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Worth the Risk: (A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance)

Page 56

by Weston Parker

A small, sinister voice inside of her continued. And if he is interested in something more pleasurable than business, it's nothing serious to him. So don't let it get serious for you. Remember what happened last time...

  Even with all the doubts, she paid special attention to her makeup and hair this time around. He was going to be on her turf, and she could dress as she pleased. That meant a pair of jeans, the one pair that seemed to actually complement her curves, and a plum top with a black lace inset across the shoulders and neckline. It was dressed up. For her.

  Her dark hair she pulled back into a ponytail, making sure to lock down any flyaway strands. The ponytail reached the small of her back and she thought once again about cutting it, about going for some modern, flirty style. But she'd done that before, and she always ended up growing it back.

  Lila liked her hair long, liked the memory of her mother brushing it out at night then braiding it up. She felt her eyes fill and blinked rapidly, cursing softly as she applied her mascara. Tonight was about her future, not her past, and she had to think happy thoughts.

  Her mind ran straight to the handsome man who would be at her place in less than an hour. Tall, dark, and dangerous. She'd had to stay up late into the night planning the menu for the test run after their meeting. Mostly because her thoughts kept straying to his sexy smile and the way he filled out his impeccable suit.

  He was direct, focused, his gray eyes penetrating, seeming to see into the deepest parts of herself. Thank God they only seemed to. Still, his demeanor could have been off-putting, with his bluntness and penchant for interrupting. But his brusqueness had been attractive when it could have repulsed her. Drake was a professional who'd built an empire. She aspired to do the same, and had to respect him. But it was more than that. His magnetism, as much as his accomplishments, put him out of the league of the normal mortal. He was the master of his domain, conqueror and king. And it was fricking hot.

  Over and over she'd had to force her mind away from sex and back to food. Her two obsessions. Only one of them was secret.

  Without warning her mind hurtled back to a decade earlier, to another time she'd been obsessed with a handsome man. It hadn't ended well. Happy thoughts, dammit!

  Lila hustled back downstairs and into the kitchen. She'd been incredibly lucky in leasing this place as it was zoned for commercial use but was still a residence as well. The house wasn't large; the two small bedrooms upstairs were cramped, the bathroom between them ancient. But the kitchen downstairs was expansive, an earlier owner having knocked down the wall between it and the formal dining room, creating a large enough space for her business.

  For a moment, anxiety flooded her. The house might be perfect for her, but it wasn't exactly a Michelin three-star gourmet kitchen. Would Mr. Drake think her too small-time to cater his party with its sure to be upscale crowd?

  Taking a deep breath, Lila pushed away her doubts and concentrated on the here and now. Her kitchen. Her business. Her dream.

  Right now that dream was filling with enticing smells. Lila put on her apron and returned to work. It was crunch time, which meant time to concentrate on perfect finishing and not on a pair of mischievous gray eyes.

  * * *

  Alex skipped up the steps and onto the wide front porch of the little house that belonged to Lila Johnstone. He rang the bell, humming to himself while he waited for her to answer.

  He'd been distracted the last couple days with thoughts of the pleasingly plump caterer. After she'd left his office, he'd been useless at work, even cancelling a late afternoon meeting and heading home early. Once at home he'd spent the next hour swimming laps in his pool, hoping the water would cool the heat inside him. But although his muscles were fatigued from the swim, his mind was not, and all evening he'd imagined what Lila had been hiding under that ugly gray suit.

  The next day had been even worse, since he was haunted by a dream in which he actually discovered what was hidden, and his erection upon waking had been near painful. Alex had thrown himself into his work, burying his head in projects and not coming up for air until his assistant had reminded him of his dinner date with Alana.

  The date would have been comical if it hadn't put his fiancée in such a foul mood. He'd been distracted, and Alana had noticed. She'd wanted him to make it up to her by taking her out dancing at a new club an associate of his had recently opened downtown. Alex had begged off and Alana had nearly thrown a fit until he promised that his driver would chauffer her to the club, that he'd call his associate and get her a VIP room, and that he'd put the entire evening on his account.

  That had cheered her up, and she'd been busy calling her girlfriends to let them know the new plan when he planted a chaste good-night kiss on her cool cheek. Then he'd taken a cab home, spent another hour swimming laps, and another night fantasizing about the caterer's curves.

  And now he was on her porch, whistling while he waited for the woman he couldn't get out of his mind to open her door.

  Then she did, and the wind went out of him.

  No ugly polyester suit tonight. She was dressed casually in a flirty top and a pair of jeans that seemed molded to her. He felt the crotch of his own slacks tighten and prayed it wasn't noticeable.

  He followed her in, mesmerized by the swing of her long ponytail. Then his gaze went lower and his mouth dried up. Alex almost resorted to pinching himself to fight off his erection. Her ass, round and delectable, looked tastier than any of the delicious dishes he could smell.

  "Right this way," she said, turning around. His eyes shot back to her face and he hoped he wasn't caught peeping. Or drooling.

  Alex headed into the kitchen and took a seat at the square table in the right corner of the wide space. Lila made for the large island in the center, picking up a wine glass and a bottle and bringing them to the table.

  "I wasn't sure which wine you might want to serve at your event, so I settled for an inexpensive white that should complement just about anything for the test run. I'm sure you'll require a more refined selection for the actual party, but for the purposes of this--"

  He held out his hand for the glass. "It's fine."

  She went silent, uncorking the bottle and then filling his glass. When she turned away, Alex started berating himself. He was going about this all wrong, treating her to his brisk workday persona. He had to stop cutting her off. This wasn't....

  Business. That's what he'd been about to think. But it was business. And he was a man planning his engagement party while lusting over the caterer. He expected his conscience to make an appearance, but his inner Jiminy Cricket was eerily silent.

  He took a sip of the wine. "It's quite good."

  Lila returned, setting a plate before him. On the plate were several eggs, their edges purple. "Beet pickled deviled eggs," she said, standing beside him as he picked one up and tasted it.

  "Good," he murmured around the mouthful. It was. Certainly better than Aunt Kathy's deviled eggs. His aunt had trotted out those mayo-heavy monstrosities at every family gathering. These were light, flavorful. Mouth-watering, like the woman standing next to him.

  He wanted to gorge himself on them, but she was already bringing over another dish. This one was filled with seared scallops in a butter sauce, garnished with greens. The scallop melted in his mouth and he moaned. Another appetizer, this one tuna, followed, then another, each as delectable as the last.

  And beside him, he could see the blush creeping up Lila's shapely arm, a little red showing through the black lace that covered her neckline. For a moment Alex wondered what had her so flushed, before the taste of her crudités drove all other thoughts from his mind.

  * * *

  " good."

  Watching Alex Drake eat her food was difficult. Hearing him eat it was arousing. Lila was surprised at her body's reaction to the scene before her. Sex-On-A-Stick tasted each treat, a sigh or moan given in reaction to her creations. His little sounds of satisfaction were heating her blood, driving her senses to overload.
  Lila kept her libido on lock-down, had been doing so for so long that it was actually somewhat shocking to admit to herself how hot Drake was making her. For years she hadn't bothered to notice guys, hadn't taken pains with her appearance so that they might notice her. Hadn't let herself yearn for someone to hold her at night. But now, somehow without effort, this man managed to slip behind her carefully-constructed walls and touch the inner core of her, a part of her that she kept hidden, kept private.

  It was almost embarrassing, how a shiver went up her spine when he moaned around a mouthful of mousse. Thankfully it was the last dish he had to taste, and Lila could finally move away from him, over to the sink, where she ran her wrists under cold water to bring down her temperature.

  "That was fucking fantastic," Alex said, then coughed. "Pardon my French."

  "If you were speaking French, I believe it would have been 'fantastique.'"

  She instantly regretted her off-the-cuff response. What if he thought she was a smart-aleck? She was, but she should know how to hide that part of herself from her potential client. Shouldn't she?

  His low chuckle at her words was a lot closer than expected. Lila spun around, realizing that Drake was now right in front of her at the sink.

  "You're right, cupcake," he said, his arms coming up to rest on the counter on either side of her body. "It was fucking fantastique."

  "Glad you liked it." God, was that husky voice hers? Get it together, Johnstone!

  "Mmm..." Drake said, his head bending down until it was barely an inch from her neck. "It's not the only thing I like."

  Lila froze, her mind flashing back to that summer a decade ago, and to her first experience with a boy. In this same position. Instead of drenching her with shame as the memory and what had followed usually did, this time it only caused her arousal to flare higher.

  Then Drake's lips touched her throat and she caught fire.

  It was like giving in to an addiction after years of sobriety. It was even better than she always felt when she went off another diet, when she gave up and decided to eat what she wanted, as much as she wanted. A feast after famine. And she'd been hungry for a decade.

  Seemingly of their own volition her arms snaked up around his shoulders, her hands cupping his head, fingers running through his thick, dark hair. Lila leaned back against the sink, giving him access to her sensitive ear. He blew a breath against it, then captured her earlobe in his mouth and sucked.

  Lila moaned and watched as he stepped back to look down into her face. She wondered what he'd see there. She must look a fright, sweating from the kitchen heat, makeup probably smeared, a red blush on her chubby cheeks. But instead of running away Drake gave her a smile that lit up her insides. Then his lips descended on hers and Lila melted.

  Chapter Five

  Goddamn, but the woman was hot. He'd known when he was tasting her food that there was no way he'd be able to choose between the decadent dishes. All of them were beyond delicious. Then he'd started wondering if her lips were just as delectable, and he'd been moving toward her before he could stop himself.

  She'd made that little quip about French and when she'd turned around and found him close to her, Alex had seen that light in her eyes, that look on her face, part fear, but part attraction, and he'd been unable to stop himself. He had to taste her. Had to feel her skin under his mouth.

  And she'd responded, hell yes she'd responded. Her little moans drove him crazy, had his dick harder than steel, and so he'd kissed her. And fuck if her lips didn't taste better than all the gourmet treats he'd just inhaled. She was in a class all by herself.

  Thoughts of his fiancée, of the fact that he was hiring this woman to cater his engagement party, those thoughts were gone, driven from his head by the touch of her soft lips against his. His hands smoothed down her arms to land on her hips where he pulled her tight against him. Alex knew she had to feel his hardness, his desire for her.

  Indeed, she did, and she proceeded to grind herself against him, to press her softness against the hard lump in his pants. He nibbled on her plump bottom lip and she moaned, giving his tongue entry into her depths. It teased her own, which seemed almost shy, untrained. Her innocent response drove his arousal to new heights and he plundered her mouth, not letting her go until he had to gasp for air.

  "I want you," he groaned into her ear, his hands grabbing the bottom of her top and pulling it off. She stood before him, her eyes wide, her arms crossed loosely over her chest, her dark pink bra keeping her breasts from his sight. Her large, undoubtedly gorgeous breasts.

  Alex took her wrists in his hands and gently pulled her arms away from her body, wrapping her hands around his neck again. His arms circled around her hips, sliding to briefly clasp her round bottom before snaking upward to undo her bra. Lila let out a low cry as the bra came unfastened and he pulled it away.

  "My God," he muttered, his eyes glued to the luscious milk-white globes crowned with small pink nipples. "You're beautiful."

  His hands came up to cup those perfect breasts, to mold and squeeze them, then to circle the sensitive nipples with his skilled fingers. Underneath him she shivered, making little noises that had his cock twitching. Then he buried his head in her tits, his mouth and tongue making wet tracks across her faultless flesh.

  They were natural. Real. Nothing like the unnaturally perky fake tits he'd experienced more times than he liked to remember. He preferred the real thing, and he'd never seen a more ideal example in the flesh. Alex could have spent all night worshipping those perfect breasts if his dick wasn't straining against his pants hard enough to cause pain.

  "Need you," he crooned as one hand dropped away from her breast and slid lower, to the waistband of her jeans. He'd unsnapped them and moved to the zipper when her hand over his stopped him.

  "No," she murmured, moving his hand away.

  "What is it?" he asked, bringing his gaze back to her flushed face.

  He was surprised at the expression he found there. Was that fear, still? He wouldn't hurt her. But it wasn't just fright that froze her, there was something else there? Embarrassment? How was that possible? If anything, he should be embarrassed, the way he was blatantly seducing her in her own kitchen.

  "Are you okay?" he asked, rubbing a thumb over her cheek and then down to trace her bottom lip.

  Her bright hazel eyes closed and she let out a heavy breath. "Yes," she sighed.

  "Just...let me..."

  Then she was sinking down, away from him, until she was on her knees on the floor.

  "What are you--?"

  His words disappeared when he felt her hand at his zipper. Lila freed his cock, pulling it out of his pants. It was harder than it had ever been, throbbing in her loose grip.

  She looked up at him then, the look in her eyes innocence mixed with hunger.

  "Lila," he began, but she touched her tongue to the tip of his dick and suddenly he could speak only in moans.

  She started slowly, her tongue circling the head of his cock, teasing it, hesitant. Her ministrations caused a drop of pre-cum to ooze from his slit, and she immediately licked it up, her tongue swiping over the same sensitive spot again and again as if begging for more.

  Alex couldn't take any more of her teasing so he placed a hand on the back of her head and pushed gently, urging her to take more of him into her hot mouth. And then she did, and he nearly passed out from pleasure.

  "Oh fuck." That amazing mouth was pulling him in deeper, short movements back and forth, back and forth, until finally the head of his cock was hitting the back of her throat. It was...he had no words.

  Alana would never show this much appreciation for his cock. The few times she'd gone down on him had ended almost before they'd started, with Alana giving him a few short licks, then turning over and spreading her legs for intercourse. She didn't complain about his liking for head, she just didn't choose to humor him very often, or for very long.

  But this, this was in another league. Lila wasn't doin
g this because she wanted to make him happy, or at least, that wasn't the only reason. A woman didn't suck a dick with such relish if she wasn't getting anything out of it. No, Lila was thoroughly enjoying what she was doing. And that made Alex like it all the more.

  "Christ, cupcake," he muttered, his cock all the way in, his balls pressing against her chin. He gave her a polite warning. "I'm gonna come. You may want to back off."

  Instead his words seemed to drive her into even more of a frenzy. Her motions picked up speed, and that glorious suction increased until he thought he would die. But instead of death overtaking him, a monstrous climax did, one that had black spots appearing before his eyes. His dick continued to twitch in her warm mouth, filling it with spurt after spurt of his seed.

  At last he came back down to earth and gently pulled his cock from her, tucking it back into his pants. Then he took her hands and helped her to her feet.

  She stood before him, her eyes glazed in passion, and a little drop of his essence escaping the side of her mouth. Without thinking he swiped a finger over it, catching that drop, then held it up to her lips. Lila opened her mouth and he slid the finger inside where she sucked it lightly.

  That motion had his cock twitching again in his slacks. He pulled her into an embrace. "Lila, that was...wonderful." He could feel her naked breasts against his chest, the fabric of his shirt rubbing against her swollen nipples. "Now let me return the favor."

  He started to sink to his knees, excited to reveal her pussy to his hungry eyes and even hungrier mouth.

  "No." She stopped him, a hand on his arm to pull him back up. "Thank you, but that's not necessary."

  "Not necessary?" He realized he was growling, and he took a breath. "It may not be necessary, but I damn sure want to."

  "But I don't." Lila turned away, her hands busying themselves with replacing her bra and pulling her top back on. Then she began rinsing dishes and straightening the counter space.


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