A.O.E.M.: Dinner For Three

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A.O.E.M.: Dinner For Three Page 8

by Camille Anthony

  “Marriage,” Jason said.

  “Forever,” Jonathan whispered.

  Warmth flowed through Chelle from her heart outward. In all her adult life, she’d never received a marriage proposal. Hell, before coming to Chimera, she’d never been on three dates with the same man. And now these two men, who could have had any woman they set their fancy on, saw something in her she’d never seen in herself. Tears overflowed as she realized they wanted her as their wife and the mother of their children. Jason and Jonathan were offering her more than she’d ever dreamed.

  “Oh, babe, please don’t cry! You don’t have to answer now. We know we haven’t even gotten around to telling you our story yet.”


  “We got carried away. We didn’t mean to, but we can slow things down and --”

  Chelle placed her hand over Jason’s mouth and said, “Yes!” again, laughing as her tears continued to fall.

  “Yes --?” Jon asked, eyes going incandescent. He stepped up to her other side, his arms engulfing her from behind. “Yes, you’ll be ours?”

  “Yes!” She shouted it this time, throwing back her head and returning both their embraces. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  “But you haven’t even heard our story --!”

  “So tell it to me… later.” Chelle reached down and took their cocks in her hands. “Right now, I want that fuck you offered me. Am I going to get it?”

  Jason exchanged a speaking glance with Jonathan and they both laughed aloud. Together, they leaned in and kissed her cheeks before Jason said, “Hell, yeah, are you ever gonna get it!”

  Jonathan snatched her off her feet and headed for her bedroom. Jason brought up the rear and Chelle turned her head to smile at him over Jon’s shoulder.

  “Mother night!” Jon breathed, coming to an abrupt stop in the open doorway of Chelle’s bedroom. Jason glanced over his brother’s back to see what had stopped him in his tracks and his mouth dropped open. “By the Moon!”

  “What is it, what’s wrong?” Chelle asked them, dread spilling like ice water along her veins. They sounded so strange. What could have sobered them so?

  Chapter Ten

  Jonathan slowly set Chelle on her feet, letting her body slide down his front in a sensual glide of skin against skin. “Put it on.”

  She looked at the brothers. They stood in the doorway, transfixed by the vision lying across her bed. “My dress?” Could that be the problem?

  “I’ve got to see you in it. Please put it on.”

  “Jon!” Chelle wailed. “Isn’t getting dressed counter-productive? I thought we were going to make love.”

  “And we still will. I can definitely get behind fucking you while you’re wearing that swirl of seduction.”

  Chelle couldn’t hold in her laughter. That clerk had sure called it right. Every woman needed such a dress in her arsenal. Still laughing, she walked over and scooped up the dress. “Okay, big shot. I’ll be glad to put this on for you. I was planning to wear it for our date, tonight.”

  She slid the dress on over her head, shimmied to let the fluttering cloth fall down about her hips. Her unbound breasts peeked from the deeply draped crimson bodice.

  “Moonlight and shadows, baby,” Jason’s voice trembled as he watched her shimmering in the low light of the room. “You look like a living flame. I want to sink into you and burn up in your fire.”

  She held her arms out in welcome. “Come on, then. Let’s burn together.”

  They both answered her call, bracketing her between them. Facing her, Jason brushed her cheek with the backs of his knuckles before bending to her lips. Jonathan’s arms slid under hers, reached inside the loose bodice and took her breasts in his hands. His palm rotated over one nipple while the other thumb and forefinger plucked at the other pert crest as he nuzzled his face in the warm bend of her neck.

  Chelle cried out, pressing backward to feel the thick bar of Jon’s cock riding the crease of her buttocks. Her arms came up and dragged Jason closer, meshing her lips and tongue with his in a sultry kiss.

  Not to be outdone, Jason stepped even closer, slid a leg between Chelle’s thighs and used one arm to support her as he slid her up and down his muscled length. Chelle moaned, the pleasure spiking as her pussy pressed against the bulging muscles in Jason’s thigh. She wrapped a leg about his hips and let him move her as he would.

  And then the two men proved two lovers were better than one. In the first of several orchestrated moves, Jonathan’s hands abandoned her breasts to play through the filmy panels of her flame-bright dress, seeking the wet clasp of her tight sheath. Before she had time to miss them, Jason’s mouth replaced Jon’s hands. His lips closed about one pouting tip, applying strong suction to the straining nipple, drowning her in wet hot excitement.

  “Oh yes, Jason, yes! That feels so good!” Chelle’s legs weakened under the dual assault of the brothers. Hands, mouths and teeth roamed and nipped, sipped and slid, tasted every inch, every quivering spot on her body.

  Chelle felt the world tumble about her as Jason swept her off her feet and carried her over to the bed. Sweeping the covers back one-handedly, he stretched her out on the silk sheets.

  Her back slid against the sheet’s satiny smoothness, the chill quickly giving way to the warmth generated by the male body coming down over her, mantling her with hair-dusted hardness, heated sinew and corded muscles.

  “Spread your legs for me, sweet thing. Let me in, let me love you.” Jason’s gruff words thrilled her. Her heart racing, Chelle opened her legs and her eyes, loving the naked expression of devotion in Jason’s eyes as he fit himself between her drawn up knees. Wrapping his fist around his erection, he rubbed the bulbous tip along the swollen lips of her vagina, glazing his head in the slippery moisture coating her labia.

  “Oh, babe, I’ve got to get inside you…”

  Chelle retained enough brain cells to croak, “Condom --?”

  Jason gave a pained chuckle, the wide head of his cock pressing against her narrow opening. “Werewolf -- we have no known diseases. And we want children, remember?”

  “Tonight?” The thought alarmed her.

  “No, my love, not tonight, but soon. We want you to ourselves for a while.”


  Jason sighed. “Chelle, you’re not fertile right now. I’d know if you were. A wolf always knows when his mate is in heat.”

  “Do you promise?” Chelle wanted a chance to get to really know the men she’d promised to marry. Having a child -- or a cub or a mini-Vamp? -- right away didn’t seem like the best course to take.

  Jason drew closer. His hands bracketed her face, forcing her to pay attention. “I give you my solemn word we will never lie to you. Never.”

  The stern look in his eyes convinced her. “Oh, Jason, I love you.”

  “Hey, what about me?” Jonathan leaned over and took her lips before she had a chance to answer.

  His kiss rivaled the one they’d shared on the beach, earlier. Heat flashed through her as his tongue pressed for entry at the seam of her lips. She opened to him, melting as his kiss burned through her like sheet lightning.

  Jon finally lifted his head and sat back with a smile. Chelle hid her own smile. He looked so cute sitting there, waiting for her to praise him like a little boy who’d passed a difficult test. How could she not love him?

  Chelle reached up and touched his cheek. “Jonathan, you’re adorable and I love you as much as I love Jason.”

  “Speaking of loving Jason, I want some.” Jason flicked a look at his brother. “Give Jonathan your mouth, Chelle. Suck his cock while I fuck your sweet pussy.”

  Jon stacked several pillows under her head, cushioning her neck. On his knees, he positioned himself so his thighs bracketed her head, leaving his cock dangling above her mouth. “Do you want me, sweetheart?”

  “Oh yes, Jon. I want you both.”

  “Then take me.” He rubbed his purpled cock head over her lips, pressing in as she opened to accept hi
m. The salty-sweet taste of him was darkly exotic and at the same time, very much reminiscent of Jason. Feeling more relaxed, she easily deep-throated him, loving the masculine groans and moans escaping him as she worked her lips up and down his shuttling penis.

  As she took Jon deep, Jason chose that time to sink his fingers in the rounded globes of her ass and lift her into his thrust. His first plunge took him deep and her hips rose to meet him, fire licking along the walls of her sheath. She pulled her mouth away from Jon long enough to gasp, “Merciful God, you feel huge inside me!”

  “And you are so tight, so hot,” he praised. “Oh, babe, fuck me back. Throw your hips up at me!”

  Jon slid his hands down to her waist and raised her pelvis up, offering her body to Jason, lifting her into his brother’s powerful thrusts. “Oh fuck, honey,” Jonathan whispered, “the two of you look so hot together.”

  His cock grazed her lips and Chelle sucked him back in, working her tongue into the leaking slit in the broad crown. The brothers set up a stirring rhythm, pounding her pussy and mouth in tandem.

  Chelle whimpered softly, almost gritting her teeth at the painful ecstasy of being fucked so hard her breasts jounced with each thrust. She loved the feeling of having both pussy and mouth overfilled with the long, beautiful cocks of her two lovers.

  They loved her forever, their stamina and longevity a sensual surprise she figured she owed to their otherworldly makeup. Just how long could a Vampire and Werewolf fuck, anyway? Long enough to satisfy her, that was for sure. Chelle smiled, her body racing for the finish line like a sprinter in the last leg of the race.

  Jonathan’s thighs went rigid. “Oh hell, Jas… I can’t hold out much longer. I’m about to come…” His cock grew harder and longer, choking off her breath for a quick moment before he pulled out so his flushed head rested on the flat of her tongue. With a loud roar, Jon spewed his seed in her mouth, the blasts so strong the jets splashed off the back wall of her throat before rushing on down, finally pooling in her belly.

  Jon collapsed, hunched over in a tired sprawl and latched onto a bobbing breast. The hot press of his lips engulfed one stiff nipple while his fingers tugged at Chelle’s other jutting tip, plucking the strings that connected her breasts and her pussy.

  Jason waited until Jonathan’s limp cock had slid out of Chelle’s mouth and his brother had rolled to his side, eyes trained on the point where Jas and Chelle were joined. “My turn…”

  Sliding his hands under her thighs, Jason rolled Chelle up and leaned on the back of her thighs, hips flexing as he shafted his mate without mercy. Mouth free of Jon’s cock, her cries rang in the dimly lit room, urging her lover on with words designed to enflame his passion to the utmost.

  They must have worked, for Jason growled at her, sent his hips slamming into hers. “Oh love,” he grunted, “oh love, I’m coming…”

  His hand reached, fingers pressing and rubbing over her clit, sending shards of diamond bright sensation shooting from the knot of nerves at the apex of her thighs.

  “Jason!” The climax crashed into her, twirling her into a field of stars, snapping her spine into a taut bow. A scream started low in her throat, built, grew until it burst free in a wordless cry of victory.

  They came together, his sperm jetting high inside her, hot and potent, triggering a second, more powerful orgasm that stretched her on the torture rack of a pleasure so great the edges of it blurred her vision.

  The descent from the mountains of joy was so peaceful, so gradual; she tumbled into unconsciousness before ever truly returning to a sense of her body’s boundaries. Snuggled between two blankets of warmth, Chelle slept deeply.

  Chapter Eleven

  Wide awake, Jonathan lay on the far side of Michelle, watching her and his brother dreaming. They’d slept for a little under an hour. Jason lay on his side, his arms wrapped tight around their mate’s waist, his legs bracketing hers.

  As a Vampire that walked by day, Jon did require a certain amount of downtime during the night, but he’d conditioned himself to doing with as little as possible. He’d have to sleep soon, but not before he’d had his own turn inside Chelle’s hot wet pussy. He wanted something else, too. He wanted a drink of her dark crimson nectar.

  She’d receive the benefit of being able to hear them telepathically if he bit her, but Jon didn’t kid himself he wanted it for her good, alone. Amorous lust spiked blood lust and he’d been lusting after Michelle for what seemed like forever. Nobody else’s blood would do, just as no other woman’s body would satisfy him.

  Their Michelle was a generous, loving woman. If the night was kind, perhaps she would take pity on him and trust him enough to allow him a sip. Jonathan sighed and shifted to a more comfortable position. If they didn’t wake soon, he’d help them along. His hunger was growing apace.

  Jason stirred first. Jon watched his brother’s hands tighten on Chelle’s lax body just before his eyes opened. He scanned the room, on the alert, eyes gleaming with the blue-gold phosphorescence of the wolf. A distant boom sounded -- Jason jumped, jerking upright, his body automatically shielding the slumbering woman at his side.

  “Everything’s cool. It’s all right,” Jon soothed, quietly. “It’s just the fireworks display going on down at the beach.”

  His brother relaxed once he realized there was no immediate danger to their mate. “I’d forgotten about those,” Jason whispered back, keeping his voice low so he wouldn’t disturb Michelle. “That means it must be after eleven. We were supposed to take Chelle to see them. I hope she won’t mind having missed the fireworks.”

  “What on earth makes you think I missed any fireworks? The explosions you two lit inside me had me seeing stars.” Chelle leaned over and dropped a kiss on Jason’s lips, and then turned and did the same to Jonathan.

  “Are you sore?” He couldn’t control the harshness of his voice. Need rode him like an insistent hag. He closed his eyes and breathed in her personal scent. “How sore are you?”

  A cool hand touched his face. “I’m not sore and I want you, too. Please make love to me.”

  Jon opened his eyes and had to blink away a wavy sheet of moisture. She was lying, but he reached for her anyway, pulled her over to his side of the bed. “Jason?”

  His brother gave him a sharp look. “Turn your head this way, Jon, let me see your eyes.”

  His first instinct was to refuse, to avert his head and hide the intensity of his need. He should have known better. Jon had never been able to keep anything from his sibling.

  “You can’t just take it.”

  Jason’s erroneous assumption made him angry. “I would never do that to her. I intend to ask.”

  Jason nodded tersely. “And you’ll abide by her answer, too.”


  “Ask me what?” Chelle looked between Jon and Jas.

  “Cool.” Jason tucked both arms behind his head, propped his back against the headboard and prepared to enjoy the show. “In that case, I’m good. I’ll just watch this round.”

  “Jonathan… what do you need to ask me?” The snarl in her voice told him she grew impatient. In the end, he couldn’t just blurt out his request.

  “I… oh, Chelle, I hunger for you, for a taste of you.”

  She relaxed into his embrace and smiled against his chest. “I’ve already told you I want you, too.”

  “Not just your body… I -- need more.”

  She pulled back, eyes gone wide and he hastened to explain, his words clumsy and very unlike his usual savoir-faire. “I -- uh… it’s because I want you so terribly, that the hunger has grown beyond my denial. I’ve not drunk direct from a lover’s body since the sorcerer changed me into a day-walker. The blood-lust grows proportionate to the heart-lust… and my heart lusts for you like the parched land desires the summer rain.”

  “You want to bite me.” Her voice shook, but her words held no horror. Or maybe she simply hid her true reaction.

  “If you’ll let me, one benefit to you wil
l be becoming telepathic with us. And if we do it at the moment of climax, you will have such pleasure…” He broke off, the vision of taking her blood as he spilled his seed deep in her welcoming pussy stealing his breath… “We will know such ecstasy the gods shall envy us!”

  “Well hell, I can’t pass that up, can I?” Chelle rolled to her side and draped one well-fleshed thigh over Jon’s leg, revealing the big smile wreathing her beautiful dark face.

  “I knew you were a Vampire when I said yes, earlier. That ‘yes’ covered everything involved. How could I accept you without accepting you would eventually want to bite me? I’ll tell you the truth… I’ve always had a Vampire fantasy. This is the best of both worlds for me, because I simply can’t wrap my mind around the thought you would ever hurt me. As long as I’m sure of that one fact, I’m open to any experiment.”

  Jon crushed her to his chest, a burning sensation making him squeeze his eyes shut before liquid overflowed them. “Mother night, Chelle -- you are the answer to all our prayers.”

  Her arms came around him just as tightly. Her mouth pressed to his right nipple, she whispered, “You two are the answer to dreams, to prayers I never dared to pray.”

  Jason stirred against the headboard. “I’ve changed my mind.”

  Jonathan’s head came up. His fangs flashed. Jason laughed at him. “Cut it out. You know the rules. I command at night, you lead in the daytime.”

  “That’s going to change,” Chelle warned, untangling her leg from Jon’s. “I’m going to want my turn being in charge.”

  “Woman,” Jason shook his head, “don’t you know you rule us both?” He glanced over at Jon. “I don’t want to change the status quo much. But I do want some kisses. If you fuck her facing out, I’ll be able to play with her tits and kiss her to my heart’s content. When the time comes, all you’ll have to do is sit up to take her neck.”

  “That okay with you, Chelle?” Jon ran his hands up her flanks under her dress, brushing the sides of her breasts, fingers flirting with her nipples. He loved watching, loved feeling them stiffen and jut out invitingly. Dipping his head, he took one impudent tip into his mouth, drawing on it with strong suction.


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