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Swept Off Her Feet

Page 22

by Camille Anthony

  “You satyr!” She shook her head at his antics, playfully batting away his hands. Laughing, feeling renewed by their love play, she launched herself off the edge of the bed’s wide mattress and darted across the room, throwing her sex-crazed lover a teasing, over-the-shoulder come-hither glance.

  Behind her, Nnora heard Dev scramble off their bed in pursuit, his bare feet thudding firmly on the carpeted floor. She sped up, racing away, luring her mate in the direction she wanted him to go.

  “What a luscious, juicy sight you are giving me, Nippa. Your swaying hips and bouncing breasts has my cherzda hard as stone. So run, search out some supposed safety. When I catch you,” he called out to her, voice sounding thick with excited lust, “I’m going to fuck you until your cunt is raw.”

  “Promises, promises!” Nnora taunted as she skirted their private parlor and increased her speed. The sound of Dev’s laughter grew louder as his longer legs inexorably closed the distance between them.

  She made it through the bathroom door before Dev ran her to ground. She evaded his first grab for her, fetching up against the ornate utankli tiled sink just as his arms came about her, capturing her in a crushing embrace. She winced in fake fear as Dev flung his head back, letting out a roar of triumph.

  Crowding her against the sink, he proceeded to press ardent, open-mouthed kisses all over her face and neck. He lifted her up on the vanity, pushing her knees apart and wedging his torso between her legs, his hands going to her nipples to pull and tug the still-sensitive points, making them poke out in red defiance.

  Far from complaining, she rolled her shoulders, pushing her breasts into Dev’s warm palms. She licked suddenly dry lips, her breasts heaving under her agitated breaths. Her belly felt hollow, muscles fluttering wildly as Dev sank to his knees, electric-orange eyes fixed on her mound. Slowly, he bent his head, making a production of sniffing at her cunt, causing a rush of hot liquid to overflow her heated channel in response.

  “Unveil yourself to me!”

  His husky command caused a second spurt of juices to slick her labia and clit. Her entire body went slack as she felt the first heated touch of his lips against her weeping pussy. She hardly felt the impact of her head smacking against the decorated tile, too busy eagerly reaching down to unveil and offer herself to Dev.

  Whimpering in need, she watched, tugging and pulling on her own nipples as he spread her swollen folds to lap at her. He ran his broad hot tongue up her slit and flicked it against her clit. His masterful mouth ate at her, sucking at her entry, his tongue stabbing inside her, poking at that maddening spot that caused her nerve endings to tingle and spark. He soon had her sobbing with ecstatic joy, quivering and jerking in a muscle-clenching orgasm, screaming in abandon.

  Dev relentlessly continued to lap at her clit until she collapsed against the mirror in a boneless puddle of spent desire.

  Regaining his feet, Dev bent solicitously over his wife. “Remember that promise I made you?” He licked the taste of her essence from his lips as he gathered her up and started back to their bedroom.

  “The one about being in me whenever possible?”

  “That one, too.” He stopped walking long enough to sample her irresistible nipples.

  “You mean the one where you promised to fuck my cunt raw?”

  His tongue laved one breast with rough broad strokes. He gave the engorged crest a sharp bite. “I forgot that one,” he admitted. “Is “my” cunt raw? Let me see…”

  He detoured to the living room and stretched his queen out on the divan. Easing her legs apart, he opened her cunt lips with his thumbs and closely examined the lush pink folds. He couldn’t resist leaning down to give her fluttering pussy a couple of hard tongue swipes.

  “Hhmmmm…delicious! Remind me to have the chef add this dish to the menu of my personal favorites.” He dipped his head and burrowed back into her wet folds.

  Nnora took a mock swing at his head, her light blow glancing off without effect. “You are such a comedian.”

  A moment later, she gathered a handful of his hair in both fists and dragging his head away from her aching pussy. “Darling, stop for a while, okay? I’m a little sore right now.”

  Dev immediately sat up away from her, a frown marring his handsome visage. “You should have said something earlier, Nippa. By Deth’s gate, I never meant my teasing words to become truth. I’m so sorry—”

  “Dev, when a man routinely gives his wife multiple orgasms, the last thing he has to be is sorry.” She sat up and ran her hands up her husband’s arms, catching his hands before he could drag them through his disordered locks. “It’s been almost three Earth months since we last fucked, Dev, so of course, I’m a little sore. I wish you would stop fretting over it.”

  “I vowed never to hurt you!” The mulish expression on her mate’s face did not change.

  Nnora heaved an exasperated sigh. “Dev, trust me, you didn’t hurt me one bit and I know my tenderness won’t last for long because I’m already creaming, wanting you inside me again. I just need a few moments between sessions…and I have the perfect activity to keep you happily occupied until we’re ready for you to feed that delicious hunk of meat to my hungry pussy.”

  Dev blinked, looking at her with anticipation. “What are you speaking of, Nippa?”

  She swung her legs off the divan and sat up, smothering a smile at Dev’s obvious eagerness. “You know I had Lori bring me a lot of items from Earth, some of my favorite things I’ve been without for a long time?”

  Dev nodded his head. She could almost see the question marks in his eyes.

  “Well, I asked her to bring me a specific item, just for your enjoyment, and now that it has arrived, I get to live out one of my favorite fantasies!”

  She rose from the divan, gesturing Dev to stay put. “I’ll be right back. While I’m gone, I want you to go to our room and stretch out on the Metari rug.” She shivered sensuously, recalling the play of flickering light from a crackling fire and the decadent feel of thick, dense fur caressing her naked flesh the times Dev took her in front of the fireplace. She swallowed remembering the weight of his body pressing hers into the furs as he plunged between her legs, fucking in and out of her, driving her mad with passion. She wanted to invoke the same sensations in her beloved husband.

  She took out a small jar from the bag Lori had delivered and placed it aside as she gathered a shallow bowl, a small soft painter’s brush, and a plush towel.

  Nnora turned on the water and let it run. When the water reached the temperature she desired, Nnora filled the shallow bowl and tucked everything else between her side and elbow and returned to her waiting husband.

  She froze in the doorway, breath knocked out of her in sudden awe. My God, this man is beautiful enough to stop my heart.

  Dev lay at his ease on the Metari rug, the dense black fur a vibrant frame for the dark maple tone of his skin…and what skin it was. Tight and taut in all the right places, stretched over well-defined muscles that rippled underneath with life and vitality. His long, lustrous night-black locks lay about his head and shoulders, blending with the fibers of the animal fur. His eyes were wide open, staring at her, lust and love plainly stamped on his handsome face. His cock, distended and full, lay on his belly, swaying with his shifting movements, his zhi already glistening at the tip of the bulbous head.

  All this is mine!

  Nnora swallowed thickly, heart thumping, clit swelling and throbbing with excitement. Her breasts grew tight, nipples engorged as she slowly walked towards her lover, her hips shifting seductively under his hot gaze. She went to her knees beside him, carefully placing the bowl and other items on the floor within easy reach.

  Keeping her eyes focused on his face, Nnora began lightly running her fingertips over Dev’s brow, soothing and arousing him in soft, languorous sweeps. “I want you to relax and enjoy this.” She pressed against his broad shoulders, holding him down. “Promise me you will remain still and accept whatever I do or I will have to bind y
ou to our bed.”

  A raspy laugh answered her. “Bind me? I do the binding in our bed, Nippa. Never forget that!”

  “Then show me you have the will power to remain still without restraints, my love.”

  Her challenge given, she resumed her slow, drawn-out pleasuring of her husband. Her focus on his face, she dropped soft, open-mouthed kisses on his brow, his eyes, his cheeks and chin. Avoiding his lips, she nuzzled into the warm flesh between shoulder and neck, recalling how his lips and teeth at her corresponding spot always sent shivers of arousal dancing through her, causing her toes to curl.

  A groaned protest made her laugh. Coming back to his firm mouth, she nipped at his lower lip, tugging until he relented and let her in. Her tongue swept in tangling with his, dueling for supremacy. Dev raised his head, forcing his tongue into her mouth, sucking at her lips. She pulled back.

  “Uh, uh, love. I am in control here.”

  “Arrgghhh, you are killing me!” Dev’s head fell backward. His eyes twinkled, and he stuck his tongue out at her, wiggling it a bit before batting his eyelashes and giving her a simpering smile.

  She battled the grin tugging at the corners of her mouth and proceeded down his body, her lips brushing the strong column of his neck and shoulders. She swirled her tongue about each masculine nipple, tugging and nipping on them until they stood erect and tight. She blew on both peaks. Her cool breath wafting over the damp flesh caused his skin to pucker into goose bumps. His breath caught then started again, faster.

  Chuckling, she stuck her tongue into one of his terat, poking it in and out and playing catch with the chest muscle that tried to trap her tongue inside.

  She loved having Dev spread out beneath her, open to her advances. And she thoroughly enjoyed being in charge. Thoughts of the contents of her jar—and her plans for their use—actually caused her to tremble.

  No longer willing to wait, she reached for the towel and began running the soft, absorbent cloth all over her husband’s body.

  “What are you doing, my Nippa?”

  “Drying you, my love. You recall Lori is a biochemist…”

  “Yes. And…?”

  “And I told her what I needed…” Nnora finished with the towel and laid it aside. Reached for the jar and unscrewed the cap. “She designed this especially for us. Well, for you.”

  “What is it?”

  Nnora lifted the jar to the light. “At first glance, it looks like plain water, but it is something you will appreciate far more than H-2-0, my dear.” Dipping the brush into the liquid, she painted an invisible circle around the flat buttons of Dev’s nipples, then brushed the fluid over the raised flesh. She even dipped it into the shallow mouths of both terat.

  “Do you remember when you asked me what my nipples felt like when they are immersed in your terat, when your enzyme releases and coats my nipples?”

  Dev nodded.

  “Well, I couldn’t explain. I didn’t have the words. This fluid acts like my favorite hair conditioner. In fact, it was using my conditioner that gave me the idea. See, I love my hot oil hair conditioner. It heats up when water is applied.”

  Dev raised his eyebrows and flashed a speculating look from the jar to the glistening brush. “I don’t feel any heat.”

  “You will!” Nnora chuckled. “There is a difference between the hair conditioner and this concoction Lori dreamed up for me. The fluid activates with the application of my saliva. Let me show you—” She dipped her head and licked the tip of one flat, round nipple.


  “Like that, do you?”

  “Yesss,” Dev hissed from between his teeth. “By Deth’s ballocks…yes!”

  “I tried this on myself first, to make sure it wouldn’t harm you. This is how your terat make my nipples feel.” She told him between delicately wet licks around the base of the erect, engorged nubs of male flesh. When she laved the inside of his terat, Dev’s torso came up off the rug.

  The sound of his harsh breathing echoed in the spacious room. She smiled and pressed him back. “Down, boy, it’s still my turn. I haven’t even made it to the main event, yet.”

  “Get on with it, fem!” Her husband’s growled command almost convulsed her in laughter. She had no intention of hurrying this session.

  Taking her time, she painted and licked, brushed and laved…all the way down to his bellybutton. She had to hold Dev’s jutting cock out of the way while she painted the little dip of flesh. He was so erect, so hard, his cock bounced and bobbled, making its presence felt, refusing to lie down tamely.

  After thoroughly licking and nuzzling Dev’s inverted button, she turned her full attention to the impudent shaft. From root to tip, she brushed the invisible fire over, around, and under it, covering every spot. She made sure to lavish his balls with the clear coating. Then she proceeded to swipe a wet path over each highlighted area with her mouth and tongue.

  “Holy uzak!” His hips jerked up from the rug. “You have painted my cherzda with acid! You are burning me alive, Nippa!” His hands caught her head between his palms, trying to wrest her away from his cock and balls.

  With her lips she clung to his rampant cock, while her hands kneaded the mound of his ball sac. Its tightness signaled he rode the rising edge of orgasm. She gave him a few more swipes before she addressing him. “Calm down, Dev, this is my gift to you. Lori guarantees this liquid will not harm you. I love this monster too much to allow harm to come to it or you.” She tightened her palm around the thick shaft of his cock. “Lie back down and let me finish you. Please?”

  The low, desperate sounds bursting from his lips and the rippling convulsions of his stomach muscles were her only warning of Dev’s eruption. Spine stiffening, back bowing, hips snapping up, he exploded beneath her hands and mouth.

  Groaning and shaking, Dev thrust his cock deeply into her mouth, crying out as he came. Fingers clenched in her hair, he fucked her face while his seed gushed from him in torrents.

  She swallowed and swallowed again, trying to catch every drop but he ejaculated in such copious spurts, his zhi overflowed her mouth. Saliva and cum dribbled from her lips.

  Dev breathed harshly, air rasping in his throat, his lungs laboring to keep up with his gasping demand for oxygen. Rising to his knees, he took command of their loving.

  Lifting Nnora up, he flipped her over onto her back and eased her to the furs then simply sat and watched for a few moments, waiting for her to begin exhibiting the effects of swallowing his aphorismatic sperm.

  Her breasts took on a rosy hue and her thick nipples engorged with blood. He grinned. Kneeling high between her thighs, the bulk of his body held her open to his lustful gaze. Her little clit thrust from between the deep pink folds of her pussy. He breathed in deeply, inhaling her delightful aroma, his gut clenching as he imagined how she would respond when he painted her clit with her own brand of liquid fire, but first…

  He leaned over Nnora and took a jutting nipple between his lips, letting her feel his teeth as he tugged and suckled on her engorged flesh. He gave the other nubbin equal attention until both were red and hot to his touch. Gathering saliva in his mouth, he laved her tips until they were swimming in moisture and then he took the brush and dipped it into the jar. Locking his gaze on hers, he swabbed his terat with the dripping brush, applying a liberal coating. His mouth turned up in a wide smile as he set brush and jar aside and lowered himself over Nnora, preparing to seat her nipples. He took her mouth in a deep, lush, tongue-tangling kiss before drawing back to whisper, “Let’s burn together, Nippa!”

  * * * * *

  An eternity later, Dev leaned back to watch Nnora as she convulsed in another bone-jarring climax. Filled with lust and love and above all, pride in his choice of life-mate, he helped her rise from the rug, supporting her as she leaned on shaky legs, wobbly from the many ecstasies he’d forced upon her.

  He hefted his mate up in his arms and strode to the bathroom and the sonic shower where he gently cleansed them both, preparing
for another bout of lovemaking. His heart stuttered anew as he realized that every time they fucked they truly made love. Nnora was the queen of his heart…and of his cock—his cherzda’va in all verity.

  “I am not through delivering on my promise to make you cum all dark long,” he said, conversationally resuming their earlier conversation as if there had been no break.


  “I figure it is still four or more hours till glowrise. Between my imagination and your magic liquid, we should be able to mange another eight or nine more orgasms for you.”

  Nnora’s gulp was audible.

  “Yeah,” Dev drawled, “I am a Rb’qarmshi of my word.” He swept Nnora off her feet and carried her back to their bed.

  * * * * *

  The Chyya and Chyya’va were unavailable for audience the next day.

  The End

  Glossary of Words and Phrases


  ‘abret—Daughter of…

  ‘abri—Son of…

  Cherzda—Male sexual organ; cock.

  Cherzda’va—Literally: Cock-riser or “my cock’s possession”; colloquially: life-mate.

  Chyya—Ruler (king/queen) interchangeable between sexes.

  Chyya’va–Literally: “my ruler’s possession”; colloquially: co-ruler.

  Cycle–Rb’qarmshi/Rb’nTraqi year = 1.538 Earth years.

  Deth—A mythical figure of Rb’qarmshi prehistory. He was a trickster who challenged the gods and as punishment was given several impossible tasks to achieve. He was allowed to command the assistance only of those he had succeeded in tricking. Another famous character in Rb’qarmshi mythology was Hel, commander of Pythin’s armies. While mighty in battle, Hel was gullible in the extreme. Deth constantly deceived him to the point they became almost constant companions. Common curses include: By Deth’s ballocks; By Deth’s gate; By Deth and His minions; By Deth’s pillars; Deth-brat; Hel and Deth.


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