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Trusting Love

Page 15

by Billi Jean

  The thought swirled in his head until he was certain she was sleeping. When he moved her slightly, she sighed and relaxed further. He carefully lifted her arm and moved from behind her, pulling the blanket off the couch as he did so he could cover her.

  He’d check his email, make certain the connection was secure and discover what the weather had in store for them, then get back in her arms.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Ah, I see you enjoyed the shower,” Duke said. “The room I’ve had made for you will have the same amenities, I assure you.”

  Eric grinned and set down the report Duke had left with him. Duke had been more than generous already, not only letting him stay in his rooms, but letting him shower in his bathroom to the sound of the man and wife going at it after the little come on my command lesson.

  If Duke had asked him, he would have been more than happy to join them, but the couple hadn’t spoken to him as they had made their way to their bedroom. Duke had called out for him to make himself at home, but he’d done it in a strained, going to get some voice Eric envied.

  “That’s one amazing shower, Duke. I think a man could stay in there for a hell of a lot longer than necessary.”

  Duke laughed, looking at ease, and why not? He’d just had an hour and a half of good sex with Victoria. Still smiling, Duke took the seat opposite him again, this time without his wife perched on the arm of his chair. The man had the looks, power, money and tools to make any woman go crazy.

  “Good man. Did you know I checked your ancestry?”

  “My what?” Eric asked, trying to concentrate on the man when his thoughts had been on his two favourite topics—money and women.

  “Your ancestry. Do you know that you are almost a full-blooded German? Your father’s father was a German who fought in the war and hid in the US when the allies captured Germany. Your father married a German as well, did he not? Are you familiar with this?”

  Eric nodded, understanding the pride Germans took with their ‘pure’ blood. Duke was German, not Eastern European like he’d told Tazz. Germans were a proud group, and Eric had grown up hearing more than a bit about it. He even had a spattering of the language down, at least enough to get laid every time he’d vacationed in Berlin. “I heard some of it growing up. My mom, though, she’s not German.”

  Duke nodded, still smiling. “Ah, this is true, but her grandparents were both from Austria, although her maternal grandmother was Swiss, not Austrian by birth. It’s amazing to find a man with such a pure line back to our homeland, but not, at least for me, surprising. You are the perfect example of what an Aryan should look like. Tall, with golden looks and a body to fit our ideal, even shall I say well-endowed such as Aryans should be. While I myself am dark, I also share the same genes as you, creating a tall, muscular fit man with the confident demeanour only found in men of our calibre.”

  Eric nodded. It was true. A big, muscular body and big dick gave a man confidence that smaller, less gifted in the dick department men didn’t have. Never would.

  Duke sighed and rested his ankle on his knee and settled back in his chair, sipping his brandy before he gestured to Eric with it. “With my drug coursing through you, you will be unstoppable.”

  Eric smiled, finally seeing Duke’s point. He knew the man wasn’t out to compliment him to butter him up. Hell, he’d just let Eric hear him fuck his wife. But the drug made sense. Duke wanted a product to sell, and what better way than with a living, breathing example of what the chemicals could do? “Ah, I see. We are both the perfect examples of Germans and with the enhancements that drug provides, what man in his right mind wouldn’t want to be us?”

  Duke smiled at his joke. “Exactly. We will not only make you head of my security, but with your looks and sex drive, you’ll sell my drug by the billions.”

  “Ah,” Eric laughed, sipping the expensive brandy and getting damn used to the life Duke was proposing. “I wonder if your drug will add to my ability to speak German?” Eric asked in his broken German.

  The man puffed up like he’d given him the best compliment in the world. “This we will see! Your accent is nearly perfect—with my help, it will only improve. Now, you are still suffering from the drug’s side effect, or did your shower ease you somewhat?”

  “Ah, the shower worked for a bit. Sex is still the only release that eases the need. Masturbation, while a hand job satisfies, isn’t the meal I require.”

  “Ah, I see. The natural urges to fuck are hard to deny, I agree,” Duke murmured, looking lost in thought. “It is that natural drive that our women need as well. They need to be taught how to please us, but also how to challenge us so that we can once again remind them who is the dominant partner, am I correct?”

  Eric sweated from the image Duke painted, but nodded. His tastes weren’t as sophisticated, he admitted. He liked providing proof to a woman that he could make her do anything for the dick she craved, but the way Duke spoke, the need sounded much more idealistic. Eric liked to fuck a woman when she wanted it so bad she’d do anything for it. He’d even left women tied, and soaking wet, for hours and watched a football game, merely because it turned him on to know she was waiting, dying for his dick, and would have to wait for him, especially after the woman had tried to manage him with sex or withholding it.

  “Women are too arrogant today. They are spoilt, getting away with denying a man sex to control them. Shit never worked with me,” he added getting hard all over again at the memory of one particularly spoilt woman he’d taught to crawl to him on her hands and knees to get the pleasure of sucking his cock. She’d been one of the harder women to move on from, but once he’d shown her the way of things, she’d grown too docile.

  “Ah, yes. This too is a theory many men follow. My experience has taught me that giving a woman an opportunity to play at control pays in the end. Although,” Duke sighed heavily, his blue eyes far off, “teaching a woman to wait for you to achieve their pleasure is by far one of the most rewarding sexual role plays.”

  They drank in silence for a while, Eric caught up in wondering what to do now that his blonde’s attentions weren’t doing it for him. He’d seen several other nurses, but he’d also spotted a few women in the control room and in the hallways of the compound. Why limit himself to nurses? Sometimes the tougher, military type women were the best in the sack because they were so sure of themselves. What would one of those women do if he commanded them to come? Often those tough girls were the ones that gave him the most pleasure because they took longer to break in.

  “Well, women, I assure you, are available, although, I think if you are willing, I might have something better than a casual encounter. Something a bit more like Victoria, if you are interested.”

  “More like Victoria?” he asked, wondering silently if Duke couldn’t read minds.

  Duke set his drink down and stood. “Follow me and I’ll make it all clearer. I’m afraid I’ve been building the suspense, hoping you would let go of this obsession over the Russian girl and observe what I have for you with an open mind.”

  Confused, Eric merely shrugged. “Sonya may be an obsession, but sometimes a man has to whet his appetite on what’s available until he can get what he wants, right?”

  Duke laughed and shook his head. “Russian women are unpredictable, and this one is not going to conform to what you need, I think. But let us see, after meeting a few women that I think might fit you better, if you don’t agree.”

  Eric nodded, making women conform, as Duke called it, was what got him off. If a woman claimed to not like it, well, she had some problem in the sack, or was too sensitive for him anyway. Sonya wasn’t sensitive and she didn’t have a problem in the sack that he’d heard. Still, he followed Duke out of his suite and down the hall to a set of double doors guarded by two men, then into an elevator. They rode the elevator in silence down to a level Duke keyed in with a code. A moment into the ride, Eric noticed that the floors were below ground level but after only a minute the doors opened.<
br />
  Holy hell.

  A hallway lined with rooms, each an elegant cell with a woman inside, a beautiful, gorgeous woman inside awaited him. They were doing everything from painting their toes, to getting fucked hard by men Eric had seen in the hallways. Some couples were using leather, either to bind the hot chicks, or let the babes bind them. Others were having what looked like the best sex of their lives.

  The glass wall of each cell could be dimmed, but many of the couples had it clear so that anyone walking by could watch. The inner walls were like any other apartment he’d seen in the States, some less decorated, some more depending he guessed on the couple’s wants.

  One couple in particular drew his eye because it wasn’t a couple, but two men and one woman. The woman was being fucked in the mouth by one—the guy’s big dark, coppery coloured cock. Each time he pulled free, she held still, leaving her mouth open for his slow forward thrust. Her arms were tied with silk scarves behind her back and she leant forward on her knees, held up by the grip both men had on her. The other man was going at it hard and fast, so in contrast with his buddy that it had to be rocking the woman all the way to the bone. The man fucking her mouth withdrew to stroke his dick and she arched, clearly coming hard. He watched her start to tremble harder and with a silent, opened mouth cry, fall into the hips of the man stroking himself. He bent and held her tenderly, rubbing her back and shoulders as she gripped his erect dick in her fist and climaxed.

  The men were just as far gone—but familiar.

  Jansen and Bryson. Both had eyes only for the tiny blonde sandwiched between them. As he watched, Jansen started to shake, his muscular body clenching tight as he rose on his toes and gripped the blonde’s lush hips as he obviously reached one hell of a climax. Bryson threw his head back, his tight body hardening too, as Eric watched, mesmerised by the hot display, the blonde bobbed her head on his pole greedily and Bryson dropped his load, clearly also out of his mind with it.

  “Ah, I see you’ve recognised your men. They came in not long after you, but since they were new, I didn’t think to bother you with them. They of course will be under your command. I want things run well, you understand? That means my men, and my women, need to be happy.”

  “Happy?” Hell, they looked damn near close to being in heaven. The blonde pulled free of Jansen, turning to kiss his lips and feed Bryson’s cock into her pussy, leaning into Jansen’s hard chest to do it. Neither man looked to be complaining but the way they kissed her and caressed her smooth skin made what they were doing look more like making love than hot sex.

  “Of course. I realise you have a particular woman in mind, but I must say that often what we want isn’t what we really need. I have a few women I think might interest you, and all of them have approved your file. I think you might be surprised. Just as your men were to discover a woman they could not only be compatible with but care for at a level, I daresay, that goes beyond love.”

  Eric laughed. “Love? They love the same woman? And in a day they know this?”

  Duke looked thoughtfully from him to the two men. “Sometimes it only takes a glance, my friend.”

  “Your drug not only modifies their ability to be good soldiers, but it makes people fall in love?”

  “Ah, I wouldn’t say makes, Mr Walters. Perhaps I help matches find each other, how is that?”

  Eric held in his thoughts on that and turned to watch the scene again. Love was something he’d never looked for, but he’d used the idea of it to gain what he wanted from women. Love didn’t pay the bills, and while it might get you laid, it came with a hell of a lot of work. Too much work in his opinion without any visible reward that he could see. Women needed to be fucked all the time and there was no shortage of them either.

  Duke was proving not as smart as he’d thought if the man believed them anything more. The entire reason women needed the Dom and sub play was because they needed a man to show them just what they really were put on this earth for. The fake playing the Dom wasn’t his thing—oh, he’d let Duke think it was. But his real button was making women into what he wanted, not because of some drivel about giving them pleasure. Hell, a man fucked a woman for one thing—to get his rocks off.

  Watching the two men, he considered the situation. He was close to making more money than he’d ever dreamed and now had landed into a situation that allowed him to do what he wanted—fuck women without consequences. The nurse had scratched his itch, but her meek acceptance of her place in the world—her knees—had taken the educational component out of it. He was above all else one hell of a good teacher when it came to women.

  This environment could very well be a dream come fucking true, he thought, turning to watch the couple in the room next to the boys. The array of toys lining the walls alone gave his wood a twinge of envy. The man dressed in sleazy black leather pants with his tiny dick hanging out didn’t seem to fit the scene. He might not, but he seemed to know what he was doing with the equipment and woman sharing his space. He’d even used the heavy-looking metal restraints on her waist, arms and legs so she was spread-eagled a foot off the floor, her body open to anything the guy wanted.

  The man set aside the paddle he’d been putting to good use and nailed her in the ass, judging by the pain-filled expression on her face.

  Eric glanced at Duke, but the man was examining the scene without a trace of concern.

  Hell, he really had landed in heaven.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Kristen,” Robert mumbled, waking Kristen up more fully. She frowned and rubbed her eyes. By the way her body moved so slowly she’d been asleep for hours.

  Against her cheek, Robert was hot, almost too hot. Had she filled the wood stove too much again after they’d eaten in front of it?

  She frowned, trying to remember, but she couldn’t think of anything beyond how wonderful it had been to wake up to the sound of him grumbling over her computer and the Internet. She’d helped him out then they had had a quiet relaxing meal, not talking of anything more than the snow falling outside and Rowdy’s antics while sitting picnic style in front of the wood stove. Then of course, her massage had been more than she had ever dreamed a massage could be—which she hoped would happen again and soon.

  He’d not pressed her to talk about what they were doing, as if he’d wanted the moment to be as wonderful as possible and knew how she worried. He’d also shared that he’d had no messages from his team, whoever that was, and that soon the snow was predicted to stop and when he left, he was coming back right after.

  She got a thrill just thinking about that again.

  She still didn’t know what she was doing with him—besides making love to him every chance she got—but the way he’d told her he wanted more and that he’d be back made her shiver.

  He was more and she knew it. It scared her, but she was going to trust him.

  Robert was a good man. A man full of compassion, she knew just from watching him with Rowdy and the kittens. He’d loved watching Rowdy jump over that stall door, saying over and over how damn smart the ‘mutt’ was. He’d also enjoyed the horses and seemed to have a need to work on everything he saw that might need it. Since he’d got up this morning, he’d tried to fix her house, her barn, and maybe, she thought with a frown at his handsome face, her.

  Can he fix me?

  The thought drove a spike right into her heart, where she was empty from the loss of so much in her life.

  He shifted restlessly again. He wasn’t exactly sleeping like she’d thought, but he wasn’t awake either.

  She rose from his arms and smiled at the sight of him all rumpled and naked on the couch.

  She had this time with him if nothing else.

  Don’t give in to your fear now, she reminded herself. Robert was here now, alive, well, and such a big personality even sleeping, he filled her space. He was sprawled all over the couch, his muscular body so hot-looking she still couldn’t believe he was here, in her cabin and certainly doing his best to romance her.
One long leg was over the side, the other bent at the knee and resting on the back, revealing his thick soft penis nestled in his dark pubic hair. She thought maybe he did trim down there, because he wasn’t thick with hair, but he wasn’t shaven either. His legs were only dusted with black, same with his chest, so maybe he didn’t. She smiled at her thoughts and grinned wider when he shifted his leg and his penis hardened, maybe from her attention, she thought. Or he’s dreaming again.

  He murmured her name, and his hand shifted from his chest to fall off the couch. He was sweaty and when she touched him, flushed with heat all over. The cabin was chilly so it wasn’t that. She’d slept too long, allowing the wood stove to go out. Then why is he hot?

  His wounds maybe, but they’d not bothered him all day. Had he overdone it?

  You ran him ragged, made him do all the work during sex, then never checked to see if he’d hurt himself.

  Guilt hit hard and she quickly checked his hip wound. It looked only slightly bruised. The wound had even closed over and otherwise looked healthy. Amazing, really. His shoulder he’d worked on himself, replacing her enormous bandage with two of the large Band-Aids. She eased one up, but the wound under it didn’t seem swollen, or even too hot, but he was. He was burning.

  “Robert? Robbie, wake up,” she whispered, shaking him slightly when he didn’t respond. She wasn’t sure what to do that wouldn’t startle him into some crazy Navy SEAL action. Softly so she wouldn’t startle him she bent closer and kissed him, whispering his name a bit louder and stroking his chest.

  This time he moved his head to the side then back, shaking it slightly, she hoped, to wake himself up.

  “Robert, something’s wrong, wake up,” she said firmly.

  He blinked his eyes open rapidly and frowned up at her with a confused look, grabbing her arm gently as if she might race off. “Darling, what’s wrong?”

  She sighed with relief and knelt next to the couch. “Robert, you have a fever.”


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