A.O.E.M.: Dinner For Three

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A.O.E.M.: Dinner For Three Page 7

by Camille Anthony

  “You could see that insatiable curiosity written on my face, huh?”

  Jason chuckled, nodded his head. “Something like that, yes.”

  “What I really want to know more about is why Jonathan is a Vampire and you’re a Werewolf. I mean, why are you two separate kinds of beings -- why not two Vampires, or two Werewolves? I want to know what happened to you, how you were changed into what you are now.”

  “I’d like to answer that, if I may?”

  Jonathan stood in the doorway, hands buried in his pockets. His pretense of casual disinterest almost fooled her. Then she met his anguished gaze. His golden eyes were stark with longing and terror. They stared at her from a face held stiff and remote, soundlessly begging for a chance to plead his case with her. Not breathing, he stood there open, vulnerable… awaiting her answer.

  Chelle looked him over, heart tripping as she took in the length and breadth of his mouth-watering body. His black button down shirt hung open; the tails rucked up around his wrists. Black Dockers covered his lower body in a sexy drape of cloth that did nothing to hide his bold state of arousal.

  “Smile,” she commanded. Her voice came out neutral but firm, just as she intended.

  Jonathan’s body jerked. He caught himself and dropped his hands down by his side, masking his uncertainty with an even stiffer stance. Jason startled at her side, pulling back to eye her askance.

  “Why?” Jon asked, wary of why she was asking.

  “I want to see your fangs.”

  He didn’t smile. Drawing back his lips, he bared his fangs. If she hadn’t quite believed his claim, she did now. The predator before her was real. Primal terror sang in her blood. The prey always knew when to grow still and quiet, to lay low in hopes the hunter would overlook their wildly beating heart and pumping blood…

  … And then he was back to normal, eyes miserable and resigned. “I did not ever want to see fear in your eyes,” he whispered, a wet film glossing the gold of his sorrowing gaze. One tear welled and overflowed down his cheek. He blinked and the misty veil of tears banished, yet the sadness remained. “If even I find myself monstrous, how could I hope you would not?” He braced himself, turned away from the door and made to leave.

  How could she let him leave? This was the man who had taken one look at her swimsuit-clad body and been driven to kiss her as if seeking to quench his soul at her lips. This same man had shown her at every turn how much he desired her, yet had not rushed her.

  Beside her, Jason stirred, captured one of her hands in his. “Let him talk… please. Jon is much more articulate than I. He can help you understand what we are and how we came to be like this.”

  They could have taken her and made her love it that first afternoon. Instead, they’d given her the gift of time to become comfortable in her body. They had given her a different perspective on her own beauty. Seen through their eyes, she had found new worth in herself.

  Most importantly, Chelle acknowledged, Jonathan and Jason could have fucked her this evening -- they all knew the truth of how their date was to have ended -- without ever revealing their secrets to her.

  Their actions tonight told Chelle all she needed to know about her soon-to-be lovers. She knew, beyond a doubt, they would never willingly hurt her -- physically or emotionally. They had proved tonight that they would rather she turned them away now, before she committed herself to them, than risk having her growing love turn into resentment if she learned their truth after the fact.

  Her fear evaporated. In its place, love reared up, pushing aside all other emotions. Chelle quickly came to a decision. “Jonathan, wait.”

  Squeezing the large hand surrounding hers, Chelle nodded her assent to Jason’s silent urging. “Come on in, Jon. You might as well join this party.”

  Curiosity, Chelle admitted to herself, was one of her failings. Faced with the opportunity to hear Jonathan’s version of their story, she knew herself incapable of allowing that chance to pass her by.

  Chapter Nine

  Here I am, squished between a Vampire on my left and a Werewolf on my right… how strange that I feel no fear of them! She’d ended up stuffed between the two brothers. Chelle hadn’t expected Jon to shift her over to make room for himself at her other side, but upon reflection, she realized he wouldn’t tolerate anything less. Jason might be the Werewolf, but Jonathan was the alpha brother. He’d never relegate himself to the isolation of the lone armchair while she and Jason occupied the loveseat.

  It was a tight fit that felt good. Firm, masculine thighs flanked hers, pressed against her with warmth and urgency. She didn’t have to guess or wonder if they desired her -- their twin erections tented their slacks, made bold ridges beneath the straining cloth.

  Jason wouldn’t let go of her hand, so Jonathan settled for resting his arm over her shoulders. She shivered as he brushed his fingers over her cinnamon-plum hair, still caught up on the styling rods. A slight tug at one rolled curl caused a sharp sting at her scalp. Chelle reached one hand up to ease the discomfort. “Ouch! Watch it, that’s attached!”

  “Why did you do this to yourself?” Jon asked, hand moving to another curl and tugging. She realized he was taking the rods out. At her other side, Jason caught on and began undoing the ones closest to him.

  “What are you guys doing? Stop, they’re not dry yet.” She batted at their busy hands, trying to halt the destruction of her hairdo.

  They ignored her and moved on to the next and the next curlers. “You don’t need these. We love your hair the way it’s been all week.”

  “In fact,” Jason paused and tipped her chin up, waiting until she met his playful gaze, “I don’t like this… stuff in your hair. It feels stiff and icky. Later, when we’re finished talking, I want you to wash it out.”

  Chelle huffed. “Wash it out? Do you know how much time I spent putting it in?”

  “We’ll help.” Jonathan’s growled promise set butterflies fluttering in her belly. She could just imagine him helping her, his large hands swirling soap over her scalp while he stood under the flow of cascading water, his bare body close and hot and…

  Chelle shook off her daydream. “I’ll bet,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “Werewolves and Vampires have exceptional hearing,” Jon informed her, tongue in cheek. Then he leaned over, put his tongue in her cheek and moved it around quite vigorously.

  She melted right down to a pat of butter, which only made her pliable and eager to press back against Jason’s side as his hand came up and cupped her breast through her robe.

  “Michelle, lift your leg over Jason’s lap.” His left hand under her right knee, Jon was already helping her as he spoke.

  She’d felt secure in the knowledge -- packed in as she was between them -- that no serious play could take place while they were wedged in the confines of the loveseat. Now she gasped into Jonathan’s mouth, shaking, as Jason’s palm slid up the inside of her thigh and cupped her mons through the silky tap pants she’d donned.

  This was the second time tonight he’d taken an aggressive role with her and the unexpectedness of his actions threw her off kilter. Before she had time to catch her breath, his hand moved. His fingers crept under the wide lace leg of her undies to explore her wet and swollen folds.

  She cried out, arching into his touch, her whimpers muffled by Jonathan’s mouth, her lips taken and mastered by Jonathan’s rampant tongue. Jon’s right arm was a tight band around her shoulders holding her in place while his left hand plucked her nipples. Jason burrowed his mouth in the bend of her neck, licking and tasting her sensitive skin while his fingers plundered between her legs, pushing past her tight opening and stretching her narrow channel.

  “Michelle, look at me!”

  She opened her eyes and met Jason’s golden stare. The expression on his face shocked her into stillness. Features stern, mouth set in implacable lines, he was watching her helpless reactions to the combined assault of four arms, twenty fingers and both their mouths working her flesh

  “You think Jonathan the alpha among us.” His mouth tightened, thinned lips showing his displeasure. “But I’m the first one to penetrate you. Jonathan touched your panties, but I’m the one fingering your pussy. Feel me,” he demanded, scissoring his fingers inside her, stirring her in profound places that clenched and wept for a harder touch.

  Jonathan’s mouth had moved to her shoulders, nipping along her collarbone as Jason pelted her with his intense words. Lips skimming her sensitive nape, he whispered how much he loved the taste of her skin, the feel of her like silk against his lips, begged her to let them have her, let them both love her as they needed to.

  Jason’s gaze burned into hers as his fingers grew more insistent, drawing her heated cream down in torrents. “You’ll take my cock first -- in your mouth, in your pussy… wherever I want you. I’ll be the first inside you… and the last.”

  He slipped his thigh out from under hers and stood up slowly. Jason pulled his fingers from the suction of her tight sheath and Jonathan instantly replaced them with his own. Using both hands, Jason unbuttoned his pants and slid his zipper down, revealing that he wore no briefs beneath his slacks. He pulled the edges of his pants apart, releasing his cock. Eyes locked on hers, he toed his shoes off, pushed the slacks down and off, and removed his shirt.

  Chelle gaped at him, struggled to breathe. Jonathan never stopped touching her, peppering her skin with hot kisses, but her attention was riveted on Jason’s upstanding flesh. His proud erection waved above his abdomen, thrusting toward her like the stiff mast of a seagoing ship. Thick and sturdy, the head purpled with lust and engorged with blood, shaft snaked about with ropy veins; his penis was a work of beauty crafted by a thoughtful creator.

  Jason came back to where she half reclined. Placing one knee on the sofa beside her, he braced his other leg against the back of the small couch. In that position, his cock was a little higher than her mouth. Encircling his hard flesh with an unsteady fist, Jason pointed it toward Chelle’s mouth. “Suck me.”

  Her womb clenched at the hard demand in Jason’s voice. Who’d have guessed he’d be the dominant one in the sexual arena? She liked it, though, liked his commanding tones and firm, sure hands. There was nothing tentative about him right now and she quivered down low at what else he might demand of her.

  He tapped his penis against her lips. “I said, suck me.”

  Bending her head obediently, she slowly engulfed just the head of his cock, wondering how much of his thick length she could accommodate. Her tongue swirled about the tip, dipping into the small slit, gathering the dribbled drops of sweet and salty pre-come.

  A groan vibrated against her, bringing her out of her self-absorption. Jonathan slipped from her side and went to his knees on the floor. His hands shaking also, he placed his palms between her legs and parted her knees, making way for his shoulders. With another groan, he brought her hips to the edge of the couch and lowered his head to her silk-covered mons.

  Lightning flickered along her nerves, danced in her blood as he lapped at her through the thin shield of underwear. Chelle moaned around a mouthful of cock, rocking her hips against Jon’s mouth, her entire body trembling at the crashing waves of passion ripping through her.

  Lost in the tempest of their combined lusts, she barely felt Jason cradling her head in his hands, smoothly taking over control as she lost it. Bracing one knee against the back of the loveseat, he leaned over, rhythmically pumping his cock back and forth in her mouth.

  His cock drove in too far and Chelle, fighting a gag reflex, brought a hand up to regulate how deeply he penetrated her throat. She whimpered, gagging stronger when Jon reached up and captured both her hands, holding them imprisoned behind her back as his brother surged back, deeper. “Relax, Jason is driving.”

  Jason is driving… Her arousal began to fade as uncertainty crowded her thoughts. Don’t I have a say? Chelle rolled her eyes over and down, trying to see Jonathan’s face and he obligingly lifted his head from between her thighs and met her worried gaze. His bright gold eyes glowed with inner fire, burned with rising excitement. “You can trust Jason, honey. We only want to make you come so hard and strong you’ll never feel unbeautiful again.”

  Her heart trembled. How did they know she still felt so unworthy at times -- ugly and unwanted? Oh, God, they make me feel so naked and exposed!

  She mumbled, trying to speak around the cock filling her mouth and invading her throat. Jonathan placed a string of kisses over her abdomen, swept his hands up and down the outside of her thighs, soothing her agitation and bringing her attention back to the lush feelings he’d engendered in her before.

  Jason touched her cheek, pressed in. She could feel his finger tracking the movements of his cock through her skin. “Do you want me to stop, Michelle?”

  … you’ll never feel unbeautiful again… Chelle thought of their promise, of the way they always let her know how much they wanted her. She thought of the way Jason, as the wolf, always whined and begged for her touch… and shook her head no. She didn’t want him to stop. Not ever.

  “I need you to swallow, sweetheart,” Jason ordered, his thumbs stroking her cheeks as his fingers grasped the back of her head and continued moving her on his long erection. “Open your throat for me, honey, and I’ll slide right down…”

  Jonathan’s fingers grappled with the front closure of her bra, quickly divesting her of the clinging cups along with the robe that had gaped open under the ministration of the brothers’ amorous handling. And then his hands gripped the waistband of her tap pants. “Lift up, babe.”

  She lifted -- the anticipation of having his lips and hands on her uncovered flesh dewing the crotch of her undies -- and he tugged her silken garments down and off. He brought the scrap of silk to his face, inhaling deeply of her fragrance before placing them neatly on the floor at his side.

  Chelle gasped when Jon buried his head back in her lap and began driving her crazy with his mouth and hands. With the building ecstasy as incentive, she found it very easy to follow Jason’s instructions and swallow every time he sank past her lips.

  It began to feel good, the thick, hard bar of flesh scoring the sensitive flesh inside her mouth as it shuttled back and forth. Jason’s hands tightened about her face; hers came up and gripped his hips, fingers sinking into the tight curve of his flexing buttocks.

  She soon caught his rhythm, opening wide and swallowing as he sank in, surging down her throat, hollowing her cheeks and sucking, seeking to keep him with her as he drew out on a long, slow glide that burned the patience right out of her.

  “Oh, yes! Yes, Chelle, suck me hard, darling. Take me all the way down your sweet throat.” Jason bunched his fists in her hair, tugging her forward as he pushed his thick shaft in and out.

  Hips bucking under Jon’s continued carnal assault, Chelle dug her fingernails into Jason’s flanks and yanked him forward as she greedily attacked, overriding his nominal control. Heart pounding, heat roaring through her blood, she sucked on his cock, slurping at the head like it was a flavored treat as she ground her pussy down on Jonathan’s busy mouth. Jason’s body rocked under her frenzied attack and she gripped the firm globes of his ass tighter to hold him steady as she bobbed her head up and down on her own personal masculine lollipop.

  “Oh hell, Jon, you need to feel this!”

  Jonathan brought his head up, his face smeared with Chelle’s intimate juices. His fingers took the place of his mouth as he answered his brother. “I’m feeling it, Jas.” He had to be speaking of the ability they both had to feel what the other felt.

  “No, I mean you need to experience this -- Chelle’s mouth on your cock, sucking you into oblivion.” He pulled his cock out of her mouth, fighting her as she tried to hold on to him, reluctant to let him go. “If I don’t stop now, you’ll bring me. Chelle, sweetheart, I want to come in your pussy, not in your mouth.” Jason drew Chelle up from the couch and cradled her in his arms.

  “So, switch?” Jon asked.
/>   “Better yet, get your clothes off and we’ll move this to a more comfortable venue.” Jonathan obediently stood and stripped his black shirt off. His pants and shoes were discarded as quickly.

  Chelle slapped her hand against Jason’s flank in a fit of pique. “Dominant men are wonderful in a fantasy, but in real life, I get a say.”

  Both men turned to her. Virtually identical, they stood before her, six feet, four inches of trim, muscular sex appeal. Hands relaxed at their sides, obviously comfortable in their skins, the brothers offered themselves to her, their twin cocks standing firm and erect. “We certainly don’t want to muck up your fantasy. So, Chelle,” Jason smiled at her, stepping into her personal space, “what do you say -- wanna get fucked by two men who want to help you fulfill all your fantasies?”

  Chelle glanced down at those two upstanding shafts and her stomach muscles tightened. She gulped. “By both of you?”


  “Yes,” Jonathan echoed, his eyes gleaming with lust and something more, something deeper, as they roamed over her full breasts and the trimmed V at the apex of her thighs.

  Those butterflies were back. Chelle pressed a hand to her belly, trying to settle her nervousness. “I’ve never had… No one’s ever taken me in…” Her words trailed off and she gestured vaguely behind her.

  Jason quirked an eyebrow, his expression intrigued. “Are you saying you’re an anal virgin?”

  She nodded. “Oh Lord, this is so embarrassing.”

  “There’s no need to be embarrassed, darling.” He took her in his arms. “If it will make you more comfortable, we won’t go there this first time. In fact, we’ll never go there unless you’re totally willing.” His voice deepened. “We’re not after a gratifying fuck, Chelle. Yes, we want to fuck you, but we want a whole lot more than that. We want a relationship with you.”

  “What kind of relationship?”


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