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Worth the Risk: (A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance)

Page 30

by Weston Parker

  "I see," she said, her smile frozen, and he realized what the problem was. It was another rich guy move, and he'd fallen right into the very trap he'd tried so hard to avoid. "What else did Tony help you with?" She seemed to think for a moment, and then a shadow passed over her face. "Of course, the playlist."

  Brice flinched and instantly regretted the telling motion. "Only partially. I gave him the list of songs; he just uploaded them for me."

  Her raised eyebrow told him what she thought of that answer.

  "Look," he said as he passed her a plate and began to fill his own without thought. "I trust Tony to do his job well. That's how I've almost doubled my family's fortune -- I employ good people, people I trust to do their jobs well. As long as I show my face often enough so that they don't get complacent, the money almost makes itself."

  He'd noticed his blood pressure increasing during his little speech and tried to push down the irritation he was feeling at constantly having to justify himself. "I don't see why it's wrong to have help when you're trying to impress someone."

  Janna glanced up from her plate, a considering look in her eyes. "Some might call it an unfair advantage. And maybe what impresses that someone is the effort a person puts in. In this case, it looks like Tony put in all the effort."

  Brice sighed. This wasn't going at all like he'd planned. "Maybe next time I'll bring Tony along so he can reap the benefit."

  Janna smirked. "All I'm saying is, it's pretty easy to plan a great date when you've got someone else doing all the hard work."

  Brice shook his head. "Is that really what you think?"


  "Willing to put a little wager on that?"

  Her perfectly-arched eyebrow came up in question. "What do you have in mind?"

  Brice smiled. He'd hooked her. He bit into a large strawberry and had to lick his lips when the juice squirted out. Her eyes changed color as she watched his tongue slide over his mouth and he hid a grin. Things were definitely turning around.

  "You think you can plan a better date than I can, with my professional and personal resources."

  Janna nodded, catching his drift. "I do. I know I can."

  Time to close in for the kill. "Then I accept."

  "What?" she asked, confused. "What do you accept?"

  "We each plan a date with the help of Tony and"

  "Your money?" she asked, her tone hard to read.

  "Yes. The best date wins."

  Janna went quiet, focusing on her salad. At last, she spoke. "How do we evaluate the dates objectively? Who's going to declare a winner?"

  Shit, he hadn't thought this through completely. "I'll just have to trust you," he said, going with his instincts. "You can choose the winner afterward." He knew he'd said the right thing when he saw her soft smile.

  "But...what does the winner get?"

  "Ah, now that's where things get interesting. What do you want?"

  Brice saw Janna squirming, and it gave him a surprising thrill. He wanted her to squirm in passion, but he'd take it where he could get it.

  After a moment she answered him. "I want something you rich guys put a premium on. I want your time."

  He could see the wheels turning in her head. "Explain."

  "Two hours of your time to use as I see fit." She must have seen the wolfish expression that immediately and uncontrollably crossed his face. "Not for that!" she yelled, a pretty blush staining her pale cheeks. "Two hours donated to a charity of my choice!"

  "Deal," he said without hesitation.

  "But what do you want?" she asked, suddenly realizing that she didn't know his side of the negotiation.

  "The same thing. Two hours of your time, to do with as I choose."

  Was that fear or excitement that crept into her eyes? "To donate to a charity of your choosing?" she asked, her voice almost cajoling.

  "Not a chance."

  "That's not very philanthropic of you," she said, unable to hold back laughter. "Good thing I don't intend to lose."

  "We'll see," he said, standing up and taking out the blanket roll from his pack. He moved around to her side of the table and took her hand, leading her away from the picnic and the shade of the big maple. "Let's take advantage of this sunshine." He laid out the blanket in a patch of dry grass and slid down onto it, patting a spot beside him.

  "Just what did you have in mind, Mr. Masterson?" Her shadow covered his face, and when he looked up at her, he couldn't make out her features.

  Chapter Five

  "A short rest before we head back down the trail, pardner. Doesn't the sun feel good?" His voice was husky, irresistible. Janna didn't want to resist. She slid down beside him, tucking her legs up under her and facing him. Brice reclined, crossing his arms under his head and squinting up into the light.

  "It's much more comfortable if you lie down," he said with his sexy half-smile. "In fact, I might just take a nap." With that he closed his eyes, seeming to ignore her.

  Janna turned back to the view, admiring the play of colors before her. "Itching for your paints?" His voice was a rumble in his chest, and she laughed.

  "How do you know me so well already?" she asked begrudgingly. "The view is beautiful."

  "I know," he said, his eyes still closed. "I remember the day I found it. I was hiking at random through the woods. I've been visiting these woods since I was a child, but I didn't stumble on this particular viewpoint until about five years ago. That first day I sat up here for several hours just looking, until it was almost too dark to see getting back down. The next day I bought that table, dissembled of course, and brought it up here. I must have visited this place every week, sometimes several days a week, for about a year. I still come up here from time to time to clear my head."

  "So what did you need to clear out of your head five years ago?" She instantly regretted the intrusive question. Why couldn't she learn to think before she spoke?

  His eyes opened, and his green gaze caught hers and held it. "You're very astute, you know that?" he said. "A broken heart, of course. What else?" He closed his eyes again, and Janna wasn't sure what to say.

  Finally, she settled on, "I'm sorry."

  "So I am. Sorry I ever met Evetta."

  "Evetta?" she asked, her tone disinterested, but her brain on high alert.

  "My ex-fiancée. She did a number on my heart. I told you I haven't been in a serious relationship in a long time. She was the last serious relationship."

  "I see." She was saddened at the hurt tone of his voice. She lay down beside him, sliding her arms under her head. The sun hit her, warming her body, but it was the heat radiating off the large man beside her that really made her hot.

  She wanted to snuggle into him, to bury her head in his neck and kiss it until he forgot all about Evetta. She wanted it so badly. But Janna knew better. That way led to heartache, just like the convincing display Brice was currently providing.

  She closed her eyes, breathing deeply, enjoying the scent of the forest and the gentle song of the breeze. Although Brice mixed up all of her emotions, she could still relax around him. It was unnerving, and yet not. Comfortable to bask in his radiating heat, her thoughts drifted until they melded into her dreams.

  Janna was on fire, heat all around her. She dreamt she was buried in a pile of furs, so soft and warm. But there was something scratchy brushing against her face. It couldn't be one of the furs. It was distracting enough to wake her from her light doze, and she realized it was the light stubble on Brice's face that was rubbing gently against her cheek. She wasn't buried in furs but in his strong arms. She looked up and caught the liquid heat of his green eyes. Suddenly his lips descended to claim hers, and her body cried out in joy.

  His tongue slipped into her mouth to chase her own, and she moaned. He caught at her bottom lip, nibbling gently, then released it to suck her tongue into his own mouth. God, this man could kiss! She felt herself getting wet at the sensation of his lips against hers. Brice's hands moved, the arm
wrapped around her back dropping lower to pull her against him and glide over her bottom while the one around her waist came up to cup a breast.

  He felt incredible, and she wanted to peel off his shirt and touch his naked chest. Instead, she slid a hand under his sweater and the shirt beneath it to run her hands across his abs. His hand followed her lead, snaking under her clothes to rub her nipples through her bra. When he pinched one, she cried out and moved her hand under the waistband of his jeans. He froze, waiting to see what she would do.

  The rush of power Janna felt was heady, and once again she let it go to her head. Boldly she sank past his coarse hair to fondle his him, and he was already hard and pressing against his zipper.

  Brice moaned, capturing her lips again while he caressed her breasts. "Unzip me," he whispered into her mouth before sliding his tongue against hers again. She obeyed without hesitation, unzipping his jeans and freeing his cock from its prison. Just a glance had her salivating, and without prompting she tore her lips away from his and bent over his body, taking his hardness into her mouth.

  Brice growled, sitting up partially. "You're not having all the fun this time," he said, remembering their first encounter. He grabbed her, ripped her jeans and panties off before pulling her to him. He moved into place and suddenly his tongue was running along her weeping slit. She almost collapsed in pleasure.

  They worked in tandem, licking and sucking, enjoying the feel, the taste of each other. Janna worshipped his big cock, running her tongue around the super-sensitive head, then taking him as far into her mouth as she could. He bumped against the back of her throat and hearing him moan. She kept up the motion, up and down, back and forth, grabbing his legs to pull him deeper.

  "Ah, God!" he muttered. "I'm going to come soon." He furiously fucked his tongue into her molten core. "But you're coming with me!" With those words, he pulled her swollen clit into his mouth while sliding two thick fingers into her. Just as she felt his climax hit him, and he exploded into her mouth, she moaned out her own release around his spasming dick.

  Brice pulled her off him and turned her around so that he once again held her in his arms. They were both breathing heavily, and Janna felt almost faint after the power of her orgasm.

  Whoops, she thought. Where did that come from? It didn't matter, as long as she didn't become addicted to this feeling. But how could she not? She wasn't made of stone, dammit, even if his cock felt like it was! Time to pull back, rein in her desire.

  Janna moved out of his arms and stood, straightening her panties and jeans. "Well, Mr. Bond, you've managed to seduce the information out of me. The device that will destroy the world is being kept in a hat box under your grandmother's bed."

  Brice laughed, raising his hips to pull his pants back up and zip them. He then stood and stared down at her. Slowly he raised a hand to cup her cheek, and instantly the will to tease him left her.

  "I'll always have this memory when I come here now. Thank you."

  She looked away, unable to face the emotion in his eyes. "Don't mention it," she mumbled, then made her way to the small table, cleaning up the picnic refuse. Brice rolled up the blanket and joined her, and they worked without talking. Janna wished she wasn't always so awkward afterward. But she just didn't know what to say, how to act. She'd wanted to cuddle deeper into his arms and never come up for air. But if she did that, if she gave in, she would be lost. It could only end badly.

  Brice shouldered the pack and pulled her hand into his again, at least until he had to release her when they reached the path that led back into the darkening woods. The sun had retreated behind the clouds once again as if it had never peeked out at all. Janna thought it was a fitting analogy for their own encounter. Little was said as they made their way back down the trail, although the going was much easier than their trek up.

  Soon they were ensconced in his Aston Martin and heading away from the forests and back toward campus. Brice once again turned on his playlist, but interestingly enough, the songs were mellow and almost maudlin, the music seeming to fit the mood perfectly. She wondered if he was some kind of psychic. How could he anticipate her moods like this, when they'd only known each other for what felt like hours?

  The sun was sinking when they reached her driveway. She wondered briefly whether he would invite her to dinner, and wasn't sure what she would say if he did. Brice was fantastic in small doses, but if she spent too much time with him, it would make separating so much harder.

  Luckily she didn't have to face that problem when he turned off the car, got out and walked around to her side, opening her door and closing it behind her after she'd climbed out of the car.

  Janna started walking toward the house, and he followed, pulling her arm into his to loop it through his elbow. Together they walked up the steps until they reached the door, and Brice turned her toward him.

  "I'll have my assistant Tony contact you soon to set up arrangements for our wager. Just so you know, I won't go easy on you because you're a girl."

  "You're gonna cry like a girl when I beat you."

  It was his turn to laugh. His eyes lit up, and she couldn't resist the crazy urge that swept over her. Rising on her tippy toes, she leaned in and kissed him, softly but passionately. He was almost too surprised to react, and soon the kiss was over. "Thanks for a wonderful day," she said over her shoulder as she fled through the front door and out of his overpowering aura of sexiness.

  A round of applause was awaiting her in the co-op common room, and Janna silently prayed that Brice didn't hear it. Not bothering to bow this time, she sprinted up the stairs and into the relative safety of her room. She flung herself onto the bed, pausing only to tug off her boots.

  Janna hugged her pillow and kicked her feet back and forth in excitement. The thought of beating the pants off Brice at their wager was making her giggle like a high schooler. She quieted slowly, already reminiscing about their day together.

  She had probably been too hard on him about the picnic and playlist. So what if he had a little help? It just showed he wanted the date to be special. Didn't it? Unless this was the standard picnic-and-playlist-with-a-view extravaganza that all the girls got. Something to prove that the millionaire playboy was anything but. Janna shook her head. She didn't think he'd be that devious. Besides, Brice had said he'd come there after a heartbreak. It didn't seem like the place he'd bring women to seduce them.

  But then maybe that was the point.

  Janna groaned, unable to stop the contradictory thoughts from chasing each other across her mind. Better to remember the feel of his lips against her own, his hands against her body. But that way lay danger as well. Fuck! Couldn't she think about him at all without losing her mind and melting her panties? Probably not, her inner voice whined, and this time she agreed.

  * * *

  Although she hadn't given him her email address, a message from Brice Masterson showed up in her inbox two days after their date.

  My Dearest Puchie:

  I am writing to inform you of the rules of our little wager, as well as to set up an appropriate time for you and Tony to meet.

  The Rules:

  1) Both parties shall have no less than 6 hours of Tony's undivided attention and time. During these hours, parties may discuss date ideas, as well as schedule events, make reservations, and complete any other tasks necessary for said date.

  2) The parties shall pay all expenses for said date to the American Express Black card belonging to Mr. Masterson, already in Tony's possession. The expenses should not exceed a reasonable level, to be formally agreed upon by both parties (suggested limit $10,000).

  3) The date shall be limited to a period of 2 hours minimum and 8 hours maximum.

  4) The finalized plans, schedules, and reservations for both dates must be completed by March 21st of this year, with Tony overseeing and confirming their completion.

  5) The dates must take place on consecutive days/nights so that neither will have additional time for changes. The order
is up for negotiation, but it is suggested that Miss Puchina go first, and Mr. Masterson follows on the following day/night.

  6) Any changes to the above rules must be approved by both parties.

  Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any questions or concerns with the above rules, and to confirm in writing that you agree to the terms. Enclosed you will find Tony's availability as well. Please contact him directly at the number provided. I look forward to hearing from you.


  Brice T. Masterson

  Janna wanted to laugh at the formality of the letter's tone. She decided to respond in kind, but with a "Janna" twist.

  Brice Baby,

  I'm picking up with what you are laying down, big boy, and all systems are go. That spending limit is really over the moon, ain't it? And if you're too scared to go first, I'll take pity on you and let you bring up the rear. Won't matter though, because it's gonna be a blowout.

  So long sucker,

  Janna "Only my enemies call me 'Puchie'" Puchina.

  She laughed as she pushed Send. She liked that she could be her crazy self with Brice. Since she had no pretensions of this "relationship" lasting, she could just say whatever came into her scrambled mind. And he seemed to enjoy the game just as much as she did.

  My Virtuous Miss Puchina,

  Was your letter intentionally so full of innuendo, or does your virtue truly blind you to such indelicacies? You know I'd be only too happy to "bring up the rear," especially if we are talking about your delectable rear. And I thought our last date was a "blowout." Looking to relive the event? I'm always game.

  Until our next "blowout,"


  Janna realized she was playing with fire and shut down her email. She picked up an article she was reading and used it to fan the heat away from her cheeks. How did he do this to her? She was sitting in her office, the one she shared with three other students, and she was getting turned on by his digital dirty talk.


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