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Chaos Magic: Life Sorcerer: Book Three - Return of Magic: Book Four

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by D. R. Rosier

  Chaos Magic

  Life Sorcerer: Book Three - Return of Magic: Book Four

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2021. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three – Interlude

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten – Interlude

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen - Interlude

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  Book Description


  The old engine chugged over and over, but wouldn’t turn over, and then it let out an alarming whine. The large motor pool was filled with a soft diffuse light that covered everything, and the large double doors were open to let in lots of bright sunlight.

  Ralph sighed, and muttered, “I’m too old for this shit,” as he got out from behind the wheel and started to go over all of his enchantments with a fine-tooth comb. He’d been an engineer for fifty years before the aliens had attacked, and emergence day had come.

  He’d been more than a little shocked when he’d turned out to be a sorcerer, and electricity and most other technologies didn’t work anymore. Of course, he’d always been a scientist as well at heart. It wasn’t that technology didn’t work, it was that magic was an energy that reacted violently with a lot of other energies on the electro-magnetic spectrum, including electricity.

  The man had two loves in his life, making things work, and his granddaughter Tracey who was his only surviving family, they took care of each other in a cruel world.

  Ralph had spent the first two years trying to understand his sorcery, and he even managed to figure out enchanting. His power as a sorcerer, controlled magic. So that’d prompted his scientific mind. It should be possible to get technology to work. Nothing transmitted of course, from high voltage to radio, Wi-Fi, to Bluetooth, all that was gone forever with the magic. Once in the air, or in a transmission line, it would be corrupted. The magic would either suck away that power or amplify it so much it became unreadable or unusable at the other end.

  So, he’d started to tinker, with a simple flashlight. Electricity seemed to react violently with magical energy, chemical processes a little less so, and that led him to the conclusion electricity could evoke magical power as well. So he’d created an enchantment around the flashlight with the aid of a little jewelry, and when he turned the flashlight on, that enchantment was activated and it sucked in the magic interfering with the current. Essentially leaving the electricity alone.

  Working flashlight.

  Not just a working flashlight, but one that had an enchantment to randomly change the color of the light leaving the lens. A little silly, but it was just a test run for bigger things. A proof of concept. Sure, much of the old world could never come back, but self-contained devices should work just fine.

  Like cars, trucks, airplanes, guns, rifles, lights, power tools, alarm clocks with batteries, and the list went on. Not the old world by a long stretch, but a little better in his mind, and it satisfied his need to learn and tinker.

  He also figured older cars would be easier, without the newer fancier electronics and CPUs. The truck he was currently banging his head against the wall about, was the last truck in the military motor pool that didn’t work. He didn’t see anything wrong with his enchantments, which told him it was probably the starter or another mechanical problem. He got to work switching that out.

  Cars weren’t the only thing he had working on the old base. He’d been determined to protect himself, and he had crates of nine-millimeter handguns and fully automatic rifles that would actually fire correctly. Those had been easy to fix with an enchantment that prevented raw magic from being attracted to the chemical explosion of the bullet being fired in the chamber. They would even use that magic in the enchantment, to both increase the bullets muzzle speed and cool the barrel.

  Most avoided the old military bases. Especially since there was no point in looting shit that didn’t work, and he’d had a good setup to ensure their safety.

  At least, until his granddaughter had got it in her head to take a walk to the PX alone to pick up some of the leftovers from the looters. Canned foods and the like. She’d come back to their place with guests, holding the gun he’d gave her to her head. Damned raiders.

  He was a powerful sorcerer, and a genius, but the men hadn’t given him an opening, and ever since they’d been keeping his Stacey separate from him. If he tried anything, the bastards would kill her. So, he’d been working for them instead of himself ever since. He had a plan all ready to go of course, but it all depended on his granddaughter being within range of his power. Which hadn’t happened since that first day.

  He’d been angry at himself for a while. Especially as he’d thought of several options that he could’ve ended the threat with after it was already too late, but back then during that one opportunity he’d been frozen by fear for his only remaining relative.

  He finished swapping the starter. At least the place had been well stocked with replacement parts for all the military vehicles in the large bay. He rounded the car and stuck his hand in and turned the key.

  The engine grumbled for a moment, then turned over and started to purr like a kitten.

  “That the last one?” asked a casual voice.

  He looked up to see Carson, the leader of the large raider gang that’d turned his life into a living hell. He could destroy the man easily with a single spoken word, but he knew if he did his granddaughter would get a bullet in her head wherever they were keeping her.

  “Yes, that was the last one.”

  The man nodded, “Good, I was getting really tired of this place.”

  A gun lifted in the man’s hand, and Ralph froze in indecision for the last time in his long life as it fired.

  Carson snorted as the old men fell dead, his brains splattered against the wall, “Moron,” and then looked over his shoulder, “Get the trucks loaded up, and make sure the tanker trucks are full. I want all the guns and ammo passed out, it’s time to make our mark on the world.”

  He heard some of the men hoot, holler, and laugh, they really had been in this damned base too long, with only that sweet Stacey for company. He snorted. Love was for fools. He’d used them both against each other the last year, as the man had gotten a fleet of trucks and weapons ready for him and all his men, with plenty of spares. With working guns and trucks, the world had just become an open oyster for him.

  It was really brilliant, all those gun stores never looted, and gas stations filled with useless gas for anyone else. They’d never run out of gas or rounds of ammunition, not in this lifetime. He could really take control. They could drive around the country collecting taxes and tributes at every community they met. It’d even be easy, most communities were right off the main highways after all, as far as he could figure.

  Magic was a concern of course
. There were others out there like the old man, but as far as he could figure magic was very good against other magic, and in controlling and taking life. Not so good to protect against physical damage or attacks, and a rain of bullets would ruin just about anyone’s day far as he could figure.

  Jameson asked, “Where will you be, boss?”

  He smirked, “I’ll be saying goodbye to our sweet Tracey, and taking my time about it. No point in taking her with us, since I just shot our only hold on the girl. We leave at first light.”

  He’d been playing the two against each other the whole time. The old man had no idea his little granddaughter had been fucking them all like a wild whore, just to keep deer old gramps alive. He really loved that too. He didn’t like it when woman fought, but the disgust in her eyes as she did her best to pleasure him, that was priceless to Carson. A little disgusted reluctance in his sex toys went a long way to satisfy his twisted appetites.

  It was his power trip. He preferred mental coercion over physical force, and the look of disgusted hatred in her eyes whenever she pleasured him with reluctant abandon had never failed to satisfy. She was truly one of a kind, and a fantastic fuck, but the old man had been far too dangerous to be allowed to live.

  He’d miss it, but they’d actually gotten lucky that day at the PX. The girl knew how to use a gun, and was feisty as hell. They’d just managed to blindside her, after she’d taken out one of his men and had mistakenly thought he’d been alone. Point being, she’d be a deadly threat and an explosion waiting to happen once she learned the truth, better not to risk it.

  The late September sun felt wonderful on her skin as she laid out by the pool. The slight cool breeze in the mid-seventies was perfect in cooling the heat of the sun, and she was extremely comfortable. She felt incredibly sexy in her small yellow bikini, and she could feel Sean’s eyes on her in that moment even with her eyes closed.

  She smirked, as she felt several droplets of water hit her body as Sean dove into the pool. She knew they had about a month left before even Southern California became a bit too chilly to enjoy the sun and pool, so she was out there almost every day.

  Lori had come a long way in the last seven weeks since Sean and the others had both stopped her insane quest for revenge against the innocent. Not just stopped her, but they’d willingly taken her in and allowed her to heal. They’d treated her like an ally from day one, with an open generosity it’d taken her time to even believe, much less accept. They even wanted to help her serve her goddess.

  She’d been a total mess for most of that first month, but three weeks ago she’d started to realize she had very little to fear from the man in the house. He was a gentleman, and she enjoyed his company and fairly innocent attention. She enjoyed the way he looked at her, subtly, and with not just empty lustful attraction but also with admiration and respect for who she was.

  It’d been two weeks since they’d ended the threat from the west, and they’d sunken the huge invasion ship that’d come to their shores. Of course, Sean had also looted the ship first, and had taken a lot of steel off the thing. Steel that had become a new magical bomber and also the ammunition for it, just in case they ever sent another invasion.

  The last two weeks had been both painful and interesting for her.

  Painful because her three lovers had gone to the east coast. She found she missed Emily a great deal, and to a lesser extent both Betty and Nancy. She cared for the latter two, but they hadn’t ever loved her like Emily did, not really. She’d stayed for the obvious reasons, service to her goddess and access to over a million people along the entire west coast. It was where she could serve her goddess best, or she’d have probably followed Emily back to the east coast.

  Which, she’d come to realize, wasn’t what she really wanted either. She did love Emily, and she enjoyed the touch of a woman in bed. But Emily had told her what she really needed was a man that would cherish and protect her. She was of two minds about that, but even two weeks ago she could admit to herself she was more attracted to men than women, even after her long five-year ordeal being a captive of evil men since she’d been thirteen.

  She also thought the word choice wrong. She didn’t need a man, or a woman for that matter. She was a powerful priestess of a dark goddess. The high priestess of shadows. She was strong, determined, and even if she went a little around the bend in the past she’d never broken.

  But… she did want a man. Emily had gotten that much right. She wanted to feel that, what it felt like with a man in bed, when there was love and lust along with respect and desire, instead of fear and violation. At the same time, the whole idea scared her more than a little bit, as much as she longed to feel a good hard fucking from a man she actually wanted, she feared those physical sensations would evoke and drown her in the horrific memories of her past.

  She’d come far these past seven weeks, but she still had a long way to go, at least in her own mind she did.

  She opened her eyes as she heard the splash and droplets. Sean was a sexy man, just two inches taller than her at five foot nine, but he was all hard muscle and sharp planes. He wasn’t the most handsome man around the face, but his intense and kind hazel eyes, and raptor’s gaze, actually made her feel safe and warm.

  She wanted a man like Sean, one that was both kind and confident. One that doted on the woman he loved, but who was too strong to ever be walked over. One that led with confidence, but that would also easily and thoughtfully defer to his lover’s opinion when it was called for.

  She froze, and then blinked at the glistening water flowing down his defined body, as she finally admitted the truth to herself for the first time. She didn’t want a man like Sean, she wanted Sean, period. Which… was problematical at best, considering he already had four mates. Sure, she admired all his mates, and thought they were sexy as hell too, but despite having her own little harem until recently she’d never once considered sharing that theoretical man she wanted when she found him.

  She tingled a little bit, when he turned his body and she could see the outline of his cock… which was still rather substantial even in its limp state.

  She really did want a long and hard fucking, to feel a cock in her that she wanted there, but it scared her too. Even if she decided to go for it, and him and his mates accepted her, she was frightened by the idea too. She knew that Sean would never hurt her, already trusted that fact. He’d never take what she didn’t offer freely, but she feared the sensations of pleasure that had for so long signaled her violation, would overshadow that and she’d drown in the memories of the past.

  It was something she still had to get past. That didn’t make her weak she knew, the fact she could enjoy his eyes on her, and wear this bikini, not to mention feel warm inside when they spoke and he pointed that raptor’s gaze at her, all told her she was strong.

  She’d work on it, and she also needed to test the waters with his mates, so to speak. She might not be welcome, after all.

  Sy’lia brooded and suppressed the scream of frustration that rose to her throat. Her and Sean had just gotten done arguing about his power again. The man was just so damned stubborn. She was worried his mates and his people would lose him to dark temptation if he continued using his powers to suck the lifeforce out of people. Even if he currently only did so with those who had earned the penalty of death.

  She might even be willing to compromise, despite how unnatural two of his mates were. She found them to be delightful, intelligent, and engaging over the last three weeks since she’d arrived at his door. The zombie armies made her shiver inside, but she could admit to herself that specific unnatural magic wasn’t truly the risk to Sean.

  It was his absorption of other’s life force that truly would tempt him in the end, into becoming a self-serving monster. Her people had seen it time and time again. She’d almost be willing to give him a pass on those other, proscribed by tradition, twisted uses of his Life Sorcerer powers. If only he’d simply stop doing that one thing. He didn’t ha
ve to anymore, wrestle with that temptation and withstand it, even if he was stubborn and had his mates to help him.

  After all, his zombies had those horrifying enchantments to do that one thing for him. He didn’t have to sully himself with it. The man drove her absolutely nuts, and he refused stolidly to bend or see reason.

  Sometimes she wanted to beat it into him… and sometimes she wanted to try fucking it into him. Ever since that day when he’d healed her and stuck that ridiculously large cock between her ass cheeks, while he’d protected her from death, saved her life, and healed her.

  It was horrifying, just how attracted to him she’d become, and how much she wanted to strangle him at times. She’d even caught herself subconsciously staring at him at times, when her mind was working on a problem or just wandering. As if her eyes had decided to automatically seek him out.

  It was impossible of course. She’d have to deal with her year as his ambassador and keep her damned legs closed. She missed it though, the casual sex with her friends back home. Human and elf relationships, even casual ones, never seemed to end well. Besides, if she was sure of one thing, it was that he wouldn’t want a casual relationship like that. He was mated to four women already, and even the elves didn’t carry on with others once they were bonded with their mates.

  It was all… frustrating.

  Chapter One

  It was getting colder up north, near the end of September, two weeks after they’d taken down the invasion force. Sean was in a pair of jeans, black boots, and a casual sweatshirt as they waited at I-90 as it came out of the mountains into Washington.

  It’d been almost three weeks since he’d saved those hundred refugees who’d come west to start a community, all to escape a raiding gang that’d made their lives a living hell. They’d come hoping for safety, and to their surprise he’d granted it in spades. The thirty-two assholes chasing them didn’t even have magic, though he knew their leader was a sorcerer. He’d guessed off body language that their sorcerous leader was watching them, probably out of some sick need to watch them kill and torture the people that had run off. He’d also been able to verify it, when he’d read the assholes lifeforce before they’d died.


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