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Lethal Justice (An Alliance Agency Novel Book 3)

Page 16

by India Kells

  Malco shimmied his way toward his injured friend and leaned heavily against the metal wall when he did. His own breathing was labored because of his earlier blood loss and the pain he was in. He noticed blood on his white shirt from the reopened gunshot wound and cursed inwardly.

  His gaze landed on Alex. His lip was split and swollen, his right eye barely open from the already forming bruises; a small cut near his hairline indicated blunt force trauma, and Malco was certain there were more he wasn’t seeing. He’d been conscious in the car, but when they’d gotten away from the prying eyes of civilians, Kasten’s colleague had pistol-whipped Alex on the back of the head but, for some reason, left him alone.

  “Hey, Alex, come on, man, wake up.” Malco kicked his friend gently on the leg, trying to rouse him. A groan was his answer, but it was better than nothing. He needed Alex awake because it was going to take both of them to carry their own weight to get out of this. He felt his jaw harden when he thought of Frida and the frightened and bewildered look on her face when they’d been taken.

  The fear he’d felt roiling in his belly when he saw Kasten was so real he had to gulp down air to stop it from making an appearance now. In a few days, she’d come to mean everything to him, and he’d give his life in a heartbeat and without a second thought to keep her safe, but because of that, he was terrified she’d do the same for him.

  If she gave up this case to keep him safe, Malco knew it would torture her, but he knew if it came down to a choice between his life and the case, she’d hand it over without a second thought. He couldn’t let her do that, she’d worked too hard and fought to be the woman he loved, and that wasn’t someone who gave in to bullies.

  As he thought about it, he gave Alex a heavier kick. “Wake up. We have to get out of here.”

  Frida was exhausted, it was the second night with no sleep, and it had been six hours since the man she loved had been taken. Nicholas had located Rina, and the decision had been taken to keep her under watch and see where she went. She lifted her hair off her neck, tying it in a haphazard bun on the top of her head. They had located bugs in the conference room, and now Shane was running a complete check of the entire facility.

  Ward had spoken with JaKheel, and he seemed to think the Blood Razors wouldn’t be foolish enough to hide the men there. So now she was poring over the paperwork again and seeing if she could find a clue as to where they might be. She knew she should be tying everything in a bow so she could take Kasten down the minute they located Malco and Alex.

  The door to Shane’s office flew open, banging against the wall as Cleo came running in. “You have to see this.”

  Frida’s heart kicked up at the urgency on the woman’s face, and then her eyes moved to the laptop she held in front of her. The screen showed her and Malco’s car being pulled over and then Kasten and the other uniformed cop closing in on their vehicle. She watched as Malco was pushed against the hood of the car and she spoke with Kasten, who was clearly visible underneath the hat he wore. The recording followed as Malco was driven away, and she got in the car with Shane and Emme.

  A voice came over the recording then. “Another incident of police brutality from the city’s finest. I’ll attempt to follow them to the station and get more footage as this poor man is taken into custody.”

  Frida glanced at Cleo and saw the same expression on her face as she knew she wore herself.

  “This is it! We have to find this person. They have no idea how much danger they’re in.” Frida felt anxiety and hope waged war within her.

  Cleo spun on her heel. “On it.” Frida jumped up and followed the woman from the room as she raced for the tech room. Cleo slammed through the door, Frida on her heels to see Emme and another woman. Frida stopped short as she surveyed the beautiful woman in front of her. She was around five feet four inches and slim, with just enough curves to give her body a gentle, feminine appearance.

  Warm citrine toned skin, and dark, almost black eyes with defined sweeping brows framed a face that had a peach blush and rose-pink lips. Frida snapped out of her perusal when Emme spoke.

  “Ah, ladies, great timing. This is Imari Kayoko.” Emme smiled at Imari. “This is our wonderful office manager, Cleo, and lawyer extraordinaire, Frida.”

  Imari tilted her head and dipped her chin in greeting. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Great to meet you too.” Frida looked at Emme then, a sense of urgency in her gut. “I don’t mean to be rude, but we have a problem.”

  Emme frowned. “News on Alex and Malco?”

  “Kind of.” Cleo shoved the screen at Emme, and Imari watched over her shoulder as Cleo hit play. Frida dug her fingernails into her palm until the video finished.

  Emme’s eyed met her own, and Frida saw the realization in them. “We need to find that person and fast.”

  Frida rubbed her hands together. “I know, but how?”


  Frida’s gaze landed on Imari who seemed relaxed despite the tension in the room, her hands loose at her sides.

  Frida glanced between the woman.

  “Care to tell us?” Frida knew her tone was short, but this was time-sensitive.

  “Sorry, I should’ve said Imari is our new tech expert and hacker.” Frida felt herself physically sag with relief.

  “Oh, thank God. How good are you?” Cleo angled her head in a silent challenge to which Imari smiled.

  “Let me show you.”

  Imari took the laptop and walked to the bank of computers and set it down before she snagged a wheelie chair with her foot, scooted in, and her finger began to fly over the keyboard.

  Frida twisted her head as the door behind her opened, and Shane and Knight walked toward them, followed by Mason. The latter immediately went to Cleo and laid a hand to her hip. It was a small thing and not overly in-your-face as an intimate gestures went, but the expression on their faces as they looked at each other made Frida feel like a voyeur.

  A lump formed in her throat and her heart hurt in the worst way as she imagined not getting the chance to have that with Malco.

  “When did Imari arrive?” Shane asked his fiancée in a low tone. Emme twisted her head back to look up at him. “About twenty minutes ago.”

  His eyebrows raised. “And you put her to work already?”

  Emme explained what Cleo found, and Frida felt the tension rise as the reality set in.

  “Got him.” Imari pushed back slightly so that everyone could see the screen. Frida drew in a breath as she recognized the storage unit site on the opposite side of town. She’d had to use one once when she moved to a new house and needed space for her office furniture.

  Shane turned to Knight and Mason. “Get everyone in the war room loaded up. I want us on the ground in the next thirty minutes.” He spun back to Imari. “Can you get us eyes on that unit?”

  Imari raised her brows and pulled a face that told everyone she thought Shane was stupid for even asking, and they moved to the terminal, her fingers flying again.

  Frida followed the other men from the room as Emme stayed and began gathering as much information as she could on the people in the unit.

  “Shane,” Frida called.

  He turned and held up a hand. “Don’t ask, Frida. I’m going to say no.”

  “Please. I love him.”

  Shane stopped and placed his hands on her upper arms as he faced her. His voice was softer when he spoke, but he remained resolute. “That’s exactly why I can’t allow you to come. He’d never forgive me, and moreover, Emme would never forgive me if something went wrong and you got hurt.”

  “Please, I need to be near him. What if he needs me?” Her eyes were filled with tears now.

  “God damn it, Frida. This is dangerous. Kasten and Pool mean business, and we have no idea what we’re facing or what they have planned.”

  “What if I create a diversion?” An idea was forming in her brain now.

  Shane pulled back slightly. “Like what?”

explained the plan to Shane, and as she saw his face split into a grin, she knew they had a chance—if she could pull this off.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Malco had to get out of his shackles. Alex was still unconscious, and that alone almost made him lose his mind. Could his injuries have caused complications or a brain hemorrhage? There was no way he could do anything about it unless he got them both free. His thoughts went to Frida, but he pushed that away. His team would keep her safe, he had to believe that otherwise, he’d go mad.

  The room was bare, except for two doors—the first the door Kasten had disappeared behind, the second on the far side of the room—and a window blocked with a piece of board. The lights were hanging high above unreachable metal beams.

  He knew it would hurt like a bitch, but there wasn’t another choice. With Alex out, he had to get his hands in front of his body.

  Shoulders flexing, Malco ground his teeth, focusing on his body. It took more minutes that he’d have liked, and he definitely lost a lot of blood and sweat, not to mention the agonizing pain, but he finally passed his handcuffed wrists from his back to his front.

  With dots dancing in front of his eyes, he shook himself off, and crawled to Alex. On first examination, his heartbeat was steady, and he was breathing fine. When he finished checking him, Alex moaned a little.

  “Hey, Alex! Wake up!” Malco slapped him a little, and the man frowned. He didn’t open his eyes yet, but his lips moved.

  “Hell, I think I drank too much.”

  Malco exhaled sharply at the raspy sound of his voice. “Don’t fall back asleep, dumbass.”

  Leaving Alex as he was slowly coming around, Malco went to the door. Beyond, he could hear Kasten’s voice, but couldn’t tell if he was alone or not.

  He moved to the window next. The window was nailed shut, but he grinned when he saw a few staples hanging on the planks. That was all he needed.

  Pulling one out, it took only a second to get out of his handcuffs. Alex was next, and once his friend was free, he helped him to sit against the wall, showing him two fingers.

  “How many do you see?”

  Through his half-shut eyes and bloody lips, Alex’s mouth quirked up. “Two fingers and an asshole. Sitrep.”

  “Glad to see you didn’t leave your brain at Rina’s place along with your dick.”

  The reminder was all Alex seemed to need to put his thoughts in order and he winced. “Damn women. I finally give in to her and it turns out she’s one of the bad guys.”

  “We’ll discuss your bad choices later. Right now, I need your help to get out of this mess. Kasten is outside, and I don’t know how long he intends to keep us alive. Let’s turn the tables on that bastard.”

  Alex grabbed his arm as he pulled him up. He was far from steady, but they didn’t have the luxury of time. Malco went to the second door. The first one was bolted. He’d heard Kasten slide it into place when he left. The other door was locked, but from the way he could shake it, there wasn’t a deadbolt. But there was no way he could break open without alerting Kasten, or anyone else inside the building.

  When he kneeled to analyze the doorknob, his hunch was confirmed; they’d installed the door in a rush and hadn’t fitted it correctly. As quietly as possible, he played with the knob until he heard a piece of metal fall. The knob turned and the door opened without a sound.

  With Alex on his heels and putting a hand on his back to steady himself, Malco cracked the door open. The space seemed empty. From what he could gather, they were around the corner from where Kasten must be. Even worse, they couldn’t make it to the exit without being spotted.

  One look at Alex told him that the operative wasn’t a hundred percent, but he knew the odds as much as Malco did. Their options were limited and waiting for the cavalry wasn’t one of them. Following the wall, Malco stopped at the corner to peek around it.

  Kasten was with two men, one was the fake cop who’d arrested him and bludgeoned Alex. They faced at least three guns and unknown blades or back-up nearby.

  Malco gestured his findings to Alex, who tapped his back in acknowledgment.

  Kasten was sitting at a makeshift table, a laptop in front of him. He said something to his men, snapped the laptop closed, and picked it up as he went for the door.

  Although unable to act, letting Kasten out of his sight ate at Malco—all he wanted was to kill the man with his bare hands. It took all his self-control to keep back and wait, but with Alex’s weight becoming heavier on him, he had to make a choice so Kasten would live… for now.

  Malco had to tear himself away from trying to come with a plan of attack when he felt Alex begin to fall. He turned on reflex and grabbed Alex before he hit the ground and made a ruckus. From his glassy eyes and pale, sweaty face, it was clear Alex was about to lose consciousness again. Malco was on his own as far as getting them out.

  If only he had a phone. Conscious of their dire situation, Malco returned to check on their jailor when a shadow coming through the main door caught his eye. Before he could search for cover, a new shadow appeared, this time wearing a cowboy hat and Malco relaxed. The only operative he knew that wore a cowboy hat during an op was Wolf Murdock. That meant the Agency had found them, and a rescue was about to go down.

  Knowing the drill, Malco moved fast, taking Alex by the armpits, and pulling him back. It was perfect timing, as an explosion sounded around the corner. Malco covered his friend with his body, trying to keep an eye on what was going on. The sound was deafening with gunfire echoing around him, making it impossible to pinpoint the direction it was coming from.

  Just as it died down, he heard footsteps running. Malco braced himself against the wall until he recognized Emme, quickly followed by Shane.

  “Malco! Alex!” Emme went to them, holstering her weapon as she dug into her backpack, getting her medical kit. “Shit. You’re both bleeding. We need to get you to the hospital.”

  Malco brushed her hands aside, leaving her to take care of Alex, as he accepted Shane’s hand to get to his feet. “Kasten is gone, we need to find him before he disappears. Or he offs himself like the coward he is.”

  Shane nodded, and opened his mouth to speak but touched his earpiece instead. Malco wanted to take a gun and go after the corrupt cop, but he doubted he could run with his reopened wound.

  “We saw him exiting the building, and Nicholas went after him. He and Wolf are on their way back with Kasten, there’s no way he’s getting a get-out-of-jail-free card if we can help it.”

  As if on cue, the main door open opened to Nick’s and Wolf’s tall silhouettes framed an overpowered, cuffed, and squirming Kasten.

  “Let me go! You have no right to take me like that! I’ll sue your asses for this!”

  Both agents dropped him unceremoniously to the ground, with some force, not that Malco minded.

  “We have every right to bring you in as we were appointed by Chief Randall for that task.”

  “The DA will hear about this!”

  Shane smiled as Wolf and Nicholas picked Kasten up again and brought him forward. “You’re obviously talking about DA Pool. Let me reassure you that you’ll be reunited with him very soon. As we speak, the rest of our team are taking him in, including Ms. Flores and all your other accomplices.”

  Kasten all but spit at the news. “You have nothing on me, and that whore lawyer of yours has filled your head with nonsense.”

  Malco’s fist connected with the man’s chin, causing Kasten’s eyes to roll, and he slumped in his captor’s grasp.

  “I bet that felt good.” Wolf smiled while Nicholas shook his head.

  Malco couldn’t deny it. “I was tired of hearing his voice.”

  Shane slapped his shoulder, but the impact reverberated to his side, and when he pressed his hand over the pain, it returned bloody.

  “Hell, Malco. That wound has reopened. We’re taking Alex to the hospital and you’re going with him.”

  “No, I need to see Frida.”

His boss shook his head. “I made sure your woman is protected. As we speak, there are two pairs of eyes on her. Anyway, everything will be over in the next couple of minutes.”

  With a frown, Malco helped carry Alex to the waiting car so Nicholas and Wolf could escort Kasten to the police station. “What do you mean the next couple of minutes?”

  Emme giggled. “Let’s take care of you first, then I’ll lend you my phone, so you can watch it.”

  Frida’s hand shook slightly as she stood in front of the podium of reporters and prepared to make the speech of a lifetime. It had cost them time, but after much thought, it had been agreed by the team that this was the best plan.

  They’d split into three teams to locate Rina and Pool, who were together at Rina’s mother’s house. Kasten’s sister Nicole, who’d been at home, and finally Kasten himself, who was at the unit with Malco and Alex.

  With help from the Chief and internal affairs, they were ready to move on all the names she’d picked up from her hours of investigation. The third team consisting of Shane, James, Mercy, and Nick were waiting for the word to go and rescue Malco and Alex just as soon as they had confirmation she was ready for her speech.

  So, as she stood on the steps of the court where she’d fought her past and won, she now attempted to fight again, and this time the stakes were higher.

  Lights flashed, and the noise built before she stepped to the microphone, and the reporters went silent.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, some of you may know me as Frida Montalvo, but I was born Maria Garroyo.” A hush went over the area as they listened intently. “My father was the leader of the Dead Kings in Los Angeles, and his legacy and the cruel, evil things he did have led me here today.” Frida took a deep breath and continued.

  “I grew up afraid, terrified of what would become of me, of the violence that was a constant part of my life from the day I was born. I lost my mother and my beloved sister to that violence, and I made a choice. It was a dangerous choice, but one I have never regretted. I ran, and I never stopped until today. I became a lawyer, and I made sure my father and his gang paid for what they had done.”


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