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Sweet Harmony

Page 1

by LuAnn McLane


  Wildflower Wedding

  “Sweet romance with small-town Southern charm… . McLane weaves together walks in the moonlight, stolen glances, and kisses under the stars with seduction and sizzling sex, populating the carefully crafted story with a cast of affable characters.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “In this modern Southern romance, charming bad boy Reese and sassy Gabby’s chemistry sizzles. McLane gives readers characters they’ll care about, as she expertly weaves a tale of love and past regrets. Her writing is heartfelt, her characters sympathetic, and her pacing steady.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “A lovely, sweetly sexy, terrifically enjoyable read… . McLane’s Cricket [Creek] series is similar in style to Susan Wiggs’s bestselling Lakeshore Chronicles.”


  Moonlight Kiss

  “Alluring love scenes begin with the simplicity of a kiss in this romantic Southern charmer.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “A sweet love story set in the quaint Southern town of Cricket Creek. Reid makes for a sexy hero who could melt any heart.”

  —Romantic Times

  “A very charming story, and I would be more than happy to read the entire series.”

  —The Bookish Babes

  “McLane nails the charm, quirks, nosiness, friendliness, and sense of community you’d experience in a small Southern town as you walk the streets of Cricket Creek… . Engaging and sweet characters whose chemistry you feel right from the start.”

  —That’s What I’m Talking About

  Whisper’s Edge

  “This latest foray to McLane’s rural enclave has all the flavor and charm of a small town where everyone knows everyone else and doesn’t mind butting in when the need arises. With a secondary romance between members of the slightly older generation, Whisper’s Edge offers a comforting read where love does ‘trump’ insecurities, grief, and best-laid plans.”

  —Library Journal

  “Visiting Cricket Creek, Kentucky, feels like coming home once again.”

  —Romantic Times

  “Cute, funny, and full of romance.”

  —Love to Read for Fun

  “LuAnn McLane has a rich and unique voice that kept me laughing out loud as I read.”

  —Romance Junkies

  Pitch Perfect

  “McLane packs secrets, sex, and sparks of gentle humor in an inviting picnic basket of Southern charm.”

  —Ft.Myers & Southwest Florida

  “A delightful … charming tale.”

  —Romantic Times

  “Entertaining [and] lighthearted.”

  —Genre Go Round Reviews

  Catch of a Lifetime

  “I thoroughly enjoyed this amusing tale of baseball fanatics and a quiet little town that everyone falls in love with. The residents are all amusing and interesting … pure entertainment!”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “LuAnn McLane has created a delightful small-town romance that just captivates your heart and has you rooting for these charming characters… . I thoroughly enjoyed this romance, and I know that readers will want to spend more time with these handsome baseball players.”

  —Night Owl Reviews

  Playing for Keeps

  “A fun tale.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “Charming, romantic … this new series should be a real hit!”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “McLane’s trademark devilish dialogue is in fine form for this series.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “No one does Southern love like LuAnn McLane!”

  —The Romance Dish



  Wildflower Wedding: A Cricket Creek Novel

  “Mistletoe on Main Street” in Christmas on Main Street (anthology)

  Moonlight Kiss: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Whisper’s Edge: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Pitch Perfect: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Catch of a Lifetime: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Playing for Keeps: A Cricket Creek Novel

  He’s No Prince Charming

  Redneck Cinderella

  A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action

  Trick My Truck but Don’t Mess with My Heart

  Dancing Shoes and Honky-Tonk Blues

  Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots


  “Hot Whisper” in Wicked Wonderland (anthology)

  Driven by Desire

  Love, Lust, and Pixie Dust

  Hot Summer Nights

  Wild Ride

  Taking Care of Business


  Published by the Penguin Group

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  A Penguin Random House Company

  First published by Signet Eclipse, an imprint of New American Library,

  a division of Penguin Group (USA) LLC

  Copyright © LuAnn McLane, 2014

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  ISBN 978-0-698-16173-3


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.





  Title page

  Copyright page



  Chapter 1: Here Comes the Sun

  Chapter 2: Hello Good-bye

  Chapter 3: Let It Be

  Chapter 4: While My Guitar Gently Weeps

  Chapter 5: We Can Work It Out

  Chapter 6: Got to Get You into My Life

  Chapter 7: I Wanna Hold Your Hand

  Chapter 8: Help

  Chapter 9: Twist and Shout

  Chapter 10: I Saw Her Standing There

  Chapter 11: She Came in Through the Bathroom Window

  Chapter 12: With a Little Help from My Friends

  Chapter 13: You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away

  Chapter 14: Day Tripper

  Chapter 15: In My Life

  Chapter 16: If I Fell

  Chapter 17: Love Me Do

  Chapter 18: Here There and Everywhere

  Chapter 19: All You Need Is Love

  Chapter 20: Glad All Over

  Chapter 21: I Feel Fine

  Chapter 22: She Loves You

  Chapter 23: Ticket to Ride

  Chapter 24: I Need You

  Chapter 25: Yesterday

  Chapter 26: Silly Love Songs

  Epilogue: And I Love Her


  Sweet Harmony is dedicated to musicians and songwriters everywhere.


  I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone in the music industry for all of the hard work and dedication it takes to bring music into our lives. From live bands in small
venues to huge shows in large arenas to simply turning on the radio, I can’t imagine going even one day without listening to music.

  Thank you to the amazing staff at New American Library. From the beauty of the covers to the attention to detail in copyediting, I couldn’t ask for a better team. I also want to thank Jessica Brock for her marketing expertise and for all of the help with social media. And a very special thank-you goes to my wonderful editor, Danielle Perez. From small details to big scenes, you’ve made my writing better on every level.

  As always, a heartfelt thank-you goes to my wonderful agent, Jenny Bent. From the moment we met, you gave me the confidence to believe in my writing and to fulfill my dreams. I couldn’t have done this without you!

  Thank you so much to my loyal readers. Your continued support over the years has kept the joy in writing my stories. My goal is to bring you love, laughter, and, of course, a happy ending.


  Here Comes the Sun

  “RIGHT TURN IN FIVE-POINT-TWO MILES,” THE FEMALE voice of Cat’s GPS said with staccato precision. Although she was tired to the bone, Cat had to grin. “Is it my imagination or do you sound as road-weary as me?” Cat glanced at the screen on her dashboard, half expecting Rita, the name she’d given the voice, to answer. Earlier Cat had accused Rita of being a bit tipsy when she sounded as if she were slurring her words.

  Cat glanced at the map showing her SUV driving down the two-lane road and sighed with relief. “Yes! I’m almost there.” After driving all day from her parents’ home in Chicago, she was anxious to reach her destination near the city limits of Cricket Creek, Kentucky. Because Cat wanted solitude for songwriting, her friend Mia had handpicked the location of the log cabin nestled in the woods and with a river view from the back deck. Cat knew the cabin was nicely decorated with rustic yet stylish furnishings because Mia had sent dozens of pictures. Cat was also aware that the fridge was fully stocked, including a chilled bottle of Cupcake Chardonnay, because Mia sent even more pictures of the contents of the fridge. To say that Mia was excited about Cat’s move to Cricket Creek was a vast understatement.

  “It sure is pretty here, Rita.” The sun was dipping lower in the sky, casting a soft golden glow over cornfields in the early-spring stages of growth. In the distance, tender green leaves made the woods appear fresh, and redbud trees added a splash of bright reddish purple to the landscape. When she passed cows lazily grazing in the grass, Cat waved and offered a tired “Moo.”

  Although Cat knew she would miss living in Nashville, her switch to small-town life already felt like the right choice. So did leaving Sweetside, her big corporate record label, for independent My Way Records in Cricket Creek. But changes, even ones for the better, still held an element of fear that Cat couldn’t completely shake.

  “In one mile turn right on Riverview Lane,” Rita reminded her.

  “It’s not soon enough.” When the sign appeared, Cat smiled, having been worried that the road out here in the countryside wouldn’t be marked. She turned down the dusty gravel lane and, even as weary as she felt, her pulse kicked up a notch. This was going to be her home.

  Cat had sold her sprawling home in Brentwood, Tennessee, completely furnished except for the music industry awards and personal items she’d taken with her. She’d donated most of her designer clothes to charity and sent dozens of shoes to Mia’s Cricket Creek–based foundation, called Heels for Meals. Cat wanted a fresh start, a new beginning, to go back to performing and writing songs for the love of music and not worry as much about record sales and concert attendance.

  A sudden stiff breeze caused dust to kick up, and the field of wildflowers on either side of her started dancing in the wind. I’m going to like living here, Cat thought, and she felt a sense of peace chase away her lingering fear. During the past year of legal entanglements with her record label, selling her home, and ending a toxic relationship, Cat had vowed to keep negativity out of her life. She longed for less chaos and more simplicity. Through it all, her charity work had kept Cat grounded, bringing her some joy along with the constant reminder that there were those in dire need which made her own problems seem somehow trivial.

  Luckily, Mia had done the legwork with the local real estate agent and found the location on Riverview Lane. Not only did Cat trust her best friend’s judgment, but the never-ending pictures already had her in love with the quaint cabin.

  The fields of flowers gave way to woods with only fingers of lingering sunlight able to reach down through the trees. Cat knew that there were a few other cabins nestled in the woods, but they were mostly for weekend use by tourists or fishermen putting their boats in Cricket Creek, which led to the Ohio River. So for the most part Cat should have the solitude she’d been craving for the past year.

  “Five Riverview Lane is located on the left. You have arrived.”

  “Thank goodness,” Cat nearly shouted as she pulled up in front of the cabin. After killing the engine she inhaled a deep breath and then blew out a sigh. Staying up late with her mother and father the night before was catching up with her, but her parents were heading out of the country to do some charity work, so she knew it would be a few weeks before she’d see them again, making her fatigue worth it.

  “Oh … wow,” Cat said when she spotted a doe walking up from the edge of the trees on the opposite side of the lane. Knowing she would frighten it away, Cat sat there for a moment and drank in the deer’s quiet, gentle beauty. As she’d suspected, as soon as she opened her door the deer bolted, doing a graceful jump back over the gulley and then disappearing into the woods.

  Cat walked around and opened the tailgate of her white SUV, now covered with a light sheen of golden brown dust. She leaned in to drag out her overstuffed suitcase, but the doggone thing barely budged. Thinking of the hearty snacks and chilled wine waiting inside, Cat tugged harder, grunting with the effort. “Apparently I need to do some lifting at the gym,” she grumbled, but then remembered it had taken both Cat and her father to heft the suitcase up into the SUV. With a quick intake of pine-scented air, she braced the heels of her boots into the gravel, grabbed the handle with both hands, and gave the suitcase her best tug.

  It worked.

  The suitcase slid across the slick tailgate much quicker than Cat had anticipated, making her backpedal, but not nearly fast enough. The painful impact of the heavy luggage smacking into Cat’s legs sent her stumbling backward. Cat’s butt hit the gravel with a bone-jarring thud. After a stunned grunt she uttered a string of words that didn’t even fit together, but she was so spitting mad that she continued saying them, adding a random curse word here and there. “Stupid, ye-ouch, oversized damn piece of luggage. Dear God, that hurt. Oh, my shins … Sent from holy hell.” She sat there breathing as if she’d just run a marathon and then glared at the suitcase as if it were somehow to blame. “Wow, ohhh, that hurt like … ohhh. I hope your blasted wheels are broken, you lousy piece of ugly …” she whimpered and then added weakly, “leather … crap.”

  Cat desperately wanted to dislodge the luggage from her legs, but all her brain could deal with was the pain shooting up her shins. Rocks bit into her denim-clad butt and both elbows stung. “Don’t you know I bruise easily?” She intensified her glare but then sudden tears welled up in her eyes and with a little groan she shoved hair that had escaped from her ponytail off her forehead. Cat considered herself a tough cookie, but this past year had tested her mettle in more ways than one, and in that moment she threatened to fall to pieces. “This is your new beginning! No negativity,” she reminded herself and swallowed hard. “Get a damned grip!”

  Cat gritted her teeth, determined to shove the suitcase aside. “Get off me.” But just as she leaned forward she heard the crunch of gravel and her heart rate increased. Could it be another wild animal from the woods? But this time, instead of a doe, could it be the kind with claws and big teeth?

  Before she could turn around to face her fear, the suitcase was suddenly lifted from her legs as if it didn
’t contain piles of clothing that had the lid bulging like a muffin top. From her sitting position Cat looked at scuffed brown cowboy boots and jean-clad legs.

  “Hey, are you okay?” His deep Southern drawl oozed with charm and a hint of concern.

  Cat leaned back on her palms and tilted her head up. Wow, he was tall. And even through the pain throbbing in several places she noted that he filled out his flannel shirt quite nicely. “Define okay.” She meant it as a joke but her voice had a slight hitch in it.

  “Okay as in, are you hurt?” The tall cowboy flashed Cat a slight grin that caused two very cute dimples in his cheeks, which were covered in dark stubble that matched the dark hair clipped close to his head. He had a strong jaw and straight nose but a full mouth that suddenly captured her attention. “No, really—are you okay?”

  “Sorry, but I was distracted by … ah, your sudden appearance.” She blinked at him, thinking he looked familiar. She wondered whether he’d recognize her, but with her hair pulled back and not a trace of makeup hopefully he wouldn’t. Cat wanted to remain on the down low while she got her life together. “To answer your question, um, yes.”

  “Yes as in okay?”

  “Yes as in hurt. Everywhere. In fact, I think I’m one giant bruise. Where did you come from, anyway?”

  He jammed his thumb over his head. “I heard your … um, rather colorful shouts of distress and decided I needed to jog up here and investigate. So just bruises?”

  “And maybe broken bones.” She frowned at her legs.

  His grin disappeared, and his green eyes suddenly appeared concerned. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes … well, kinda. Oddly enough, I’ve never had a broken bone, so I don’t know, but it sure feels like my legs are crushed.” Okay, she might be a teensy bit overly dramatic, but she was a singer, an entertainer, and an only child diagnosed with ADD. Drama was in her blood.

  “Well, I’ve had a few broken bones, and, believe me, you’d have a pretty good inkling.”


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