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The Matriarch

Page 30

by Adrian Tame

  TO THE CORONERS’ OFFICES in Melbourne and Adelaide, for research

  TO CHARLIE NIKAKIS, for reading the manuscript

  TO MY EDITOR, AMANDA HEMMINGS, for her enthusiasm, insights, patience, and sharing of a strange obsession.


  About the Author

  Adrian Tame has worked as a writer, journalist and broadcaster for the past 58 years in Australia, the UK, North America and Mexico. He worked for Truth newspaper for thirteen years as a reporter and news editor at a time when the paper was selling 400,000 copies a week.

  He is the author of The Matriarch, a bestselling true crime biography of Kathy Pettingill, Deadlier than the Male, and co-author with F.P.J. Robotham of Maralinga: British A-bomb, Australian Legacy, which was used extensively by the Royal Commission in its investigation into the bomb tests.

  Tame has also scripted several award-winning TV documentaries, a feature film and produced a host of radio and TV programs. He worked as a specialist in crisis management and director of International Public Relations for eight years before going on to run his own media company for 20 years. He lives in central Victoria.


  A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.

  Abdallah, Gary 224, 226, 227, 238, 247, 255–6

  Alexandridis, Emmanuel 225

  Allard, Victor Frederick 199

  Allen, Dennis 52, 60, 64

  Allard murder 199

  bail 132–4, 135, 178–9

  charges at time of death 217–18

  childhood 17–19, 21–4, 80–1

  colour green 138

  cook 139–40

  Coroner’s Court bomb 165–6

  corrupt police 133–4

  death 201, 212–17

  development of life of crime 21, 32, 65, 79–85

  drug addiction 91, 93, 94, 97–100, 110–11, 149, 201, 212

  drug trafficking 93–4, 106–8, 110–13, 126–7, 131–2, 133, 143, 162, 200

  early signs of violence 45

  firearms 82, 131, 168

  generosity 138–9

  Gouroff murder 92, 156, 157, 164, 197, 199–200

  growing ‘dash’ 89–90

  and Harry 32, 80–5

  headgear 96, 245

  income from dealing 67, 110–11

  and Jamie 60, 174, 175–6

  Jamie’s death 173–82, 197

  and Jason 56, 127, 134, 144, 245–6

  jewellery 95–6, 191

  and Kathy 30–1, 53, 76–9, 118, 134, 146, 147–50, 164–5, 214

  Kenny murder 183–97

  learns Kathy is mother 21, 30–1

  legacy 220–1

  living with Gladys 21, 24, 28–30, 32

  marriage to Sissy 118–21

  and Miss Jones 160–212

  and ‘Miss X’ 113, 114–17

  ‘Mr D’ 91, 93, 127, 156

  need for audience 77, 148–9, 201

  Pasche murder 152–4, 156, 164, 197

  personality 31, 45, 77, 82–3, 96–7, 99, 100, 139, 141–2, 148–9, 161, 172, 174, 201

  and Peter 85–6, 202–3, 205, 206

  physical appearance 22–3, 94–7

  police helicopter shooting 104–6

  police informer 93–4, 134–5, 171, 173, 192–4

  prison 82, 84, 87, 89, 119, 217–18

  property purchases 67, 99, 101–2, 122–7

  Rogerson drug deal 113–18, 163, 182

  role of Enforcer 140–4

  Sandringham episode 85, 86–7

  security 126–7, 129–30

  Shaw death 197

  Simpson murder 117, 162–5, 197

  Stanhope murder 148–8, 157–61, 197, 213

  stroke 209–12

  and Sue Guy 200–1

  and Vicki 158–9

  Wagnegg murder 166–173, 197

  Ward death 197–8

  and Wendy 258–9

  and Williams 162, 163–5

  Allen, Harry 28, 29, 199, 215

  and Dennis 32, 80–5

  and Peter 32

  Allen, Jade 66, 118, 119, 120, 184, 212, 215

  Allen, Lindy 66, 118, 120, 184, 212, 215

  Allen, Peter 25, 111, 134, 135, 185

  break out from Beechworth 88–9

  conducts own defence 85–6, 207, 252

  dealing in firearms 206

  and Dennis 85–6, 202–3, 205, 206

  drug-trafficking 151, 205, 207, 282–3

  and Harry 32

  Jamie’s death 179, 180

  Kathy on 283

  living with Gladys 21, 28, 30

  personality 31, 86

  prison 64, 85, 86–87, 88, 89, 203–4, 218, 282–3

  and Rhonda Meehan 205–6

  Sandringham episode 85–8

  ‘the family’ 204–5

  Allen, Sissy see Hill, Heather

  armed robbery 175

  bail 48–9, 51–2, 58, 59, 132–4, 135, 178–9

  Beechworth 64, 84, 89

  Black Rose massage parlour 48–50, 51, 64

  Bolden, Heather 119, 120

  Brooks, Mark 55

  Brooks, Vicki 32, 33, 38, 44–5, 50–1, 155, 174, 215

  debt to Kim Nelson 57–8

  and Dennis 158–9

  pinches Kath’s boyfriends 55–6

  witness protection 229, 261–4

  Walsh Street murders 219–220, 223, 228, 235, 238, 240–1, 243–4

  Brosnan, Father 215–16

  brothels 48–52, 64, 108–9, 110–12, 118, 167–9

  Cassin, Jeremy 171

  Caulfield, Albert 175–6, 199

  Cherry Tree Hotel 102, 108, 123, 147

  Chestut Street, Richmond 102, 122, 131, 133

  raids 224, 225, 226, 234, 236, 253, 254–5

  children in care 33–6, 37

  Cole, Brendon 248

  Collingburn, Neil 155

  Collingburn, Rae Elizabeth 155–6

  Comrie, Chief Commissioner Neil 223

  Cook, Fred 91, 125, 144–5, 246

  Coroner’s Court bomb 165–6, 177

  Cox, Russell 50–1

  Crabtree, Julie 256

  criminal code 60–1, 190–1, 195

  Crocker, William 198

  Cubitt Street, Richmond 101–2, 120, 124

  Dale (son of Wayne the builder) 146, 147, 159

  Dane QC, Chris 163, 169, 216, 266

  Dosser, Detective 192–4

  drug trafficking 53

  couriers 132

  Dennis 93–4, 106–8, 110–13, 126–7, 131–2, 133, 162, 200

  Kathy 56, 67, 110–13, 133

  Peter 151, 205, 207, 282–3

  Trevor 67, 133, 214

  Drury, Michael 113–18, 162, 163

  Duke, Carmel 179–80, 181, 182

  Duke, Deidre 181, 182

  Eyre, Constable Damian 221–2, 223, 224 see also Walsh Street

  Fairlea, 62–72, 73–5

  family loyalty 88, 204–5, 219–20, 249–50, 265

  Farrell, Anthony 223, 225, 228, 231, 235, 236, 245, 252

  Faure, Sandra 231

  Findlay, Scott 167–9

  Flannery, Christopher Dale (Mr Rentokil) 113–18

  Forrest, T. 192–4

  Fraser, Andrew 211, 213

  Freeman, George 115

  Gaslight Massage Parlour 76, 101, 108–10, 118

  Geary, John 199

  Gouroff, Victor 111, 112–13, 174

  murder 92, 156, 157, 164, 197, 199–200

  Pasche murder 153–4, 156

  Grant, John 90–4, 132

  Great Bookie Robbery 54

  Grimshaw, Detective Rodney 248

  Guy, Sue, 200–1, 246 />
  Hallenstein, Hal 180–1, 191, 195

  Hastilow, Peter 184, 185, 191

  Hefti, Dominik 224, 226, 269

  Hell’s Angels 183, 184

  Higgins, Snr Sgt Paul William 170–1, 192, 193–4, 215

  Hill, Heather (Sissy) 92, 106–7, 118–22, 199, 212

  Hill, Tamara 119

  Houghton, Jedd 224, 225, 228, 229, 236, 238, 247

  Iddon, Keith 198

  Jade see Allen, Jade

  Janus series 278–9

  Jensen, Graeme 223, 229, 230–2, 239, 259, 260

  Jones, Gary 163

  Jones, Miss

  Dennis’s partner 160, 212

  Kenny death 146–8, 159–60, 161, 184, 185, 189, 191–2

  Simpson murder trial 163–4

  Stanhope murder 213

  Kemp, Albert Frederick 3, 5–6

  Kemp, Barbara 1–2, 6, 21

  Kemp, Gladys (’that lady’) 4, 199, 215

  bigamous marriages 7–8

  marriage to Albie 3, 6–7

  relationship with daughters 5, 6–8, 9, 13–14, 20, 21, 24–5, 28–30

  settles with Harry Allen 28, 80–1

  takes Dennis and Peter 21, 24, 28–32, 83

  Kemp, Wilma 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 21, 27

  Kenny, Anton 183–97

  Kent QC, Bob 216

  kidnap of Kathy 127–9

  Kirk, Lee 64

  Lanfranchi, Warren 116

  Lindy see Allen, Lindy

  Loughnan, Jimmy 82, 134–5

  Marshall, Donald 88

  Martin, Harold 242

  Mason, Bertha (’Nan’) 7, 11–12, 43

  Mason, Lorna 14–15

  Mason, Micky 12–13

  Mason, Rowdy 7, 12

  McEvoy, Peter 223, 225, 227, 228, 229, 231, 236, 238, 239, 240, 255, 261

  McKay, Gary 167

  McLaren, Detective Colin 256

  Meehan, Rhonda 205–6

  Minogue, Craig 44

  ‘Miss X’

  Gouroff murder 157

  Williams-Rogerson-Flannery trial 113–18

  Moir, Detective Irene 157

  ‘Mr D’ 91, 93, 127, 156

  Mr D Investments 124


  Allard 199

  Caulfield 175–6, 199

  Geary 199

  Gouroff 92, 156, 157, 164, 197, 199–200

  Kenny 183–97

  Pasche 150, 152–4, 156, 197

  Simpson 117, 162–5, 197

  Stanhope 146–9, 157–61, 197, 213, 251

  Wagnegg 166–73, 192, 197, 245–6

  Walsh Street 219–72

  Murphy, Brian (Mad Dog) 60, 155, 215

  Nelson, Kim 42, 56–7, 58, 60, 212, 215

  Neville, Tim 256, 259

  Nikakis, Charlie 211, 213

  Noonan, Detective Inspector John 222, 226–7, 228, 238, 257–8, 263, 264

  Norden, Father Peter 215, 247

  Operation Cyclops 108, 134, 136

  Operation Earthquake 280–2

  Parkinson, Susan 245

  Pasche, Greg 150

  and Dennis 152–4, 156, 164, 197

  and Gouroff 153–4, 156

  Peirce, ‘David’ 33, 37

  Peirce, ‘Shelley’ 33–6

  Peirce, ‘Stephen’ 33–5, 36

  Peirce, Billy 28–9, 30, 32, 33

  death 39–40

  introduces Kathy to life of crime 27, 43

  marries Valerie 37

  police violence 39–40, 45

  violence to Kathy 36

  Peirce, Katie 234, 254–5

  Peirce, Lex 33, 45, 47, 54, 58, 111, 150, 212–13, 277

  Jamie’s death 179, 180

  on Jimmy Pentingill 39

  on Dennis 233

  and Walsh Street 233

  Peirce, Valerie 37, 40

  Peirce, Victor 33, 47, 179, 246, 256

  and adopted stepsiblings 34

  alleged confession 242, 257

  Dennis’s drug trafficking 133

  Hefti murder 223–4, 226, 269

  Kathy kidnap 128

  personality 239, 252–3, 255

  Stanhope murder 158

  Turana 54

  Walsh Street murders 219–44, 248, 265–9

  after Walsh Street 269–72

  Wendy’s evidence against 257

  Peirce, Wendy

  attempted murder charge 226, 227, 255, 256

  changes evidence 229, 240, 243, 244, 257, 259–61

  criminal record 252

  and Dennis 258–9

  Gouroff murder 156

  infidelities 259

  on Kathy 258

  Kathy on 243, 253, 258–61

  Pasche murder 154

  Peter’s clerk 207, 252

  raids on house 253–5

  Stanhope grave 161, 255

  and Victor 252–3

  Victor’s infidelity 227, 240, 256

  Walsh Street murders 220–30

  witness protection 227–8, 256–7, 259

  Pentridge 63–4, 72–3, 82, 119, 121–2, 203–4

  Pentingill, F.J. 41

  Pettingill, Jamie 44–5, 89, 111, 114, 232, 252

  carrying gun 168

  death and Dennis 173–80, 181–2, 197

  Coroner’s Court bomb 165–6, 177

  drugs 176–7

  enforcer for Dennis 133, 176

  and father 40, 174, 175

  life of crime 174, 175–7

  personality 60, 174

  Stanhope murder 158, 160

  takes rap for Dennis 174, 175–6

  Pentingill, Jimmy 36, 37–9, 40–1, 49

  Pentingill, Kathy

  adolescence 14–16

  alias Lee Kirk 64

  and Billy Peirce 26–7, 29, 36–7, 39–40

  boyfriends lost to Vicki 56

  brothels 48–52, 76, 108–9, 118, 167–9

  children in care 33–6, 37

  criminal code 60–1, 190–1, 195

  and Dennis 30–1, 53, 76–9, 118, 134, 146, 147–50, 164–5, 214

  Dennis’s death 214–15, 217

  drug trafficking 56, 67, 110–13, 133, 208

  early involvement with death 2–3, 8–9, 10, 12–13

  education 11, 15–16

  family loyalty 88, 203, 207, 219–20, 249–50, 265

  firearms 66–7, 128–9, 207, 208

  first prison sentence 64–5

  and Gladys 5, 6–8, 9, 13–14, 20, 21, 24–5, 28–30

  Gouroff murder 164–5

  heart attack 48

  hunger strike in prison 63, 71

  Jamie’s death 173–4, 177–82

  Janus series 278–9

  on Jason 247, 249, 251–2

  and Jimmy Pentingill 37–8, 39, 41

  Kenny murder 185–6, 190–1, 195–7

  kidnap by soldiers 127–9

  lives with Kathleen Shields 7, 11, 13, 15, 17–18, 23, 24

  loses eye 42–3, 57–61

  marries Dennis Ryan 17–19

  on Peter 282–3

  police 39–40, 45–6, 51–2, 54, 127, 196, 234, 237–8, 249, 250, 251, 254–5, 271

  in prison 62–75, 207, 208

  prison strikes 63, 71, 74–5

  property 27, 101, 102

  prostitution 49, 64, 76

  reputation as brawler 54–5, 65–6, 70–1

  Williams-Rogerson-Flannery affair 117–18

  Sandringham incident 87–8

  and Sissy 119–21

  standing in criminal world 43–4, 51–2, 59, 108–9

  support for weak and vulnerable 62–3, 70–1, 72–3

  Venus Bay 55, 265, 266, 273–8, 280–2

  on Vicki 219–20, 228, 240, 243–4, 261–2

  Walsh Street murders 219, 230–44, 249, 251–2, 263–8, 271

  on Wendy 243, 253, 258–61

  Pentingill, Trevor 38, 44–5, 138, 178, 179

  carrying gun 168

  drug trafficking 67, 133, 214

  earlier crimin
al history 48, 240, 271

  heroin 111–12

  personality 239

  Stanhope murder 158, 160

  Walsh Street 219–20, 225–30, 237–40, 241, 271

  Phillips, Les 183


  and Dennis 84, 133–4

  charges by Jason 224, 233, 247–8, 251

  Kathy on 39–10, 45–6, 51–2, 54, 127, 196, 234, 237–8, 249, 250, 251, 254–5, 271

  at Sentimental Bloke 45–6

  police helicopter shooting 104–6

  Pollitt, Ray ‘Red Rat’ 162–4

  Prahran Police Station shooting 136

  Prideaux, Paul Anthony 269

  prison strikes 63, 71, 74–5

  Raby, Margaret 68–71, 74

  Richmond empire 100–3, 107–8, 118, 122–4, 208, 211–12, 215, 253

  Rizio, Jimmy 188

  Robertson, Peter Ian (’Robbo’) 183–96

  Rogerson, Roger 113–18, 163, 182

  Rountree, Lindsay 228, 231, 241–2, 269

  Rountree, Penny 231

  Rudd, Allen 85, 86–7

  Ryan, Dennis James 16–19, 24–5, 27, 36

  Ryan, Detective Col 248

  Ryan, Jason 55, 179

  cuts family ties 250–1

  firearms 101, 167–8, 245

  incriminates Victor over Hefti murder 224, 234, 246

  on Kathy 250

  Kathy on 247, 249, 251–2

  lives with Dennis 56, 127, 134, 144, 245–6

  Stanhope murder 146, 147, 148, 245

  and Sue Guy 200–1, 246

  Wagnegg murder 170, 245–6

  Walsh Street murders 219–30, 235, 246–52

  witness protection 225, 228, 249–50, 261

  Sandringham episode 85, 86–7

  Sandy (wife of Wayne the builder) 146, 147, 158, 159, 211, 212, 213, 214

  Scotty 142

  Sedgman, Bobby 15

  Sentimental Bloke Hotel 44, 45–7

  Shaw, Elizabeth 197

  Shields, Kathleen (’Mum’) 7, 11, 13, 15, 17–18, 23, 24

  Shields, Norman 4–5

  Simpson, Leonie 162–3, 164

  Simpson, Lindsay 117, 162–5, 197

  Smith, Broderick 87

  Smith, Neddy 113

  soldiers 56, 127–9 151–2 see also The Enforcer

  Sprague, Detective Chief Inspector David 226–7, 228, 257–8

  Stanhope, Wayne 146–9, 157–61, 213, 251

  Stephenson Street, Richmond 67, 100–1, 108–9, 123–4, 126–7, 131–2, 177, 208, 215

  Stewart, Daryl 191

  Stockley, Christopher 87

  Strongman, Denise 168, 169

  The Enforcer 66, 96–7, 98, 99, 125, 136–44, 185, 200

  Kenny murder 189–90

  police helicopter shooting 104–6

  The Fairlie Arrow 75

  The Talking Bone (Dee) 52, 103, 137–8, 172

  Thompson, Keryn Jean 42, 57, 58, 60–1

  Tongalini, Joe 64–5

  Tsakmakis, Alex 44

  Turana 82, 89

  Tynan, Constable Steven 221, 223, 224 see also Walsh Street


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