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Trusting Love

Page 17

by Billi Jean

  “I see you prefer Savannah.”

  Savannah? He’d never fucked a woman named Savannah before, but the woman facing him looked like no other name would do. “Hell, they both look hot to me,” he hedged.

  “Ah, I see. The women here have been given a drug that allows them to follow your requests, especially when it comes to sex. I believe you noticed this with my wife?”

  Eric frowned, glancing away from Savannah’s monitor only for a second. “When you ordered her to come?”

  “Yes, that’s correct.”

  A rush of hot lust spiked up his balls and deep in his ass, twitching a spot there that always got him off. He’d known Victoria was hot, but to know it was a drug that made her listen to Duke’s commands? That rocked.

  “They also have been given the combative drug so that they can protect their man, but also so that my women aren’t used as sex slaves, but as partners. Truly partners, ones that are weaker, yes, and need to obey us, as their man, but valued and cherished. Partners that need to be taken care of at the least, since the drug also creates a sex drive to match your own. With that comes the responsibility of seeing to their needs. But my plan is not to create slaves to sex, but rather to match up the perfect couple, so that, as you noticed, love can bind them together with sex being the joy they share.”

  He’d never known men could be such romantics. But it fit with his ancestry talk and his view of women. He’d taken his natural dominance and developed a scientific theory around it. Complete with love, sex, and marriage. No wonder the man was wealthy. Eric preferred to fuck, and if it came with a dose of humiliation for the woman involved, well, he got off harder, but he could fuck anyone, even if he had to close his eyes to do it. Savannah wouldn’t require that, not in the least.

  “Thus, truly, my couples are partners.”

  “A sex drive to match my own, huh?” Eric asked, intrigued by the thought.

  “Absolutely. The trouble with the world today, you see, is that men are turning to other men because women do not have the proper sex drive to meet a man’s needs.”

  “Is that so?” Eric said, more out of mild shock than real interest. He’d never walked the gay man’s walk, and hadn’t really given gay men much of his attention. He was straight. He liked pussy, so there wasn’t a need to think of gay men. Now a lesbian in his bed kissing another woman until he taught them both how to behave was certainly worth his consideration.

  “Oh, some of the theories say our society is simply becoming more advanced, and thus men are open to following what they truly want, but in nature, my friend, there are no same sex couples. Survival of the species doesn’t allow it. With my drug, females can finally take their place by a man’s side, serving him and being serviced by him. You will find if you choose one of these women that they will match you in sex drive and your ability to please them will be limitless. All you need is one word, you see.”

  “One word, huh?”

  “Yes, one word. Let us test your ability with Savannah. Savannah, come here, please.”

  From behind him Eric heard a sound and turned to stare at a woman much more beautiful in person than on the monitor, walking towards him wearing a tiny black skirt, high heels and a dark vest buttoned up to allow her cleavage to spill over the top. The round curves of her breasts pressed up, jiggling nicely with each step in her four inch heels. She met his eyes easily and came right up to them both, but her gaze was on him.

  “Savannah?” Duke murmured. She turned to Duke but kept him in her sights as well. “This is Mr Walters.”

  “Eric, you can call me Eric.”

  “Ah, yes, Eric, this is Savannah. Savannah, I was telling Eric about our drug and how it allows a woman to find pleasure, much at a man’s control.”

  She nodded.

  “Can we demonstrate for him? I think he is a bit sceptical that you can keep up with him in the bedroom, and that perhaps you are here of your own free will.”

  Eric didn’t deny it, but he didn’t say anything at all, too busy watching Savannah. Sonya even paled in comparison.

  The woman nodded again and turned to him. Her brown hair was really more a dirty blonde, cut with a ragged edge along her delicate eyebrows then left to fall in a long curtain down past her shoulders and to the middle of her back. He could easily imagine wrapping that hair in his fist to pull her closer.

  “I am here on my own. I found out about the drug at my doctor’s office. From there, I ended up here.”

  “But you were also having difficulties, were you not, in coming, for example? Reaching your climax was at times impossible and even with your experiments in BDSM, you found yourself not able to reach fulfilment.”

  “Yes, this is true. I’ve always had a high sex drive, but with little or no experience,” she told him. She had a husky, warm voice, the kind a woman got after hours of screaming from being punished, or after being taught how to take a man deep in her throat. “The BDSM brought me close, but often I was still unable.”

  “She’d also not found the right, shall we say, master,” Duke murmured.

  “And now you are?” Eric asked, watching the way her eyes seemed to shift in colour from dark blue to aqua.

  “Duke says all it will take is a word,” she said, giving him a hot look that any other time would’ve got her spanked. He liked his women silent, willing, wet, and ready, but silent when he discussed things with a man.

  “From the right match,” Duke added.

  Eric pulled his eyes off Savannah long enough to stare at Duke. “DNA matches?”

  “Yes, there are many ways to locate and find a perfect match, Eric. DNA is one of them. Savannah’s is a correct match for your genetic markers. Your children will be beautiful and your sex will be enjoyable, dare I say unstoppable.”

  Eric licked his lips. He’d just masturbated in Duke’s shower to the sound of them going at it, and before that, he’d had the blonde nurse—again—even though she’d not been exactly what he’d wanted. He’d come, but it had taken several positions and one hell of a sore jaw on her part to do it. She just wasn’t what he’d wanted. She wasn’t this woman for one.

  Savannah watched him closely. Her wide-set eyes and smooth, clear complexion gave her the appearance of innocence he always looked for in a woman, especially for the harder, rougher sex games he enjoyed. He liked to break them in with lessons that only if he was lucky took a long time to learn. Savannah had enough of that beautiful woman arrogance and confidence to mark her as a perfect fit for his darker needs.

  He felt close to coming now, that tingly sensation he knew so well was doing a dance on his ass, warning him he had an amazing climax in his future. Maybe even more amazing than the one he’d experienced in the shower to the sounds of Duke giving Victoria one hell of a spanking. There was no masking that sound. The way a women gasped with each smack depending on how hard she was getting her ass punished.

  He’d given his fair share of spankings not to recognise when a woman behind a door was getting one hell of a thrashing on her butt. He bet she’d not sit for a week by the way she’d been sobbing.

  From the relaxed easy way Duke was, he bet the rough sounds he’d heard from Duke had been the man fucking her to the point of depleting his supply of sperm. Eric had got off three times from Duke’s wild grunts. He’d got even hotter because he’d not heard a peep out of Victoria, which his mind had filled in to mean she’d been sobbing still from her spanking, or she’d been gagged while Duke took her hard. He knew he would have for letting another man see her come.

  He’d have withheld her orgasm too, but that was him. He was above all else a selfish man. He never tried to deny it either. But spoiling a woman just wasn’t fair to them, because the more a guy gave, the more they took until a man lost his manhood and ended up some sorry slob with a beer gut and no sex for years. He’d never let that happen to him.

  Looking at the woman in front of him, he had to exhale deeply to keep his hands off her. She was clearly aware of it too, and h
er smile grew, unknown to her, adding to the painful lesson he’d soon teach her.

  He’d never been one to believe in science, until he’d taken the genetics cocktail Chung had given him. The power in his body couldn’t be believed until he felt it, experienced the rush after accomplishing something fucking incredible. His body just felt amazing, as if he could think faster, work harder, and kill quicker than anyone could understand.

  Duke and Victoria obviously proved that whatever else Duke had done, he’d developed a killer sex drug. No man could fuck for over two hours without help. If Duke claimed the drug did it, well, sign him up, because Eric already knew how hard his cock got and how powerful the orgasms were on the old drug. The new one would only be better. The thought made him nearly dizzy.

  The woman in front of him got that. He watched her steady gaze soak him in and knew she was primed. It wasn’t easy to hide the sexual flush on her cheeks or the hard nubs of her nipples under the silk vest. He’d bet his bank account she was dripping from the way she couldn’t keep her eyes off the pole jutting up from his hips.

  He reached out and took her arm, pulling her close enough that she fell against him, his cock right up against her leg, and dry humped her there crudely. She gasped, clearly shocked but not disappointed. He’d never gone wrong taking chances, never had regret for taking what he wanted. Women loved a dominant man, unless they had some weird shit in their past. Savannah’s eyelids went to half mast, proving once again that he knew what women wanted.

  “I’ll give her a go. We have time, right?” he asked, keeping his grip firm enough on her arm to let her know who was in charge.

  “Yes, of course,” Duke murmured. “This storm has given you the chance, I believe, to help me test this newer serum. If this proves successful, the money we will make will be astounding. Think of the wealth, and more, the perfect couples we can create, Eric.”

  “Yeah,” he agreed but he didn’t give a shit about that. Money and sex. Right now, the sex, next, the money. Maybe even without Duke. “Sounds great,” he added.

  “Please, bring her this way. If you would like privacy, I assure you it will be given.”

  Eric laughed crudely. “I’m always up for a show, Duke.”

  If Eric had to fuck his way into Duke’s good graces, hell, he was all over that. Nurse Mindy was a thing of the past at this point. If Savannah was the doorway to success, he knew he had one hell of a key. The thought made him laugh again especially when her eyes widened in alarm as he pulled a handful of her hair and turned her roughly to press her face to the wall. Yeah, he’d secure this, then go after the only thing stopping him from all he’d ever wanted.

  Robert McNeil was going down.

  * * * *

  “Kristen? Kristen?” Robert called, a sense of panic rising in his chest when she didn’t respond.

  He’d woken to empty sheets. He’d lifted Kristen from the floor last night and carried her to bed, curling around her after and falling asleep with her safe in his arms. She’d been so deeply out she’d not even woken when he had to check the wood stove and add wood.

  Now, he couldn’t find her. There were monsters out there in the world. He knew because he’d faced many of them, and worse, he knew what some of them could do to a beautiful woman like Kris. If something happened to her…

  He’d checked the house and now the barn, where was she?



  He spun around, startled to the soles of his boots to realise she’d sneaked up on him. “Damn—”

  She planted her hands on her slim hips and tilted her head at him.

  In response, Robert snapped his mouth shut, recovered, and started over. “Where’ve you been? I called and called for you.”

  “The snow stopped, so I went for a quick walk.”

  A walk? He squinted up at the blue sky, at the heavy blanket of snow, then at her again. She was fighting a smile.

  “Feeling better? You were sleeping so deeply I didn’t want to wake you,” she said.

  He snorted at that.

  “What? You think I wanted to sneak off and leave you? It’s my cabin.”

  “No, I don’t think any such thing but you were tired, worn out and I assumed you’d sleep until late morning.”

  “Well, I didn’t,” she whispered, and eased up to him.

  He pulled her into his arms and held her. He’d thought, for a while there, that someone had come and taken her. He’d seen it done before, in fact. One of his good friends had been dating a woman for weeks, had left to get milk, come back and found her gone. They’d found her days later, not far from the base, her lifeless body stuffed in a dumpster after someone had done a real number on her.


  Slowly the panic eased the stranglehold on his chest and he laughed lightly in her sweet-smelling hair. “Yeah? You’re not a late sleeper, huh?”

  “Sometimes,” she answered sounding odd. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”

  “You didn’t, I just wondered where you were,” he lied. “I found the coffee you left.”

  “Good. Why don’t we go in and I’ll make some pancakes?”

  At the suggestion of food, his stomach growled in answer. She laughed and tipped her head to smile up at him. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “I’m starved, so yes.”

  “What? You ate all my stew and biscuits last night.”

  “After you worked me pretty hard.”

  She playfully swatted his chest and stepped back. “I recall doing some of that work.”

  “Yeah, so do I.” He bent and kissed her, reminding her of all the reasons she should not sneak off again without him. When she melted in his arms, he pulled up from her lips to meet her happy smile. “No more sneaking off.”


  He kissed her again just to stop the protest. She smiled against his lips but reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. She was so light he picked her feet off the ground by hugging her tighter.

  Setting her down, he grinned, about to tell her how beautiful she was when he heard the sound of an engine. Instincts roared too high for him to ignore.

  “Hell, darling, come on.” He picked her up and turned for the cabin, hitting the door and slamming it shut after with his boot within seconds. He set her on her feet and locked the sorry excuse for a bolt lock.

  “Robert, that’s just the snow plough,” Kris said at his elbow. “It’s cleared up almost completely. I thought they’d be up here today sometime. There’s nothing to worry about, right?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Stay here while I check, promise me,” he told her, concentrating on her rosy face. Her eyes grew serious and slowly she frowned, but she nodded. “Don’t go outside until I tell you it’s clear. Understood?”

  She nodded again, this time looking like she meant it. He let her go and grabbed a kitchen knife.

  “What are you doing with that?” she whispered loud enough to shake the snow loose from the shingles.

  “Trust me. I won’t use it unless I need to.”

  “Need to?” Her expression filled with fear and an instant later she hit his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist to hug him tightly. Her dark hair smelt so sweet. It was one of the things he’d never forgotten about her. The long, loose curls were threaded with warm browns, something he hadn’t ever noticed before. Now that he’d been able to spend so much time with her, he could see the rich colours even with his eyes closed.

  “Trust me.”

  She nodded but the fear didn’t leave her eyes.

  Didn’t matter, though, because the engine drew closer and shut off, signalling that whoever was here had meant to come here and not merely up the road to clear it. He glanced at her once more, then headed out of the door, the image of her creamy face and exotic eyes put to the side. Almost within seconds of leaving, he spotted a Ford truck with an old man behind the wheel and an only slightly younger plough attached to the front.

  A black and w
hite dog barked and caught his attention for only a second before his focus was back on the man. The old guy stared at him through a pair of glasses, his face creased with a frown that grew when Robert didn’t leave the porch. He looked behind Robert, then back to his face, seemed to size him up, then opened his truck door and stepped down. He was a big man, tall, with a gut big enough to indicate he took retirement seriously.

  “So, you’re a friend of Kris’s?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “She didn’t mention you, last I was over.” The old guy hiked up his jeans and leaned on his truck. If he had a gun, Robert wouldn’t have been surprised. This was an old cowboy, used to the way of the west, and no amount of law or Internet would change that.

  The tension grew between them but when Robert went to ease the old guy, the door to the cabin opened and Kristen muttered something about men that he didn’t strain too hard to hear. She passed him, or tried to until he caught her hand. She met his eyes with an expression of frustration bordering on pure feminine irritation then turned to the old man but settled against him.

  “Hello, Sam! I thought I told you not to drive up here in a snow storm?”

  “Hell, what else am I supposed to do? Besides, I told you it wasn’t going to be no ten footer.”

  She laughed softly and nodded. “Come on in, I was going to make pancakes, and you can meet Robert without shooting him full of whatever that is you have in your hand, please. And he’ll promise not to use my kitchen knife on you, too, I’m sure.”


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