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Eyes of Darkness: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.7

Page 2

by B. A. Stretke


  Lando felt a presence beyond the seven men standing there. The one called Thomas was close by. The scent was distinctive cat but there was something else there, something that stirred like a subtle current below the surface. It wasn’t powerful enough to identify but it gave him pause for thought.

  "I'd like to see you son, sir," Lando asked the one called Edward. They stood there in silence for a few seconds. The cats were obviously concerned about something. The clean-up crew was finishing the window replacement, and everything would be completed shortly. Lando felt the need to see this other cat and he never questioned his instincts.

  "I'll go see if he is well enough to come downstairs." Edward avoided eye contact and headed for the staircase by the far wall. Lando watched him wondering what could be the matter that would cause the tension he was feeling.

  There were cats here and nothing else, so why the duplicity? After a few moments of awkwardness, Edward returned with a young man who looked incapable of attacking anything larger than a blade of grass let alone two deadly jackals.

  Lando wasn’t sure what he was seeing but something didn’t add up. “Thomas.” He stated, and the young man nodded. He was a petite young man, around five feet as a guess, he had a delicate build with a heart-shaped face and dimples. He was adorably cute and as far from a vicious killer as Lando could imagine.

  Thomas stepped behind his father when Lando made to approach him. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He clarified. “Did you see what happened here?” Lando asked and again the man simply shook his head. He didn’t scent fear from Thomas. He wasn’t afraid of him, but he did feel a raging discomfort at being the center of attention. He tried to catch Thomas’s gaze, but he purposely avoided eye contact.

  Lando observed him for a few moments and then turned away and walked back over to Ian and then left through the back door. Ian stayed and informed the group that an informal investigation would be held and they would be required to repeat their statements.

  Ian met Lando outside and they walked together back across the street to where Ian had originally been observing the pub. They were hidden and could keep an eye on the pub for the night.

  Nothing that happened made any sense and that in itself spelled trouble. The cats were hiding something or someone because no way in hell did those guys even all seven of them together kill two jackals so clean and so quick.

  “Well, do you think it was the little guy from upstairs?” Ian chuckled.

  “Someone killed those beasts and they did it in the few seconds before we arrived. That requires considerable strength and speed. Whatever it was, took them out the moment they set foot in the kitchen. Let that roll around in your head for a second." Lando said.

  "There isn't anyone in that building that appeared capable of doing the damage that I saw," Ian answered. "So where does that leave us?"

  "Standing here for the rest of the night," Lando called in the report to Josef and then made himself comfortable. He doubted the cats would make any moves tonight so soon on the heels of killing two jackals and garnering the attention of the Hadden Coven.

  He noticed all the lights on upstairs over the pub went out one at a time until only one remained and for some reason, he knew that room belonged to Thomas even before he saw him in the window.

  The little man left an impression and Lando couldn’t shake the feeling that there was so much more than what he allowed people to see. He couldn’t see him killing two jackals, the thought was ludicrous, but he had information about who did, Lando was certain.


  Thomas stared out his window knowing that they could easily see him but felt the compelling need to keep track of the dark vampire. His father told him the man’s name was Lando and his friend’s name was Ian and they were soldiers of the Hadden Coven.

  He watched through the darkness that shrouded them where they stood beneath the Pharmacy awning. Nothing in the night was ever hidden from him. Lando looked pensive as he studied the window in which Thomas stood. He never shifted his gaze even though he could likely see that Thomas was watching him.

  His face was all hard angles and deep lines. His hair was dark like Thomas’s but whereas Thomas had long waves that met his shoulders, Lando had a professional cut that was tight, and his hair was straight. His eyes were a dark blue like a merciless storm on the ocean. Those eyes could cut, and they could destroy. He was a powerful soldier with powerful connections. Thomas was not afraid, but he was totally captivated.

  Thomas felt the heat of that gaze deep in his soul and it stirred the longing for a connection, a real understanding that can occur between people that are meant for each other. He knew why he was drawn to the Lando and why he was compelled to watch him. He’d observed such connections between others and knew the importance and the significance to the feeling, but this was not his destiny.

  The vampire was the epitome of perfection. He was beauty and lethality combined. Thomas’s cat was reaching out to the essence that was Lando, but Thomas pulled him back and tucked him behind the curtain so to speak. Now was not the time to fail, this was a new town and a fresh start and there was no place for a vampire mate in Thomas’s life.

  Thomas scented the vampire as his mate the moment they came within a few feet of one another. The scent suppression provided by the medallion around his neck kept the vampire from recognizing him. But Thomas knew the vampire was his mate immediately and his cat had charged forward demanding to know the wonderful smelling stranger.

  He’d kept his head down and maintained a distance throughout the interview which allowed him to hold his cat back from claiming the gorgeous vampire. A claiming there on the kitchen floor probably wouldn’t have gone down really well. Thomas smiled at the thought.

  The smile dropped from his lips as the reality of his life and the bargains that were made hit him. He had a mate, he met him this evening, but he could never claim him and that thought tore at his soul. He turned away from the window when his father entered the room.

  “I don’t think they believed us, but they didn’t make an issue of it.” Edward walked over to Thomas and cupped his face in his hands. “Don’t worry, you’re safe. No one would ever think that it was you who saved us.”

  "That's not what worries me." He said and glanced towards the window. "The one called Lando is my mate." He stated and saw the shock and sadness on his father's face. "I'd hoped that I'd never meet my mate knowing that I can never claim them. Today is truly one of the saddest days of my life."

  Thomas let his grief show, his father was the only one to ever witnessed his weaknesses. He cared for the Stewarts but in front of them, he had to remain strong and invincible. If they saw a weakness, his position with the cats could be compromised and he may be told to leave.

  He was discovering now that controlling his emotions was getting harder by the minute. Finding his mate was going to tax his ability of self-control like nothing ever had before. His cat was fighting him and his cat was strong.

  “I’m sorry Thomas. Like you, I to had hoped you’d never meet your true mate. This vampire is strong, resourceful and very smart. If he discovers who you are to him, he will not let you go.” Edward added to Thomas’s already mountain of concerns.

  Thomas pulled the amulet out from under his shirt and held it between his fingers. “This guarantees that he will never find out.” The statement was firm and yet heartbreaking at the same time. Thomas wanted Lando to fight for him to make things right and to stand by his side but that couldn’t be. Bargains were struck and promises made that could not be undone except by death.

  Edward put out his arms and Thomas walked into his father’s embrace. Neither spoke because there was nothing to say and no options to investigate. Thomas’s life belonged to another.


  Lando stripped and stretched out on his bed once he got back to the club. He and Ian had been relieved at sunrise by Kristof and Andre who took over the surveillance. Following his intervi
ew with the shifters, Josef decided that the inconsistencies were a real concern. Considering that the jackals were butchered by these peaceful creatures, Josef was not taking any chances on the safety of his men and ordered them to work in pairs when dealing with the cats.

  Lando struggled to quiet his mind and find some rest but it was impossible. The cat shifter named Thomas was ruling his thoughts. He was small, shy and so desperately wanted to disappear when being scrutinized. The little shifter sparked an interest that Lando failed to comprehend. He smelled like cat and looked the stature of a cat shifter but there was something else that eluded him.

  On a normal day Lando would have put it down to simple lust and the temptation to make the shy little kitty purr, but this was different. Thomas called to him physically, he felt the sensations of desire the moment the man entered the room and the feeling never left. Even now he could feel his body react to the memory of the little cat. What the hell did it mean?

  He rolled to his side trying to find comfort, but he could not release the thoughts of Thomas. "He knows something," Lando mumbled and rubbed his eyes. It was a long time before he finally fell asleep and even then, his dreams were consumed by the dark-haired kitten. That final thought stayed with him when he woke.


  Lando and Ian returned that evening to their post watching the Black Rose. Kristof and Andre reported nothing out of the ordinary. Following the incident with the jackals, the pub returned to normal as if the attack had never happened.

  “I just can’t figure out how the cats took out the jackals. I’ve run every possibility through my mind and apart from some intervention, I have no idea how they did it.” Ian commented as they were observed the pub. “It’s kind of unnerving.”

  “What did you think of Thomas? What’s your read on him?” Lando had some theories that he wanted to bounce off Ian.

  “He looks nothing like the others, especially his own father. He and Edward are as different as night and day.” Ian verbalized Lando’s own thoughts. “Edward is obviously a reddish blond calico which is typical of the Scotch/Irish whereas Thomas is dark as the night. Perhaps he takes after his mother, but I didn’t detect a trace of similarities between them.”

  “Neither did I and I was looking closely.” Lando agreed. “I just don’t know what that means to our investigation.” He knew Thomas was hiding and protecting something or someone. That consideration caused a spike of jealousy to course through him and it stunned him for a moment.

  “You okay?” Ian asked as he stared at Lando. “You looked really pissed for a moment.” Ian smiled.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. The case is just puzzling me.” He wasn’t prepared to share his unexpected jealously over the possibility that Thomas had a significant other. The reaction was confusing but clear. He wanted the little man and the attraction was growing.

  He shook his head to clear the unwanted surge of lust and continued with the surveillance. “What did you find out about Thomas during your original background search. Was there anything similar to this that happened in Minneapolis or Cleveland?”

  “A rash of fires was the only oddity to happen in Minneapolis. They had considerable property damage both inside their establishment and in their adjoining property. I thought it looked like vandals trying to get them to leave and so did Josef, so I didn’t go too deep. Maybe I need to give the information another examination.”

  “Whatever you have, send me a copy.” Lando made the request and Ian nodded.

  "Their time in Cleveland was quiet. No issues or concerns from any of the local paranormal factions." Ian continued. "That was all I could find on them. Prior to Minneapolis, this group did not exist it would seem they came together in Minneapolis."

  “Let’s go inside.” Lando pushed away from the wall he was leaning on and started towards the street. Ian caught up quick enough but did not seem keen on going inside.

  “They’re going to know we’re watching them if we go in for a beer.” He voiced his concern.

  “They are well aware of our presence, Ian. Thomas watched me from his bedroom window for well over an hour last night. They know so we might as well get up close and personal and see how they react to our presence.” They entered through the front door and took a table off to the side.


  Thomas watched Lando and his friend from the kitchen window and fought with his cat who was demanding they get closer to the handsome vampire. It was hard to deny his cat since he too wanted to get closer. The pull was strong, he felt the need in every part of his mind and body.

  “Do you need to go to your room?” Thomas was pulled out of his needy thoughts by the sound of his father’s voice. Thomas turned from the small window and shook his head, not wanting to leave just yet. The feeling of having his mate close was both terrible and wonderful. He wanted Lando so damned bad and yet he wished he’d go away.

  "I can handle it." He tried to assure him with a fake smile and went back to washing the glassware. He didn't have to look at Lando to know that he was still there and the feeling of him so close pressed in upon him. His father let out a long heartfelt sigh and placed his hand on Thomas's shoulder.

  "Again son, I am so sorry, and I can't think of any way to fix this." Edward was sounding guilty and Thomas didn't want that. His father did the only thing that he could at the time and under the circumstances to save them all.

  “You talk as if I’d have a chance with that drop-dead gorgeous vampire out there. Look at him Dad, he is so far out of my league it is pitiful. From what I’ve discovered, he is one of the heads of security for the Imperial Club, he would no more take an interest in me than I would fly to the moon.” Thomas put on his best I’m okay and everything will work out fine expression and then turned his attention back to the dirty glasses which were piling up.

  "He would have to be blind or insane or both to not want someone as special as you for his mate," Edward stated and patted his shoulder. "If there were any way that I could undo the agreement I made, I would gladly do it."

  “Just let it go, Dad. There isn’t anything that anyone can do, and it is no one’s fault.” Thomas pressed for understanding. “It is what it is.”

  “It has been so many years and no one has not come for you, perhaps the witch has moved on and forgotten about you.” Edward threw out the possibility, but Thomas was not buying it. The spell was at a considerable cost and energy the day the deal was struck, and Thomas had no doubt that someday the witch would come for payment. But he nodded indulgently and let his father have his fantasy. The witch wanted the ultimate black cat for a pet and most certainly wasn’t going to just give up.

  Lando and Ian continued to sit and observed the room. The pub was not large, and it was easy enough to keep eyes on the entire area. There were a small group of wolf shifters on their left that looked to be on the verge of causing a scene and there was a smattering of other shifters along with humans throughout the rest of the pub.

  "Everything looks as it should," Ian observed idly as he took a sip of his beer. "We've found evidence of no others residing here apart from the eight cats. There doesn't appear to be anyone here who could have taken out the jackals in such a spectacular fashion. So again, where does that leave us?"

  "The cats did it," Lando stated calm and serious. "Either one or all vanquished the intruders." Lando tapped his finger on the table top as he once more scanned the room. "I've counted seven cats. I see them repeatedly but never Thomas. It seems to be a pattern. Why do they hide Thomas?"

  “He’s the smallest of the lot and that’s saying something because they are all tiny men. Also, he struck me last night as being painfully shy. He’s vulnerable and they protect him.” Ian wrote it off but Lando just kept tapping his finger and scanning the room. He could feel the tension from the wolves raising and was wondering how the cats were going to respond to it.

  It happened like a burst of energy, like a small crack in a straining dam. First, a spilled drink, followed by an unintenti
onal backhand to the face and the wolves were at it. Ian made to jump up and try to quell the fray but Lando stayed him with a firm hand holding him to his seat.

  "Let it play out," Lando said and Ian instantly understood. Lando watched the bartenders eye the action and then jump in to try and calm the wolves. It didn't work so the other cats, the ones in the kitchen and across the room came forward and attempted to break up the fight before too much damage was sustained. Finally, Thomas came out of the kitchen and eyed the room before stepping forward. Lando noticed that all eight cats were attempting to calm the wolves but were failing.

  “If this is how they handled the jackals, I am at a loss to comprehend how they succeeded. This looks like the beginning of a shit show with the cats as the losers.” Ian made the sharp comment and Lando agreed.

  The cats were trying to separate and talk them down and it wasn't working. One of the wolves grabbed Thomas by the front of his shirt and threw him to the side. For some reason, he could not explain Lando was instantly on his feet and confronting Thomas's attacker. He grabbed the wolf that had laid hands on Thomas and punched him square in the face and threw him across the room.

  Suddenly all the wolves descended upon Lando and just that fast, Ian joined the fray with a smile on his face. He’d clearly been aching to get involved and work off a little excess energy. The wolves were dispatched quickly, each one having been beaten and tossed out.

  "That didn't take long," Ian said clearly disappointment. "I thought they'd be tougher." Lando turned to see Thomas crowded into one of the corners and the other cats stood together near the bar. They all looked on in a sort of tense anticipation, it was very uncomfortable. Edward, Thomas's father rushed over to him but stood back as if expecting something and not wanting to be too close when it happened.


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