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Chaos Magic: Life Sorcerer: Book Three - Return of Magic: Book Four

Page 13

by D. R. Rosier

  She stood up gracefully, and then stripped her shirt off. His cock woke up at that sight, and he was heartily glad he was lying on his stomach at that moment. She of course, had her bikini on underneath it, and the shorts and sandals quickly followed the shirt. He loved that yellow bikini, and the way her generous rounded B cups looked in it, so much of the soft dark-tanned creamy flesh on display.

  She laid down on the towel next to him with a cute grin that was somehow both shy and challenging at the same time. She also had that look in her eyes again, the one he’d dismissed as impossible or his imagination in the past. A look filled with warmth, desire, and almost smugness as she looked into his eyes.

  It wasn’t the first time they were laying out together in the sun, but it was the first time they were otherwise completely alone with each other while doing so, and that also ratcheted up the sexual tension he felt. That he still wasn’t entirely sure wasn’t just in his head.

  “So, the temple, and your new priest, Brian? How’s that going?”

  She smiled, “Good. I hope you don’t mind, but I really should be there when it opens, and consecrate the altar as high priestess of our goddess personally when we do so. It should be built in five or six weeks. He’s doing good, his wife is thrilled about it, and Chad’s working with him albeit at a slow pace, but perhaps that’s for the best. I’m eager to expand my goddess’s influence, too much so to enjoy the delay, but Chad wasn’t wrong about human nature either.”

  Her breasts were pushed together and up as she had laid on her stomach, with her arms bent and resting on her elbows as she looked over and down at his face. She was more than a little tempting, between the gorgeous dark brown eyes set in the most beautiful face he’d ever seen, her barely covered breasts, and of course out of the corner of his eye he could see her long lissomly curvy body, and her tight little pear shaped ass was slightly higher than the rest of her. The way she was holding herself up not only revealed her pushed together breasts, but also arched her back raising that sexy ass slightly. Her long legs were dark tanned and creamy, her whole body was flawless, and quite nubile at just eighteen.

  He was almost sure she was posing that way for him on purpose, but that was absurd, wasn’t it? It was far more likely that was just wishful thinking on his dick’s part. Still, so far he’d managed to keep his eyes on hers, while enjoying the rest of the view peripherally. He was also pretty sure he was going to hell, for the desires and fantasies that kept flashing through his mind. He was at least half hard from the view alone, and the sound of her voice, but beyond that she truly fascinated him. He admired her, respected her, liked her a lot, and she’d managed to gain his deep trust as well. She was a hell of a woman, on all levels.

  Sure, there were some rough spots, like her teasing him and running off without protection, but that just made things more interesting, and her more real to him. Her past made things complicated as well, but also made him more protective of her and more admiring of her obvious strength and grace in dealing with that past so well.

  No one was perfect for anyone, but her flaws were relatively minor at least to his way of thinking and merely enhanced his attraction.

  His zombies got his attention, they were closing with the squad of soldiers from Arizona. He reluctantly filled in Lori on what was going on, to explain his mental absence and avoid being rude as he closed his eyes and focused on his zombie’s senses. He’d have much rather continued their conversation, and his subtle ogling of the sensuous and beautiful perfection that was Lori’s stunning face and lissomly flexible body, but duty called.

  His zombies slowed down to a normal jog as soon as they were in visual range, to avoid giving away their unnatural speed and strength. The soldiers seemed to be on guard, because they slowed almost immediately, and a few of them casually put hands near their weapon hilts in case his zombies offered violence.

  The zombie said, “Welcome to West Coast territory. My name is Stuart, this is Neil. We would ask your intentions in coming here. The last time Arizona sent men into my lord’s territory things got rather unpleasant.”

  The second lieutenant puffed up on his horse, and he would’ve rolled his eyes if they were open.

  “I’m Lieutenant Caleb Johnson. The new government of Arizona sent us to express our regrets in the actions of our previous leader.”

  Huh, so they were worried he’d invade them? The one downside to doing it this way was he really couldn’t read their life force to verify anything they said.

  Caleb continued, “Our mission is simply to find out if a peace delegation from our government would be well-received, or if they would be unwelcome.”

  He nodded in thought. They wouldn’t send a wet behind the ears lieutenant and a squad of soldiers to negotiate a treaty. It was a simple test to make sure he wouldn’t have anyone too important to them killed until they were relatively sure of their reception. This group was the fatted calf offered up as a sacrifice. If they didn’t go back home unharmed, or even at all, they’d assume he was preparing for war, and they probably wouldn’t miss the guy all that much. Cold, but truth.

  He sent orders.

  Stuart smiled, “Well, I think I can help you there. Our lord would be pleased to arrange a treaty of some kind, and to speak to an ambassador or peace delegation from the great state of Arizona. The unpleasantness between our territories is in the past, and already settled, as he already punished and executed those responsible for the violation of our borders and attack on our people. Just send them on over, and we’ll get them escorted to our lord’s estate.”

  The lieutenant looked at Stuart doubtfully, “You can speak for your lord?”

  Stuart said, “No, I cannot, but my lord’s power is here, and he is listening to every word of this conversation. He also instructed me on what to say. He’s also the reason we found you so quickly, you were seen crossing the border, and we were directed this way. I have no way to prove this however, but I give you my word your mission here is complete, and successfully so. Unless you have further reasons for being here you haven’t shared?”

  The lieutenant grew red faced, “No, we have no hidden agenda. While you are well spoken, and I sense you’re telling the truth, I fear my leaders will find this far too convenient.”

  Stuart shrugged, “What do you suggest?”

  The peacock replied, “If I can report I’ve heard it from your lord’s mouth directly, it would go far in reassuring my leaders their negotiations will be given weight.”

  He sighed, and then sent more orders.

  Stuart said, “We can escort you to his estate, which is two days’ ride northwest from here. It’ll add four days to your trip, just to hear him say the same thing.”

  The lieutenant nodded, “That’s the mission, to get his agreement directly.”

  Stuart said, “Follow us then.”

  The two zombies started a slow jog northwest. He left them instructions to defend themselves if necessary and to stay alert for betrayal then pulled his mind back to the poolside. He thought the peacock’s point was a decent one, and he wasn’t sure if he’d have trusted a border guard’s word if he was in Caleb’s place. But… it was also what an assassination team would say, to get within striking range of him.

  Chapter Twelve

  He opened his eyes, and he could swear the gorgeous minx had moved a couple of inches closer to him. Her eyes were warm and twinkling, and her lovely smile was heart-stopping. She’d also put her hair up, revealing the soft silky curves of her neck. Her legs were slightly parted at that point too, and her succulent breasts were still gloriously pushed together and up for his salacious perusal.

  Lori asked, “Everything okay,” in a soft voice with sinfully silky tones.

  “Yes,” he filled her in, then said, “So we should be here when they arrive, as long as out east doesn’t take more than a day.”

  Lori nodded distractedly, and she rolled over onto her back while twisting her head, to keep her eyes on his. Her breasts were impre
ssively firm and supple, and quite proud even working against gravity. She’d also rolled slowly, starting with her feet and twisting her waist in very distracting ways.

  A man could only take so much temptation for goodness sake, and he was positive she’d done that on purpose. A woman didn’t move that seductively on accident, not when she knew his eyes were on her. It was a mixture of teasing coyness and blunt seduction, the light smile on her face that set her eyes twinkling was both bold and anxiety ridden at the same time.

  She said, “Well, if they mean any trouble, they won’t get near you. You can read them from inside the house, right?”

  He nodded, “That won’t be a problem, unless they have magic of some kind. In that case, Cassie will pick it up a mile out.”

  She rolled onto her side, which brought her even closer to him, like well within his personal space. The look in her eyes was one of warm desire, need, and nervous affection. In almost any other woman he’d have taken that as a clear green light, but his mind fought with his libido and his deep attraction. She really was stunning, and he was more than a little mesmerized by her beauty.

  She said his name softly, and just that, almost pleadingly in that ridiculously sexy voice of hers, “Sean,” and her dark brown eyes smoldered. Her exotically beautiful mixed Hispanic face with high and firm cheekbones and perfect dark tanned skin so close to him made the rest of the world fade away.

  He rolled himself, toward her going onto his side. They still weren’t touching, but her body was so close to his he imagined he could feel the heat of it against his skin, and their breath mixed as he stared into her eyes from just a few inches away. He reached up tentatively, and discovered the skin of her cheek was as soft and supply smooth as he’d imagined, and the heat in her eyes multiplied at his touch, and her lips slightly parted in invitation as her eyes darted down to his lips and then back up into his eyes.

  Her breath was as shallow and quick as his was in that moment, and he slowly ran his fingertips down her jaw, onto her neck, and around the back of her neck and into her soft and silky dark brown wavy hair.

  “You are so beautiful, Lori. I’m going to kiss you now, unless you tell me to stop, you can always tell me to stop.”

  She bit her lip, and she smiled as she touched his chest, and ran her hand along his defined muscles.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for days now. What are you waiting for?”

  He leaned forward, and brushed her soft and generous lips, just short of naturally pouty, and he let out a moan as she released a needy sigh that made his cock twitch. He’d never been harder in his life, as hard certainly, but never harder as the first time he kissed his Lori. Their weeks of dancing around each other and flirting had all been leading to that moment, as he gently guided her head toward his with his hand in her hair.

  The sweet taste of her passionate lips was only rivaled by her sexy feminine scent and the soft needy sounds that fell from her mouth. He twitched in his swimsuit, and knew he had to hear that sexy voice of hers in the throes of ecstasy, so effortlessly sexy, sultry, and smoky. His hand ran slowly down her back, as he pulled her even closer and slid to her until their bodies were flush. Her soft, warm, and supple skin and curves fit against his hard planes and muscled perfectly, and her kiss grew more heated as her hand caressed his chest firmly and her fingers dug into his skin as they ran up to his shoulder, and over to his neck.

  He was dizzy with lust, and had to take her, but he never wanted to stop kissing her. Her sweet sigh of encouragement as she parted her lips for him and passionately and slowly dueled their tongues drove him absolutely crazy.

  When they finally broke that first insanely passionate kiss, probably from the weeks of circling each other and flirting, they’d been banking a lot of passion. Well, he knew he had, but based on the undisguised fiery lust in her eyes, and her quickened breaths and heaving breasts he was guessing it was more than mutual.

  She smiled as she caressed his face, and she looked entirely as lost in his eyes as he was in hers.

  “You think I’m beautiful?”

  He snorted, half breaking the intimacy of the moment, but the lust still burned in both their eyes even as she let out a giggle of relief, and she made no move to back away from him.

  “You’re stunning, all of you, shallow and deep, one of the strongest and most beautiful women I’ve ever beheld.”

  She blushed, and bit her lip as she studied his eyes, probably trying to decide if that was a line or not. Goddess knows it was the plain truth, but he could admit to himself the compliment was a little over the top.

  He pulled her against him as he sat up, and she shrieked in surprise as he picked her up off the ground and headed for the door.

  He said firmly, “I’m going to take you to your room, and love you right now.”

  She looked at him with an almost smug smile, and then her face disappeared as she buried it into his neck. Her scent was overwhelming, and her soft skin and supple and subtle womanly curves felt amazing against his skin. Only their bathing suits separated total skin to skin, and they weren’t all that big.

  He moaned when she started to kiss his neck, and then nibbled on his ear and let out a breathy and sexy needy sigh that inflamed his libido. It took all of his willpower to take her all the way to her room, instead of just slamming her body into the closest wall and ravishing her. He wanted to claim her hard and fast, but he imagined the last thing she wanted was a whole lot of force.

  She as far too precious to him already, plus he also wasn’t a dick.

  He kicked her door closed as they entered the bedroom, and he carried her to the bed and set her down gently. It was almost torturous to pull his sensitive neck and ear away from her lips, as he once against claimed them with his, while running his hand over her tight abdomen, along the sweet valley of her waist and over her hip and onto her outer thighs.

  Her body was vibrating under his touch, and she was so responsive to his kiss and passionately intense. He abandoned the sweet taste of her mouth, tongue, and lips, to kiss a soft teasing trail down her the silky skin of her thin and long neck.

  “So beautiful,” he muttered almost absently, as he kissed down to her upper chest, and then started to tease her skin with his lips and light scrapes of his teeth right where the top of her breasts started. She arched her back and caressed both his shoulders and ran her fingers into his hair, as he reached under her and pulled her bikini string.

  She gasped softly, “Sean,” she begged softly as her back arched, and he caressed her side with a semi-firm stroke of his fingertips, as he kissed down onto her breasts. He gripped the fabric of her bikini with his teeth when her reached it, and he pulled it down to reveal her breast fully for the first time.

  Goddess, she was so sexy. Her breasts were a naturally dark tanned skin, a few shades lighter than the rest of her sun-darkened skin. Her nipples were an even darker brown and quite generous in size. They tightened under his hungry gaze, the cooler air of the room, and his hot breath as he teasingly kissed a circle around one and nibbled on the sensitive underside of Lori’s breasts.

  She gave a shocked gasp of pleasure, and arched her back almost wantonly, as her body trembled beneath his questing fingertips which were currently teasing and stroking her inner thighs lightly.

  “Sean, goddess, you’re driving me crazy.”

  He hummed softly into her breast, and said, “Me too. Goddess, your skin tastes good.”

  He was close to being overcome with lust. He was also a little shocked, her body’s reactions to his touch were too responsive. Almost like she was discovering her true pleasure spots and the way she liked to be touched while he was learning it. Every time he hit a new sweet spot her whole body jumped and trembled for him. He knew she’d had lots of sex, but apparently not in a way that would make her learn about what she liked. Which… he was very glad her tormentors were already dead. Roasted in dragon fire.

  She bit her lip and looked down at him, as she let out a mewl
ing and begging sound of pleasure mixed with a sharp neediness. She gasped again and tightened her fingers in his hair as he finally relented, and he took her sweet sensitive and very generous nipple into his mouth, which stood proudly and pertly her on her firm and supple B cups.

  She let out a little sigh after the gasp, and he enjoyed the way she was practically mauling the back of his head, as she arched her back and pushed her breast insistently into his mouth. He suckled softly, at first. Slowly sucking harder, pulling lightly with suction, and teasing her nipples with his teeth until he found the highest threshold that would give her the most pleasure.

  He made a mental note, as he lost himself in sucking her tits and stroking her inner thighs, that she liked it a little less firmly than Mara, but a lot more firmly than his sensitive twins. Nowhere even close to mauling them like Cassie. He didn’t really care about that, all he cared about was playing with them, and bringing her the most pleasure while doing so. Mauling, soft touch, it was all the same to him, what mattered was the sweet and sexy sounds falling from her lips, and her body squirming under his mouth and the firm touch of his fingers on her inner thighs.

  He switched breasts to give the other one some attention, as he teasingly and firmly caressed her inner thigh, but only lightly brushed her soft silken folds through the bikini fabric.

  Her whole body jumped violently at that sensation, and he moaned in approval into her breast, adding a little vibration to his teasing tongue, suction, and warm teasing lips.

  Her breath was really fast at that point, as she said haltingly, “Sean, oh goddess, that feels so good, so fucking good, Sean. I needed this… oh goddess, what are you doing… doing to me, Sean!”

  It was a small orgasm, as he once again lightly grazed her with his thumb through the fabric, while he caressed her inner thigh more firmly with his fingertips, and at the same time he bit down on her nipple a little more firmly, and then pulled on it.

  She was breathy, her whole body was arched as it trembled, and her sweet whimpers and sultry gasps of pleasure as her hands gripped his hair painfully made it worth it by a long way. She sighed softly as she came down, while he continued to suck and play on her breasts.


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