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Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3)

Page 14

by Dawn Brower

  “Good, I have you exactly where I want you.”

  “Ditto.” Colt kicked his jeans free and flipped her on her back. “I want you so much…”

  “Stop talking and start doing,” Emma demanded.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  Colt kissed her hard—his tongue dueling with hers for control. Tiny beads of heat pooled at her center. She wrapped her legs around his waist and grinded against his hardness. If he didn’t fill her soon she’d scream. It had been too long—Emma wanted him to fuck her senseless. She grazed her nails across his back. Frustration filled her when she hit the edge of his shirt.

  “You have too many clothes on.”

  “So do you,” he agreed. “I want you naked.”

  Emma pushed his shirt over his head. “Then do something about it.”

  He pushed her bra straps down and unhooked her bra. His eyes focused on her nipples with clear intent. Colt captured one of them inside his mouth. The heat of his tongue made her squirm. Emma ran her hands through his hair and yanked the strands back. His gaze landed on hers.

  “Stop getting distracted.”

  “No, I need to taste every inch of you,” he declared.

  Emma groaned. “You’re killing me.”

  “Not yet, but when I’m done with you I promise you one thing.” Colt scooted downward, pulling her panties in his grip. “You’ll never run from me again.”

  “Stop making promises you can’t keep.”

  “I’ve never made one I didn’t.”

  He pushed her legs apart and worshiped her with his mouth. The tip of his tongue swirled against the tight bud—a center of nerves bundled so tight she jerked at the first touch. He pulled her closer and licked her until she screamed. Her whole body went limp from the release. Colt picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  She stared up at him. He was so fucking gorgeous. Colt slipped a condom over his cock and joined her on the bed.

  “You belong to me.” He slowly entered her. “Stop fighting it.”

  He pulled back and slammed forward again. Emma’s moans filled the room as he rode her over and over again. She lifted her hips and wound her legs around his hips. She danced with him as they found pleasure in each other. The crevice built deep inside of her again. A thousand tiny pinpricks of bliss spread all over her. Emma began to quiver as the crescendo overtook her. Blackness filled the room as an orgasm exploded around her and deep inside of her.

  It’d never been quite like this.

  Something changed—snapped inside of her. She’d let go of her hatred and given in to her desire. All of her walls came tumbling down…crashed into oblivion. Her heart was an open wound as all of her uncontrollable feelings crashed into it. What had she done?

  Colt found his own release and pulled her tighter into his embrace. His warmth flooded her, searing her soul. It was too much. Emma couldn’t control the emotions that spread through her. She shook from the inside out.

  Escape—she needed to find it. Colt wouldn’t let her go willingly ever again. How would she get him to give her space? Why had she given in to her need to have him again? It was a mistake.

  Colt rolled to his side pulling her with him. He stared into her eyes. “Emma, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she replied. Emma placed her hands on his chest and attempted to push him away. He wasn’t allowing it.

  “Don’t close up on me again,” he pleaded.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Emma was all about denial. She couldn’t get caught in this trap again. “It was fun, but I think it’s time for me to go.”

  “Emma, don’t do this.”

  Emma rolled off the bed and started to dress. “Do what?”

  “We have something good…”

  “We had sex, Colt.” Emma shrugged her shoulders. “That was never a problem between us.”

  His blue eyes hardened. “So that’s all you want from me.”

  “Do you have a problem with that?” She raised her eyebrow.

  “Not at all.” His lips were a firm straight line as he stared at her. “In fact, any time you feel the urge, by all means stop by.”

  “Really?” It couldn’t be so simple, and uneasiness spread throughout her. This was wrong…

  “Absolutely.” He sat up on the bed and crossed his arms. “I’m done fighting with you.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Emma’s eyes narrowed into tiny slits as she studied him.

  “Believe what you want. I really don’t give a damn.”

  Emma’s mouth gaped open. A few moments earlier he was begging her to stay—promised she’d never run away again. Now he was giving up on her? Not one ounce of fight was left in him. Why was he suddenly all right with them just being friends with benefits?


  “Why are you still here?” He glared at her. “Weren’t you getting dressed so you could run away?” Sarcasm dripped with disdain laced through each word.

  Damn it. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Where had she miscalculated? What could she do to make this right? Emma got dressed and slipped out of the room. Outside, she leaned against the wall. Her head fell back against it. She glanced at the closed door and bit her lip. Mistakes seemed to be her go-to punch lately. What a mess—with no clear way to fix it. She’d leave for now. Once she figured out how to approach Colt and handle the situation, she’d return. This was supposed to allow her to let him go. Instead, it had made Colt look at her with hatred. He’d always seemed so happy to see her. Would his eyes always glaze up with distaste at the sight of her now? Perhaps she’d misread the situation—her judgment was shot all to hell. She had to be sure…

  Chapter Twenty

  The walls rattled as a loud bang bounced through the room. Colt jolted upward and stared at the door to his hotel room. The earsplitting boom shook the door again. He sat up, pulled on his jeans and stumbled toward the door. He yanked it open and found Paxton on the other side.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Nice to see you too.” Paxton elbowed his way past him. “I assumed you’d be in a better mood this morning.”

  “Yeah, well you know what they say about assuming shit.”

  Paxton shoved his hands into his pockets and rolled back on his heels. He stared at Colt for what seemed like hours, but was in reality only a few seconds. A loud whistle filled the awkward silence. “I’d say one of us definitely is an ass in this situation—and it’s not me.”

  Colt glared at him. “Did you stop by for a particular reason?”

  “Um yeah…” He scratched his head. “I’m not so sure now though.”

  “Spit it out, Paxton.”

  Colt figured the sooner he found out what the man wanted the quicker he could get rid of him. After Emma damn near ran away from him last night he didn’t much feel like entertaining company. His bruised heart had taken a beating. One he wasn’t entirely sure he’d be able to get over. The dance he and Emma kept playing with each other—it had become too much last night. He loved her and wanted her forever. Apparently she didn’t have the same idea. As much as he wanted to fight for her—for the possibility of spending the rest of his life with her—he didn’t know how many more knocks he could take. Something had to give and soon. Otherwise, he’d have to admit there was no possibility of having the one woman he’d always love.

  Colt sighed. “Any day now.”

  “I ran into Emma downstairs.”

  Colt scrubbed his hands over his face. Fuck. Did Paxton want to have a heart to heart? He didn’t need it. All he wanted to do was forget—no that wasn’t true. It was perfect up until she left. Some of it was worth remembering. What he needed was a new strategy. Making her jealous didn’t work. Chasing after her was a mistake. It was time to let her come to him…or let her go once and for all. It was starting to look like that was the best option. A sour taste filled his mouth.


  “She didn’t look,” Paxton paused, “happy.�

  “How is this my problem?”

  Deep down a part of him wanted to jump for joy. Good. She shouldn’t be happy. He was damned miserable and he wanted her to experience the same feeling. Emma didn’t know what she wanted and kept yanking him back and forth like a yo-yo.

  “I thought you wanted her?”

  “Emma has other ideas. I’m tired of chasing after her.”

  Colt strolled across the room and grabbed his T-shirt off the floor. He pulled it over his neck and let it settle into place. “Don’t we have a flight in a couple hours?”


  “Then you should go get your stuff taken care of. I need to finish packing. I don’t have time for any more Emma drama.”

  Paxton shook his head. “What the hell happened last night?”

  He’d made love to Emma…It had been perfect—until it wasn’t.

  “Go away, Paxton.”

  “Man—you need to talk about this shit. If you don’t get a handle on it before the next game…”

  “You think I’ll choke?” His mouth was a firm line, his cheeks aching from the strain of controlling his temper. “I promise you Emma isn’t going to distract me. She hasn’t so far and nothing is going to change that now.”

  Paxton held out his hands. “I’m trying to help.”

  “You can quit while you’re ahead.”

  Colt turned his back to him. Tiny shards of pain stabbed through his heart. Talking about his pain was the last thing he needed. If only he could forget about her—no, Emma meant the world to him. For now he’d give her space because he required it too. The best way to do it was to throw himself into the game. Some grueling, body pounding, mind numbing exercise—Emma knew where to find him.

  Paxton, on the other hand, was fast becoming a nuisance.

  “I’ll tell you what I’m going to do.” His gaze was steady on Colt. “I’m going to go grab my stuff out of my room and head downstairs. You meet me there in twenty minutes. We’ll head to the airport together. Don’t make me wait long because I’m not leaving without you.”

  “Why are you being so difficult?”

  Paxton shrugged his shoulders. “It’s part of my charm.”

  Colt clenched his fists at his side. “Forgive me if I don’t see it.” He held up his hand. “No, strike that. I don’t need forgiveness.”

  “You wound me.” Paxton’s hand rested on his chest above his heart.

  “Somehow I think you’ll survive.” Colt’s lips twitched as he fought a smile. The bastard did have a way of making light of a situation. He wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d had an impact on his mood though. His mood darkened slightly as he recalled Emma’s behavior. He shook it off and turned his attention back to Paxton.

  “Fine, you win. I’ll meet you downstairs. Now leave so I can get ready to go.”

  “Good, we can get coffee at the airport while we wait for our plane.”

  Colt raised his eyebrow. “Coffee?”

  “I’d suggest something stronger, but I doubt anything is available this early.”

  Colt shook his head. Alcohol is the last thing he needed. Clouded judgment wouldn’t get him very far.

  “Coffee works. I might need the jolt to wake me up. It’s too early for anything with a kick.”

  Paxton nodded. “Right—we can get it on the plane. I’m going to need it if I have to deal with you for an entire flight.”

  “Dick.” Colt allowed himself to smile. No sense in fighting it any longer.

  “Jerk,” Paxton shot back. “You have fifteen minutes, princess and I’m coming back up here for you.”

  Colt rolled his eyes. “I’m soooo scared.”

  “You should be.” Paxton winked. He headed toward the door. “Don’t forget to check out.”

  “Yes, mother.”

  Paxton’s laugh floated through the room as the door clicked shut. Colt’s mood started to lighten up. If only dealing with Emma was as simple.

  His phone vibrated on the bedside table. Colt picked it up and grimaced. A text from Emma appeared on the screen. She wanted to talk. Colt wasn’t ready to have any heart to heart chats with her. Let her stew in whatever she had brewing. He set the phone back down without replying.

  He packed everything up as quickly as possible. Paxton hadn’t been joking. If Colt didn’t join him in the allotted time, he’d be back. Besides, Colt was more than ready to leave the room. It had a stain on it he’d sooner forget. Emma’s scent still lingered in the room. He grabbed his carry-on bag and exited. He found Paxton in the lobby, lounging in a nearby chair, a newspaper opened in front of his face.

  Colt tapped the paper. “Am I interrupting something important?”

  “Nah, just a play by play of everything you did wrong in yesterday’s game.”

  “You’re full of it.” Colt folded his arms across his chest. “It was one of my best games.” It hadn’t been—but he didn’t want to voice any of his concerns.

  “I’d never lie.” Paxton crisscrossed his fingers across his chest. “Cross my heart.”

  Colt snorted. “Somehow I don’t find that very reassuring.”

  He didn’t want to see a negative article about him in the paper. They’d won—it had been ugly but a win was a win. Besides, Paxton enjoyed yanking his chain, so he’d let him have this moment.

  “You’re right,” Paxton agreed with a wink. “I don’t have a heart to cross.”

  “I thought so.”

  He folded the paper up and handed it to him. “But they were tearing you apart in the paper. I wouldn’t let it bother you though. That’s what they do. They feel the need to rip someone apart to make themselves feel better. You’ll find another paper giving you a glowing report. This is the playoffs. All bets are off.”

  Damn it. The fallout with Emma had been bad enough—bad newspaper articles could go where they belonged. In the trash bin.

  “Colt, we need to talk.”

  Colt closed his eyes and took in a deep calming breath as her voice echoed through his eardrums. Melodic, wonderful, and for a brief moment his heart filled with joy.

  “I’m kind of busy, Emma.”

  He kept his back to her. If he looked at her he’d cave. Instead of facing her he opened the paper to read what Paxton had been talking about. The words swam before his eyes. He couldn’t concentrate with Emma so near. He could smell her scent—all honeysuckle and jasmine. It tickled his nose and made him itch to pull her into his arms. The paper crinkled under his tight grip as he fought for control.

  “You didn’t answer my text,” Emma persisted.

  Colt snapped the paper shut and folded it under his arm. “Did you maybe think there was a reason for that?”

  Emma forced his gaze to find hers as she touched his chin, guiding his face in her direction. She stared into his eyes. “Don’t be like this.”

  “Like what, Emma?”

  Her beautiful blue eyes blinked before him. Emma’s face paled as she gazed up at him. Colt didn’t like hurting her, but he had to protect himself. If he didn’t he’d be following her around like a lost puppy for the rest of his life. He wanted all of her, not the scraps she kept throwing him.


  “There is no we.” Colt glared. “You made that perfectly clear last night.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. They fluttered open. Tiny beads of moisture formed at the corner. Colt started to question his choice. Did he really want her to be in this much pain? No, but he didn’t want her to treat him as disposable anymore. They both deserved so much more. If this was the only way to get through to her—so be it.

  “When you calm down you know where to find me. I’ll see you at the game in Dallas.” Emma turned to leave.

  “Emma, wait.”

  Her eyes flew to his. “What?”

  “Don’t wait for me to come find you. It’s not going to happen.” His gaze focused solely on her so she understood. “I’m done playing games with you. Make up your mind�
��and then come find me.”

  Emma’s mouth fell open. She closed it and then nodded. “All right.”

  Her beautiful cinnamon hair fell around her shoulders and draped across her back as she turned away. She kept walking away from him—something she’d gotten incredibly good at over the past year. As much as it hurt to see her leaving him Colt knew he’d made the right choice.

  “Tough break, man.”

  Colt nodded his head. “You have no idea.”

  “I might. I’m having female troubles myself.”

  Colt’s eyes flew to Paxton’s. “Alison?”

  “How’d you know?” Surprise filled his voice.

  “Call it a hunch.”

  Women were so much trouble. He missed the days when things seemed so perfect between him and Emma. Damn Missy and her false accusations. He should be on an all-time high. Colt was in a good place with his career. His relationship with Emma soured it.

  “Let’s get to the airport,” Paxton suggested. “I have a feeling coffee might be off the table.”

  “Yeah, a stiff drink is sounding better and better.” Colt nodded.

  It was going to kill him to wait for Emma to come to him. Any fortification to make him see it through was more than welcome. Commiserating with Paxton was only the first step. Colt wondered what was holding Alison back. When he returned home he’d schedule a lunch with her and see if she volunteered the information. Alison was usually so level-headed. Paxton must have done something stupid for her to close him out.

  “Maybe we’ll get lucky and there will be a bar that believes that saying.” Paxton grabbed his suitcase and rolled it behind him as he exited the hotel. “You know the one I’m talking about, right?”

  “No, you’ve lost me.”

  “It’s five-o’clock somewhere.”

  Colt laughed. “Maybe we should change our flight and go someplace more fun.”

  “I’m game if you are.” Paxton stopped and stared at him. “We do have a week before the next game.”

  Colt had been joking—but suddenly it appealed to him. Coach might murder him… Disappearing before a big game? It just wasn’t done. Still he found himself saying, “Where would we go?”


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