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The Bear Shifter's Baby

Page 6

by Jasmine Wylder

  Serena’s face turned beet red. “I… I…”

  “You like him.” Lori wanted to smile and tease, but she couldn’t make herself. She tugged at the ends of her black hair and shook her head. “It’s written all over your face. You’re falling head over heels for him. Aren’t you?”

  Serena ducked her head. “So, what if I am?”


  “You sound like Aunt Natasha when you say my name like that.”

  Lori flinched. “Jeez, you had to say that, didn’t you? Look. It’s clear that you’ve got a crush. And that’s okay. Looking at men who have experience and know what they want is natural. But the thing is, the kind of men who look back? The ones that will get involved with a woman who is half their age, who doesn’t have the experience to deal with the new and exciting world opened up to them… the ones that will date a barely-twenty-year-old when they’re forty or fifty… they’re just looking for a pretty little sex doll that they can control.”

  Serena’s jaw dropped. The flush in her face paled, then her tones went red again. Her jaw snapped up and she clenched her fists. Lori braced herself, but to her surprise Serena didn’t give her a barrage of reasons why Tristen wasn’t like that. Instead, she blew out a deep breath, visibly calming, and looked Lori in the eye.

  “When you say that… are you speaking from experience?”

  Lori flinched. “Yeah. I am. It never ends well.”

  “I see.” Serena’s chin fell to her chest.

  She appeared in such deep thought that Lori almost wanted to take it back. There was no reason to believe that Tristen would be one of those awful men, like the ones Lori had hated when she was Serena’s age. Besides that, Clifford and Natasha were far more attentive relatives and friends than she ever had.

  Lori couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t as though she never had anybody in her life looking out for her. The problem was, she ignored Jasmine most of the time. “I always got so mad at my sister for interfering. For driving off men showing interest in me. Now I recognize that most of them were creepers, but it didn’t help at the time. I’m not trying to make you feel bad. It’s just… well… I don’t want to see you get hurt, the way I did.”

  “I can appreciate that. But since you’re sticking your nose in my hypothetical love life…” Serena looked up with a glint in her eye and Lori tensed. “Don’t think I haven’t been hearing your marathons with my uncle at all hours of the night. You two are like bunnies in heat, and I have to say it’s a little disturbing.”

  Lori covered her face. It felt like it was about to burst into flame. “I didn’t realize we were so loud.”

  “You are. So? How do you feel about my uncle?”

  This wasn’t something she wanted to discuss, but on the other hand, it wasn’t as though there was anybody else she could talk to about it. And as Serena said, she was the one who started it. Lori sighed as she lowered her hands. “I like him. And I’m in over my head.”

  To her surprise, Serena beamed. She clapped her hands and jumped up and down. With a satisfied grin, she nodded. “Well, then. That’s something to put in the scrapbook, isn’t it? I thought that there was more than sex going on between the two of you. Grandma owes me fifty bucks.”

  They were betting on her and Clifford’s love life? Lori’s jaw dropped. And apparently, Serena was betting on them… what? Having deepening feelings for one another? “Don’t get too excited about winning your fifty dollars.”

  “Why not? You like him, you admitted it yourself.”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean anything. I’m pregnant and hormonal. These things have a way of messing with your mind.”

  Serena only smirked at her.

  For some reason, that made annoyance claw its way up Lori’s throat. “I’ve never had a relationship that’s lasted more than a few months. I like Clifford, but that doesn’t mean that what’s between us is more than just sex. He’s a nice guy but I can’t see myself living with him for the rest of my life.”

  “I bet you haven’t let yourself even consider it.”

  It was the truth, but Lori was too proud to admit it.

  Serena shrugged, still grinning. “It doesn’t matter. It’s clear that the two of you are destined to be together. When mates meet one another, they always find a way to be together. It’s not like you’ve got the worst problems to overcome, after all.”

  “Whoa!” Lori held up her hands. “Nobody said anything about being mates.”

  “You don’t need to say it for it to be true.”

  Lori grabbed one of the dresses and stepped behind a curtain. Her hands trembled as she stripped off her clothes and pulled on the dress. It fit too snugly around her middle and she pulled it off again. Unbidden, Jasmine came to her mind. Or more specifically, the way Jasmine and Eneko acted around one another. They were so disgustingly cute that at times Lori was angry about it.

  Eneko was perhaps the gentlest man she’d ever met, but he was willing to go all-out battle mode for Jasmine’s sake. And the kids, Luken and Maite, adored her so much. More than once Lori looked at them and wished that she could have that. The destined mate that would make her feel like she was the worthiest woman in the world.

  And moreover, she wanted that with Clifford.

  Her eyes flooded with tears as she dressed. When she stepped from behind the curtain, she left the dress crumpled on the floor. “It’s too small. I’m done shopping. I just want to go home.”

  Lori left the dressing room as Serena stared at her. Tristen stood when he saw her. The bored expression on his face morphed to worry, but Lori ignored him, too. She was just overly emotional. Once she went home and had a nap, she’d feel a lot better. And she wouldn’t think about this whole mate thing–it was ridiculous and she wasn’t going to waste any more thoughts on it.

  She was human. Humans didn’t have mates. They fell in love. And men like Clifford didn’t fall in love with casual flings.

  Chapter Ten

  When Clifford came home from the office, it was so late that he decided not to risk waking Lori up. She had been very tired lately, and the last time he’d seen her, she hadn’t spoken more than half a dozen words to him. It was surprising to him, usually she was chipper and full of energy. He wasn’t certain if it was something he had done, but decided to just give her space. Lori was the type of person who would tell him if there was something wrong.

  At least, he thought she would. She never seemed to shy away from speaking what was on her mind before, so it didn’t seem plausible that she’d turn into a shrinking violet now. Still. She had been quite withdrawn, and he hoped it was just because she was tired.

  As he was passing by her room, he heard whimpering. His bear roared to life, slamming into his chest. Clifford had smashed the door down before he could catch himself. The door went flying, splinters shot from the doorframe, and Lori bolted out of bed and grabbed a baseball bat. The two of them stared at each other for a long time. Clifford’s eyes were wide, his jaw hanging loose as he considered how likely it would be for the ground to split open and swallow him whole.

  Lori dropped the bat, her eyes huge as she glanced at the door then back to Clifford. “What the hell?”

  Clifford straightened. “I…”

  “Broke down my door.”

  “Yes. Well… I heard you whimpering and I thought—”

  “That I was pleasing myself and you couldn’t wait to get a piece of the action?” Lori put her hands on her hips.

  Heat rushed to Clifford’s face. “Were you?”

  Lori stared blankly at him. It was then he registered the tears on her face and the puffiness of her eyes. God. It was the opposite. He had broken open the door because she was crying. He knew she hated feeling weak, and to have this happen… she must be as embarrassed as he was. He cleared his throat and dropped his gaze, uncertain how to proceed from here.

  “Sorry. I thought you were being attacked or something. I didn’t realize you were—”

Wanting privacy?” She hastily wiped her tears away. “I bet Natasha and Hayley are going to rush over here wondering what’s happening. Serena will just think that things got a bit too passionate.”

  “She can’t hear—”

  “She can.”

  Clifford grimaced at the thought. Shaking his head, he moved the door aside and checked the frame. It was going to need to be repaired. With a groan, he pulled out his cellphone and sent everybody a quick text to let them know what had happened. Of course, they all phoned him at once. Clifford spoke with Tristen, and his friend promised to explain to the others. By that time Lori had wrapped a robe around her ragged pajamas.

  Since there was nothing else to do, Clifford asked her to join him for some tea in the kitchen. Lori looked uncertain but accepted.

  As he set the kettle on, Clifford shook his head. “We’ll have to be quieter. After Annamarie and Jackson died, Natasha became Serena’s legal guardian but I always felt like I should act like her father. At that time… I felt like I failed them all. Miserably.”

  Lori tossed a bag into the teapot. “You, fail? I don’t believe it.”

  “I was building my practice. Financially, I was good. Emotionally? Not so much. I never had time for her as she grew up, and I was cross with her more often than not. So many times I look back and thank God that Natasha was up to the task. Mother, as wonderful as she is, didn’t want to have to care for another child. She was tired. She was mourning. But Natasha… she was like Wonder Woman. Just stepped to the challenge and did better than the rest of us combined. I’ll always wish I had been able to be there for them more. I mean, I was able to help financially. But it wasn’t enough, not really.”

  Lori wiped her face again and looked down at her hands.

  Clifford touched her hand. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. It was just a stupid dream.”

  “About what?”

  Lori chewed her lip. “I… I dreamt that the baby was born a bear and that it was stuck that way. And when I tried to say that I’d keep it and love it anyway, the police came and put it in a zoo. It was stupid. I don’t know why I’m still crying.”

  Clifford squeezed her hand. “Are you sure that’s it?”

  “Yeah. I am. But about your regrets, here….”

  He couldn’t help but smile.

  “I get that you wish you could have been more involved in Serena’s life but you were, what? Nineteen when her parents died?” Lori gave him a stern look. “Nineteen and already building a law practice. You’re some sort of savant, you are. And Serena became a strong, healthy young woman. It’s not like she lacks confidence or support. So, stop being angry with yourself, and just remember that you’re going to be involved in this baby’s life.”

  She put a hand on her stomach and he pressed both of his over hers. His smile softened and he nodded. “Yes. I am.”

  Lori sighed and leaned into him. He loved how warm she was and wrapped his arms around her. He could feel the knots in her shoulders and rubbed them gently, trying to give her some relief. When he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, the kettle started to boil. Both of them ignored it, though.

  “Speaking of this.” Lori’s voice was a little drowsy now. “I was wondering if you’re going to join me at my next ultrasound. I realized today we hadn’t discussed it.”

  “I would love to. I have been meaning to talk to you about that, actually. I wanted to come, but I also didn’t want you to think I was pushing my way in.”

  Lori giggled and she looked up at him with a wicked gleam in her eyes and gave him a sexy smile. “You can push your way in as often as you like.”

  Before he could process the double entendre, she kissed him. Hard and fast, her tongue instantly thrusting into his mouth. Clifford moaned with desire as he stiffened. The caveman rose in him again, wanting to tear off all her clothes and take her right there on the table. He could just imagine the teapot and mugs smashing as they knocked them out of their way, her cries of delight as he sucked on her tender flesh.

  The truth was that they shouldn’t. And not to save the crockery. With the way things were happening, Lori’s due date was hurtling towards them. Things were… different between them. And not because of the threats or even the sex. His bear snarled and paced irritably every time they were apart. They needed to talk about their relationship. If they even had one outside of the bedroom.

  He needed to know what she wanted from him. Not as far as the baby went, but as far as she went. He needed to know what she felt, and if these deepening feelings were something that she shared. But as she started on his belt, he forgot his trail of thought and let himself get swept up by the sensations.


  The OBGYN that Eneko had directed them to had recently moved into the Alava clinic. She was a shifter as well, and was eager to give back to the community. Her office was a small space, at least in comparison to Clifford’s, but it was comfortable. She was bright, personable and professional as she went over all the formwork again before setting Lori up to have her ultrasound.

  It was a warm room, and Clifford sat beside Lori, eager in anticipation. Dr. Foster, their doctor, told them to sit tight because Eneko wanted to join them as well. Seeing as how Lori was his sister-in-law and Clifford himself had donated quite a few funds and efforts to this new clinic, he could understand why.

  “That’s okay, I don’t mind waiting.” Lori held Clifford’s hand tightly. “My sister was supposed to be here, too. It seems she’s a bit late.”

  Dr. Foster nodded. “I’ll just go check on how long it will be, okay?”

  Clifford nodded, even though the question was directed at Lori. He felt oddly nervous about this. Like whatever the ultrasound showed would change his life forever. He squeezed her hand and Lori smiled at him.

  “Jasmine told me that the clinic is doing really well,” she offered as silence filled the room. “She said that between you and Isaias Durant, things are looking really well. There’s a lot of non-shifters starting to come here, too.”

  Clifford nodded. He had already known this, but it made him grin to hear Lori talk about it with such excitement in her voice. He couldn’t stop himself from grinning at her, though it made her duck her head and a faint stain to flush her cheeks.

  “It’s pretty good,” he agreed. “It shows that the matriarch’s efforts to improve how non-shifters in the area see shifters is improving. Especially with all that mess of Eneko being falsely accused of murder.”

  Lori nodded, her gaze distant. “That was a nightmare. I tell you what, if it wasn’t for you in that situation, Jazz and I would be dead or in jail.”


  “Well, we were investigating on our own. And we planned to break Eneko out of prison. So, either the killer would have killed us, or—”

  “Or you would have been jailed for breaking him out of prison.” Clifford shook his head but he couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

  That was so like her, to think about the biggest, most dangerous thing she could and then rush headfirst towards it. He almost kissed her right then and there, only at that moment the door opened again and Dr. Foster returned, with Eneko and Jasmine with her. Jasmine smiled and nodded at him–a switch from the last time they had seen one another, but he guessed that she was just happy that he and Lori had decided to share custody.

  Dr. Foster beamed at them all. “Are we ready?”

  “Yes.” Lori straightened a little.

  Her eyes shone, and she kept shooting an almost secretive look at Clifford. He was puzzled but focused on the ultrasound as Dr. Foster started applying the gel and all that. When the grainy, black-and-white image appeared, he strained to find any recognizable features. Unfortunately, he hadn’t seen enough of ultrasounds to tell what was what and glanced at Eneko for interpretation.

  To his surprise, Jasmine squealed. She hugged Lori tightly, jostling the image, then jumped up and down on the spot. “You little brat! Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Tell you what?” Clifford stared at the image. “What’s so exciting? Other than that there’s a baby, of course.”

  Jasmine turned disbelieving eyes on him.

  Lori giggled. “Can’t you see?”

  Eneko put an arm around Jasmine and grinned broadly. Clifford was starting to get annoyed with all of them hiding whatever secret it was from him, but Dr. Foster took pity on him.

  “Look. Here’s one head,” she said, gesturing to the screen. “And there’s the other. You’re having twins, Mr. Boone.”



  Lori giggled again as she twined her fingers through his. “Look at you! You look like a fish out of water with your mouth gaping like that. Your reactions were exactly what I was hoping for. Yes, I’m carrying twins. Two babies. I’ve known for quite a while, but I wanted to choose the right moment to tell you.”

  Jasmine hugged her again. “I’m going to have to go out and buy a matching set for everything I’ve already bought. Twins! That is so exciting.”

  “It is.” To his surprise, Clifford’s voice was a little rough. Not in an angry way, but in such a way that gave away the lump in his throat and the tears in his eyes. He brushed them away, laughing at his own silliness, then embraced Lori tightly. “They are going to be beautiful, just like you. They’re going to be strong, smart and well-loved. Oh, Lori… I’ve never been happier than I am right now.”

  “I’m glad.” Lori pulled him closer. Her sigh was warm in his ear. “Because I’ve never been happier, either.”

  Chapter Eleven

  She hadn’t honestly expected him to be so happy. Sure, Lori had been excited to see what Clifford’s reaction to their twins was going to be. She knew he was going to be happy. What she hadn’t been expecting was that he’d hold her so tightly that she could hardly breathe, his face buried into her neck. When he pulled back, his eyes were wet and his smile was so big it almost split his face in half.

  Now as they drove back home from the clinic, Tristen in the front driving, both of them cuddled together in the back, Lori felt more relaxed and safer than she had for quite a while. Clifford’s arms were wrapped around her, his hands over her belly. She pressed her palms into his hands as well, resting her head against his shoulder.


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