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Swept Off Her Feet

Page 20

by Camille Anthony

  “Nippa…” he said between leisurely tongue lappings, ignoring her present pleas, “is another name for…your pava. A less polite, more graphic name…”

  She tensed in disbelief, her ardor grown cold as his words penetrated her reasoning. “You’ve been calling me a cunt?”

  Sitting up, she pushed at him. He didn’t budge. “No wonder even Dohsan blushed! Where I come from, Buster, that word is not suitable to use in public.” Horror washed over her. “You called me a cunt…in front of your men!”

  As her tone was not exactly one of pleased discovery, Dev hastened to explain. “On Rb’qarm, it is an acceptable endearment between bonded pairs—”

  “I can’t believe you’ve been calling me a cunt.” Uncertain whether to laugh or beat him repeatedly about the head, she yanked his hair, forcibly drawing his face up to meet her glare.

  He sat up and captured her hands. “I’ve been calling you mine,” he corrected her sternly, hands firmly cupping and fondling that part of her under discussion. “My pussy. My cunt. Mine!”

  His finger took over where his tongue had been, sinking in to the middle knuckle. She lost the thread of their argument. Spreading her knees as wide apart as they would go, she offered herself to him in helpless abandon.

  Who the hell cared what he called her, as long as he called her “his”?

  Working another thick finger inside her opening, he pistoned it in and out of her, stretching her clasping passage. He touched every one of her secret places and awakened them.

  She arched her back, seeking a deeper penetration, empty and aching to be filled with his cock. Her fingers roamed, grabbing at him. When they brushed past his swaying erection, she grasped the massive cock, squeezing the bulbous head in her fisted hand, marveling that she had once held this luscious object in dread. It had quickly become the object of all her desires.

  “I’m not afraid, anymore, Dev.” She twisted under his relentless fingers. “I want your cock…your cherzda, deep inside me. Deep and hard and now. I’m going out of my mind with wanting you.”

  “And I want you, my wife, my cherzda’va,” Dev panted, easing his fingers from her pussy. He dabbed her fragrant cream on each nipple and smeared it over her lips. “I also want a taste of your honey-coated candies.”

  Kissing his way up her body, he assiduously licked the perfumed dampness from her skin. Her nipples came to stiff attention, wet from his worshiping mouth. The air caressed the little points, furling them into tight buds.

  “I love it when you suck my nipples.”

  Her hands cupped her mounds, offered them up as twin sacrifices. Her head lolled on her neck as he bent his head to accept her offering.

  “No one has ever suckled me like you do, my love.”

  Happiness welled up inside him. He felt a thrill of satisfaction at her praise.

  “No one ever will, my Nippa.”

  Shackling her ankles in his big hands, he lifted her legs, bent them, held them wide. Kneeling between her thighs, he stared down at the beautiful sight of her wet pava lips fluttering in helpless arousal.

  “Come in me…fuck me.”

  “Yes…now.” Carefully positioning his straining sex at the damp mouth of her pussy, he edged forward. He breached her petite portal with difficulty. Working the broad head of his penis past her small petals, he popped through the outer ring of muscles. The width of his crest stretched the dainty opening painfully wide.

  She felt incredibly hot and tight surrounding him. Her delicate fem muscles tightened involuntarily, trying to force him out. Instead, their rippling contractions caressed his bulbous tip, causing a growth spurt that made it difficult for him to ease his cock deeper into her cunt. Moaning, wanting to thrust, he forced himself to hold stationary just inside her.

  “Oh, it hurts!”

  Her cry wounded him. He would die before injuring her, but how could he stop now? Damn. He was hurting her. And it would only get worse before it got better…

  “Oooh, Dev!” She hissed through her teeth, shifting.

  Trying to get away?

  “Shhh! I love you. I’ll make it better, Nippa…” Touching his forehead to hers, he broke out in a sweat as he battled to do the honorable thing. He had feared her small size would make it difficult if not impossible to mate her without medical assistance. It seemed his fears were realized.

  Heartsick, he started to pull back, pull out of her. “We will postpone our full joining until the healers of Rb’qarm can examine you, my Nippa.”

  “No!” She clutched his shoulders. Her legs lifted, encased him. Ankles crossed, locking about his waist. “You’re all ready in. We can do this…” She panted, inhaling short quick breaths to avoid the pain.

  He used his hands, taking a long time to reawaken her arousal, plucking at her clit, rubbing round it with fingers soaked in her wetness. Smoothing his fingers down the crease between her buttocks, he palmed her plump cheeks and smearing her slick fluid into the secret puckered hole nestled behind her pussy. He rimmed the tight aperture, dipping in, wanting only her pleasure.

  When she again began writhing beneath him, whimpering and crying out for his possession, he sighed with relief, knowing she was as ready as he could make her. He inserted her nipples into his softened terat and sealed her mouth with his own.


  “I’m sorry…sorry to hurt…don’t want to…” Amid murmured apologies, he drove his cock up into her pulsing pava. Hating that he hurt her, he burst through her barrier. Taking her mouth, he smothered her scream of pain with a devouring kiss.

  Tears ran down her cheeks. He licked them away. He lay frozen within her, his marble-hard cock throbbing, anxious to sink even deeper. His balls ached. He had never felt anything like the incredible tightness of her sheath. His cock stretched her newly tried portal, and from her whimpering he knew it remained uncomfortable.


  “I’m…okay… Are you…in?”

  Creator of all, grant me the skill to ensure my mate’s pleasure outweighs the pain.

  “Not quite yet, my dearling.”

  He luxuriated in the blissful heat and tightness of her wonderful pussy. With her breasts buried in his chest, her mouth filled with his tongue, her feminine passage crammed full of his cock—he felt powerful and humbled all at once. This is my home! My mate. My fem. My hope for the future.

  Nnora shuddered beneath Dev, her muscles squeezing and rocking his cock. He grew within her, expanding to an even greater length and width. She fought the instinct telling her to struggle, to eject the hurtful intruder. This was Devtorvas…her Dev, filling her and soothing her, waiting for her pain to subside before riding her like a wild bronco. She only needed to hold on…it definitely couldn’t get any worse, and she couldn’t wait for it to get better.

  One thing about it, she thought, Dev is certainly not swimming around in there! A laugh ghosted through her as she recalled her ex-husband’s petulant complaints.

  “Dev, I can feel your cock filling my pussy to overflowing.” She pulled him closer with arms and legs. “My ex-husband used to cry, ‘Grip me tighter, I’m swimming around in here!’ He made me feel large and ungainly. I never enjoyed sex until you came along.”

  Dev chuckled. “Whatever made you think a puny human male could satisfy a woman of your stature, Nippa? You were simply faced with the dilemma of too much woman and not enough man! Just let me know and I will supply all your needs.” Pushing his hips against hers, he sank another two inches into her clasping depths. “There’s plenty more where that came from.”

  With their laughter came easing. Her feminine muscles relaxed, allowing her mate’s huge cock to sink even further in. She let out a yelp of orgasmic surprise when his cock head moved beyond where she thought she ended.

  “It excites me when you cry out with pleasure,” Dev rasped in a husky whisper, flexing his hips, circling them, barely moving in her. “I love it when you tell me what you want, what you need.” He pressed
his thumb against her ultra-sensitive clit. “I want to hear you scream with pleasure, not pain. Scream for me, Nippa.”

  Her hips lifted off the bed, and her pussy engulfed more of his hard, distended length. When the surging head thudded against the mouth of her shuddering womb, she screamed her pleasure again, her legs locking around his rough-hewn thighs.

  She gazed up into Dev’s eyes which had gone incandescent with desire. “Please. Harder…I need you!”

  Dev looked down at her. “I’m glad to see you are enjoying your new toy.” His laughter sounded of masculine triumph. “So, are you all right now? Can I move?”

  He’d been holding himself in check trying to minimize her discomfort!

  Oh Dev.

  She fell in love with him all over again.

  “Oh yes, love. Take me, Dev. Fuck me! Fill me up with your huge cock.” She hugged him close. “Show me how to please you.”

  “In these last two hours, alone, you’ve given me more pleasure than I’ve had my entire life,” he gasped, entering and re-entering her with a series of smooth, metered strokes, pulling on her turgid nipples as he drove past her clinging labia. And in reverse, bearing down on her peaking nipples while his pumping rod abraded her clit, surging along the honeyed corridors of her pussy.

  Grown frantic with lust, she caressed and kissed Dev, letting her hands wander his muscular, rangy body. She brushed the high curve of his buttocks, followed the deep crevice bisecting his manly cheeks, sinking her fingers into the tight, elastic flesh and teasing his anus. He rewarded her with faster and deeper strokes, pounding into her, riding her hard and fierce.

  His masculine groan of need rumbled deep in her mouth, where his tongue flicked against hers. He drew her tongue into his mouth, suckling on it as if he would suck it out by the root.

  Drowning in an ocean-swell of sensation, she bucked as her culmination drew near. Her nipples twanged, swelling in the suctioning grasp of her mate’s terat. His thick cock fucked her deep, forcing her inner muscles to part, widening the corridor of her cunt to thud against the door of her womb. The exciting friction triggered a need for more of the same.

  And more…

  “I’m coming!” she warned him, sensing her approaching orgasm, her spiraling ascent. Her buried nipples burned and tingled, fucked raw by his clinging terat. She flung her hips up at him, meeting every heavy thrust as he loosed his constraints and rode her hard. His fevered, jackhammer strokes slammed into her hot, fiery pussy, stoking the flames. Their force moved her body up the bed, his cock sinking to new depths with each relentless blow. He pounded into her forcefully, his full sirat slapping against her ass.

  Helpless before his stormy assault, she grasped the metallic bar that served as a headboard, trying to anchor herself in this galaxy. Joyfully surrendering herself to the conquering thrusts of her mate, she realized that she and Dev—connected mouth-to-mouth, breast-to-chest, and pussy-to-cock—were two souls joined. Forever bonded, their union forged in the fiery heat of their passionate love.

  As her body and mind spun away into dazzling star-shine, the knowledge that she would never be lonely again washed over her, completing her ecstasy. Her nipples convulsed, giving up their nectar as streams of glory flowed over her, flinging her to the far side of the universe. Radiant ribbons of unfurling splendor spilled through her as she convulsed under her bond-mate’s pistoning body.

  “Yessss!” She chanted, her voice breaking hoarsely on the age-old cry, “Fuck me hard, Dev. Come in me…flood me with your cum…fill my belly with your love. Give me your child…”

  Warm liquid splashed onto her face, startling her. She opened her eyes to see Dev’s face above hers, his eyes flooded with tears. Moved beyond words, she opened her mouth, welcoming him as he swooped down, delved into her mouth. They shared a series of tongue-deep kisses, each wordlessly reassuring the other that they were loved.

  Withdrawing until only the head of his cherzda rested within her drenched cunt, he gathered himself for one final climactic thrust. His muscles tensed in preparation. Holding her gaze, he slammed back into her. He pierced her welcoming cleft with a power that left her moaning and bucking under him.

  Penetrated to the depths of her womb, she felt Dev’s embedded cherzda swell to immense proportions, remolding itself to the contours of her pava channel until every creaming crevice, cranny and fissure was filled with his pulsating sex. His cock-plug formed, Dev held high in her cunt as his cherzda pulsed, swelling and contracting as the apertures all along the head of his penis oozed the thick, viscous fluid called zhi.

  The liquid sparkled inside her, lighting every dark crevice with life, with sizzling brightness. A fireball ignited in her belly and roared outward, sparks catching in the tinder of her flesh until the surface of her skin joined the nova of her body. Arms falling limp at her side, she flung back her head and gave herself up to the starlight streaming through her.

  Time dissolved and ran down in shimmering strings of light as Dev’s primal roar rang out. His fingers sank deep into the plump hills of her ass when he lifted her hips in his hands, bringing her flush against him. Her cunt clamped down on his cock, gripping and holding his straining flesh.

  Letting out a guttural cry, he pumped furiously between her widespread thighs. His seed shot from him in hot, spuming jets. Her husband came hard and deep inside her, filling her with his foaming ejaculate, returning her ‘gift’ in the form of his living sperm.



  * * * * *

  Sometime during that long night of repeated loving, he gave her his baby, fulfilling the hope of his people and beginning the slow rebirth of his race.

  He prayed for a girl.

  Chapter Eighteen

  On Rb’qarm, Thirteen Fael Later (Earth equivalent: 16 Months)

  The Welcoming Ceremony of Crown Princess Glenvdevtoria ‘abret Glendevtorvas took place on the second Fael anniversary of her birth. Hundreds of Royal Heads of State traveled from their home worlds. Over a thousand Ambassadors, dignitaries representing the fifty Allied Worlds and the Four Hundred Kingdoms—each with their aides and attachés accompanied by their requisite support staffs—also attended.

  Both royal grandfathers had joined in a rare show of mutual support for this auspicious occasion. The two former kings had much in common—mainly their predilection for arguing with their children—but they knew how to present a united front when policy dictated. Both agreed the Welcoming of their first grandchild warranted a state of truce.

  Nnora’s father and his band of exiles had come suing for repatriation and reintegration into their home planet society six months ago. He claimed his decision had to do with the Humans launching a program of aggressive solar system exploration. His mate claimed he missed both his daughters.

  Acting upon his mate’s wise suggestion, Dev had bestowed a high Rb’nTraqshi title upon the former Chyya, along with enough land to make his bond-father marginally happy. It also located the former king on another planet…far enough away to maintain peaceful relations between the father and daughter.

  Dev’s father had fared no better than Nnora’s father.

  Now that Dev’s bonding with Nnora had accorded him adulthood status, he had sternly demanded his father’s abdication as had been agreed upon in the nuptial contracts.

  Like Glenbrevchanka, Chyya Quasharel found himself given a lesser title and “put out to graze”—his favorite term adopted from the Earth colonists.

  * * * * *

  Chyya Glendevtorvas surveyed the banquet hall. A wave of ribald hilarity caught his attention. Of course, his nemesis stood in the center of the commotion.

  Dohsan and her younger brothers were under foot, as usual, getting into, or being the cause of trouble. No one paid much attention to the trio of siblings anymore, having gotten used to the constant upheaval that followed the fiery princess and her brothers.

  Dev grimaced. He took a fortifying gulp of his drink. Thank Deth, the dour presence of Gan
R’dari, the Commander of the Chyya’va’s personal bodyguards, kept anyone from lodging more than verbal complaints. He’d heard the high society fem matrons awaited Dohsan’s flowering with bated breath, praying his friend would claim her for his mate, as none of them wanted her in their family…royal princess or not. He felt sorry for ‘Dari if the wind blew that way. He wouldn’t wish that hellion on friend or foe.

  He scanned the hall, restless until his eye fell on the stately figure of his mate and co-ruler. A heady mix of love, lust and pride filled his heart, constricted his breathing and heated his loins as he watched Nnora’s easy interactions with the assembled dignitaries and visiting royalty. None of their guests carried themselves with a more dignified mien than she, though many of their guests and subjects towered over her.

  He smiled, gaze glued to his wife as she tossed back her head, her light, infectious laughter spilling out of her beautiful mouth. Her joy was evident in her twinkling eyes, the iridescent orange swirling in excitement, and Dev compared this lively, queenly fem to the diffident, nervous mate that had first ascended the throne beside him.

  She’d grown in maturity and assurance over the last sixteen Fael, taking up her duties and accepting her responsibilities with the same fervor she seemed to bring to every aspect of her life. His balls tightened as he recalled how eagerly she had taken to being seated and then well-fucked, aggressively demanding his attentions at times. He loved that she didn’t wait on him to initiate their lovemaking all the time, but took an active part in their intimate relationship. He had never felt more appreciated, more loved.

  By Deth’s ballocks, I am a lucky bastard! Dev grinned, thinking of some of the ploys his fem had used to drag him away from his sometimes-dry duty, tempting and teasing him until his control shredded and he pounded into her tight, wet pussy, driven to claim and master her again and again.


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