Book Read Free

Fifty Frogs

Page 18

by Tawdra Kandle

  She cast me a look. “If I say yes, will you judge me?”

  My mouth dropped open. “Oh, my God, Aunt Gail, you’re not a furry, are you?”

  “Good lord, of course not. But all of my friends are theatre people, and many of them have a tendency to be a little, um, out there. So yes, I do know a few people who would identify themselves as furries. Why do you ask?”

  I harrumphed. “I met one at the liquor store. He tried to pick me up. Holy shit, Aunt Gail. Is it just me who attracts them, or is the world really that full of weirdos and jerks? If it hadn’t been for Jeremy showing up, that dude might still be cornering me in the rum and cordials aisle.”

  “Jeremy?” She turned to face me, surprise on her face. “What does he have to do with this?”

  “He was there, too, and he shooed away the furry—who, by the way, was sporting an adorable little cottontail on his gym shorts, right above his real tail. Anyway, we talked—Jeremy and I did, not the cottontail. I think it was good. It gave me—what do you call it? Closure.”

  “That is good.” She opened the can of coconut milk and poured some of it into a measuring cup. “He was never the right man for you, but he always seemed like a decent guy. Boring, very banal and almost criminally dull, but decent nonetheless.” Aunt Gail rolled the lime on her cutting board and sliced it open, then squeezed the juice into the coconut milk. “Speaking of decent guys—ones who are neither boring nor dull—Charlie was here a few minutes ago, looking for you. He asked me to have you come over when you got home. He’s working in Henry’s garden.”

  “Got it. Do you need help with dinner, or are you all right with me going over there now?”

  She waved her hands. “Go now. I’m better by myself in the kitchen. Well, me and nice full-bodied Cab, that is.”

  “Point taken. I’ll indulge when I get back. I won’t be long.” I went out the back door and cut across the grass to the house where Grampy and Charlie lived, craning my neck to catch sight of the hottie who’d been melting off my panties. Watching him work outside—digging, raking, hoeing, pretty much any kind of physical activity—was an exercise in frustrated desire for me, but I kept going back for more torture.

  “There you are.” He came up behind me, catching me by the waist and turning me in his arms. “I missed you today.”

  “Mmmmm.” I clasped my hands together at the back of his head and nudged his lips to mine. “Show me how much.”

  “Happily.” He kissed me with the same banked passion I always felt in him, his mouth opening easily and encouraging mine to do the same. I could have stayed there, letting him kiss me senseless, for the rest of my days, but eventually he lifted his head.

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  “Oh, really?” I rubbed my fingers over his neck. “Do tell.”

  “My sister Natalie called today. She has some kind of meeting for work around here, so she’s flying down tomorrow, and she thought she might stay with Grampy while she’s in town.”

  I nodded. “Okay. That sounds like fun. How long will she be here?”

  “About four or five days, I guess. But the point is this: if Nat’s staying with Grampy, I have a little bit of freedom. I was thinking that if you were interested, maybe on Friday we could take a trip to the beach. There’s a little town called Crystal Cove about an hour from here. That would be fun.”

  “Oh, I’ve been there, but not for a long time. They used to have a burger place right on the beach. The food was amazing.”

  “I’m always down for burgers. What do you think? Do you want to go to the beach with me?”

  I traced one finger along Charlie’s jaw, smiling at the soft scruff that was there. “Are we talking a day trip, or will this be an overnight adventure?”

  His eyes darkened. “There’s a bed and breakfast in Crystal Cove that looks very romantic. I think it would be a crime to drive all the way down there and then not enjoy the, uh, ambience of a place like that.”

  I nodded, fighting hard to keep the huge smile off my face. “You’re definitely right about that. It’s our duty, really.”

  “Is that a yes, then?” His hands moved lower until he was palming my ass, almost grinding me against him. “A yes to Crystal Cove, and a yes to the bed and breakfast?”

  Smiling, I pressed my body even closer to his. “Oh, yes. To everything.”

  “THIS TOWN IS ADORABLE.” I tightened my grip on Charlie’s hand as we strolled down the sidewalk of Crystal Cove. “It’s changed a little since I was here, I think. I came down during high school for a day with a few of my girlfriends.” I smiled a little, remembering. “It was Bike Week in Daytona, so our parents wouldn’t let us go up there. We promised we’d just come to the Cove and go to the beach and behave. But what our parents didn’t take into consideration was that Crystal Cove gets its fair share of spillover from Bike Week. We had some fun.”

  “Oh, so it’s tough biker types who turn you on?” Charlie pulled me closer and nuzzled my neck. “I thought you liked guys who worked with their hands.”

  “I do. I especially like guys who work outside in the dirt with their hands.” I flashed him a sassy wink. “And then I like it even more when they come inside and use their hands to get dirty with me.”

  He groaned, throwing back his head. “What time is it? How long until we can check into the bed and breakfast?”

  I checked my phone. “It’s nearly three. I bet if we go over there now, they’ll probably have our room ready for us.”

  We crossed the street to where Charlie’s car was parked in front of the pretty yellow inn. The structure dominated this part of the town, but since it was an original house that had been remodeled into its current role as a bed and breakfast, it also fit seamlessly with the rest of the town. A simple sign hung from the porch: Hawthorne House.

  Charlie and I climbed the steps to the porch and rang the bell. After a few minutes, a pretty girl with long hair and huge hazel eyes greeted us.

  “Welcome to Hawthorne House. Can I help you?”

  “We have reservations.” Charlie was so serious as he took out his wallet, producing his license and credit card to hand to the girl. I had a feeling that he was nervous. I was, too. Although we hadn’t come out and talked about it, there was no doubt in my mind that once we were alone together in our room, nothing in the world was going to stop us from finally having sex. We were both more than ready for each other, and the fact that we’d known what we were going to do for two solid days and then had to kill a few more hours once we’d arrived at the Cove had heightened both our anticipation and our nerves.

  “Charlie Mitford?” Our greeter smiled. “Hi, I’m Jo. I’m part of the staff here. We’re happy to have you. Come on in. We’ve got your key right here. Let me take care of the last part of your registration, and then I’ll take you upstairs to your room.”

  She moved around the small front office with ease and efficiency, running Charlie’s credit card and then returning to us with an envelope.

  “Everything you need is in here: the code for the front and back doors, so you can come and go as you like during your stay, and the WiFi password, too. There’s also some information on the town of Crystal Cove and restaurants, shopping . . . we offer discounts at our two sister businesses, the Rip Tide, which provides casual dining on the beach—and it’s open for dinner tonight—and then the restaurant at the Riverview, the hotel at the other end of town by the river. Dining there is more formal, but the food is excellent.”

  She paused at the bottom of the steps. “Breakfast is right here, starting at eight o’clock. When we’re very full, we ask our guests to choose a time slot, but tonight, we only have you two and a couple staying on the first level, so you can feel free to join us whenever you like.”

  We followed Jo up the steps and down a hallway whose walls were hung with beach-themed art. She paused in front of the third room and opened the door, letting us go inside first.

  “This is our sea turtle room. It’s actua
lly one of my favorites. I hope you’ll enjoy it, too.” She spent a few minutes pointing out amenities, but all I could see was the huge king-sized bed that dominated the room, and all I could feel was the delicious pressure of Charlie’s hand in mine and the way his finger traced an impatient circle on my wrist.

  “If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here until seven, and Alex and Cal, our on-site manager team, will be here after that. Sangria is served downstairs beginning at six, so please join us.”

  Charlie cleared his throat. “We’ll keep that in mind.”

  Amusement shone in Jo’s eyes. “I’m sure you will. Well, enjoy your stay.” She slipped from the room, shutting the door behind her, and at last, we were alone.

  “This is beautiful.” I lifted my eyes to Charlie’s. “If you were aiming for the most romantic setting, you hit it out of the park.”

  He laid his hand alongside my cheek. “You’re beautiful. And I wasn’t aiming for anything but finding a place that was perfect for the two of us, for this night.”

  “It’s not quite night yet,” I observed, looking at the sunlight pouring through the windows.

  “That’s why there are things called shades and curtains.” Charlie pulled the window coverings into place until the room was nearly dark. He clicked on the lamp next to the bed and then sat down on the edge of the mattress. “If I tell you that I think I’ve never been more horny or more nervous in my entire life, would you think less of me?”

  Relief made me laugh. “God, no. Probably because I feel the same way. Every time we’ve been together in your car or out by the lake, all I wanted was to be in a room like this, alone with you. And now that we’re here, it’s like I’ve forgotten what we’re supposed to do.”

  He rubbed a hand over his jaw. “Maybe it’s romance overload. Let’s stop thinking that we have a mandate to make this the best night of our lives and just take it as it comes.” He toed off his shoes and swung his legs onto the bed and then patted the space next to him. “Come here. Let’s just hang out and talk. No pressure, no nothing, just you and me and time and space. How about that?”

  I kicked off my sandals and crawled up next to him. “I can do that. Geez, this bed is comfortable.” I looked at the expanse of mattress. “And huge. I’ve never slept in a king-sized bed before. I don’t really get why anyone would need this much space for sleeping.”

  “Vivian, I don’t think sleeping is the point.” Charlie’s tone was dry. “As one of my college buddies used to say . . . a bed like this is a bigger playground. It gives you lots of options.”

  I lay back on the piles of pillows. “The idea of options makes me feel like I’m a dunce in the sex department.” I took a deep breath. “I think you should probably know that while I’m not a virgin, I haven’t exactly been a wild woman when it comes to sex. I’ve only been with two guys. One of them was Jeremy, and we only had sex three times in a year of dating. I’m probably not as . . . adventurous as other women you’ve been with.”

  “Hey. Come here.” Charlie slid his arm behind my shoulders and gathered me closer to him, so that my head lay on his chest. I could feel the steady rhythm of his heart under my ear. “First thing is, whatever happened before now doesn’t matter anymore. Today, right here, is a fresh start for both you and me. We’re together, and nothing else counts. For me, this feels like a brand-new first time, only without all the fumbling and trying to remember the nuances of human anatomy.” He bent his head to whisper, “The good news is, I’ve gotten much better about that over the years. I know where everything is without having to think about it. I can just remember . . . by touch.”

  And there it was again, showing up right on time—the tingle. Charlie rubbed my back, his fingers just barely skimming along the top of my ass, and suddenly, I couldn’t remember why I was nervous. All I knew was that I wanted to be closer to this man—as close as it was possible to be. I wanted to make him feel good. I needed him to know how much I cared for him, and mere words were no longer going to do the trick. It was time for action.

  I rolled a little so that I lay on top of him, bracing myself over his body. “I can remember things by touch, too. Right now, I’m remembering that the first time I saw you, standing outside your grandfather’s house, holding the rake while you were trying to figure out what my crazy Aunt Gail and my equally insane mother were up to in the middle of the road . . . and I thought, damn. Look at that chest. Check out those abs. I wanted to run my fingers over all the muscles I saw, even with your shirt in the way.” I plucked the material of his T-shirt up and away from his body. “Speaking of being in the way . . .”

  “What? You want this off me?” One of his eyebrows quirked up, teasing.

  “Uh huh.” I pushed myself to sit up alongside him. “And I want to watch you do it. I want to see you take it off.”

  With a grin, Charlie sat up, too, crossing his arms over his middle and grasping the hem of his shirt. He paused, glancing at me. “Like this?”

  I made a rolling motion with my hand. “Yes, like that. Now get on with it.”

  “Pushy, pushy.” He drew the shirt up, revealing miles of tanned and tone skin. My mouth watered, and my heart sped up. The muscles in his arms worked as he took off his tee and tossed it away from the bed.

  “That is much, much better.” I straddled him, hiking up my skirt and wrapping my arms around the warmth of his bare skin, grinding my center against him. Nothing was between us now but my panties and his shorts.

  “I don’t know. I think it could be even better.” Charlie slid his hands under my shirt. “Tit for tat, babe.”

  I giggled. “Tits for tats? Do you even have any tats that would make me show you my tits?”

  He shrugged. “I might have one. I guess it’s up to you to find it.”

  I trailed my fingers down the center of his chest. “Ooooh, a challenge. I think I’m up for it.” I began to raise up, making as if to check out his back.

  “Uh uh.” Charlie shook his head. “First, you give up the tits and then you can search for the tat.”

  “I guess that is the fair way.” I mimicked his early moves, pulling off my tank in one fluid move so that I sat on him in just my skirt and silky bra.

  “Vivian . . . babe. So perfect.” He palmed both breasts, lifting one side to his mouth and laving the nipple through the material. “I’ve wanted to do this for fucking ever. Catching glimpses and peeks here and there has been making me crazy.”

  His thumb drew circles around the other nipple while his mouth devoured the one side. I arched my back, letting my eyes drift shut. “Oh, my God, that feels so good.”

  “Mmmmmm.” Charlie hooked his fingers around both cups and moved them out of his way, pushing my boobs into prominence. “Now this is perfect.” He pinched one aching peak and sucked the other hard, rolling it between his teeth.

  I moved restlessly, pressing my pulsing center against the ridge of his cock, still hidden beneath his shorts. When I found the right position, I rode him hard, focusing only on the pleasure that shot through my body from core to breasts, bringing me closer to an edge I was seeking so desperately.

  “Do you think you can come like this?” Charlie lifted his mouth from my breast and kissed my neck. “It feels unbelievable. Come like this . . . for the first time. Make yourself feel good.”

  He didn’t have to ask me a second time. Holding onto his shoulders while his lips and teeth continued to work magic on my boobs, I rocked faster and harder until the world around me splintered into a million shining pieces. I heard myself choking out his name as I tumbled over the cliff into oblivion.

  “That was so fucking sexy.” Charlie held me tight when I slid bonelessly into him. “So fucking hot.” He reached for the hook of my bra and released it, leaning back just far enough to help me shrug it away. When he moved his arm away from his side, I caught a flash of color on the side of his ribs.

  “I found your tattoo.” Scooting closer, I skimmed my fingers over the
simple leaf design. “I should have known it would be plant-based.”

  He chuckled. “I’d love to say it has deep meaning, but it was just something I did in college. I wanted to prove I could . . . and when the artist heard what my major was, he came up with this idea.”

  “I like it. It’s very you. Very Charlie.” I kissed the tattoo, moving my lips lower down his side. “I want to touch you. More.” I ran my palms across his flat stomach to the button at his waistband. Flipping it open, I tugged down the zipper, hissing in my breath at the sight of his dick, pushing insistently against the cotton boxers that covered it.

  Charlie lifted up his ass and helped me to get his shorts out of the way. Wriggling down, I lay my head on his hip and looked up to find his eyes, hooded and hot, watching me. I ran my hand over him, closing my fingers around his length through the thin material. He sucked in a quick breath.

  “Your hands on me . . .” His voice was hoarse. “I feel like I’ve been waiting for this my whole life, and I never want it to end.”

  A smile curved my lips. “I want to feel all of you, to taste all of you . . .” I grasped the elastic band of the boxers and stretched it down, releasing his erection until it stood hard and long in front of me. “You’re beautiful, Charlie. I want you inside me. I want to feel you so deep . . .”

  I slid his underwear the rest of the way off his legs, and took off my skirt while I was at it before I positioned my mouth over his cock and sucked it into my mouth.

  “God, oh, God, babe . . . Vivian . . .” His hands were tangled in my hair, and when I glanced up, he was watching me hungrily. “Your mouth is so hot.”

  “Mmmmm.” I hummed around his length, moving up and down while my fingers toyed with his balls. “You taste . . . like I knew you would.” I paused to swirl my tongue around the leaking head. “Do you want to come like this?”

  “I can’t think about anything when your mouth is on me,” he panted. “But the first time . . . I want to be in you. I want you to come with me, screaming my name while I’m yelling yours.”


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