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The Hard Way (Box Set)

Page 19

by Stephanie Burke

  Delia was a wildfire, a force of nature, an explosion waiting to happen.

  Where Hatori projected calm and peace, Delia was an active volcano, a fire element wrapped up in a soft round package with her wild mane of hair so like the legends of her animal counterpart’s. It seemed to crackle with a life all its own.

  Delia’s personality was dominating, overbearing, and self-assured. Her confidence spoke to his wolf of safety and protection. Whatever Delia promised, she would see through or surely die in the trying.

  That fiery passion, he was damned sure, would translate over into her soft bed furs. She would be loud and abrasive and demanding. She would be the one to knock him on his ass and command his cock to rise for her pleasure. With this one, he was sure he would be the one flat on his back begging for completion. That thought appealed to the wolf on so many different levels it almost made his head spin.

  Again, his humanity argued that it was wrong to be led around by his cock for the satisfaction of some woman, but the thought of this woman licking her lips after sucking the very cream out of his body… well, the picture was hard to ignore.

  It would be so very hot inside her, so hot and tight, and her muscles would flutter as she took him for a ride he would never forget. Delia was feminine perfection, and even his traitorous mind could find no fault with that.

  So how in the hell was he to choose?

  He had to choose soon, because his blood was once again boiling, and a slow burn began at the base of his spine.

  He inhaled the combined scents of both alphas -- the cool of Hatori and the fire of Delia, of hot lust and blatant seduction, and found himself overwhelmed by what his senses were feeding to his brain.

  He couldn’t decide!

  How could he choose between them when each possessed a trait that sent his mind reeling and his body eager to be possessed, when each satisfied a hunger that was slowly turning him into a lust-crazed animal?

  They each had passed some intuitive test the wolf had devised, and now his wolf was dropping into a panic as no decision was made.

  The wolf was confused. It was horny. It was hungry! It wanted out! The human, on the other hand, needed someone to tell him what to do because at this point he could barley form coherent thoughts.

  Evan’s fear and obvious pain and panic showed clearly on his face as his head whipped from side to side. He tried to assess these two alphas, who were not fighting over him.

  Weren’t they supposed to fight, the stronger take the prize? But they both were… they were so perfect together, almost like one person. One person couldn’t fight with himself and exist, could he?

  Was that what he was doing, two sides warring within him and causing this confusion, this agony of want and need that had yet to be slaked?

  “I can’t!” he managed, collapsing onto the floor, hunched over onto himself. “I can’t!”

  It was beyond him to make decisions. The dominants were not fighting, they were leaving decisions up to him, and he was too submissive at this point to make any sense of it.

  His body shook, his eyes burned, and his cock wept as unfulfilled desire drove him to the ground.

  Whimpering howls, pained whines, and pathetic mewls all flowed from his throat. He began to rock back and forth, trying anything he could to relieve the pressure that kept building in his stomach, and then doubling over again as the tension became unbearable.

  It was too much. It was going to kill him. He would never survive this.

  He vaguely heard someone shout, “He’s going to blow!” and then his world exploded into a red orange haze.

  Chapter Seven

  Evan was about to scream, his frustration level was so high.

  All around him were the moans and groans of good sex. It smelled so earthy and raw. He could taste it on his lips. He could feel the hot, wet, lusty bodies of his alphas pressed to his front and back.

  Yet they made no move to take him.

  Desperation lent him a voice.

  “Please, please, please,” he begged, his body arched up, his head dropping to rest on his female’s back. “Please?”

  He nuzzled his face against her back, his long, wide tongue, a wolf’s tongue, lapping at the soft skin on her sides and back.

  There was so much of her to love… He shuddered at the thought.

  And there behind him was the masculine strength of his alpha male, the powerful dragon who held him immobile with mere words and a grip on his waist.

  He was in agony, and he knew his alphas loved it.

  Tears ran down his cheeks as he pressed kisses to his female and wiggled his ass against his male’s cock.

  “Time, little one,” his alpha finally murmured, nibbling at the back of his neck while one of his hands reached low to position Evan’s cock at his alpha female’s opening.

  Before he could respond, he felt the tearing burn as the head of his alpha male’s cock breached the ring of muscles that protected his anal entrance. His teeth clamped tightly and his breath hissed out of his mouth as he felt the first inch penetrate him. It felt like a baseball bat and it burned so good.

  Before the burn could turn into pain, he felt his alpha female’s pussy enveloping his straining prick, inch by inch, moving her pussy down at the same pace he was being filled by Hatori.


  He threw back his head and howled, so great was the feeling of his body finally getting what it craved. His ass was stretched and filled, his cock squeezed in a wet velvet vise… all his pent up emotions exploded from his body in that one loud howl.

  He could feel each scale and ridge of Hatori’s cock shifting against his sensitive walls, setting nerves on fire and running against his prostate. His alpha male knew just how to stroke him. He could feel Delia’s sweet heat enveloping his dick, the muscular walls tensing and tugging, almost sucking him deeper inside. The feel of the soft flesh of her ass pressing into his hips was a bonus -- more cushion for the pushin’ -- and he wanted nothing more than to slam deeper.

  But he knew he had to wait.

  He hissed at the continued burn of the anal penetration, whimpered at the heat of the pussy surrounding his cock, and knew this would be one of those “Good Lord, baby, you sure done treat me right” fucks that rocked his world. He quivered on the edge of release waiting for both sizzling penetrations to be complete. Then he would be allowed to fully unleash the animal that dwelled inside him. Only then would he be allowed to take what he needed from his alphas.

  His whole body quivered in anticipation.

  * * *

  Evan howled as the fragile bindings that held him fixed fast to his humanity, his human conditioning, exploded.

  Suddenly the wolf was in control, and it was hungry.

  Pain blended perfectly with the frustration and a powerful sense of freedom he’d never felt before. It was a heady cocktail of emotions for a man who had learned to keep himself in control at all times, but especially addicting for a new were.

  Evan threw his head back and howled again. Fur exploded from underneath the skin of his hands and arms.

  It burned, it stung, and it felt so damn irritating.

  He shuddered as his pelt, soft and gray, grew over his form, cloaking him in the scents of the forest, of decaying leaves and moist earth.

  His muscles bubbled under his new fur coat, sending shockwaves of pain so deep through him that his forehead rolled against the carpeted floor and his nails, now grown into claws, cut ribbons in the colorful weave.

  Both Delia and Hatori sat back and watched impassively as the wolf made its presence known.

  “Maybe he’s more beta than gamma,” Hatori offered, listening to the muffled squeaks and grunts from the transforming human.

  “Nah,” Delia snorted, fluffing her wings a bit. “He’s just too stubborn to know what’s good for him. I can almost hear his poor human brain trying to reason him out of wanting a good threesome. He’s probably freaked out because he wants you to fuck him while I take h
im on. Human limitations are so damn frustrating.”

  She rolled her eyes, clearly showing her opinion of humanity and its societal thinking before she again looked at the male writhing on the floor. Popcorn would make it more entertaining, but the smell of his endorphins, of his shifting blood and the submissive half warring with his dominate side made her pussy wet.

  Hatori looked over at Delia, then down to the attractive mess on the floor, and carefully shifted, adjusting his growing cock in his pants, placing the swollen meat in a more comfortable position.

  “I hope this doesn’t take long,” he mused. “Breaking in a virgin should be done correctly, and I don’t want him to suffer needlessly.”

  * * *

  Evan fought against the change and struggled to subsume the part of his personality that craved the animalistic rush that came from freeing his beast. By sheer strength of will, he managed to halt the change.

  The wolf thrashed against the chains of his restraints, but Evan grasped onto his humanity with desperation.

  A pair of nearly human silver gray eyes stared up at the two alphas beseechingly.

  “Please,” he struggled to say as his face began to elongate to accommodate the wolf’s massive teeth. “Please help.”

  Delia looked over at Hatori, who nodded and rose to his feet.

  “Here, cub,” he purred. “I’ll make it all better.”

  Chapter Eight

  And then he was filled to overflowing.

  Hatori hit his full depth, sending solid fire through Evan’s soul as his alpha’s balls slapped against his ass. Delia sank down to take his full length, the slightly coarse hairs of her pussy pressing against his balls, her juices leaking, coating them all in her slick essence.

  Evan was full, he was satisfied, the burn that tried to take over his body fading. He was complete, at last, complete. His alphas knew what he needed, and they never failed to deliver.

  “Whenever you are ready, little one,” his alpha male growled, nipping at the side of his neck. “Take what you need.”

  “Don’t hold back,” his female added. “It’s time to get your reward.”

  And any remaining control that Evan possessed broke.

  * * *

  Evan clawed at the surface of the bed, his eyes blindly following Hatori. He purred as the cool silk of the man’s hair flowed over his heated skin. He opened his mouth, but he was so locked into the torturous passions his body produced that words failed him. Thought failed him.

  All he knew was need and heat, and a soul-deep longing that begged succor.

  His nose burned as scalding tears rolled down his already fever hot skin. His mouth was dry from his panting, and his body arched up toward the male who now held the dominant position over him.

  “Soon, precious little cub,” Hatori breathed, his eyes glowing like black fire as he straddled Evan’s hips.

  Evan moaned at that small contact, the silk of his pants caressing his skin, and he writhed on the furs Hatori carefully lifted him onto.

  “Easy,” the dominant dragon purred. He gripped the edge of his tunic and slowly peeled the silk from his body.

  Evan whimpered louder as each inch of multicolored skin was revealed, bit his lip until the blood ran as the hot scent of leather and dominance filled his nose.

  “No, little one,” Hatori murmured. He tossed his tunic aside and leaned over his prone pup. “You may bite me, if you must. But only Delia and I will mark that precious skin of yours.”

  Hatori was all dominating male, a superior alpha, as any façade of gentleness was washed away in the wave of need that filled the were-dragon. His eyes flashed and cream-colored talons emerged from his fingertips where human nails once lay.

  Slowly, he ran the curved claw over Evan’s chest, inciting mewls of both pain and approval as he lightly abraded the skin, pressing just hard enough to draw sporadic, tiny beads of blood to the surface.

  “You are mine, pup,” he breathed, leaning forward to run his forked tongue over the laceration.

  “Gah!” The sound exploded from Evan. His body arched into the pained touch, begging for more. His head dropped to the side, exposing his vulnerable neck to his alpha, as his eyes locked onto those of the dragon.

  Hatori’s silky hair now caressed his fevered body. The alpha dragon purred and hissed his pleasure at the submissive action as his held his gamma’s eyes with his own.

  “Watch me, my little bitch,” he breathed. His tongue followed the path of the claw as it traced over a muscular biceps and around a pointed nipple. “Who is the only male who will possess this body?”

  Evan trembled in answer, his mind shrilling for him to deny the charge, but the greater force of instinct and animalistic nature forced the answer from his body.

  “You!” he gasped, though to his mind it sounded like he had shouted the declaration from on high. “Only you… Alpha!”

  “Very good.”

  His reward was Hatori’s teeth clamoring over his right nipple, biting hard enough to part the skin, hard enough to create a permanent scar.

  “Alpha!” Evan shrieked at the pain, but instinct refused his body the option of moving, of squirming, of pulling away.

  Smiling, Hatori withdrew his teeth, his long forked tongue lazily lapping at the tendrils of blood that welled up from the wound, devouring the taste of his submissive, and imprinting the flavor of his pet deep within his mind.

  “Yes, pup,” he said, his tongue licking his lips to remove any traces of Evan’s lifeblood that remained.

  Already, the healing factor in his saliva was healing the ragged teeth marks, so Hatori, still holding Evan’s gaze, allowed his tongue to dip lower.

  “Yesss…” he hissed, his words becoming snake-like and drawn out. “Watch me claim what isss my right.”

  Lower, his forked tongue, that wicked muscle, traveled, tasting the sweat and fear that coated his pet.

  Evan shuddered at the sensations that flooded his body. The fur that had erupted over his body retreated as he pleaded for help from his alphas, but it had left his skin ultra sensitive to touch. Hatori’s light caresses seemed amplified. Evan struggled to breath under the onslaught of pleasure his alpha male unleashed upon his body with just that slight touch.

  Unable to look away, Evan watched his master claim his body, that devilish tongue stealing away his sanity.

  Lower Hatori licked, over the cobblestone abs. He grinned as he realized his gamma had a body that would be the envy of any he chose to expose it to. It spoke of discipline and a desire to strive to achieve the best. And touching it was a sensual delight.

  His hair trailed along as his head dropped lower, adding a tickling sensation to Evan’s saliva dampened skin that made his whole body tremble.

  “Soon,” he soothed as Evan’s fingers tightened in the furs. “Sssoon, little one.”

  Then Evan’s cock, dripping with pre-cum, bumped Hatori in the chin.

  “Good boy,” Hatori praised. “Good and hard for your massster.” His hands gently encircled Evan’s thick shaft, tightening along the base, his thumb gently caressing the large vein that ran beneath. “You will not come,” he murmured, “until you are given permissssion.”

  Then, still holding Evan’s gray eyes, Hatori rose over the hard cock and allowed his tongue to flick at the head.

  “Please!” the words exploded from Evan’s throat, sounding rough and painfully aroused. “Please, please, please…”

  But Hatori smirked and tightened his grip on Evan’s throbbing prick, holding his orgasm at bay.

  “Control, pet,” he breathed. His other hand reached lower to gently cup Evan’s balls. “Ssso cool to the touch,” he hissed, watching tears flow freely from Evan’s eyes. “Ssso very delicate. Sssince you are mine, pup, I may think about getting you a ssspecial collar and leasssh, just for my pleasssure.”

  Evan arched up as Hatori gently tugged at his sac, rolling the balls, heavy with seed, in his hand.

  “He isss almost ready,” Hator
i murmured, and Delia grunted in acknowledgement.

  Evan jumped and shivered, suddenly remembering that a female, and his alpha female at that, was observing his taking. A bright blush suffused his cheeks and made him want to look down in shame. He stared at his alpha male instead, at those glowing eyes, and whimpered softly.

  “None of that, pup,” Hatori admonished softly. “This body belongs to her as well as to me.”

  One of his hands released his cock as the other lifted his scrotum to expose his puckered entrance, just barely exposed between the plump cheeks of his ass.

  “Ssspread them.” Hatori’s words were a command. He moved off Evan enough for the gamma to comply.

  Evan’s legs sprang open, despite his embarrassment and misgivings about having another male top him. This was no ordinary male. This was his Alpha male, and in all things, this particular male had to be obeyed. His eyes filled with panic though, as his instincts forced his body to obey.

  “Ssshhh,” Hatori soothed. “Thiss iss only for me, little one. No one elssse will ever experience the fruitsss of your body like thissss.” Hatori’s finger trailed over the damp, wrinkled rosebud. It pulsed under his touch, making Evan’s head arch backwards. “No matter who you will leave here and fuck, no matter who lusssssts after thisss, my perfect playground, you will never ssspread your legssss for anyone other than me.”

  In a strange way, this command actually reassured Evan, and his tension eased, something both alphas noted.

  This command appealed to his baser male instincts, to the human voice of his past that refused to let any male top him. In his mind, this proved to Evan that he still had some control over his life; this command took away the fear of ever exposing his vulnerability, this level of control, to anyone else. This part of him was for his alpha male and his alpha male alone.

  Delia held up something for Hatori, a small pot of something. The dragon eagerly dipped in his fingers, the same fingers that had been caressing Evan’s opening.


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