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Chaos Magic: Life Sorcerer: Book Three - Return of Magic: Book Four

Page 5

by D. R. Rosier

  “You look stunning, Mara. But you’ll wear out the mirror if you keep that up.”

  She blushed, “Thanks, I was just… lost in thought. I’m not quite that vain.”

  Cassie grinned, and stepped closer, pushing her lightly against the sink. She sighed, and the sorceress bent down and nibbled on her lip, and then gave her a warm and sultry kiss. She felt more than a little mesmerized by her other mate, as Cassie took her hand and led her toward the door.

  When she looked back at the bed in desire, Cassie giggled naughtily, “Pool now, we can have fun with master later.”

  She tilted her head, “I thought you called him that to tease him. I’ve never heard you use it without him around before.”

  Cassie winked, then said rather intensely, “Tell me he’s not your master too. Tell me just the idea of that doesn’t make you tingle and grow moist. To know you’re his, and he’ll protect and cherish you in love until the end of our days. Not to mention ravish us and spoil us.”

  Goddess, she got a little wet just thinking about it, damn.

  She said, “Maybe, but shouldn’t we… I don’t know.”

  Cassie shrugged, “Hide it? What fun would that be? I’d rather see the awe on his face, and in those eyes, when I tell him how I really feel. We don’t need to worry about making him arrogant, or power plays and leverage, he’s already the most giving and wonderful man I’ve ever met. He’d never tell us no, so why should we hide it?”

  She giggled, “Right. I just, I didn’t mean his head, or power plays, I have no interest in that stuff either. I meant… well its intense, and I’m a little self-conscious about it.”

  Cassie bit her lip and then kissed Mara softly before staring into her eyes, “Sorry, I know you don’t play games. You’re still waiting for the other shoe to drop, aren’t you? That’s okay, you’ll learn, it’s all real.”

  She blushed, but nodded in agreement, a little caught in Cassie’s warm blue eyes.

  Cassie took her hand, and she felt more than a little breathless as they walked out to the pool that morning. It was the second day since they’d been at the community, so they’d be going to another one the next day. Two days off and one day on was a pretty light schedule, except they also dealt with emergencies, like yesterday she’d had that breach birth to see to up north. Saved the baby and the mother. Point is, there was always a lot going on, and they were always on call for emergencies for over a hundred communities.

  That meant they also needed to decompress and enjoy themselves when they could, because they never knew when the shit would hit the fan again.

  She was also excited for her friend Lori, who’d found a priest to follow in her footsteps and worship her goddess. It was a bright thing, and wonderful to see her flourish and let herself enjoy life after what she’d been through. She knew the shadow priestess still had healing to do, but it was a blessing to watch her steady progress. Lori was one of the strongest women she’d ever met.

  Lori enjoyed the sun on her skin, and the company of Mara and Cassie lying next to her. She’d been thinking about her insight of three days ago, that she wanted Sean, not just a man like Sean. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for that yet, but she was curious, and wondered if she shouldn’t just feel out Mara and Cassie on the idea of a fifth female mate joining their lives and bed.

  The idea made her tingle, and more than just about Sean’s gifted cock which she’d never seen directly but had seen more than enough evidence of the enormous reality in his pants. Point was, she tingled for Mara and Cassie too, they were both incredibly sexy women. If complete opposites, and total sweethearts.

  Though, sometimes she was pretty sure Cassie was even crazier than she was. The busty blonde was also one of the happiest people she knew, so she wasn’t exactly judging.

  As far as Lin and Kim went, she wasn’t worried at all. They would be easy, because all they wanted was what Sean wanted as far as she could figure. At least, as far as family went and that dynamic, they’d welcome her in their bed and hearts if Sean did. They just wanted him to be happy. They were more than that of course, in their hobbies and the rest of their lives, but when it came to Sean and what he wanted, those twins would do anything for him.

  She felt a little naughty and excited about the idea, even as it made her nervous, but she was already pretty sure she wanted it badly, and would go for it, if it worked out. Well, now was a good a time as any to test the waters.

  She said, “So, four mates, I guess five including yourselves?”

  Real subtle, Lori. But of course, she’d never been any good at subtle. She’d always been pretty blunt and apparently her idea of feeling them out amounted to a hammer approach. Fortunately, she was confident and strong as well, otherwise she’d have probably buried her head in the sand in that moment, instead of keeping a simple curious look on her face as they looked over to her.

  Cassie smirked knowingly, “We already gave him our approval, sweetie. Just seduce his ass and you’re in the family.”

  She gaped at Cassie as her body heated, and the conflicting surge of emotions froze her. She also thought she’d been better at hiding her new interest.

  Mara giggled, “She can be disconcerting at times, can’t she? But she isn’t wrong. Sean thought she was fucking with him, or if not that, at least wrong about what she saw in you, that you wanted him. But I guess she wasn’t?”

  Lori decided Cassie was even less subtle than she was.

  “Umm, I’m… yes?”

  Mara smiled, “He thinks you wouldn’t be interested because of the past, in any man. So you might have to bait the hook pretty strongly to make him believe otherwise, but I know he likes you, admires the hell out of you, and we do too. So, whenever you think you’re ready, you have our blessings, Kim and Lin too.”

  She snorted wildly in disbelief. She also felt a little hot at the idea his mates were telling her to seduce and fuck her way into their bed and family. Because… Sean already liked and admired her?

  Cassie raised an eyebrow at the snort.

  She blushed, “I just thought… I was more subtle than that. How long?”

  Cassie said, “The week you started to hunt him down every day to chat with him? So that’s about… three weeks, and a day or two? I’ve also caught you staring dreamily at his package in that tight bathing suit we make him wear.”

  Oh, right. She blushed harder.

  “Damn, I didn’t even see it in myself back then. I’m not sure I’m ready, but… thank you.”

  Mara smirked, “Been there. Cassie has a way of clarifying things at times, and cutting through all the bullshit, but her heart’s always in the right place so it’s hard to get mad at her or stay mad.”

  The garden bloomed under the light touch of her goddess’s magic. Just a little magic went a long way to brighten the drooping tomatoes, and encourage the carrots to grow beneath the soil, as well as the rest of the vegetables.

  Sy’lia was staying for a while, a year of hell, and she’d decided she’d take over caring for the garden. Not only for better vegetables, but as a way to give back a small bit. Also, she liked it.

  She’d been obsessing over Sean, and not because that was her job, usually her mission was the furthest thing from her mind while she was in his presence. Half the time she wanted to knock some sense into him, and half the time she wished he’d bend her over the closest piece of furniture and ravish and claim her.

  To pull her hair, pin her down, spank her tight little ass, and slide that fat… goddess, she pushed that out of her head as she let out a soft sigh.

  It was shocking, human and elf relations never worked, but she knew against all logic and sanity she was falling in love with him. It wasn’t just lust, she knew that from the pain in her heart, whenever she thought about him succumbing to temptation and turning evil. It was doomed to failure, she knew. The inequities between the races would cause problems, but he was also the first man she’d ever felt so strongly for.

  It also terrified he
r that he still drained life. Not because he might go bad and start a reign of terror, but because if he did do that, she would lose him. Personally. She just wasn’t sure how to talk sense into him. She was also pretty sure he didn’t want her at all, so it was probably all moot. He respected her as a priestess, and as a woman, even thought she was sexy, but she didn’t think he liked her very much. She couldn’t blame him, they argued almost every time that they spoke.

  The growing season even this far south would end soon. She wondered if she could talk Cassie into helping her build a greenhouse of sorts, so they could have fresh vegetables, and a few select fruits year-round.

  She picked a few of the ripe tomatoes, and then got up and headed for the house. Maybe she’d ask Cassie about it tomorrow, if they didn’t have time today…

  Chapter Four

  The bright light of the sun was partially occluded by the stiff October breeze farther north in Forest Glenn. It wasn’t that cold though, and they were all dressed in fall clothing. The community was on the smaller side, just over a thousand people, but the slightly smaller town center still had all the usual stores.

  A petite middle-aged woman with light blonde hair who was still rather attractive was waiting to meet them, a woman that he hadn’t seen in a long time.

  His brain scrambled for a name.

  Lin’s sweet voice tinged with amusement filled his head, “Grace. She’s in charge.”

  He smiled, “Grace, a pleasure to see you again. You know Cassie, Lin, and Kim of course,” and he went on to introduce the hot elf and two priestesses.

  Grace bowed, “It’s good to see you as well,” she nodded to Mara and Lori, “My people are interested in meeting you both, we also have a few outstanding medical issues. We’re ready for winter already this year. It’s a continual challenge this new world, but we’re confident we won’t lose anyone this cold season.”

  She obviously cared about her people, and she didn’t look at all nervous about their visit, which put him at his ease.

  “Why don’t we retire to your office, while our priestesses visit your people? Once it’s warmer out you can give us that tour, and perhaps share lunch at the tavern?”

  Grace smiled, “This way.”

  Kim shuffled off with the two priestesses to guard, while Lin accompanied him, Cassie, and Sy’lia to the government building. It was a small one-story building, and it was rather warm and cozy with the small cast iron burning stove in the corner. He supposed he was a bit spoiled with the magical heating and cooling in his house, for most it was just fire that gave them heat in the cold and there was no thermostat involved, in the summer it was windows.

  Grace was very open to the idea of elves visiting to teach them magical herb healthcare, and on the tour she was clearly proud of all her people had accomplished the last few years. There were large winter stores of dried vegetables and fruits, as well as dried meats which would be enhanced by their hunting, herds, and chickens. Winter preparations in a pre-industrial society was a serious thing, and so much more effort than shopping at the local grocery once a week.

  They also had alcohol production both for drinking and medicinal, and a carbolic acid to help sterilize wounds and smaller cuts from accidents, not to mention medical equipment and stitching.

  It was impressive to him though, how hardy and flourishing the people were as a result of the hardships just to survive. They also had art and literature, they’d managed to put together a decent library, and there was live music in the tavern which while not perfect was lively and good for the soul. The people were happier he thought too, humans were social animals, and the interdependence brought stronger connections that way naturally.

  He also thought he saw a change in the hot elf that day. Sy’lia didn’t look quite so arrogant after seeing all those preparations, as if seeing humanity through new eyes. He wasn’t sure, but he imagined the elves and dragons had it much easier. All beings of those races had nature magic, the dragons over the elements, and the elves over the biological. He imagined most of them lived as they did, with the warmth and surety that magic along with minimal preparations would see them through winter.

  Still, there was a satisfaction, joy and pride taken in a hard day’s work and the fruit of one’s physical labors that couldn’t be underestimated. The elves and dragons might’ve had it easier, but in his experience they were mostly arrogant assholes with a superiority complex. They also rarely looked happy, as the humans in that community did. He’d take the hard work over that any day of the week. He also supposed that was easy for him to say, given he had a sorceress and two priestesses, not to mention his own skills and magic, to aid their home life.

  Point was, he thought Sy’lia’s thoughts had shifted that day, and she was starting to see humans through new eyes. Not just as primitive and nonmagical warlike beings who killed each other far too often.

  Not to say the elves didn’t have some good points, since humanity kind of did fuck up the world after all.

  The ladies also had a good day talking the heathens out of the trees. They also kind of found a new priestess. The young lady most definitely had the inborn talent to wield a god or goddess’s power. She was also only six, so it’d be about eight to ten years or so before she’d be old enough to choose a god or goddess to serve. He imagined both Mara and Lori would be putting in their influence there, but in the end, it’d be the girl’s heart and predispositions on life that made the biggest difference.

  Regardless, in ten years Forest Glenn would have their own priestess, temple, and perhaps the nearest communities would gain her service as well.

  It was later that same evening around the dinner table when Katie was suddenly standing in the middle of their dining room. He knew the bearer of the mantle of balance and servant of Gaia really wasn’t there, but only because he couldn’t feel her life force. It was that mental spell she used, and her appearance and the sound of her voice was just an illusion in their minds to make it more natural.

  She was gorgeous, with a softly beautiful face that was ethereal since he’d returned her youth just two months ago. She had extremely light and silky brown hair that flowed over her shoulders and down her back, and warm hazel eyes similar to his own. She also had a body to die for, athletically hourglass at five foot six, with generous and rounded C cups and a tight little ass he couldn’t see in that moment.

  He also knew Katie, Lin, Kim, Mara, and Lori were included in the spell, since they were staring at the sorceress as well, the successor of the legendary Merlin. Only Sy’lia had been left out, and he guessed that’s because Katie hadn’t spent enough time with the hot annoying elf and didn’t have her magical address so to speak. Or maybe there was some other reason. They’d have to fill in the elf afterwards.

  He also needed to stop referring to her as the hot elf in his head. She just pissed him off, a lot. After doing it for weeks, he was fairly sure he was doing it in a doomed attempt to emotionally distance himself from her. Since when she pissed him off he either wanted to strangle her or fuck her into submission.

  “Katie, want to join us for dinner?”

  Her eyes widened, and she smiled, “No thanks, Sean. I appreciate the thought, and I would, but I ate already. I just wanted to let you all know there’s another balance issue. I only mention it because it’s in the same area, and I know Emily is in that area and that she has strong ties to all of you, so I considered you might want to help again?”

  Cassie asked, “What’s going on?”

  Katie grinned, “Got me? That’s how this works, remember. I just get a feeling, a direction, and a fuzzy distance. I just know I have to be in southeast Georgia in about a week to intercept the problem. Since we’ve all been through most of the state, there’s no rush to head out, I just wanted to ask if you wanted a head’s up and if you’d join me when the time comes. It’s a little strange to have two so close together, and in the same area, but it is what it is.”

  They all exchanged a glance, then Cassie sa
id, “Of course we’ll come. I’m sure Emily will be fine, but I’d feel better making sure of it.”

  Lori nodded in agreement, and then looked at Sean.

  Sean raised an eyebrow, “Don’t look at me, Cassie already said we’re going.”

  Lori giggled, but continued to search his face for a few moments. Perhaps a moment too long as he looked into her dark brown eyes.

  He turned away and asked, “So, you’ll pick us up?”

  Katie nodded, “That’s the plan. I’ll try to give you a little notice, but the feeling can shift quickly sometimes. I’m guessing five or six days, seven on the outside.”

  Lori said, “We’ll be ready, Emily knows?”

  Katie replied, “I’m calling her next. See you then, or you can contact me if you need me.”

  They all nodded, and she disappeared.

  Kim started to fill in Sy’lia, so he cut into his steak and let out a sigh of contentment as the tender meat practically melted on his tongue.

  His dinner was interrupted a second time by some of his zombies in one of the communities. They’d caught a killer and put him down at the scene of the crime. The man had killed his own brother over a woman in jealousy. The screaming had brought them to the scene quickly before the asshole could harm the young woman as well. Regardless, twenty of his zombies were now set for another year of life, of course at this point he almost had four centuries of life force within them all, so he wasn’t all that worried about it.

  It still disgusted him, though he should be used to that sort of thing by now. He’d been taking out the trash for over five years now. It was just… harder, when it wasn’t a raider but betrayal from within a community.

  He had two of the zombies escort the broken-up girl home, while one went to report to the leader of the community, and the rest returned to their posts to guard over the community. That kind of thing was senseless, especially when there were probably only about ten million people left in the entirety of the old United States, there could be even less than that he knew. He’d got a handle on the wide west coast in the first couple of years, and he only had about one point three million people under his care including the hundred thousand Chinese immigrants. He suspected a lot more had died in other places, a higher percentage.


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