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Unravel You: A Hot Billionaire Romance (Cole Brothers Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Diana A. Hicks

  My hips settled between her legs. And to think that two days ago I’d almost lost her. I almost lost a real chance at happiness. Valentina knew my darkest secrets, all the bad versions of me, and she still wanted to marry me.

  I grazed my teeth along the curve of her breast. A moan escaped her lips when my fingers found her core. I tapped her clit and palmed her folds. She was so soft and wet for me.

  “Lie on the bed.” She placed her hand on my chest and pushed lightly.

  As if my life depended on it, I did as she asked, propping myself up on the pillow. Her gaze roamed my naked body, starting at my face, then my stomach and legs. A hand trailed a circle on the grooves of my abs and V-muscle. She bit her bottom lip as she surveyed every inch of me. She knew what she wanted to do, but she wasn’t sure if she should.

  “I’m here for you.” I moved her hand up to rest over my heart.

  My cock went from rock hard to steel when she straddled me and ran that sweet pussy along the length of my shaft. Oh fuck. Up and down, her hips swayed with every pass. I didn’t know what the biggest turn-on was—her wet sex rubbing on me or her wide, curious eyes watching as she pleasured herself with my erection.

  I kneaded the smooth skin on her hips, gently guiding her to do it harder. The cleavage showing through her top followed the rhythm of her thrusts. I cupped one globe and added a downward pressure. She watched me with hooded eyes, chest rising and falling as she pressed her body closer to mine.

  A deep groan settled in my chest along with the searing ache below my navel. She wanted us to come like this. There was nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for this incredible person who, in spite of everything, still wanted me.

  I cradled her neck and brought her mouth to mine. She called for me a couple of times before she came, squeezing her thighs on my sides. If the friction hadn’t put me over the edge, watching her orgasm did. I gripped her ass, lifted her, and slid inside her to ride every hot wave of my climax until there was nothing left.

  She rested her head on my shoulder with her heart thrumming fast and hard on my ribs. After several minutes, a giggle tickled the soft spot over my clavicle. “Wow.”

  “Wow is right.” I let out a breath.

  “I’m sorry. That’s probably not what you wanted. I get carried away when…Jesus, your body puts all kinds of crazy ideas in my head.”

  I barked out a laugh. “That’s good to know. Don’t ever be sorry for doing or asking for what you want. Feel free to get carried away anytime. Do you understand?” I cocked my head to meet her gaze. “I’d do anything for you.”

  “I know that now.” She lowered her eyes, running a hand down my bicep.

  “What is it? You can tell me.”

  “We’re getting married in a few weeks.” Her smile warmed me to my core.

  “Big day. Are you scared?”

  “Not anymore.”

  Neither was I. Even if we were rushing into it, I couldn’t think of a single reason to wait. Marrying Valentina felt like the right thing to do. The only thing to do. The rest of our lives wasn’t a scary thing anymore.

  “I’d like to go home tonight. Is that possible?”

  I glanced down at her breasts still trapped in the semitransparent fabric of her top, the round hips and defined thighs stretched out over me. Was it possible to leave tonight? Sure. Did I want to leave this bed when we finally had some peace and quiet? When she was finally in my arms again?

  “It’s possible. But maybe I can convince you to stay in here with me a little longer.” I removed her top and sucked hard on her nipple.

  “I don’t know…” The rest of the sentence was a jumble of puffs of air and moans. Before she could find her words, I flipped her on her back and entered her. “Omigod, Derek.”

  “Just a couple of hours.” I whispered in her ear and lifted her ass so she could take all of me, bending her tight body to fit mine.

  She gripped a handful of the sheets. “Don’t stop.”


  One Day at a Time


  “Wake up. Wake up. It’s your wedding day.” Max climbed on the bed and jumped up and down.

  Luckily, Derek wasn’t here for the assault. He’d agreed to spend the night at a hotel. After all we’d been through, he didn’t want to tempt fate and see the bride before the wedding.

  “Omigod, Max. Is this necessary? What time is it?” I rolled on my side, rubbing my eyes. It had to be at least seven in the morning.

  “It’s six-oh-four. In the morning.”

  “On a Saturday? Are you serious with this?” I pulled him down and cuddled him like a human pillow. “Let’s sleep a little longer.”

  “Ms. Nikki is already up.”

  “Yeah, well, she has superpowers, doesn’t she?”

  “She said to tell you sorry about the noise.” He rolled on his belly, grabbed my phone off the nightstand, and started playing one of his word games.

  “What noise?” The drilling started immediately, as if they’d been waiting for me to ask. Maybe Max was right. Time to get up and face the wedding day. “Did you eat breakfast?”


  “Who fed you at this hour?”

  “Ms. Emily. She says I’m her new breakfast buddy. She usually eats alone, Mom.”

  I’d always wondered how early Em had to wake up to keep pace with Derek’s crazy schedule. Most days he was out of the house by six in the morning. I knew that about him now. Such a small detail. How was it possible to love someone this much? I met Max’s gaze. Someone other than Max.

  “Grandma Lilly was there too.”

  “Grandma who?”

  He gritted his teeth the way he did whenever he thought he was in trouble. “She said to call her that. She’s Dad’s mom.”

  The morning light filtered through the french doors. Outside, the cacophony of an entire construction crew hammering and drilling filled the air along with the blasting thrumming of my chest. I supposed now that we were getting married, Derek would be his dad. We were a family, the three of us.


  “Can I call him that?”

  I brushed Max’s rosy cheek. “We can ask him.”

  “He said to call him that. But do you think my real dad would be hurt?”

  The bruises on my neck and the back of my head had healed since the last time I saw Max’s dad. Thanks to Derek and Tyler, he would never come near us again. “I think he would be okay with whatever you want.”

  “I want Derek to be my dad.”

  “Me too.” I swallowed my tears. Happy tears. Not too long ago I’d been sure it would be Max and me forever. “We’re lucky to have him. You know that, right?”

  “I do, Mom. His cat is the best.”

  “Of course. The cat. How could I forget?” I tickled him until he jumped off the bed.

  “Knock. knock.” Nikki barged into the room with Anabelle and Annie, my best friend from kindergarten, at her heels.

  “Does she need to be here? Say the word and she’s out.” Annie glared at Nikki.

  “I’m her wedding planner. Tell her.” Nikki tossed her blond hair behind her shoulder, bracing her hand on her hip.

  “For real? After what she did to you and Derek? He almost lost you because of her.”

  That was technically true, but she’d done it for a good reason. Because of her, Derek found the way to get his company back and get evidence that landed Bridget in jail. Between the kidnapping, the embezzlement, and the money-laundering charges, Bridget was going to be gone for a long while. Since then, Nikki had proven to be a good friend.

  “I got them back together. And Valentina forgave me. So there. Can we get on with it? We have a wedding happening in less than six hours.”

  I glanced at my phone. Crap. It was already eight. “Annie it’s fine. Nikki is my friend. Have you met Anabelle?”

  Annie offered me an approving smile. We’d been together through so much since we first met in kindergarten. She was very protective of Ma
x and me. “Yes. She’s good peeps.”

  “Okay. You, little man. Are you still my assistant for the day?” Nikki pointed at Max. He nodded, standing at attention. “Good. Because Ms. Emily needs you in the kitchen, stat. You’re on party-favors duty. Can you handle that?”

  “I can help.”

  “Perfect. Go find Ms. Emily.”

  Max hugged me and then Annie before he darted out of the room. “Is it really going to take six hours to get me ready?”

  “Yes.” Annie stepped in. “And you also need to eat. We can’t have you passing out halfway through the ceremony.” She opened the french doors to the terrace.

  Even with the commotion down in the yard, the space felt serene. Someone had set up a breakfast bar for us with chafing dishes lining the left wall and a mimosa bar on the other end. High tables and two sofas had been arranged in the middle section. The stone staircase that led to the lush garden below us had already been adorned with floral arrangements that curved all the way down.

  “As discussed.” Nikki pulled me out of bed and ushered me outside. “Your dad will be waiting for you at the bottom of the steps to walk you down the aisle. All of this will be removed after we eat, of course.”

  “Thank you. Omigod, this looks amazing.” I bent down to smell the orchids weaved into each arrangement.

  Nikki gave me a one-shoulder shrug. “I told you I was going to give you an epic wedding. And that’s what you’re going to have.” She turned her attention to Annie. “Will there be an epic dress to go along with it?”

  “Of course. I made the dress myself. It’s one of a kind.” Her eyes watered as she smiled at me.

  “No. No crying.” Anabelle fanned her eyes. “I can’t go all day with puffy eyes.”

  “You’re right.” I wiped my cheek. “Who wants a mimosa?” I walked over to the bar and pulled a bottle of Veuve Clicquot from the wine bucket, the champagne Derek poured for me the first time I agreed to spend time with him.

  “Derek insisted we serve Veuve for breakfast. He wouldn’t say why.” Nikki narrowed her eyes at me. “You can only have two glasses, though. You can drink all you want after the ceremony.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Nikki and Annie bickered through the entire breakfast. In the end, Nikki agreed to let Annie do my hair and makeup. But only after she listed her credentials as a well-known fashion blogger and after they both agreed on the updo to go with the dress and how smoky my eyeshadow should be. Anabelle sat next to me and made sure my champagne flute stayed full and properly chilled. At one point, she replaced the entire glass because she thought the wine had gone flat and warm.

  I let them tug and push me to where they needed me. I already had Derek waiting for me at the end of all this. The breakfast, the dress, the party—they were all the cherry on top.

  “What do you think?” Annie moved the mirror in front of me. “Should we do more blush?”

  I stared at the woman staring back at me. “I think it’s perfect.”

  “You look beautiful.” Lilly strode into the bathroom.

  “Thank you. Annie is a true artist.” I spun around in my vanity chair and took Annie’s hand. “Annie, this is Derek’s mom.”

  “Yes. We met.” Annie winked at me.

  “I took the liberty of calling Annie to see if this would fit your choice of dress.” She showed me the red velvet box she had clutched to her chest. When she flipped it open, I gasped.

  “I can’t accept that.”

  “Well, it can be your something borrowed, if you think it’s too much.” She picked up the diamond necklace and handed it to Annie

  Annie promptly placed it around my neck, and clasped it. I sucked in a breath when the string of platinum and diamonds fell cold down my back.

  “It’s a Winston. It belonged to my late mother-in-law. It goes with your engagement ring.” She tapped the single pendant, a heavy canary diamond. It matched the emerald cut on my wedding finger.

  “It’s gorgeous.”

  “So are you, dear.” She smoothed out my hair. “I hope one day you can forget the horrid things I said to you before.”

  “I already have.” I waved my hand in dismissal. Lilly had literally gotten caught in Derek’s and my inability to communicate with each other. To say without fear what we really wanted.

  Annie sighed. “There’s only one thing left. The dress. Let me text your mom. She wanted to be here for that.”

  Just as Nikki had said, six hours wasn’t nearly enough to get ready. Mom helped me into my wedding dress, a backless number in ivory silk. The minute she fastened me in, Nikki rushed in to whisk me away into a swirl of photo flashes, friendly smiles, hugs, and congratulations. Before I knew it, I was at the top of the stone steps, looking down at Dad’s teary eyes waiting for me.

  The cottage Derek let me rent at the beginning of the summer stood under a bright sunray at the edge of his property. I smiled down at the bouquet of orchids in my hands. The string quartet played the first note to Pachelbel’s “Canon in D.” As Nikki instructed, I counted to ten, then climbed down the steps. Dad, the tough retired cop, shed tears when I hugged him. I kept it together until I wrapped my arm around his elbow and turned toward the altar Nikki had custom made for us. Derek let out a breath and effectively sucked all the air out of my lungs.

  He had no right to look so freaking hot in his tuxedo. His blue gaze stayed on mine as Dad ushered me down a carpet of gardenia petals.

  “If you feel like you need to make a quick getaway, I have a cop car waiting outside.” He beamed at the guests on either side of the aisle. Some of the faces I recognized from the engagement party in Atlanta.

  “I’m good, Dad. Thanks,” I said in a shaky voice. The need to run away from Derek had left me a long time ago. He was worth facing every risk, every fear, every dark city square.

  Ahead of us, Max casually threw petals on either side of the aisle, just as Nikki had shown him. He’d volunteered to be both flower boy and ring bearer. As soon as he reached the front pew, he set down his little basket and stood solemnly, clutching a black velvet box in both hands, next to Derek. What did I ever do to deserve a husband like Derek and a son like Max?

  Dad kissed my cheek and placed my trembling hand in Derek’s. His firm grip on me made me stand a little taller, and reassured me he would never let me fall. “You’re by far the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”

  “You too.” I let out a giggle. “I mean. You know.”

  “I know.” He flashed me that smile of his, all perfect white teeth and serene eyes.

  Garlands of flowers hung from every tree around us, such an odd scene set against the barren landscape that surrounded Derek’s house. Our house. Our not-so-small oasis in the middle of the expanse of the Sonoran Desert.

  “Dearly beloved.” The officiant started the usual ceremony, but there was nothing usual or common about tying my life to someone like Derek Cole. “Love is patient, love is kind…”

  We turned to face each other. A tear streamed down my cheek. Before it fell on my dress, he gently dabbed it away with the pad of his thumb. His gaze settled on the pendant on my chest, and he beamed. He’d wanted his mom and me to make friends. It’d taken a bit, but eventually Lilly had come to see how much I loved her son. The necklace had been a peace offering on her part.

  A jolt of adrenaline rushed through me when I slid the ring on his finger. He puffed out air in relief, as if he didn’t think I’d make it this far. This beautiful man wanted me as much as I wanted him. I would have gone to the ends of the earth and back for him.

  “Hurry up and kiss me before something else goes wrong.” Derek cradled my cheek when the officiant declared us husband and wife. His kiss muffled the guests’ laughter and clapping. His lips brushed mine before he deepened the kiss, making my blood rush through me in a swirl of heat and desire. “I was sure you’d run off at the last minute.”

  I pressed my hand to his chest. “It never crossed my mind.”

  “I p
resent to you Mr. and Mrs. Cole,” the officiant said as we faced four hundred of our friends and family.

  “I like the sound of that.” Derek placed his arm around my waist and walked me up the aisle and back inside the house.

  “Okay, we’re on a tight schedule, and the bride needs to get ready for your first dance.” Nikki grabbed my hand. Behind me, Derek stood with his hands in his pockets. I mouthed an I’m sorry and let her pull me to the living room, which had been transformed into the cake-cutting area. The white wedding cake turned out a bit bigger than Nikki had said.

  “What do you think? Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “It is. Thank you.”

  “You deserve it. Now go freshen up. You have mascara on your cheek. Don’t give me that look. After the toast, you’ll have time to dance and mingle a bit, but then you’ll have to change so you guys can get started on that honeymoon.” She nudged her elbow in my side.


  “I got your back, girl.”

  “Thank you. Henry is going to hate me for keeping you away from him.” On the other side of the window, Henry, Nikki’s fiancée, and Derek were in deep conversation.

  “Derek’s keeping him company. He’s fine.” Her cheeks turned red when he met her gaze.

  “Hey, Mom, can you tuck me in?” Max pulled on my dress. He looked so tired. Poor thing.

  “Go. We’ll do the dance when you get back.”

  Max in his mini tuxedo made my ovaries hurt. A while ago, Derek had said he didn’t know if he wanted kids. Had that changed? I opened the door to Max’s room. “How about you brush your teeth while I get your PJs?”

  He got ready in record time. Though by the time he climbed into bed, his feet were dragging. “That was the best party.”

  “It really was.” I pulled the covers up to his chest and tucked them around him.

  “I like it here.” His eyes closed for a moment. “Can you save me some cake?”

  I tickled him right below his ribcage, and he wiggled under me. “Don’t give me that look. I saw Nikki feeding you cake right before the ceremony.”

  “That was for my wedding jitters.”


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