Stacking the Deck (Redemption Club Book 1)
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Skye recalled the date on the card she’d found in Stone’s desk drawer. “Did the drinking get worse about eighteen months ago?”
Carly looked up. “Yes, as a matter of fact.” She glanced at Eddie. “I’d just found out I was pregnant again. Macy was just over a year old. We were about to be evicted from our tiny apartment. Darren and I were stressed. He took off for a couple months. Walked back in as if nothing had happened, but he was different. Changed. When I tried to ask him about where he’d been, he had this crazy look in his eyes. He had a deed to this trailer, so we finally had a place that was ours. I stopped pestering him. But one time he said something about how he got this place…” She stopped coloring and seemed to stare off into space for a long moment.
“What did he say?” Skye prompted.
“That he’d played the best game of his life and it had paid off. But that he still had a debt to pay. He mentioned something about paying to become a member of the Redemption Club. And that he wasn’t sure it was worth the price.”
Chapter Sixteen
Finn unlocked and opened the gate to the property only a privileged few—those Redemption Club members who were lucky enough, and rich enough, to participate—knew as the Hunting Grounds. A little farther down the drive, he parked in front of the single-room cabin and turned to his passenger.
“Did you bring your mask?” He reached into the backseat and tossed the bag to Tristan. “There are extra in there if you need one.”
Tristan nudged the duffel at his feet. “I have mine. I’ve been using it when I come here, in case Loretta might recognize me. Only one girl for the both of us?”
“That’s all we can spare at the moment. I’ve promised a big hunt to Club members as soon as we have Skye. The other two in the stable are reserved for that hunt. Or I might decide to have a special event just for her.” Hunting and taking down such a prize would be worth it. “Today is just fun for the two of us, so it’s just the one woman. Unless you want to pay me fifty grand for better game?”
Tristan shook his head. “This’ll do.”
Finn led the way to the shed that served as a small armory. Tristan selected a crossbow and Finn went with a handgun—easier to carry, and just as effective, but he made a mental note to have Tristan teach him how to hunt with a crossbow sometime. Besides, an actor never knew what skills could come in handy when auditioning for parts. It helped to expand one’s repertoire. Thanks to the few months the Grounds had been active, he had a well full of experience and emotions from which to draw inspiration.
He pulled on his animal mask, the fox he always wore on a hunt. The masks were lightweight and fit to the hunter’s face in such a way as to not obstruct his vision or mobility. They were a precaution to protect identities, not that anyone would be left at the end of a hunt who would talk about the event, but the disguising of humanity had the side benefit of heightening the prey’s level of fear.
“I’ll release the girl. Remember, when one of us takes her down, I have plans for the body, so don’t mutilate it.”
Tristan slid his bear mask into place. “I’ll try to restrain myself.” But they both knew, when the bloodlust was allowed free rein, anything could happen. One time, when drugs had been chosen to enhance the event and tensions were running high, three hunters had turned on each other and one man’s throat had been slit. In the madness, the real target had nearly gotten away.
“You want something to heighten the experience?” Finn gestured to the drawers of drugs. Some of the herbs he’d taken from Stone’s conservatory were in one drawer. Some, he’d given to a chemist, a Redemption Club member, who’d enhanced their effects and turned them into pill form. Those drugs could be found in another drawer. The great thing about the Club was there was always an expert who could fill any need. And they couldn’t say no if they wanted to earn their redemption.
Tristan shook his head. “Not for me. What about the girl?”
“She’s not well-trained for survival in the wilderness. I haven’t had the time to properly prepare her.”
“She should keep her wits about her, then?”
“Unless we select a hallucinogen to make her more courageous. I was thinking something to boost the adrenaline might be called for.” Finn reached for the pill that would amp up his game.
As Skye and Jared walked into Legacy, intent on questioning Robert Stone about the Redemption Club after Carly’s revelation, two very large men wearing badges that identified them as security stopped them.
“Stone wants to talk to you,” Thing One said.
Skye’s hairs stood on end in anticipation. So, the man had been expecting them.
“Good, because we want to talk to him, too,” Skye said. They followed Thing One across the casino floor. “You know these guys?” she whispered to Jared, who marched right beside her.
Jared shook his head. “Never seen them before. Must be my replacements.”
“Should we make a break for it?”
From behind them, Thing Two nudged her in the shoulder blade. “No talking.”
She resisted the urge to send a roundhouse kick into his knee. Or slip the knife from her boot into his gut. That would be satisfying. At least they hadn’t searched them and taken her weapons.
Jared shot her a lopsided grin that said he knew what she was thinking.
Toward the back of the casino, they checked in with a third minion, who apparently guarded the hallway beyond. A few of the dozen doorways that sprouted off the hall were open, and as they passed, she could see card tables within, constructed of dark wood and lined with cobalt blue felt. The doorway at the end was closed and marked Private. The minion in front knocked and Stone called out to them to enter.
Inside, the furnishings were just as posh as the rest of the casino, and a private bar was set up in the corner. Stone was fixing a drink there as they came to a stop near the poker table. The guards stood near the closed door, making Skye’s hair stand on end because she knew the threat was there, but couldn’t face it without taking her eyes off Stone.
“Welcome to Legacy Hotel and Casino.” Stone’s gaze was trained on Skye, but his expression was void of all emotion. “I take it you’re the woman who tried to disrupt not one, but two of my parties, and broke into my home office.”
“That would be me,” she said. “I believe you had something to do with the disappearance of a friend.” She saw no need to sugarcoat what Stone probably already knew.
“You’re talking about Loretta Sheldon. I can promise you I’d never heard of her until my staff told me you’d been asking around.”
“Gee, I feel so much better having your promise.” The sarcasm hung thick in the air. She sensed Jared go stiff beside her, probably readying for Stone or one of the guards to go on the attack after her remark. “And I suppose you’ve never heard of Three Fortunes, either?”
Stone laughed, surprising all of them. “You’re forthright. I like that.” He stepped closer and peered into her eyes. She struggled not to back away. “Your eyes are just as remarkable as they were when you were a child.”
She hid her surprise. Was he claiming he’d met her? He had known Tom from the beginning, so it was possible. “They’re beyond my control.”
Stone’s expression hardened. “So is this situation.”
“Did you destroy Three Fortunes?” Jared asked. “You said you were going to handle things when you learned Skye was investigating you. Did you attack the ranch?”
His gaze didn’t waver. “No.”
“How do you and Tom Hamilton know each other?” Skye asked.
“That’s a complicated question. And the answer carries consequences. What do you know about the past?”
“About how you’re connected to it?” Skye snorted. “Nothing. But it’s the present I’m interested in. I know you visited my uncle at the ranch the same evening we were attacked. I know you wanted me gone. Why?”
He sent her a humorless grin. “So man
y questions. I’m guessing your uncle hasn’t been in touch. He’s really the one you should be talking to about this.”
“I’m asking you. It’s your name that continually comes up.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out Chelsea’s and Darren’s half-cards, and set them on the desk. “And don’t try to tell me these aren’t from your casino.”
Stone cocked an eyebrow. “And if I say they aren’t?”
Skye bit back a curse. She was tired of this man’s games. “I know you sent the men to attack the ranch. That somehow, I’m considered their redemption. What’s the Redemption Club?”
He laughed. “Well, well. And here I thought your uncle would open his big mouth and tell you everything. Guess you aren’t behind the blackmail and death threats, after all.” Beside Jared, Skye went still. “That’s all I wanted to know.” He turned away as if dismissing them.
“I’m not done,” Skye shouted, stopping the man in his tracks.
Stone turned back to them, his face red with anger. “You don’t want to cross me.”
She already had. So why was she still alive? “What kind of questions do you suppose the police would have for me regarding you, and the Redemption Club? We believe your son, along with Tristan Floyd and Finn Tucker, may be involved in the disappearance of at least two young women.” She searched his expression for any flicker of recognition, but saw only a flash of surprise.
“That’s a serious accusation.”
“So is blackmail,” Skye shot back at him. “Or running a group that trades in dirty deeds.” She scooped up the torn cards. “These may not prove anything, but they’re enough to raise some questions with the local authorities.”
Stone’s eyes turned hard. “Threatening me won’t work.”
“And your son?”
“Stay away from him, and from all of my properties, or I’ll have you arrested. I hear that runs in the family.”
Shock ran through Skye. Of course Stone knew about her family history, but to throw it in her face like that…
Stone gestured to the door. “You can show yourselves out now. If I were you, I’d drop your investigations and go back to your lives. Forget you ever heard my name.”
“You’re not me,” she said, standing her ground. “And we’ll do everything in our power to find these missing girls.”
Stone studied her a moment, then nodded. “I’d expect nothing less after what I’ve heard about you two. But know that I’ll do everything in my power to protect myself, my family and my interests.”
Chapter Seventeen
Jared’s long strides ate up the hallway. Frustration churned inside. He couldn’t wait to get Skye far away from Stone, far away from this damned hotel. But he also felt there were answers here. Stone hadn’t blinked when the Redemption Club had come up. He recognized the name, which wasn’t shocking because it was tied to Legacy somehow, but how did it involve Chelsea?
“What do you think I’m supposed to know that I don’t know?” Skye asked beside him.
His head swiveled to her as they dodged casino patrons. “What?”
“The blackmail. What did he think I know about him that I could hold over him? It’s got to be something from the past, but he said himself that he hasn’t seen me since I was a child.”
“I don’t know. He never revealed the details about the blackmail, only that he was hiring GSS services to protect him from threats. But your uncle must have known him if they’re on the deed together. Could Tom have been blackmailing him?”
“That wasn’t my uncle’s style. Besides, he seemed to want nothing to do with Stone or the past.”
His phone buzzed with an incoming text from Dev. Just received a package with a thumb drive. Note says, “Hope this helps,” and is signed E.
The glass doors at the exit swished open and a blast of hot air hit them as they moved beyond the air conditioning and into the heat of midday. Jared slid his hand around hers and tugged her into a jog to his SUV. “Come on. We’re going to my office.”
She shot him a surprised look. “Global Security Solutions?”
“Looks like Emily sent us a thumb drive.” The bartender probably hadn’t wanted to risk being seen with them again at Legacy.
The building that housed GSS was nothing special. Just an ordinary office building. But Dev enjoyed comfort, with a bit of flash, as well as all the best electronic gadgets money could buy, so Jared wasn’t surprised when they walked through the GSS doors and Skye stopped and gaped.
“Wow,” she said. “If we weren’t in a hurry to see what’s on that thumb drive, I’d ask you about two million questions.”
He grinned. “There’ll be time, later.” Maybe. If she didn’t run off to her life when this was over. And wasn’t that selfish of him to want her to stick around? A huge city like Vegas was worlds apart from her quiet ranch. Asking her to stay was too much like something his mother would have done, manipulating her lover to trap him. Eventually, though, the man always left, and the break was always bad for all of them. Jared refused to put either Skye or himself through that.
“He lives,” Dev said, stopping in the doorway to Jared’s office.
Jared rolled an extra chair behind his computer. He pulled out his laptop and laid it in front of Skye. Beneath dark brows, blue eyes much lighter than Skye’s flicked over her with unconcealed interest. Jared felt a surge of possessiveness that he fought to reel in.
This was Dev, his best friend.
And Skye, his… he had no clue. Which made the possessiveness all the more confusing.
Jared introduced the pair. “I believe you two spoke on the phone?”
“Looks like you two connected despite what I had to say,” Dev said, grinning.
“Because of what you had to say.” Skye shook Dev’s hand, but quickly turned to the computer.
Satisfied that she didn’t flock to Dev like all the other women who seemed entranced by the man’s dark good looks and dangerous vibe, Jared grinned at his friend. “You have the package?”
“The thumb drive.” Dev handed it to him with a last, curious look at Skye. She didn’t even look up as he left.
“It’s surveillance footage from Legacy Lounge,” Jared said when the files had loaded. “Two different dates.”
Skye touched a finger to the date. “The night of the Malibu party. The other is—”
“The night we picked up Haley.”
A few minutes later, Jared found the footage of his sister arriving at the bar. And the man who had sat in the corner nursing a beer stood to greet her. “Skye, take a look at this.” She moved closer and her hair tickled his nose. He wanted to turn his mouth to her neck and press his lips to her pulse point.
She gasped. “That’s Tristan.”
She clicked on the other file, then fast-forwarded through the footage another few minutes until she found what she was looking for. “The timestamp says 3:00 a.m., which is when the charge on Mark’s credit card was made. There’s no sign of Loretta, though.”
“Wait, that guy.” A man was approaching the bar, removing his wallet from his pocket. “Isn’t that Tristan?”
He turned his face to the camera and she nodded. “That’s him. Which means Tristan used Mark’s card, alone?”
Jared met Skye’s gaze and could see they shared the same thought. If Tristan had Sheldon’s credit card, he had probably met up with Loretta at some point after she’d left the ranch. Or he’d stolen it. Unless Finn or Ryan had given him the card to make a money trail for Skye to follow.
Skye sat back in her chair and stared at the screen. “That’s why nobody recognized Loretta’s picture when I showed it around. It was probably Tristan using it the entire time.” She shoved her hands through her hair and released a strangled groan. “These guys have been playing games with us this whole time. And if Loretta doesn’t have that card, I shudder to think how she’s been living day by day. If she’s even alive.” She owed it to Mark to keep searching
Jared shook his head. “I have to believe she is, because if Finn did something to her, that means Chelsea…” Chelsea could be dead, too. “We’ll find them. Alive.”
“I think it’s time to call the hospital again and see if Viper can add to what we’ve found.” The heat from the pavement licked at her ankles like flames as they crossed to his vehicle. “I want to thank you again for taking care of him. He’s like family.”
“I know, which is why I was happy to do it.” He shut them inside the car and cranked up the AC. He tipped his head toward her cell phone. “Want to wait until you have some privacy?”
“No, it’s fine. Besides, he might have something to say that could help our investigation.”
Skye’s throat tightened as Viper answered on the other end of the phone.
“Was wondering when you’d be in touch,” the older man said.
“You’re the one who was unconscious.” All teasing fled as she recalled the last time she’d seen him. “How are you doing?”
“A few bumps and bruises aren’t going to keep me down.”
“And the stab wounds and surgery?”
“That either.”
“Good to hear. They’re taking care of you then?”
“Yes, including the gorilla at the door. What’s that about? He says he works for some place called Global Security Solutions.”
“A friend of mine arranged for him. Jared Bennigan. He owns a security company.”
“Thank him for me.”
Skye met Jared’s gaze and smiled. “I will.”
“And tell him to keep an eye on you, too.”
“Viper.” Skye’s tone held a note of warning.