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Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3)

Page 19

by Dawn Brower

  “Emma.” Wes stood and hugged her. “I’m so sorry. If we hadn’t ambushed you, Alison might have found you sooner.”

  “This isn’t your fault. My own stubbornness drove me away.”

  Their earlier fight was now a distant memory. She had bigger concerns. Her brothers didn’t hold a grudge, at least with her. All would be forgiven.

  “Emma? Wes? How are you holding up?” Lila walked into the room, her pale blonde hair in a loose French braid with a few strands falling over her forehead. She twirled one between her fingers. “I heard about Colt and came to see how you two were doing?”

  They hadn’t seen Lila since Montana was born. Emma seized the opportunity to ask her to check on Colt and rushed over to her. “It’s killing me—not knowing. Could you maybe find out what’s going on?”

  Lila bit her lip. “I don’t know—it’s not my area…”

  “Please,” Emma begged. “I need some kind of news.

  “I just…”

  “Leave Lila be,” Ian said as he walked into the room. He looked down his nose at Lila—disdain filling his eyes. “She can’t help you.”

  Emma glanced over at Ian and back at Lila. Something was going on between them. She didn’t know what—but when she had less to worry about she intended to ask him. For now she had bigger worries. “Ian, what’s going on with Colt? Please tell me he’s all right.”

  “He suffered some severe trauma to his heart from the accident. Cardiac Tamponade is a common injury in a car accident. To put it in simple terms—there was a penetration of the pericardium, the thin sac around the heart. This particular injury is serious because the cavity around the heart can fill up with blood or other fluids and compress it. When the fluid presses on the heart, less blood can enter. The result is less oxygen-rich blood to be pumped out to the rest of the body.” He paused and took a breath. “If it’s not repaired it can result in shock, organ failure, and cardiac arrest. Colt had begun to do the latter. So we rushed him to surgery.”

  Emma gasped. “Were you able to repair it?”

  “Yes, we were.” Ian smiled. “I’m good at what I do. I need to warn you though. He’s still in serious condition. I don’t want you to stress him out. At this point I expect he will make a full recovery—however anything can and often does happen.”

  Emma nodded. “Can I see him?”

  “Yes, but I want you to be prepared. He has many other injuries—a broken clavicle and his left leg is in a cast. He’s hooked up to a lot of machines to monitor all of his vitals.”

  “I need to see him and make sure he’s still alive. Can you take me to him?”

  “Yes.” Ian nodded. “Follow me.”

  Emma followed him to Colt’s room. He had bandages on his forehead. His left leg was in a cast. Machines beeped all around her. She scanned the room and located a chair, pulling it up to his bedside.

  “I’ll be right here waiting for you to wake up—no matter how long it takes.”

  Emma leaned down and kissed his cheek and then sat down to wait for him to open his eyes. She meant every word. Nothing would get her to leave his side.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Music drifted throughout—filling Colt’s ears. There was soft piano music followed by a lilting voice. It sounds so familiar. I know I’ve heard it before. It struck a chord deep within. This song—it’s exactly what I’ve been going through with Emma. Feel my love… Colt had no doubts where she belonged—with him. Be patient and let her see how great they are together. The song fit them so perfectly.

  “I remember you played this song for me. You said it was our song. I was being so difficult. Honestly, I don’t know how you could be so patient. Only you would put up with a brat like me.” Emma sighed. “I was so stupid Colt—so, so stupid. Words can’t describe what a moron I was. Alison dropped off this report…I still can’t believe I broke up with you over a lie. Why did I do that? I should have believed in you.”

  Emma’s voice was soft, barely audible above the music. Why can’t I see her? Where am I? It hurts to breathe…

  “I thought maybe if I played it for you…”

  Colt could hear her sniffle a little bit. Is she crying? Who would hurt her to the point of tears? Damn it—why can’t I open my eyes. I need to hold her and take the hurt away. It doesn’t matter that my chest feels like something exploded inside of it. Her pain is mine…I have to take it away for both of us.

  “Anyway. I’m ready for you to wake up and join me. I have missed you so much. Please Colt, I’m begging you. I want you to feel it too—how much my heart beats for you.”

  Is she telling me she loves me too? I never doubted it. That she is ready to admit it—it’s the best music I could ever listen to. She loves me. As time went by it began to feel like she’d never say the words. Still she’s denying me. Say them Emma…

  “Still no change?”

  Tori—why is she here? Something isn’t adding up. The pain—my eyes refusing to open. What happened to me? Suddenly a flash of a memory floated inside his mind. The truck…it hit me—I must be in the hospital. That explains the pain…

  “No. It’s getting so hard to sit here and wait. I need him to open his eyes.”

  Emma lifts my hand and presses a kiss to my palm. She rubs it against her face. The softness of her hair floats around my arm—I would know the silky strands anywhere. Her lips are warm. A wetness—her tears I assume—coats her cheek. Please don’t cry—Colt couldn’t stand it when Emma cried.

  “Ian said he could wake up at any moment. I don’t get why he hasn’t. Do you think he changed his mind and doesn’t want to be with me?”

  Never! Not want Emma? The thought never entered my mind. She’s my everything. What’s Ian got to do with anything? Was he bothering Emma? If so, they’d have words. No one upset Emma for any reason. He couldn’t handle it. Ian better not make her cry again.

  “Colt loves you. Have faith. He will wake up,” Tori reminded her.

  I do love you. Listen to her…

  “I’ll take your word for it. I’ve been sitting here for days waiting for him to wake up.”

  “That’s why I’m here. Why don’t you go home and take a break.”

  Don’t leave, Emma. I’ll wake up. Give me time. It’s so hard…

  “No, I can’t leave.”

  “Do you want company?” Tori asked.

  “Maybe for a little while. Did I ever tell you how I met Colt? The moment I saw him—I knew he was the one person for me. If the whole scandal hadn’t happened…” Emma’s voice wobbled. “It’s safe to say we’d never have gone through the past year. I would never have doubted him—should never have doubted him. Alison brought me the report you gathered on Melody. If I ever see her…”

  “Don’t let her get to you. She’s not worth it.”

  “It’s not that easy. She’s the reason Missy claimed Colt was the father of her baby. The problems it caused—for what? A chance to get back together with Dallas? Wouldn’t it have been easier to go visit him and be honest with him? Admit she’d made a mistake. Why’d she have to ruin my relationship with Colt? She’s an evil woman.”

  Melody? Missy’s sister was the reason she’d nearly destroyed me? Em was right. She was not a good person—rotten to the core.

  “Don’t let it get to you. You have more important things to worry about. Do you want me to bring you anything?”

  “No, leave me alone with him. I know he’ll wake up soon.”

  I’m trying, Ems.

  “All right. Call me if you need anything.”

  “I will. But I’m going to be fine—so is Colt. Wait and see,” Emma exclaimed.

  “Give me a hug. I’ll be back later to check on you.”

  When Emma got up to do as Tori directed the loss was palpable. The warmth of her spread through me. I needed her to come back—it hurt too much. Being separated from the woman I love is even more intense than it has ever been. Tell me you love me, Ems. I promise I’m going to wake up.

sp; The click of Tori’s heels told Colt she’d left the room. It was so quiet. Emma wasn’t speaking. Was she still there? She’d said she wasn’t going to leave him.

  The music stopped playing in the background. Someone needs to start it again. It was so soothing… It made dreams seem possible.

  “Tori’s gone. It’s just you and me again.”


  “Where were we before she interrupted? Oh yeah, I was telling you how much I love you. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. The day of your accident I decided I’d tell you. I went to your place, but you weren’t home.”

  I was coming to find you—saw the paper. Accident—damned truck.

  “Then when Alison found me, my heart broke into a million pieces. What if I never got the chance to tell you? So I’ve been telling you every day, hoping you’d wake up and say it back. That way I’d know you heard me. Are you listening to me Colt?”

  “Yes,” he croaked out. “I hear you.”

  “Colt? What did you say?”

  “I love you too.” His eyes fluttered open and met her beautiful blue eyes. She was so beautiful. “Took you long enough to say it again.”

  Emma laughed and hugged him. “Thank God you’re awake. I should get Ian so he can take a look at you.”

  “No.” He grabbed her hand. “Don’t go yet.”

  “All right. For a little while though. You scared me so much.” Her lips wobbled as she fought more tears. She wiped the corner of her eyes with her fingertips. “I thought I was going to lose you.”

  Colt smiled. “You’ll never lose me.”

  “I know. You have so much patience. I don’t know why you never gave up on me—but I’m grateful. The thing with Missy—”

  “Is in our past. We have something bigger to plan for.” Colt brought her hand up to his lips and brushed them across her knuckles. “The wedding you always wanted.”

  “But we’re already married.”

  Colt wanted to give her everything she’d ever dreamed of—including the wedding she’d always wanted. That’s what you did for the woman you loved. You offered her the world. Whatever it took to keep that glorious smile on her face—he’d do it. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her.

  “I know, but I want you to be proud of the day you married me. We barely remember our impromptu ceremony. I want to remember marrying you so I can tell our children how beautiful it was.”

  Emma tilted her head and studied him. “Are you sure? I’m okay with how things turned out. It forced me to evaluate my feelings. If not for that spur of the moment wedding I might still be running in circles.”

  Colt had never been surer of anything in his life. Emma was his again—finally. The rest of their lives should be filled with beautiful memories. He wanted to do whatever he could to erase all the hurt and pain of the past year.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  It took her a while to answer. The one she gave him made his heart soar—her light teasing meant more to him than anything else she could have done.

  Emma bit her lip. “Well, it will take you a while to heal. You can’t stand up at an altar with a broken leg—well you could, but crutches wouldn’t be attractive.”

  Colt raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  Emma’s laugh floated through the room. “Honestly, as long as you were waiting for me at the end, I’d walk down any aisle.” She kissed him quick on the lips. “But I do want you to be as healthy as possible first. You had major surgery to your heart. I don’t want you to break it permanently by doing too much too fast.”

  Colt frowned. “Did you say you were going to get Ian earlier?”

  He may have heard her wrong. His brain was a little fuzzy on certain details. Only one thing had mattered to him as he struggled to open his eyes—Emma’s love.

  “Yes, he’s your doctor. He specializes in fixing broken hearts.”

  Colt laughed. “I do remember him saying that now. Maybe if I engaged his services sooner, yours would have mended a lot quicker.” He’d have tried anything to get her to admit she never stopped loving him. “I wonder if he makes house calls.”

  “Ian couldn’t have fixed my broken heart,” Emma said, quietly. “Only one person had the means to repair it.”

  “Really? Who?” Colt teased.

  “This sexy beast I know—he loves me to distraction.” The corners of her mouth lifted into an impish smile. “He has the magic touch. I’d follow him to the ends of the earth.”

  Warmth spread throughout him. His whole body was one big bruise—probably black and blue all over. Even through all the heartache and the constant doubt, he always knew this was where they’d eventually end up. He might hurt from head to toe—but it was worth it to hear Emma admit she belonged with him.

  “Really? Do I know this guy? Sounds like I need to have words with him.” Colt fought the cockiness that filled him at her words. “I can’t have him stealing my best girl.”

  “Well, if you do, you have to promise you won’t hurt him. He’s been through an awful lot lately. He lost the biggest game of his life…”

  “Poor baby. Somehow I don’t feel sorry for him.”

  “Oh, why not?” Emma asked.

  He fought the urge to laugh. The look on Emma’s face was priceless. Her eyes lit up with love. It had an amazing effect on her. She—glowed. Happiness was a gift and he intended to cherish the one given to him.

  “Because he got a much bigger prize.”

  Emma raised an eyebrow. “What could be bigger than going to the Super Bowl?”

  “Winning the woman of his dreams.”

  Some things were worth fighting for, and Emma was worth more than a million trophies. It all paled in comparison. Colt planned on loving her for the rest of his life. He would crawl to hell and back—loving her was the best thing that ever happened to him. If he could hold her for a million years it wouldn’t be nearly enough.

  Emma laid her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her and basked in the glory of knowing they were finally where they needed to be. Colt had finally achieved the biggest goal of his life—he’d made Emma feel how much he loved her.

  Dawn Brower holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master of Arts in Education, and is currently working on a Master of Arts in Liberal Arts with concentrations in Literature, History, and Sociology. She works as a substitute teacher and enjoys the flexibility it gives her to concentrate on her other endeavors.

  Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby. There is nothing like a nice glass of wine and a good book to relax with at the end of the day.

  There are always stories inside her head; she never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.

  Visit her website at for more information on upcoming releases.

  Books by Dawn Brower

  Broken Pearl

  Deadly Benevolence


  Marsden Romances

  A Flawed Jewel

  A Crystal Angel

  A Treasured Lily

  A Sanguine Gem

  A Hidden Ruby

  A Discarded Pearl


  Novak Springs Series

  Cowgirl Fever

  Dirty Proof

  Unbridled Pursuit

  Sensual Games


  Linked Across Time Series

  Saved by My Blackguard

  Searching for My Rogue

  Coming Soon

  Seduction of My Rake


  Heart’s Intent Series

  One Heart to Give

  Coming Soon

  An Unveiled Heart




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