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Swept Off Her Feet

Page 13

by Camille Anthony

  His eyes glinted as he reached her side, leaning down to place his lips very near hers. “Now get those clothes off and prepare yourself.”

  Heat poured off her in waves as she saw the implacable desire stamped on his face. Breasts tight and hurting, womb contracting with renewed pava pains, she let her gaze rove the man standing ready to pleasure her. God, but he was the hunkiest piece of eye candy she had ever seen. He made her panties wet just looking at him.

  Tall and muscular, he had shoulders wide enough to bear her burdens. His ripped chest was bare and his terat drew her eyes. Her knees weakened in remembered ecstasy. Her blood raced and sizzled through her veins. Her heart-rate quickened at the thought of sinking her nipples into those sexy suction cups again. To top it all, Dev packed the most delicious-tasting, addictive cock.

  She would eventually have to leave him, but nothing hindered her from accepting all he had to give her while she awaited the opportunity to escape. When all was said and done, she didn’t really want to escape Dev. She simply objected to him robbing her of the right to make her own choices.

  If only he weren’t so overbearing. Still, she could handle his macho crap for while longer. No woman in her right mind lightly gave up multi-orgasmic sex, especially when it was so freely, even enthusiastically, given. She’d had more orgasms in this one day than she’d had in a lifetime. What more did she want from him?

  Sex? Definitely! She knew once he began, Dev wouldn’t stop pleasuring her until he had pushed her to her sensual limits, demanding she take all the pleasure he could dish out. He had a way of turning up the heat until just the thought had her cunt awash with her impassioned dew. She’d already soaked her panties and had to keep her thighs clenched to stop her juices from flowing down her legs.

  Romance and attentiveness, perhaps? He offered her a feast of sensations, never ceasing to tell her of her importance to him. At the merest thought of danger, he rushed to her side, leaving an important meeting, making heads of state wait on her convenience…and she stood here, waffling over whether or not she should allow him to give her multiple orgasms. What flavor of fool did that make her?

  Slowly, then more quickly, she drew one arm and then the other out of its sleeve, lifted the lightweight dress over her head, exposing her bra and panty clad-body.

  His eyes caught flame, and in response, her wayward clitoris stretched and rose up from under its protective hood, pounding like a damned metronome, beating out the cadence of her lustful desires. Her nipples echoed the traitorous action, swelling and stiffening until they were painfully erect, eagerly outthrust and hungry for the terat suckling she feared she had already grown addicted to.

  Before the dress had time to float to the ground, Dev pounced, hands clamping tightly on her forearms, head bending to worry a beading nipple through the semi-sheer material of her Bali bra. A bold hand slipped inside her panties to explore the crease of her pussy and slid in her natural lubrication. His finger brushed against her there, and suddenly penetrated. Her clit became the site of an electrifying storm, generating jagged bolts of delight that burned through her inflaming her nipples and cunt.

  She gasped with the overwhelming sensations and his mouth slammed down on hers. Their tongues dueled while thick male fingers joined the first one, spreading and stretching her, delving between her parted labia and deep into her pussy.

  His thumb skimmed upward to flick against her clit. The explosive pleasure sent her hips pitching forward, forcing her mound into the palm of his hand.

  Her hands closed convulsively over his forearms, nails digging into his skin as her fingers and toes curled. Under her sensitized flesh, her nerve endings burned. Deep in the pit of her belly an ache throbbed to life, an ache that only he could appease. She turned her head to the side, breaking off their torrid kiss. “Please, Dev, please…I need you!”

  His lips trailed down her neck, mouth open over her tender flesh, pulling on the cord beating out her pulse, teeth nipping, tongue soothing. She raised one leg, wrapping it about his thigh, trying to settle his hard erection into the cradle of her heated pussy. “I need you…want you…”

  Suddenly, his mouth was gone. His hands twined through her hair, holding her seeking lips away from his

  “That wasn’t entirely true this morning. What part of me do you want, Nnora?”

  Her eyes flashed down to the hefty bulge at his crotch and she drew in a deep breath. “I…uh…I want…that!”

  He watched Nnora’s expressive face as she struggled to answer him.

  “Are you telling me you want my cock?”

  Taking her hand, he plastered her fingers over his straining cock, drawing her palm up and down his outthrust length. He cut short her dithering.

  “I know you want my tongue, my fingers and my mouth, yet earlier, you rejected my cock. Feel me. Me! My cock is part of me, Nippa. Feel how my cock grows harder at the thought of being buried in your tight pava…your pussy.” His hips swayed forward, pushing his cock into her palm. “So tell me again, Nippa, what part of me do you want?”

  He buried his face in her neck. She had the feeling he hid his face from her to shield his vulnerability.

  She smiled, looking up at him. Even when his hand fell away, she continued milking his cock with firm, long strokes.

  “I really do want all of you, Dev.” She kept her own head bent as she shared her thoughts with him. “I finally figured it out in the shower.” She smiled, smoothed her hand up and down the growing bulk of his sex.

  “We’re not human, you and I. We are Rb’qarmshi and we will fit.” She snuggled her cheek into the hand he lifted to frame her face.

  “I might not be the medical genius my mother and sister are…” she laughed a little, “but even I know a human’s pussy could not have withstood the prolonged, ferocious tonguing, sucking, biting and licking you subjected mine to. I should be too sore to breathe. I should be walking bow-legged. Instead, my pussy reveled in your attentions. My nipples get hard at just the thought of being inside your terat. My clit is so stiff my thighs rub against it when I walk. I’ve never come so hard or so much in my life, yet I am ready for more.

  “So to answer your question once again…” She dipped down and kissed his cock through his flight suit. “I want every part of you…your hands, your tongue…your terat…but most especially, I want your cock—inside me!”

  His hands captured her head against his loins. His cock surged against her lips.

  “Oh, Nippa, you shall have me! I will never let you deprive yourself of any pleasure I can give you. Soon, I will fill your hot pussy with this cock while I sink my fingers into that rosy little bud buried between your sweet cheeks. I will impale you, cunt and ass, inundate you with erotic sensation until you lose your mind and your fears. I intend to pleasure you until you scream.”

  Nnora shivered as her eyes drifted closed. He felt the tension rise in her body as his words flowed over her. Her nipples wound tighter and harder, pressing against his legs. Sharp desire speared him, lancing down to his sirat as he felt and smelled her heady response to the lusty images he crafted for her.

  Her head fell back against his shoulder as she gave herself over to the spiraling sensations, so far gone in lust he knew she never felt him lifting her, carrying her over to the bed and removing her panties and bra.

  “You know what I want?” He thrust a thick digit into her creamy center and pumped slow and deep, resisting the urge to shed his clothes and join her, join with her. Damn it! I wish I had more time. “I want to fuck your mouth, feed you my cock till my sirat bounce against your chin. Then I want to sink into your pussy, stretching it wide with my thick, hot meat.”

  He used his provocative words to burn through the last of her inhibitions. He guessed his erotic words, along with a second thick finger stretching her tight sheath, would send her over the edge. He thanked the stars this morning’s foreplay had revealed her weakness for dirty talk. The knowledge was proving a priceless weapon in his arsenal. He needed
all the weapons at his command to woo and win this fascinating lady.

  “I want to impale you on my shaft. I want you to watch me pumping in and out of your slit and I want to hear you howl as you come with my cock embedded deeply in your pussy.” He blew on her nipples, plying her breasts and cunt with sensation layered upon sensation, his words like touches on her quivering flesh.

  He made sure she felt his ruthless need, his relentless hunger as his mouth drew on her, latching on to one nipple and sucking it up between his teeth. One hard draw, one biting nibble and he left the aching bud, using his stiffened tongue to prod the tip into another level of stiffness. Repeating his actions with her other nipple, he lavished attention on her pert tips. His mouth roved over the smooth skin of her midriff, dipping into the shallow pool of her navel before meandering down the sloping plane of her belly. He hummed against her pubes, sending vibrations through the skin to resonate in her womb.

  She bucked beneath him, panting as she speared her fingers through his hair, holding his head against her.

  Sliding a hand between her thighs, his fingers parted her slick folds, skimmed the shallow cleft of her sex. Lifting her hips, he bypassed her pussy to lick the groove of her ass, running first his hands, then his tongue over the plump round globes of her luscious derriere.

  “Oh. My goodness. What are you doing?” She tried to jerk away. “No one’s ever…I’ve never…”

  His heart seemed to swell within his chest. A flood of tender feelings swamped him. Lifting his mouth from her, he let her see his smile. He liked the fact that he would be the first to teach her about anal play. “There is no spot of your body that is not delicious to me, my Nippa. Let me show you…”

  Lowering his head back to her, he laved her from clit to collapsed rosette, using his teeth on her nether lips. He explored her tightly furled opening, caressing her insistently until she squirmed under the lash of pleasure that sparked incendiary flames along the nerves rimming her small, virginal entrance.

  Her cunt muscles fluttered out of control, cream oozed out of her, escaping her body in heated, pulsing gushes.

  He gathered her slick fluid, smearing the natural lubricant around and just inside her rectum.

  He knew his hands were big and his fingers long and broad, knew they would stretch her uncomfortably at first. He swirled his fingers in her slippery fluids again, applying another anointing to her tiny hole.

  She stilled, stiffening up as he began to push his finger into her tiny aperture. He stopped, finger pressed against her anus, denied entrance by the tightness of her clenched sphincter.

  “I want in here, Nippa. Give me what I want?” he murmured, smoothing more of her wetness into the clenched entrance and resuming his steady pressure. “Relax. It will hurt if you tighten up.”

  “I’m afraid it will hurt too much. But if you are sure I will find it pleasurable…”

  “I hope to make it feel good to you after a while. If it doesn’t, if you dislike it, I will cease. My word…”

  She nodded, relinquishing control to him. “Then I want to try it…with you.”

  It was his turn to shudder.

  “Thank you for your trust, my own. Open your thighs for me. It will help you relax your sphincter.” He pulled her to the edge of the bed so her legs dangled over the side and wedged a pillow under her hips. Going to his knees, he splayed both hands against the inside of her thighs and spread her, lapping her sweet pussy lips with broad strokes of his flattened tongue. Slowly, he inched his finger in a quarter inch and halted, inched in a fragment more then held, halting his inward movement to give her some relief from what he knew had to be intense pressure. Her tiny hole stretched about his finger so tightly he feared his circulation would be cut off. Visions of what it would feel like to bury his cock in her constricting passage brought a savage upsurge of lust.

  Gradually, he felt her muscle relax, signaling her growing adjustment. “Is your ass burning with the tightness of my finger buried inside you? Is the pain mixed with pleasure?”

  “It’s…hurting me,” she gasped, panting.

  “Too much?” He paused, waiting for her answer.

  “Your finger is so big… It feels as large as a club.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  She didn’t answer right away. “Do you want to stop?”

  “By Deth’s balls, no!” He gritted his teeth, reluctantly eased back. “I will, though, if you so choose.”

  She shook her head. “Make it feel good, Dev!”

  “So, you want a little something to take your mind off that pain, huh?”

  Lifting his head, he locked gazes with her. He flashed her just a glimpse of his smile before he lowered his head between her thighs, captured her clitoris between his teeth and bit down. He suckled her clit hard, wanting her pleasure.

  “Yessss!” She thrashed frantically. Grabbing fists full of his hair, she tugged his mouth hard against her clit. “Suck me. Harder, Dev…eat me, harder… Ream me with your finger! Fuck me with your tongue!”

  When he looked up from the delta of her thighs to catch her gaze, there were tears rolling down her face. He felt a surge of satisfaction at the agonized ecstasy he saw on her face.

  She came, screaming.

  Her hips bucked and she exploded into his mouth, pulsing and throbbing as her juices flowed in a copious stream. Her pussy slammed up against his mouth and he released her clit to plunge his tongue into her hot slit. Splaying one hand on her flat belly, anchoring her body to the bed, he kept his other hand busy at her anus, circling and probing, stretching her.

  Her cream ran over his tongue into his mouth, the addicting taste flooding him with almost painful shards of pleasure as beneath his hand, he felt her womb ripple. Her spasming muscles sucked his tongue deeper into her pussy. She relaxed her sphincter as her climax faded and he surged inward, his finger sliding home in her tight little anus with no further impediment.

  In his flight-suit, his cock, bent almost in two, felt as hard as battle steel. Groaning at the hot, clasping grip of her little hole, he nearly came at the thought of one day ramming his hard cock in there.

  His mouth and lips tugging on her clit, he pumped his finger in and out of the tightly furled opening. Her juices ran down from her cunt, bathing his hand—made her dark passage slippery. Its virgin tightness made the pressure heavenly.

  All the while he reamed her tiny asshole, he supped voraciously on her, biting and rolling her hard little soldier between his teeth, burying his tongue deeply in her clasping cunt.

  Finally, breathing heavily, he pulled back and reared over her. His tongue swiped out to lick her tangy cream from his lips. With two fingers into both holes, now, he worked them deep inside her steamy slits. His hands flew in counterpoint, powering his digits into her pussy as the other withdrew from her back entrance, then vice versa. His forceful, rhythmic movements set her hips rocking under his command.

  “Oh, god! Oh, Dev, it feels so good…too good!”

  “Come again. Come for me, now. Let me see your pleasure.” Without ceasing his ruthless finger-fucking, he smiled wickedly up at her, urging her on. “I love it when you talk dirty, Nippa. Love to see you convulse with the pleasure and ease I give you. Once we are mated, I shall see to your satisfaction every day—as often as you have need of me—”

  “Don’t talk. Suck!” she moaned, mashing his face back onto her clit.

  He laughed out loud, happy to comply. Flicking her nub with rapid flutters of his tongue, he changed the rhythm and direction of his thrusts so that both fingers shuttled inward at the same time.

  She bowed up into his embrace, shoulders and heels the only part of her touching the mattress as she surrendered to a third climax. Her juices poured from her in torrents, on the cresting wave of another orgasm.

  Falling deeper under her thrall, he drank her down.

  Releasing her death grip on his hair, Nnora fell back against the pillows. “Bring your…terat…up here and…suck my nipples.
Now!” Her tone pleaded while her words demanded. She punctuated each needy word with a sharp tug on his locks.

  “You seem impatient for me to join you, little one.” He teased her as he carefully withdrew his fingers from her pliant body and prepared to receive her nipples.

  “Quickly!” She lifted her body to him, plucking and playing with the desire-swollen tips. “If you hurry…” she bargained, letting her eyes play over his rampantly aroused body, “I’ll suck your cock…drink your delicious come—”

  “You’ll go wild,” he cautioned, “like the last time…” Coming over her, he fitted her stiffly jutting nipples into the dilating mouths of his softened terat, hissing at the immediate pleasure-inducing fullness. He loved being stuffed with her pouty nipples, loved the tightness and friction as they worked their chests against each other.

  “I swear, Nippa, I can feel you all the way to my navel!”

  “Yesssss,” Nnora moaned, rocking her mons against his cock as her hard little points sank into his chest organs.

  * * * * *

  Shut up by herself, Nnora quickly became bored. She needed the stimulation of person-to-person contact and didn’t enjoy being by herself. She was a people-person, which was why she’d chosen to be an elementary school teacher, for God’s sake! She hated being isolated. Alone, she had little to do but dwell on Dev and their loveplay.

  In the end, he had not allowed her the taste of his come, though he had forced so many orgasms upon her, he’d left the flesh between her thighs sore and tender, her inner thigh muscles protesting every move. The soreness wasn’t as bad as it could have been, due to Dev’s thoughtfulness in making sure she had a session in the hygienic chamber. Actually, she’d had two sessions, since the first cleansing had triggered their last bout of sexual gymnastics.

  He’d stripped off his clothes to join her in the shower, tenderly holding her as the rejuvenating unit cleansed her inside and out.


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