sub uses a safeword you stop what you’re doing right away.”

  “That’s correct.” And he hoped she chose one damn soon because the hunger and need to move forward with her in this was ramping up to redline. “So pick something significant to you.”

  There was that little smile again. “SEALs.”

  He had to laugh. He couldn’t help himself. “You’ve got that tease thing down pat, you know it?”

  She lowered her gaze, but not before he saw the knowledge in her eyes of what she was doing.

  “Remember,” he said again. “Safeword. At any time. I don’t know what you can handle so I depend on you to tell me. Not let me take it over the top. Tell me if you understand.”

  “I understand.” Her voice was so low it was almost a whisper, but he didn’t hear any reservation in it.

  “I’m going to blindfold you to begin with. I’m doing that because removing sight enhances every other sense. And I definitely want all of yours heightened.” He kept his voice low and even. “Does that frighten you?”

  Shit, there went that delicate tongue stroking her lower lip. He had to concentrate very hard to keep his dick at least at half-mast. When her gaze locked with his, he looked for signs of uncertainty but all he saw was the flicker of excitement. And… Wait! Was that lust?

  Holy shit!

  Okay. Just keep it together, hotshot. Easy does it.

  “No, it doesn’t,” she told him. “Is that wrong?”

  “Not at all.” He couldn’t help himself. He lowered his head and drew that full pouty lip into his mouth, sucking it and lightly nipping it. “It shows me that you really do trust me, and I promise you I’ll treasure that. I won’t abuse it. And I promise you, at any time you don’t like something, all you have to do is tell me.”

  He drew the silk across the upper swell of her breasts. Then, because he couldn’t help himself, he lowered his head and lightly sucked each nipple one at a time. A little moan vibrated in her throat. He reminded himself that he should remember how responsive she was.

  “I’m going to put the blindfold in place now,” he told her. “Last chance to let me know if that will bother you. Tell me right now.”

  There went that pink tongue across the full lower lip again. Jesus! It was enough to make him come just standing there.

  “No,” she told him. Then in a louder voice, “No, it doesn’t.”

  “Good.” He placed the fabric across her eyes and knotted it at the back of her head, speaking to her all the while in a soft conversational tone. He hoped she didn’t notice that his hands were shaking slightly, knowing they were about to cross some boundaries here. He checked to make sure the blindfold was securely in place. “Still good here?”

  “Yes. Good.” She reached her hands up to touch his chest, curling her fingers into the dusting of hair. “So you like it? This BDSM?”

  Her breathing hitched slightly, and the pulse at the hollow of her throat increased in tempo. He stroked his fingers softly down her cheek, a gentle caress. “I did. And I still do. I’ve been a Dom for a lot of years, April. Some people live the lifestyle twenty-four/seven, but for me, it starts and stops in the bedroom. Just a personal choice. Sexually, it’s what I like. What I need.”

  She wrinkled her forehead. “Can you tell me why you only like it there?”

  Okay, asshole, try explaining this without pissing her off.

  “The best explanation I can give you,” he said slowly, “is that it requires a commitment I’m not comfortable making.”

  “A relationship.”

  He tried to read the inflection in her tone. “That bothers you?”

  He held very still, waiting for her answer. This had been the sticking point since he met her. He was more than willing to teach her things, all the pleasures of D/s. But he didn’t want to give her the idea he was making a commitment. That word wasn’t even in his vocabulary. Could he introduce her to the pleasures of his kind of sex and then be able to walk away at the end without a messy scene? Shit, was that even possible with her?

  She shook her head at his question. “I’m not a child or an idiot. I could tell you were holding something back.” She wet her lips. “I know you don’t tie yourself down. Diane told me all about you, so I’m not expecting anything. But for the time we’re together, I want everything you want. No holding back.”

  “April, you never stop amazing me.”

  Her mouth curved in a sexy grin, even though a slight tremor raced through her body. “So let’s get on with the instruction.”

  “Impatient, are we? Good submissives learn to curb that.” He let his gaze travel over her naked body again, and a shimmer of anticipation ran through him.

  “I-I can learn.”

  “All right, then. We’re going to go very slow here, April. One step at a time. I have no idea yet what you like in a situation like this. What parts of it turn you on.” He took a breath. “How much pain you can tolerate.”

  He tweaked her nipples, pinching them until she sucked in a soft breath, gauging her pain tolerance. But she didn’t try to pull away, and the scent of her musk grew stronger.

  Damn! Could pain really be a turn-on for this woman?

  Ravenous sexual hunger flashed through him and threatened his famous control.

  “In any good D/s relationship—Dominant and submissive—there has to be trust,” he continued. “Complete trust. Between both people.” He lowered his head and placed a soft kiss on her lips, then on each nipple. “Because it’s all about the erotic and sexual acts and mind-sets of dominating and relinquishing control, each partner has to believe in the other completely. Do you trust me, sugar?”

  “I do.” The words came out in a breathy little sound. “Absolutely.”

  “Do you believe I would never do anything to hurt you? Nothing that would give you anything but pleasure?” He paused. “Just nod your head once if you do.”

  She dipped her chin, one time.

  Mustang blew out a breath.

  “The thing about BDSM is, different people are aroused by different levels of pain. For some, it’s as simple as spanking, for other’s, they take it all the way up to paddling or caning.”

  He watched her face very carefully, still waiting for any sign of rejection or distaste. What he saw instead was curiosity.

  “That’s why in the beginning,” he went on, “there is a negotiation. Especially for someone brand new to the scene. Pain as an aphrodisiac is a learned process, a little at a time. There are dialogues back and forth, and everything proceeds at a slow pace. What you like. What I like. Good so far?”

  She nodded again, just the one time.

  “Until I know what you can tolerate and what you can’t, I’ll be asking you about everything we do. This is for your enjoyment as well as mine. If it doesn’t please you, we stop.” He licked he
r nipples again. “When I pinched these before, I exerted a fair amount of pressure. You didn’t try to pull away. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, it actually aroused you. Am I right?”

  “Yes.” The word was spoken so softly he almost didn’t hear it.

  He swallowed a grin. His little novice sub was embarrassed to admit pain turned her on. Well, then!

  Picking up another of the scarves, he twisted it into a long silken rope. Holding the folded silk, he rubbed it against her face, her shoulders, across her breasts. “I’m going to bind your wrists together, in front of you. Later, I might change so they are behind your back. We’ll see. One thing at a time.”

  Her body was trembling but pliant as he lifted her, sat on the bed, and draped her over his lap. He traced the path of her spine down her body until he reached the swell of her buttocks. Sliding his fingertips into the hot crease, he found the tight ring of her anus and pressed against it.

  April twitched slightly but not in an attempt to pull away from him. She said she wanted him to fuck her there, to plunge his cock into her ass. Jesus, but he’d dreamed of that way too many times. Could she really have meant it? Letting his hand trail between her thighs he nudged them apart, his fingers finding her pussy. Slick and wet. Soaked.

  She wriggled her ass. “If you’re going to do something, do it,” she urged him. “Or are you all talk?”

  “Damn, April.” He stroked her ass. “I forgot to tell you that submissives are supposed to be just that—compliant, obedient. They don’t give orders to their Masters. Didn’t you learn that in the books you read?”

  “I did learn the men are called Sir or Master, and they refer to their subs as Girl.”

  “Not always,” he interrupted. “And not in this situation. But go on. What else?”

  “They like to punish their subs. To spank them and restrain them. Sometimes tease them to the point of orgasm, many times, before they allow them release.” She tilted her head. “Do you do that, Fletch? Or should I call you Sir? Or Master?”


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