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Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3)

Page 3

by Dawn Brower


  Colt couldn’t say more. His thoughts swam through his head. They all centered around one thing. Emma dating Ian. He had to find a way to get her back and for her to dump the doctor. He needed her to remember how much she’d once loved him. Maybe with Alison’s help he could make it happen. A little flutter began to fill his stomach. Excitement and the very idea of having Emma once again—something he didn’t ever let himself hope for—suddenly seemed like a possibility. He wouldn’t let himself wonder if he’d set himself on another path of ultimate heartbreak. No matter what, he’d get Emma to see him the same way she used to. He’d find a way to make it happen.

  Colt pulled out his phone and jotted off a quick text to Alison. First things first, he needed to make sure he got to Alison before Emma did. Otherwise, he would look not only like a complete fool, but also a loser who made up having a girlfriend. Which of course he was—something he wouldn’t allow himself to dwell on too much.

  Chapter Four

  Emma walked up to the elevator and hit the up arrow. She checked her watch and noted it was close to lunch time. Maybe she could talk Tori and Alison into getting some lunch. Her meeting with Henry had gone well. What boggled her mind was her little chat with Colt. He’d been so jumpy and weird. She still couldn’t believe he and Alison were dating, but upon reflection, Alison had occasionally mentioned she was meeting him. Emma had assumed, erroneously, they were only friends. Maybe she’d been seeing what she wanted to see. The idea of Alison and Colt…bothered her. A lot. Far more than she liked and it did not sit well in her stomach. When Colt mentioned they were dating, all she’d wanted to do was scream no, no you can’t be dating someone else. She didn’t want him, and yet she hated the idea of him being with someone else. Colt happy? No, he didn’t deserve it. He’d destroyed them and left her a heaping mess of misery. Still she bit her tongue. She’d set Colt free. She had no right to dictate to him who he could or could not see. Plus he probably had a point about Alison. Maybe she’d downplayed their relationship so Emma wouldn’t feel uncomfortable.

  As much as she wanted to hate Colt or dislike Alison, she couldn’t do it. You didn’t love someone as long as she’d loved Colt and suddenly hate him so much. There was that fine line, and yeah, for a little while she believed she hated him, but now she knew she never could. She’d have to let go of all that anger if she wanted to move on with her own life. It was for the best that Colt was no longer free. It made going into work each day that much easier for her. She couldn’t get caught up in any residual feelings when she knew he wouldn’t or couldn’t reciprocate them. Emma pushed her thoughts out of her head and walked into Tori’s office. It was a bustle of activity with a couple people waiting on the large sofa and Alison talking on the phone.

  “Wow you’re busy,” Emma said as Alison set the phone down on the receiver.

  She brushed her copper-gold curls behind her ear and let out a long sigh. “Tell me about it. Is there a full moon on the horizon or something? I can’t believe how crazy today has been.”

  “It’s good though right?”

  “Yeah, I’d rather be busy.” Alison smiled. “Gives me less time to be bored. However, we are too busy to keep up which means I’m getting a pay raise and looking for a new assistant for Tori.”

  “Oh, that’s awesome! We should go out to celebrate.”

  Alison’s phone started vibrating on her desk. She held up her finger and said, “Hold that thought.” She held up her phone and frowned as she read whatever message appeared across the screen.

  “Something wrong?”

  She shook her head. “No, nothing. Colt’s getting a little demanding.”

  “He can get that way sometimes.”

  Alison laughed. “Yeah, I guess you would know.”

  Emma fought back a frown. She didn’t want to discourage Alison from talking about him. If they were going to remain friends, she’d have to let her own hang-ups go. It didn’t matter what feelings she had rolling around inside of her. She’d let Colt go, and it was time to own that decision.

  “What does he want?”

  “Just to meet him for lunch. I’m not sure I can do it. I mean I’d like to, but…”

  “Yeah I get it. You’re busy.”

  Alison sighed. “Yeah. I’m going to have to break it to him I can’t make it. Maybe we can do it another day.” She frowned and began to type a message. “It would have been nice though. I haven’t seen him in forever—or maybe it only feels that way.”

  Emma started to feel bad for them. She shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help it. With them both being so busy, they probably didn’t get to see each other very often. “If you want I can watch the phones so you can go get some lunch.”

  Alison stopped typing and looked up at her. “Really? Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. You look like you need a break, and I have to wait to talk to Tori anyway. Go have fun.”

  Alison grinned up at her. “An hour of no phones. It almost sounds like heaven.”

  Emma laughed. “I don’t know how relaxing it will be, but go have fun.”

  “Okay, let me text him real quick to see what he has in mind.” Alison’s fingers darted across her touchscreen keyboard. When she was done, she turned her attention back to Emma. “Why are you in Seattle anyway? Tori mentioned you were stopping by but didn’t give me any details.”

  “Oh, I took a job and I’m going to be working out here fulltime.”

  “Wow really? Where?” Alison’s phone vibrated again, and she held up one finger. “Hold on one sec.” She picked it up and frowned. “How odd…”


  “Nothing, but…” Her phone vibrated again. “Oh, that makes so much sense now.”

  Emma was so confused. “What does?”

  “Colt’s attitude.”

  Emma threw her hands up in the air. “I’m glad you get it.”

  Alison patted her hand. “There, there. It’ll be fine.”

  “What will?”

  “Colt said you took a job with the Starlings.”

  Emma waved her hand. “Oh, that. I was about to tell you all about that before he rudely interrupted.”

  “He’s worried. I get it.” She studied Emma. “Are you sure you’re okay with watching the office while I go have lunch with him.”

  “Of course. Go.”

  “I’m not meeting him for another forty-five minutes. No matter how insistent he’s being. I have to get these two interviews out of the way first.”

  “Interviews?” Emma asked.

  “Yeah, those two ladies waiting patiently over in the corner there. One of them hopefully will be taking my place.”

  “Oh, you did mention that. What will you be doing instead?”

  “I’ll be taking on some caseloads and freeing Tori up some. She’s been so busy she’s barely getting any sleep.”

  “Are you sure my brother isn’t to blame for some of that?”

  Alison giggled. “Well I’m sure Wes is doing his part, but no, it really is a lot of how busy she’s become in the last six months. Who knew relocating her office would actually boost her popularity?”

  “I’m glad it proved to be a good decision for her. Tori and Wes are happy. I’d hate for something to deter it even a little bit.”

  Alison nodded. “Yeah me too. Can you watch the phones for me while I get the interviews out of the way? I’d be done if not for the phone constantly interrupting me.”

  “Yeah. Go get it done.” Emma shooed her away. “I’ll take messages and give them to you or Tori later.”

  “Thanks so much, Emma. You’re an angel.”

  Alison grabbed two folders and went over to approach the two ladies waiting on the other side of the room. She gestured to one of them and said, “If you’ll follow me.”

  They went down the hall and entered another room. As soon as the door clicked shut the phone started to ring again. Emma picked it up and said, “Hello?”


  “No, it’s Emma. Alison is busy. Can I take a message?”


  “Yes.” Emma fought the urge to roll her eyes. Didn’t people pay attention anymore?

  “Why are you answering the phone?”

  It hit her then who was on the other line. Colt was calling to talk to Alison. He’d probably got fed up with her ignoring his text messages. She remembered how impatient he could be at times when he wanted something.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m helping out while she’s doing some interviews.”

  “Interviews? What are you talking about?”

  Clearly he wasn’t a very good boyfriend if he didn’t know about Alison’s promotion. Or they hadn’t seen each other in a while, and Alison hadn’t had time to let him know her good news. Either way he was being rude. “Yeah, for her replacement.”

  “Alison’s leaving Tori’s firm?”

  “Of course not. Don’t be silly. Shouldn’t you know all this already?”


  “About Alison’s promotion?”

  “Oh yeah, she did mention that it was a possibility.” He paused a minute and then continued. “So it’s for sure now? Good, it will give us something to celebrate later. Did she say what time she was going to meet me? She forgot to mention it in her text.”

  “Honestly I don’t know for sure. She did say she’d be tied up here for another forty-five minutes doing the interviews. Do you want me to have her call you?”

  Emma gritted her teeth. Taking messages for Alison seemed like a good idea at the time. Of course, she didn’t expect to be the intermediary between her and Colt either. It grated on her nerves for reasons she didn’t want to examine.

  “No. Tell her to meet me in our place when she’s done. I’ll wait for her. Tell her its important she comes as soon as she’s able too.”

  “I’ll do that. Goodbye Colt.”

  Emma clicked the phone down and frowned.

  “Colt was on the phone?”

  She jumped back and placed her hand on her chest. “Good grief, Tori, you startled me.”

  Tori stood next to her in a dark blue dress that hugged all her curves. Her caramel-blonde hair was pinned up on top of her head, a few strands floating around her beautiful heart-shaped face.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

  Emma waved her hand. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Where’s Alison?”

  “Interviews.” Emma pointed down the hallway.

  “Ah, I see. What did Colt want?”

  “Lunch date with Alison. Wanted to check the time with her.” Emma tried to stay nonchalant. She didn’t do a good job because Tori seemed to see right through her.

  “They’re just friends.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  Apparently Tori didn’t know they were more than friends. It wasn’t her place to tell her she was wrong. When Alison wanted to share that bit of news with her boss she would.

  “Of course it does. You two have a history—

  “Tori, I really don’t want to talk about Colt.”

  “All right. I’ll drop it for now then.”

  “No, I don’t ever want to talk about him.”

  Tori tilted her head and studied her. “Fine. I’ll leave you be, but know as soon as you give me an opening I’ll pounce on it. There are some things you should know when you’re ready to hear them.”

  “I won’t…” Emma paused and took a deep breath. “Ever be ready or willing to hear them, that is.”

  “Can you tell Alison to come see me before she rushes off to meet Colt?”

  “Sure. Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “No, you’re doing it by fielding the phone calls. Thanks for doing that. I’m sure they’d be ringing off the wall. Alison’s ready to scream.”

  Emma laughed. “Yeah, I got that impression. The sooner she finds a replacement, the better for you both.”

  Vitoria nodded. “It can’t happen fast enough.”

  “Maybe now that I’m here in Seattle fulltime we can do lunch more often.”

  “Which reminds me, let me get you the key to the condo.”

  Vitoria rushed down the hall to her office. Emma was always amazed she could walk so fast in her killer high heels. Today’s pair was a dark blue with jeweled tips, perfectly matching her dress.

  “Here it is. Come by whenever you’re ready. I have the guest room ready for you.”

  “Have you mentioned to Wes I’m going to be staying with you?” Emma asked.

  Vitoria shook her head. “No, I haven’t spoken to him since he left this morning. I’m not sure if he will be back tonight. He likes to stay at least a few nights out at the ranch.”

  “I have a feeling he’ll be back. He’s going to want to interrogate me.”

  Tori laughed. “No doubt you’re right. Don’t let it bother you. I’ll be there to keep him in line.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “No problem. Now I need to get back to work. Leave any messages on Alison’s desk. She can sort them out later. If you need to leave let me know so I can turn the answering service on.”

  Emma nodded. “Okay. I’m sure it’ll be fine though.”

  Tori waved and walked back to her office. Emma sat back and let out a deep breath. What had she gotten herself into? She’d willingly volunteered so Alison could go out to lunch with her ex-boyfriend. Apparently she was a glutton for punishment. She pushed it all out of her head and concentrated on the task she’d signed up for. Answering phones couldn’t really be that bad.

  Chapter Five

  Colt pushed his fingers through his hair leaving it a disheveled mess, strands falling all over the place. He’d had it pulled back with a rubber band, but it had since been pulled free leaving his hair floating around his shoulders. Where the hell was Alison? If she’d mentioned anything to Emma—he didn’t want to think about what that might mean. Maybe he should call her again? No, the last time he got that brilliant idea he’d ended up talking to Emma. Awkward didn’t even begin to describe how that had been. He thought talking to her in Dr. Ellwood’s office had been bad. He’d been wrong. At least she couldn’t see his face through a telephone line. He honestly didn’t think she’d be the one answering the phones at Tori’s office. No one ever answered the main line except Alison.

  Colt shivered as a cold wind ripped through him. Late October in Seattle wasn’t the warmest time of the year. It wouldn’t get warmer anytime soon either. He scanned the area surrounding the little café he usually met Alison at. He liked it because it was quiet and out of the way. Nobody bothered him, and he appreciated the time he was able to spend with his best friend. If she didn’t show up soon, he was going to have to go looking for her. This waiting was driving him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

  “Have you been waiting long?”

  Colt turned to find Alison standing behind him, the wind whipping her copper-gold hair around her face, the steel gray of her eyes shining with excitement.

  He pulled her into his arms, hugging her as relief flooded him. “I’m so glad you’re here.” He took a step back releasing her from his embrace.

  “Wow, if I knew you were this desperate I might have tried to get here sooner. What’s going on?”

  “I have a problem.”

  “You don’t say—I figured that much out from your constant and frantic texts.” She patted him on the shoulder. “So explain how this has to do with Emma, but first you promised lunch, and I’m starving. Let’s go inside.”

  They both entered the café and found a table. It was the type of place you could pick your own seat. Menus were on the edge of the table, but they’d come in so often they didn’t even look at them. They both knew it well and ordered from memory.

  “Hey, Colt…Alison.” Debbie, their favorite waitress, greeted them and nodded her head at them. “What can I get you two?”

  “I’m starving. I left my apartment without eating this mo

  Colt frowned. “What did I tell you about doing that?” He shook his head at her in disapproval. “It’s not good for you.”

  “I know and I don’t need a lecture right now. I didn’t have time okay. I won’t make a habit of it.” Alison turned to Debbie and smiled. “I want a grilled turkey and Swiss sandwich, a tossed salad with French dressing, oh, and what kind of soup do you have today?”

  “We have white bean chicken chili and broccoli cheese.”

  “Give me a cup of the chili. Can you bring it to me first?”

  “Of course,” she said as she wrote down Alison’s order. “What about you Colt?”

  “Bring me a bowl of the chili. Can you bring a bread basket to?”

  “What about drinks? You want your usual?”

  “Yes, please, but bring me a cup of coffee too. Water isn’t going to be enough today. I need a little pick me up,” Alison said.

  “All right. I’ll be right back with your chili and drinks.”

  “Okay, now that we’ve ordered and I will be fed soon, lay it on me. What has you in panic mode?” Alison asked.

  “Emma’s going to be working as the physical therapist for the Starlings.”

  “Tell me something I don’t already know.”

  He took a deep breath. Time to tell Alison what was going on. He did a small gesture, swiping his hand between them. “She thinks we’re dating.”

  Alison gasped. “What? Where would she get a fool idea like that?”

  Colt began to fidget in his seat. He twisted his hands and couldn’t look up at her as he admitted, “I may have let her believe it.”

  “Oh good lord. You moron.” She reached across the table and smacked the side of his head. “Why would you do a fool thing like that?”

  “I don’t know. I panicked.”


  The waitress came by and set their chili and drinks in front of them. She placed the bread basket in the middle of the table and left. Colt picked up a piece of bread and unwrapped it. He dipped it in his chili and took a big bite. He really didn’t like having to explain to her what an idiot he’d been earlier with Emma.

  “She blindsided me, Ali. I didn’t expect to see her there. She was supposed to be safe at home enjoying her part in running Novak Springs.”


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