Sworn Enemies, Secret Lovers

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Sworn Enemies, Secret Lovers Page 42

by Eve Rabi

  “I’m so glad my family gets a chance to know you. To know you is to love you. Would have been great if they could be at our wedding.” The latter slipped out before I could stop it.

  “They can be.”

  I look at him with raised eyebrows.

  “I know you’re married, but I still want to marry you. We can get a priest to marry us and your family can be present. Say, in … the next two weeks? How ‘bout it?”


  “We have to get married anyway, honey. We’ve got a child and we’re having another …” He smooths down my hair. “Time I made a decent woman of you.”

  “Decent? Me? Why would you want to do that?”

  “Shall I get down on one knee?”

  I laugh. “I think so, or else I ain’t gonna marry your Iraqi ass.”

  He drops to one knee and I giggle.

  “Megan, will you marry me and make me miserable for the rest of my life? Give me twenty-five to life, cos baby, I can’t live without you.”

  I sink down on my knees to hold him. “I’ve heard those words before, but yes, let’s get married! Please! Let’s get married. I love you so much.”


  Jake’s beach house is every bit as beautiful as he described it – it’s almost on the beach and very private. It has a small but established garden dotted with peach roses and white frangipanis.

  “So private and perfect for a wedding,” I say.

  “Yup! Perfect for a hanging,” Reed says.

  An elbow to his ribs and he shuts up.

  Although I fantasized about busting into Abeeda’s and wrestling her for my wedding dress, I sourly decided against it. Instead, I siphon money out from Damien’s and my bank account and purchase a way-too-expensive ivory gown, with a beaded bodice and pleated skirt – space for my growing tummy. By the time Damien discovers the purchase, I will be far away, and he can do little about it.

  In keeping with the surrounding blooms, I choose frangipanis for my hair and a matching bouquet. Even though I’m ten weeks pregnant, I don’t feel fat or out of shape. In fact, I’ve never felt more beautiful.

  Reed looks tall and handsome in an ivory tunic top and cuffed white pants. Wyatt, as usual, looks adorable in an outfit matching Reed’s, and since he’s our ring-bearer, he takes his task very seriously, refusing to part with the ring when it’s time, to everyone’s amusement. During the ceremony, he clings to my legs, then Reed’s.

  When it comes to our vows, the Iraqi priest conducting our wedding, who speaks very little English, motions Reed to recite his vows.

  Reed, appearing shy and awkward, surprises me by reading his from a page he fishes out from his pocket.

  “Megan, you are …” He looks up at me and smiles. “You are everything to me, Megan. From the day I first met you, I was drawn to you. With you by my side, with your laughter in my ears, I can face anything or anyone, climb mountains, swim oceans, anything! You are all that I want. You’re all that I need. I never want you to be far from me. I want you always by my side, when I go to sleep and when I awake.” He pauses and looks at me. “I know that our love has been put through the test, but it has stood firm throughout, and this tells me it’s the real thing.”

  He suddenly tosses aside the paper, takes my hand, and puts it on his heart. “Today, when I see you, this beautiful woman in front of me, I can’t believe you want to marry me. So, I promise to be your rock, your mainstay, your sole provider, to keep you safe and protect you from harm – to protect you with my life. Forever and ever, I will be your husband.”

  Reed is generally shy and says little in front of people, so I’m taken aback at this display of emotion. I think everybody is, and Kleenex has to be passed around.

  Next, the priest motions me to recite my vows.

  I lift my tear-filled eyes to Reed’s. “R … Reed, You came to my window on a dark and gloomy night and took care of me. You’ve continued since. Knowing that you are around makes me feel safe. I never knew I was capable of loving the way I love you. You traveled halfway across the world to be with me. If you hadn’t, look at what we’d be missing. Thank you for my m … miracle babies. You are my light. When you step away, my world grows dim.

  “There may come a time when …when there is a significant knock at our door, and you and I …

  m …may then have to part ways. Then I will say g … goodbye to you and thank you for so many wonderful years of happiness and for the beautiful memories I will be taking with me.”

  I take a lengthy pause to compose myself and wipe away tears.

  Reed reaches over and hugs me and everyone starts crying. Except the priest. He frantically motions us apart.

  I dry my tears and continue.

  “In the meantime, I promise to love and cherish you, for as long as we’re together. There will be good times, but there will be no hard times. Just challenging times, and my love for you will stay strong. You will always be my best friend, my protector, my Angel–man. I vow to love, cherish, and respect you, forever. I love you now, I love you tomorrow, I will love you until I die. That’s my promise. That’s my pledge. You’re my air.”

  I nod at the priest.

  He mutters a few more words and we’re married.

  Reed and I hug for a very long time.

  Then we party with my family and Jake. We drink and dance until almost sunrise. Well, I don’t drink and I barely dance, but I still have fun.

  Just before he leaves, my dad hands me an envelope. “Something from your mother and me, Maya, and your brothers.”

  I open it and gasp at the check for fifty thousand dollars. “Daddy, what’s this?”

  I know that none of them can afford to part with this kind of cash. Knowing that they still did makes me love them so much more.

  “A little something for the three of you to start your new life.” He puts out his hand to Reed. “I am trusting you with my daughter’s safety. It is all that I ask of you.”

  Reed pumps his hand. “John, I will protect her with my life. You can count on that, John. Thank you for everything and thanks for your support. It means a lot to me.”

  My father looks at me, then at Reed. “I’m ashamed of myself,” he says. “Ashamed that I rejected you when I didn’t know you. I’m glad you had the courage to confront me. I know that couldn’t have been easy, but you did it anyway. I respect you for that.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Reed says.

  I’m smiling inside and outside.

  Bliss surrounds me.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  I examine the fake IDs. “Mary Smith?”

  Reed nods.

  “John Smith?”

  He smiles and shrugs.

  I look at Wyatt. “Hey, Adam Smith!”

  He doesn’t respond.

  “The Smith family!” I chuckle. “How … mundane.”

  “That’s the point.”

  “How did you get them?”

  He shrugs. “Got contacts in low places.”


  “Friday,” he says. “You all packed?”

  “All ready for packing. Gosh, Reed, I’m so excited! Can’t wait.”


  “He’s told me he’s leaving for Washington on Friday morning, so Friday night’s all clear.”

  “Oh, that’s good, then.” He takes me through the plans. “Down to Los Angeles, Dubai, Kuwait. Got it?”

  “Got it, oh dear husband of mine!” I lean over for a kiss. “Just imagine, no more bed-hopping, no more fights out of frustration, and I’ll be a full-time mommy.”

  “And you will have your husband with you all the time. Don’t ever think of leaving me.”

  I laugh. “Me leave you? You kidding? You are stuck with me for life, mister.

  As I leave, Reed yanks me back.


  He takes both my hands in his. “My pretty Megan. You’re worth everything I’ve been through. When I look back, I wouldn’t change a thing because … it
led me to you. You just make life bearable.”

  I cock my head to one side and smile at him. “Are we renewing our vows already? Cos if we are, then I want to tell you that …” I reach up to touch his handsome face, “you are my world and I will love you forever.”

  We kiss, then just hold each other tightly for a few moments.

  Finally, he tilts my chin to meet his eyes. “See you at six?”

  “Six it is!” I say and grab his ass.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Friday takes ages to arrive, but it’s finally here. I pack without interruption and wait for 6 PM.

  At 5:45 PM, I hear Reed’s car. Taking a deep breath, I pick up my two suitcases, turn around, and slam into Damien.


  “Going somewhere, goosey?”

  I drop my bags, my heart lurching. “Wh …what are you doing here? I’m … Maya’s – I’m going to Maya’s. Why … I thought you …weren’t you in Washington?”

  “Maya’s?” He jerks back and blinks rapidly. “That’s strange, goosey – I heard you were eloping.”

  “Wha …?” My heart falls.

  Slowly, he skirts me. “Running off to some Middle Eastern country to be with your terrorist boyfriend forever.”

  My mouth turns dry. “Wha …?” How could he possibly know?

  “I’m one step ahead of you, my loving wife,” he says in an icy voice. “I know your plans. All of them.”

  I stand, dumbstruck. Just how much does he know?

  He smiles as if he is reading my mind. “I know everything. The fake IDs, Kuwait …”

  “How?” I ask before I can stop myself.

  “Some guy called me. Told me my whore of a wife will be AWOL soon.”

  Guy? The only guy that knows of our plans other than my family is Jake.

  “So, I decided to do some detective work of my own. This house, as well as your sand monkey’s apartment … recorded surveillance for the last few days.”

  I gasp.

  “Lights! Camera! Action! I have everything here, you little slut! And now, you’ve been caught in the act. Such amateurs.”

  My mind races like a bullet. If Damien knew about my leaving, then he’s got to know that Reed is coming over. Mahmood! His face flashes in front of my eyes.

  “Damien, let me go, please!” I beg. “I’ve given you everything. I’ve sacrificed everything you wanted me to. Please!”

  He shakes his head. “Today, I’m going to waste him. I’m done with this shit. I should have taken him out a long time ago. I warned you, Megan.” The look on his face, the coldness of his tone, tells me he will carry out what he promises.

  In utter desperation, I drop to my knees and clasp my hands together in supplication. “Please, I beg of you, don’t hurt him. It’s all my fault. I’ll leave him. I’ll send him away. Please!”

  He continues shaking his head.

  “I won’t see them anymore. Please, please! I beg you, please, Damien. I kneel before …”

  I don’t even see his fist until it slams into my temple, sending me crashing against the bottom of a walnut and glass cabinet filled with crystal and china. The cupboard falls on top of me, and just about all of its contents breaks. Covered in broken glass, I lie on the floor, barely conscious.

  Damien smiles with satisfaction at his handiwork. Calmly, he removes a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and tries to slap them around my wrist.

  “No!” Even though I’m dazed, I realize what this means – there’s no way I’m going to let him handcuff me to some part of the house and keep me prisoner here. Using all my strength, I lash out with my foot, aiming for his groin.

  I miss and he laughs.

  Desperate to get away, I kick wildly and somehow catch him on the knee he had surgery on some time ago.

  He cries out in pain and almost topples backward. Seizing the opportunity, I manage to get up and run up the stairs, out of his reach. It’s the only place I can go to right now. Maybe I can lock myself in my bedroom and call Reed, I think as I struggle to try to keep upright.

  But he’s too fast – he flings himself forward and grabs my legs.

  I fall on my face, my chin slamming against the stairs. Ignoring the excruciating pains all over my face, I whirl around and kick at him, but it’s no use – he pins me down.

  “You really think you can …”

  Clawing wildly at him, I manage to catch him in the eye. He yells and jerks back. I somehow manage to break free. But he’s already on his feet and chasing me. Without looking back, I race to the main bedroom. I try to force the door shut on him, but he uses his shoulder to slam open the door, knocking me onto the floor again.

  Dazed and bloodied, I lie groaning on the floor.

  With a deranged look on his face, he limps over and boots me in the ribs and stomach.

  My baby! To protect my baby, I bring up my knees and curl into a ball. He kicks me again, and everything goes black.

  When I come to, I’m sitting on the floor, handcuffed to the cast iron bedrail. There’s duct tape on my mouth, my hands are bloodied, and I have to fight to focus.

  Nearby, Damien sits on a chair and pants. One of his eyes is red from the scratching I gave him. Next to him is a small suitcase I’ve never seen before. Help … please!

  “You think you and this bastard can outsmart me, you slut? Me? Does he know who he’s dealing with? Huh?”

  I say nothing.

  “You were going to run off – what about my money, bitch? You wanted to make a fool of me, huh? Me?”

  I shake my head from side to side. I was desperate, Damien. I didn’t know what to …

  He leaps at me, grabs a fistful of my hair and yells, “Whore!”

  I scream in agony as he twists my hair to see my eyes.

  After a few moments, he shoves my head away and limps back to his chair.

  I feel wet between my thighs and when I look down, I see a river of blood between my legs. I’m miscarrying! Horror seeps through me.

  Suddenly, I hear a car. My eyes grow large. Reed and Wyatt! Oh, God! Oh, God! I hear the car door open and close. Just one door. I wait to hear the sound of a second door, which will tell me that Reed’s bringing Wyatt to me, but I don’t hear it. Maybe he’s left Wyatt in the car?

  With a smile I can only describe as evil, Damien walks to the window and peeps outside. He nods, turns around, and puts his finger to his lips.

  Suddenly, the reason for the small suitcase dawns on me – it’s for Wyatt! I start to jerk around to try to free myself.

  “Megan?” I hear Reed calling.

  I freeze, then try to thrash around to make a noise, warn Reed, but I can barely move.

  With a crazed look in his eye, Damien stands behind the bedroom door, a 9mm in his hand.

  “Megan!” Reed’s voice gets closer.

  When Reed enters the room, the first thing he sees is me on the floor, handcuffed and bloodied. “Megan!” he cries and runs toward me.

  The sound of a gun being cocked behind him makes him freeze.

  “Don’t move, motherfucker!”

  Reed knows the drill: hands up and freeze. He does both.

  “On your knees, asshole!”

  Reed turns slowly to look at Damien. His eyes shift between me and the gun, and I can see him gauging and calculating.

  “On your fucking knees!” Damien hisses.

  I nod at him, silently urging him to comply. I’m feeling really faint right now, but I force myself to keep it together.

  Reed looks at me again and reluctantly complies. “She’s hurt,” he says. “She needs a hospital.”

  “Nah! No hospital. It’s time to end this whole thing, once and for all. You’re a glitch. So, before you bring me any more problems, I have to take care of you.” He looks at me. “I have your unfinished manuscript. I’ll fill in the blanks to make for a riveting reading. Damien-style. I’m sure Scott and I can come up with a fairly sensational ending. How does anyone verify your story, huh? And what cou
ld be better than me writing the ending? Me witnessing it, of course!” His voice is childish and excited.

  “Plus, I took out a ten-million-dollar policy on your pathetic life. And mine, to avoid suspicion. Did it a few weeks ago.” He jerks back. “Hey, don’t look so surprised, goosey – you signed the policy. I stuck it amid all the other papers you had to sign, and like a moron, you signed it.” He grins. “The money I’m gonna make ... whew!”

  “Listen, just … just leave Megan out of this,” Reed says. “This is between you and me. Take me on, man to man.”

  Damien appears taken aback by Reed’s bravado. “Ah, Megan, your yellow knight in shining armor.” His laugh is mocking.

  “Come on, just you and me,” Reed goads. “I challenge you!”

  Stop, Reed! Don’t say that!

  “You want to take me on?” Damien’s voice is mortified. “Do you know who I am?”

  “Show me,” Reed says. “Man to man! Let Megan go because clearly, she needs medical attention. She’s having a miscarriage.”

  “Shut the fuck up! It’s not mine. She’s going nowhere!”

  Their voices are distant now, and the room swims around me, but I fight to keep my eyes open.

  “Why not? Surely you’re bored with beating just women. Show Megan how much of a man you really are. Take on another man in front of her and win!”

  Damien smiles. “There’s nothing I’d like better, but now’s not the time,” he says, raising his gun again.

  “You’re just chicken shit!” Reed sneers. “You’re scared I’ll kick the shit out of you in front of a woman. Your woman.”

  Damien’s face contorts with fury.

  “Listen,” Reed says, his voice full of desperation, “Megan is worth more to you alive than dead. You may never get the insurance money, then what? Think about it. Think about all the money she can bring you. You’d be dumb to kill her. Kill me and all your problems are over.”

  To my astonishment, Damien appears to be considering it. Suddenly, he smiles and reaches for his cell phone.

  Reed turns to me. “I love you, baby,” he says.

  Darkness descends over me. I hear a scuffle, and as I lose consciousness, a gunshot rings out.


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