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Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3)

Page 17

by Dawn Brower

  “Yes, give it to me.” Emma leaped off the bed and marched to his side. “Where is it?”

  “Give me a minute while I go retrieve it. As the best man I took it as my sacred duty to preserve this momentous occasion for all of posterity—plus I knew you’d both have doubts considering your considerably inebriated state.”

  Paxton left the room. Emma spun around and stared Colt in the eye. He didn’t seem as pleased as she thought he’d be. He looked—scared.

  “Why aren’t you happy?”

  “I didn’t want it to be like this between us. I wanted more—this will send you running again.” He frowned. “I want to be with you, always, but not if you don’t want it too.”

  “Well it seems you won the game—so I owe you a courting period regardless.”

  Bile rose in her throat. She pushed it back down. Emma wouldn’t lose the contents of her stomach too. Her life was a freaking mess. What else could go wrong?

  “There’s one thing I don’t understand.”

  “What’s that?” Colt asked.

  Emma glanced at the rings gracing her left hand. The whole night didn’t add up—all of it was a nightmare. She wanted to wake up. Colt though, he could answer one question she had. “If you didn’t plan on this happening—how come I’m wearing the engagement ring you gave me?”

  Colt stared at her for several seconds. The only sound was the ticking clock on the wall. It seemed to count down to her undoing.

  “I carried it around with me—kind of like a good luck charm. I thought if I had it with me at all times it would be easier to put it back on your finger. It’d be a sign we should be together forever.”

  Emma’s bark of laugher filled the room. The irony of the situation—it didn’t escape her. “Yeah, I can see how easy it was…”

  “Not like this, Emma, you have to realize that. I’m as shocked as you are. Maybe Paxton is playing a practical joke on us.”

  He rolled out of bed and pulled on his jeans. They hung loose on his hips. Emma licked her lips as she stared at his naked torso. One thing never changed—she still wanted him.

  “Yeah, I could tell, doesn’t mean you don’t feel a little happy at these unforeseen circumstances.”


  “Here we are.” Paxton strolled back into the room. “I have your marriage license. Important legal document. What I think you really want to see is the wedding album.”

  “Excuse me?” Emma asked. “There are pictures?”

  She grabbed the album out of his hand and opened it. The horror—it hadn’t been a dream after all. They had seen an Elvis impersonator. He’d been the officiant at her wedding. The blonde bimbo was beaming next to her while Paxton stood next to Colt. The shocking thing—Emma looked so happy. She seemed to really want to marry him. This picture told a tale she didn’t remember…

  One thing was clear—she’d married Colt. He was her husband. Emma had never been so terrified in her life. Her hands shook so bad she dropped the album. It hit the floor with a loud thud.

  “Emma…” Colt reached for her, but she yanked away from his grasp.

  Her gaze met Colt’s and she turned and ran from him. She locked herself in the bathroom and cried until she had no more tears left. This was not how her wedding day was supposed to go. Dallas was going to walk her down the aisle—she’d wear a dress of floating organza and ivory lace—but more importantly it was supposed to be the best day of her life. This was a monstrosity of all that was wrong with her life. Instead of a ceremony filled with happiness, she got a joke and an imperfect groom.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Emma didn’t say a word. Not after he brought her clothes and set them outside the bathroom door. Not even after they checked out and headed to the airport. Now they sat next to each other in first class. Paxton was in the seat directly in front of them. All Emma did was stare at everything—except Colt.

  Colt didn’t exist in her world—and it was driving him crazy.

  She acted like he planned the whole thing. He never would have done things the way they’d played out. What did she expect him to do? Undoing this mess wasn’t going to be easy. Their next course of action depended on how they both wanted to proceed. He couldn’t ascertain what that was without any kind of verbal communication from Emma.

  “We should talk,” Colt coaxed.

  Emma continued to stare out of the airplane window. Colt clenched the armrests wishing he had another way to vent his frustrations.


  “Leave me alone,” she interrupted him. “I can’t talk about this right now.”

  That was too damn bad. Technically he was her husband—and he was fed up with the silent treatment. He’d never handled it well. “I understand you’d like to pretend none of this happened, but we need to deal with it.”

  Emma spun around in her seat and pinned him with a glare. “You want to talk?”

  The look in her eyes…terrified him. Maybe he’d shook the beast a little too hard. “Yes…” Colt was hesitant as he enunciated the word.

  “Fine.” Emma folded her hands in her lap. “Let’s discuss this situation.”

  “I’m glad you’re—”

  Emma held her hand up, cutting him off. “I wasn’t done.”

  “I apologize, please continue.” If it got her talking he was more than willing to be complacent. They needed to get it all out. His hope—even though this wasn’t how he wanted things to go—was that they could move forward. The love in his heart still overflowed. Emma needed to hop on board and be willing to be with him.

  “So considerate.” Emma rolled her eyes. “Where were those impeccable manners when I needed them?”

  His heart sped up and pounded in his ears. Where was she going with this? “I’m failing to understand your question.”

  She tilted her head sharply. “Oh, you want me to give it to you in tiny, precise details?” Her lips pursed tightly as she studied him. “Let’s review: One. Your dumb and dumber routine went through with flying colors. I’m not sure if you’re the dumb or dumber one in this scenario—I take that back, you’re definitely dumber. Who flies to Vegas when they have one of the most important games of their lives in a few days?” Emma paused, took a deep breath, and finished her rant. “Paxton I get. He isn’t playing…but you? Did you check your brain into the lost-to-never-be-found box before you boarded that plane? If you’d used what little modicum of intelligence you had we wouldn’t be sitting here having this conversation.”

  “Are you done?” Heat filled his cheeks.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Too bad, it’s my turn.”

  It was time she took credit for her own actions. He didn’t make her play poker and drink enough whiskey to blackout. She’d decided to do that all on her own. “Why don’t we recap things from my point of view?”

  “Let’s not and pretend we did.”

  Fuck if they would.

  “Not happening, honey.”

  Emma placed her hands on the arm of her chair and leaned forward. “I’m not your honey.”

  “Oh, I’d definitely say you are,” Colt drawled, sarcastically. “Sweet as can be too. Who wouldn’t want a wife with a tongue that dripped as sugary as yours?”

  “You’re such an asshole. Why can’t you leave me alone?”

  Good question. Why did he want her so damned much? She kept beating him over the head with how much she didn’t want him. He should give up, but a part of him knew if he held on a little bit longer—the reward would pay off. Emma might be fighting him now, but she wanted him as much as he desired her. They fit each other. If only she’d see past her mistrust long enough to realize he was the one person she could always rely on. He’d never betray her.

  “Because you don’t really want me to,” Colt replied. “Now let’s revisit the past couple of days. First, the night we made love—and don’t tell me it was just sex. It was far more than that. You came to that bar looking for me. Pretend all you want—y
ou wouldn’t have left with anyone other than me. I’ve had time to think about it.” He’d been too enraptured and then pissed at first to realize what she’d been up to. Now it was so clear he felt like the idiot she kept calling him. It gave him the boost to fight for her. “Then once you got what you wanted you ran away like a frightened animal.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Emma studied her fingernails. “I had no designs on your person.”

  “Like hell you didn’t. If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have been so complacent about me carrying your cute little ass up to my room. You’d have fought a hell of a lot harder to get me to let you go—instead you played your own little game of seduction to get me all hot and bothered.”

  “Fine. I told you it was sex.” She leaned forward and licked her lips. Her fingers trailed across his arm. “I never denied that you’re an amazing lover. You said to look you up when I wanted some. Want to join the mile-high club?”

  She was messing with him again. Still, his body reacted to her words. His dick became rock hard inside his jeans. “Not today, but maybe when you’re a little less pissed we can revisit that idea.”

  “You’re not fooling me.” Her fingers skimmed across his waistband and trailed down to his hard cock. She cupped it with the palm of her hand and massaged. “I can feel how much you like the idea.”

  Colt gritted his teeth. “I never said I didn’t like the idea. I said it wasn’t a good time. We’re not done talking.”

  Emma sighed. “I don’t get it. Why do you insist on talking so damned much? That’s where we get into trouble. Talking is overrated. I’d much rather have fun.”

  Colt took a deep calming breath. “Emma, we’re not having sex so you can avoid having a conversation.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and turned her back to him. “Have it your way. I liked looking out the window better anyway.”

  The woman was so damned frustrating. He really wanted to punch a wall—anything—to let out all his anger. The plane needed to land and soon before he did something he would regret. Hell with it. Emma was already pissed at him. He might as well get a reaction out of her. He spun her back around and pulled her into his lap.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you a little of what you want.”

  He yanked her forward and smashed their lips together into a hard kiss. When she gasped he took advantage and pushed his tongue inside her mouth. Emma clenched his hair between her fingers and jerked him closer. Their tongues fought for control—neither one getting the upper hand. Colt ground his erection into the curve of her ass. Emma took the opportunity to lift her head slightly and bite his bottom lip between her teeth. Then she kissed the sting away with the softness of her lips—making his anger dissipate into a puddle of a much larger need.

  This was a bad idea.

  He lifted her up and set her back down in her own seat. Colt had no idea what he’d hoped to accomplish, but all he’d done was make him want her even more than before. She was his own personal addiction—a drug he could never get enough of.

  “Still want to skip the sex part?”

  Colt blew out a breath. “Yes, but I’d like to continue our conversation.”

  Emma’s lips were bright red and puffy. Desire spilled out of her eyes. If they were not on the plane he’d take her up on her offer. He wanted to slide himself deep inside of her and forget their problems for a little while. They’d never make it if they did that though. He wanted forever. If he hoped to achieve that goal he would need to pace himself and learn a hell of a lot of patience.

  “I want to forget.” Emma stared down at her lap, her hands twisting together as she nervously played with them. “It’s not how I imagined my wedding day.”

  Colt grimaced. “I know. It’s not how I pictured it either.”

  “I don’t understand how we could have let it happen…”

  “I know, but Ems, we need to figure out where we go from here.”

  A tiny tear formed in the corner of her eye. Colt reached up and wiped it away with his thumb. He hated to see her cry. It had gutted him to listen to her bawling in the bathroom earlier. He wanted to take all her hurt away.

  “Seems like I owe you a couple weeks of dates—why don’t we start there and figure out the rest later.”

  His mouth hung open in shock. She wasn’t going to run away from him? Maybe his luck was finally starting to turn around. If she was actually going to give him a chance—the possibilities were endless. “I didn’t think you would honor that bet.”

  “I might as well.” She shrugged her shoulders. “What do I have to lose?”

  “That’s one way of looking at it…”

  “We’re already married. Before we jump into the idea of dissolving it we should at least explore the possibility we could work as a couple again.”

  He couldn’t be hearing her right. This was everything he’d wanted, but didn’t think he had a chance in hell of actually getting. “Why?”

  “Because we had something good once. I’d be a fool to not try and see if we still had it.”

  Colt brushed her hair with the back of his hand. “I never stopped loving you.”

  “I know.” Emma turned her head to look out the window. “But sometimes love isn’t enough.”

  “I will do anything to prove to you it’s more than enough.” Colt was desperate for her to realize she could trust him. “I’ve always been faithful to you.”

  “I don’t know—but I’m willing to try.”

  Colt supposed it was all he could ask of her—for now. At some point he’d want her to make a decision and stick to it. For Emma he’d willingly walk into hell and back.

  “I’m glad.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “After the game we can start planning those dates. Get to know each other all over again.”

  “I’d like that.” Emma nodded.

  With the stress of talking to Emma all done he could relax and worry about the game. It was a big one. If they won—they’d go to the Super Bowl. If they lost… He’d have to sit home for the biggest game of the year. Either way he won no matter what. At least if things worked out with Emma the way he thought they would.

  “See, talking wasn’t so bad.” He leaned forward, his forehead touching hers. “It can even be fun if you let it.”

  Emma’s tongue darted out and slid across her bottom lip. “Some things are even more pleasurable if you open yourself up to them.”

  Colt brought his hand up and cupped the back of her head. “Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?”

  “Maybe a little of this.” Emma’s lips caressed his cheek. “And some of this.” Her tongue grazed his lips. “And a whole lot of this.” Her lips pressed against his.

  Colt yanked her forward and deepened the kiss. He didn’t need any more convincing. Kissing her had always been one of his favorite activities and one of the best ways to spend flying into Dallas. The rest they could all work out later—much later. For now he’d bask in the joy of holding her in his arms once again. The problem with winning her over for good could be solved as she learned to trust him again.

  He lifted his head and smiled. “You have the best ideas.”

  “I know. You should listen to me more often.” Her eyes gleamed with amusement. “Emma knows all…”

  Not always, but he’d let her believe it for now. It worked in his favor.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Emma stepped into the guest bedroom at Tori’s condo and fell face first on her bed. She had some decisions to make. All of which surrounded Colt. Their agreed upon dating time limit was about to expire, Valentine’s Day was in two days. He’d been perfect. As soon as she quit fighting him every step of the way it all fell into place. It almost seemed like no time had passed—if only she could forget why they spent the time apart everything would be right in their world. No matter how hard she tried, it wouldn’t leave her mind. She needed answers, and soon.

  “That bad?”

  “Go away, Wes.”
  Just what she needed—her overprotective brother harassing her. She wanted to be left alone to commiserate with her new best friend—misery. Emma should be ecstatic, except she wasn’t. If she didn’t make a decision soon, her whole life would explode. Colt kept looking at her with a longing look shooting right through her heart. She wore her wedding rings on a chain around her neck. The very idea of telling her brothers she’d married Colt in Vegas sent shivers of dread down her spine. One problem at a time—if she decided to stay married to Colt she’d tell her brothers. No reason to worry them unnecessarily.

  “Sorry, squirt, I can’t do that.” He shook her shoulders. “Get up. We need to talk.”

  Emma rolled over on her side and stared up at him. “About?”

  “Come downstairs.” Wes stopped inside the doorway. “It would be better if we didn’t have to repeat ourselves. Get it all out at once.”

  “Us?” Emma jolted upward. “Who else is here?”

  “Why, everyone is here. Dallas and Ginny brought Montana to town for a visit. They arrived a couple of minutes ago. You must have missed them on your way up. Tori was drooling all over our little niece a few minutes ago.” Wes folded his hands across his chest. “Of course, she should now be safely tucked away in our bedroom taking a little nap. Tori was heading there as I came to your room. It’s a good time for a family meeting.”

  Emma groaned. “Somehow I don’t think I’m going to like where this is going.”

  “Probably a good bet. Come on, everybody is waiting.”

  Emma got up and stomped down the stairs behind her brother. What could they possibly want to talk about? No one knew about the debacle in Vegas. She’d took painstaking steps to ensure it wouldn’t leak. If the world got news that Colt had married—it would be front page news in every sport and society page in the country. He was a big name since he took over for Paxton Kerry as first-string quarterback. Her biggest fear was that it somehow got out, but she’d have heard about it if it had. Wouldn’t she?


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