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Song of Resurgence (Ballads of Mae Book 2)

Page 31

by Salem Cross

  My smile grew stronger at her confidence.

  “Thank you. I have had my doubts,” I admitted. Diane’s kind smile reminded me of my own mother’s. Sadness tugged at my heart as I thought of my mom.

  “Of course, that is only natural. Especially in the beginning. I am sure having the others believe you a creature of evil does not help boost your confidence,” Diane said with a roll of her eyes. “But trust fate and Rylan. In time you will see how perfect you two are for each other.”

  The sliding glass door opened behind us and we both turned at the noise. Jasmine stepped out to join us. At the same time I felt a soft buzzing in my head.

  “Diane, Mae,” Jasmine greeted as she came over to speak with us.

  “Jasmine,” Diane said, bowing her head. “If you would both excuse me, Samson is calling for me.”

  Jasmine bowed her head in return. Diane gave my hands a quick squeeze before letting go and heading back inside. As Rylan’s mother walked into the house, Arthur stepped out and shut the door behind her. He walked over to Jasmine and I and came to stand on the other side of me.

  “What are you guys up to?” I asked curiously.

  “We wanted to come check on you,” Jasmine said with a smile.

  “Afraid my mother-in-law was scaring me away?” I joked. Both Guardians chuckled.

  “No, we are not here because of her,” Jasmine assured me.

  “We could tell something was bothering you when you stepped out,” Arthur explained. “I think we all keep forgetting this is the first battle you are about to experience. Are you nervous?”

  I hesitated. How could I admit to them my deepest fear? Would I come off as a coward? I bit my bottom lip and turned to look out at the forest again. Unease twisted in my gut, back with a renewed vengeance now that I had turned my attention back to it. With a sigh I spoke without looking at either of them. “What if tomorrow… What if I end up killing Ekon?” My voice was barely a whisper.

  Murder. Could I do it? Could I really watch the life drain out of someone’s eyes and be ok with it? Yes he was a terrible person but could I be the one who did the dirty work? My skin crawled at the thought of looking at someone, anyone, in the eyes and deciding that their life was over.

  “Then, you kill him,” Jasmine said with a shrug. “You will be doing the world a favor. Though I doubt that you will get the honor. There will be many Guardians with you who would love to be the one that takes him down.”

  I already knew the possibility was slim that he would be able to reach me. The plan was for most of the Guardians to surround me so that nothing could prevent me from tearing the mountain down. While keeping me safe would be their major goal, I was sure if Ekon was spotted, someone would break rank to kill him. But still, my gut twisted painfully.

  “It is not Ekon that she is worried about,” Arthur declared softly. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him watching my face. “You do not want to kill anyone.”

  There it was, out in the open. Now that my fear had been spoken out loud, shame overshadowed everything else. We were going to war with the enemy. A situation could easily occur where I might have to kill someone to save a life. If not Ekon, then maybe one of his soldiers. The Guardians inside had talked about how much blood they wanted to shed and lives they wanted to snuff out. But that wasn’t me.

  I used to find trouble in the streets of Baltimore with my friends and break it up. I did things that were not necessarily legal in order to help others. But this was completely different. This was an actual battle, not a small brawl on the streets. I wanted nothing to do with killing people. It was an unspoken rule amongst my friends that we never crossed that line. There would be no coming back from something like that. I wasn’t a religious person, but something about taking another’s life felt so morally wrong that it was making me ill.

  “Rylan mentioned that when a mated pair dies, they end up passing through these Golden Gates together. But what if me killing someone makes it so we can’t go through the gates together? You guys are the world’s judge, jury, and executioner. That is the role you all pledged to take when you gained your freedom from the gods. It’s alright when you do it. But I never signed up for that.

  “I don’t have such a clear purpose that would allow me to feel anything other than guilt if I took someone else’s life. It is not my place to decide who lives and dies. I don’t want the reason I can’t join Rylan behind those shiny gates to be because I was forced to do something terrible and avoidable in this life. Having another person’s death on my hands and ruining Rylan’s chance at happily ever after… I just…” My voice trailed off as my frustration and fear collided.

  Both Jasmine and Arthur frowned.

  “Mae, your purpose on this Earth is the same as ours. Do you not see it? A Guardian has vowed to keep those within the supernatural world safe, and when that world is threatened, we eliminate the danger. You have been tasked to protect the entire world, and now your world is threatened. It is time to eliminate the danger to it. That danger is in the form of Ekon and the gods that he wishes to bring to this realm. Your soul will not be stained because of the position you were forced into. Tomorrow night, you could be drowning in blood, but when all is said and done, your soul will still shine. Remember, at the end of the day, killing someone to protect yourself or others is not immoral; it is survival.”

  I frowned as I processed what Jasmine was telling me. While maybe during the first part of my life I had not realized my role in the world, the last two months had certainly changed that. She was right; I had been created to do the very thing I was dreading. I was gifted with power, blessed with a mate and friends who would fight by my side, and lucky enough to have stumbled upon warriors who shared a common foe. I could not ask for a better hand to be dealt with. I would have to accept that in killing someone, I was fulfilling my role as protector of the world. As I realized how true her words were, relief eased the tension in my shoulders.

  I threw my arms around Jasmine’s waist and squeezed.

  “Thanks, Jazz,” I mumbled into her shirt.

  She returned my hug, and I felt her lips brush the top of my head.

  “The fact that killing someone, no matter the situation, seems utterly abhorrent to you strengthens your character, Mae. Keep your innocence and your moral compass locked safe within your heart, and you will be fine,” Arthur said softly.

  He stroked his goatee then shook his head regretfully as he sighed, then continued, “While I cannot guarantee you will not be forced to take a life, I promise that I will make sure the opportunity is as slim as possible for you. The Golden Gates will open for you and Rylan because, in the end, the only thing that matters in this lifetime is that your intentions are pure and your actions mirror the behaviors you seek from others.”

  I turned to him and smiled. “Thank you, for everything. You have no idea how much it means to me to hear that you both have such faith in me,” I said.

  Behind us the sliding glass door opened once more. I looked back to see Rylan stepping out to join us. Afraid that he would pick up what we were talking about I shot Jasmine and Arthur a warning look before walking over to him. With their words swimming around in my head I was already starting to feel better.

  “Thanks, guys, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  With that I dragged Rylan back inside the house, ready to head to bed for the night. We didn’t make it far. We were stopped a handful of times to speak with groups of Guardians who wished for us to partake in their conversations. We laughed, listened, and shared stories. The simple joy of seeing everyone so lively despite the situation they had been in just days before was touching and rewarding. After Zara’s story of how she had to help deliver triplets a young Fae was carrying, Rylan finally excused us, and we headed to our bedroom.

  When Rylan shut the door, I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth for the night. I was exhausted, and with the bed only a few feet away from me, I had to go through my nightly routine now, or I’d
pass out before I got the chance. As I ran water over my toothbrush, Rylan came to stand in the doorway of the bathroom and leaned against the frame.

  “I heard what you said to Jasmine and Arthur,” he announced as I brushed my teeth.

  I paused and glanced at his reflection in the mirror. He was scowling again, and his mouth was turned downward. I dragged my gaze from his and rinsed my mouth out. Finally, I turned around to lean my back against the counter and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “It’s rude to eavesdrop.”

  “It is upsetting to think that you would be the reason we would not walk through the gates together should something happen to us,” he said, ignoring my comment.

  He sauntered over to me and stopped when there was no more space between us. I dropped my arms to my side as I stared up at him. Rylan’s hand came up, snaked around to the back of my neck, and wove his fingers into my hair. He gently yanked on my curls causing me to gasp as my head was tilted back. His cool teal eyes swept over my face.

  “Mae, I have had almost two thousand years to tarnish the half of my soul that I possess. I have committed unspeakable crimes without a second thought. If Hell were a vacation spot, you would find me lounging on the fiery beaches most days. Just because we have taken an oath to protect the innocent and keep the supernatural world safe does not make me a good person. I have only just recently begun to rethink everything I have ever done, said, or become throughout my life, and that is because of you. I want to be better for you. So, for you to think you could do something so hideous as to overshadow anything that I have done, is laughable. If anyone in this union would prevent the other from crossing over into paradise, it would be me.

  “But that is not how this works. That is not how two mates who have Joined together, as we have, will face the unknown of death. We are one unit. It is not an either-or situation. Should fate be unkind to us and the flame to our life force flicker out, as one we will pass into the unknown and through those gates where souls go to find peace. The gates will accept us, but let us hope that it will be in a long, long time from now because I have not had enough time with you here yet.”

  Tears pooled in my eyes as his love overwhelmed me. His confidence of how intertwined our lives were and would forever be destroyed the last little bit of my anxiety and fear for what was to come. My heart swelled to twice the size as I stared up at the sincerity shining in those mesmerizing eyes. Slowly, he lowered his mouth and pressed his lips to mine. Just the light touch caused moisture to pool between my legs. I sighed against his lips as my whole body leaned into him. He tugged at my hair harder, and I gasped. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue past my lips.

  I slid my hands under his shirt and skimmed my palms up his solid frame. His body shuddered at the contact. My thumbs teased his nipples and when he trembled again, I pinched his left one. Rylan pulled away from my mouth with a warning growl. His eyes changed color to that blazing red that warned me that he was now more Guardian than man.

  Rylan removed his hand from my hair and let it drop to my shoulder. Without warning, he reached up with the other hand, and with both hands, he ripped my shirt down the middle. I was mid- gasp when he yanked the rest of it off me. He threw the torn shirt over his shoulder, grabbed my arms, and turned me around so I faced the mirror. I stared at his reflection and watched as he easily tore my bra off and allowed it to fall onto the floor. HE took both of my wrists in one hand, grabbed the ripped shirt off his shoulder, and to my surprise, began to tie my wrists together behind my back.

  As I realized what he was doing, I giggled and started to struggle. Physically, he could overpower me, but with my power, I could easily break free. I could feel the junction between my legs throbbing. I could use a little fun and excitement not tainted by darkness and death.

  “Tighter,” I whispered over my shoulder.

  Rylan grinned and tugged roughly on the knots. When my wrists were secure in their makeshift binds, Rylan stared into the mirror at me. His brows were slightly pulled together, puckering the skin between them. His mouth was set in a firm line, and those red eyes brightened further as his pupils narrowed. His gaze traveled from my face down to my breasts. With my hands bound behind my back, my breasts were pushed forward for Rylan to view.

  He reached around me with a hand on either side, and gently he twisted and pulled at my nipples until they were tightened buds. My gasps turned to moans as he cupped my breasts, massaged them, while his thumbs brushed against my nipples. He lowered his head and planted kisses along the arch of my neck, never stopping his kneading of my swelling breasts and teasing my aching nipples. I could feel wetness soaking my panties and threatening to soak through my pants.

  Rylan let go of my breasts just long enough to turn me around. His eyes captured mine, and one corner of his mouth twitched upwards. The devilish glint in his eyes warned me that something else was coming. He reached down, unbuttoned my jeans, and pulled the zipper down. He helped out of my pants. As he straightened his hand slipped between my legs and his fingers purposefully slid across my swollen clit. I moved to spread my legs wider as my whole body shuddered at the contact. Rylan’s fingers slid down my folds, causing my body to shake with pleasure again. A loud moan involuntarily slipped past my lips as his fingers sunk into my core. I closed my eyes as he stroked me with one hand and used his other to reach up to play with a nipple. He planted a swift kiss on my lips, but it didn’t last. He removed his hand from between my legs, reached up, and used my arousal to coat my nipples.

  Before I could say anything, he leaned down and blew cool air against my tightened buds. Coated in my own arousal, the cool air intensified the stimulation, tightening my nipples to new extremes. I cried out in surprise at the sensation, and Rylan gave me a smug grin. Rylan leaned forward again, this time to take one nipple into his mouth while one of his hands expertly teased the other. The nipple in his mouth was sucked on, lapped at, twisted, and teased. The mounting pleasure between my legs was startling. I could feel my body tensing, my breathing turning to pants, and my moans chasing one another.

  Rylan switched to the other nipple while the first received a slight reprieve from the onslaught of attention. He shifted his body so his thigh pressed against the junction between my legs, applying pressure to my clit. I leaned my pelvis harder into his leg and rubbed myself against him. Just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, Rylan’s fangs sank into my breast.

  I screamed his name as my world shattered, and I came hard. Rylan’s body lit up with my power. As I floated back down from my orgasmic high, Rylan swooped me up into his arms and carried me into the bedroom. I still had not regained my breath when he tossed me onto the bed. I landed ungracefully on my side since my hands were still tied, and I glared at him as I struggled to get to my knees.

  Rylan chuckled as he disrobed in front of me. I took the moment to fully appreciate every inch of him. It was amazing to see all those muscles that roped his body flex and relax as he moved. I licked my lips as his erection sprang forward. Rylan grinned and climbed into bed with me. He gently grabbed my shoulders and planted a kiss on my lips. He pulled away for a moment to put his hands on my waist. Before I knew what he was doing, he was flipping me around so my back was facing him. I gasped as he pressed his hand to the middle of my back, which caused me to fall forward with my butt up in the air. I struggled against the restraints as I tried to right myself. I turned my head to the side so it wasn’t pressed into the sheets.

  Suddenly, Rylan was pulling my legs further apart, and his hand slipped between my legs. His fingers slid into me and stroked my insides slowly. Again I struggled with my restraints. Then his fingers hit the right spot. My toes curled, and I arched back so my butt rose higher for him. My eyes rolled up in my head, and I bit my bottom lip to keep it from quivering. My breathing grew heavier as my body began to coil tightly.

  Rylan removed his hand away from between my legs and slammed his erection into me. His thrusts were wild, hard, and wanton as he t
ook me. As he hit that one spot over and over just right, I felt my body detonate. As I came around Rylan, he continued his intense strokes, which only prolonged my orgasm to extreme lengths. It didn’t take him long. Rylan’s release triggered my third orgasm. My voice was hoarse as I cried out his name over and over as his cock jerked within me. Each twitch of his cock caused aftershocks of pleasure to ripple through me. When he finally withdrew from my body, I felt the loss.

  Rylan leaned forward and untied my wrists. When I was free from my restraints, I turned and lay on my back as he came to lie down beside me. I scooted closer to his body and planted a deep kiss on his mouth. His hands settled on my hips as our tongues danced lazily together. When I pulled away, my body was starting to hum, ready for another round.

  “We’ll have our forever, I promise,” I whispered against his lips.

  “Forever,” Rylan agreed. “I love you, Mae.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  The following morning, I was on my way down the stairs when a commotion outside drew my attention. I looked over at the front door to find it wide open. Cautiously, I walked barefoot out into the chilly morning to see what was going on. I only made it a few steps before I came to an abrupt halt. My mouth dropped open at the sight before me. Apparently at some point last night, we had gained a few new guests who were now all standing around in the front yard. Black feathers fluttered in the breeze. Glints of steel made the front yard appear to sparkle as our guests showed off their weapons.

  If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought black feathered angels had descended from heaven. There had to be over a hundred new warriors standing before me.

  “Impressive, isn’t it?”

  I jumped at the sound of Arthur’s voice behind me. He chuckled at my surprise and came over to stand next to me.

  “Definitely,” I agreed with a nod. “Remind me again how I didn’t realize Guardians existed before you?”


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