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Eyes of Darkness: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.7

Page 7

by B. A. Stretke

  Lando had enthusiastically eaten Thomas out and gloried in the taste of his beloved. Now he was prepared and ready to be taken and by the blissful look on Thomas’s face, he was needing it as much as Lando.

  With no time to take his pants completely off, Lando pushed them down his thighs and out of the way. His beloved was laid out so gorgeous and so willing. There was nothing between them at this moment, no troubles, no worries, only their shared desire for one another. Thomas' eyes shifted from black to black and gold as his expectancy built.

  Lando spread Thomas’s delicate thighs apart and positioned himself on top but slightly to the side. He leaned on one thigh and pushed the other up and outward, it gave him a delicious view of himself entering his beloved. He glanced into Thomas’s eyes and then back down to where they were about to be joined as he drove himself forward in one hard rapid thrust.

  Thomas felt the stretch and the burn and then the extreme pleasure surged through him lighting every nerve ending. He moaned salaciously and dug his nails into Lando’s shoulder as he shivered with excitement. He filled him completely in a way no one ever could before.

  Lando pulled out slowly, unbearably slow and then thrust back inside sending Thomas to new levels of ecstasy. He mewed, and he knew it was pathetic, but it was impossible to control. The need for this man, his mate was beyond anything he had control over. The pace was slow for an excruciatingly long time or maybe it was just seconds, but the buildup was worth it as Thomas felt his mind and body melting under the intense pleasure.

  Lando couldn’t resist any longer with a deep growl signaling his control was breaking he sped up and hammered Thomas’s ass with a relentlessness that had them both shaking and breathless. In one final thrust while the wave of ecstasy washed over him Lando smashed inside and held fast and let go filling his beloved with his essence pumping stream after stream into his tight channel.

  Thomas held on as Lando road him fast and hard saturating him with a delicious feeling of decadence as he felt Lando’s warm seed bathing his insides. The next moment was pure agonizing rapture when Lando gathered him into his arms and sunk his fangs into the tender mark he’d made on Thomas’s throat.

  The reaction was immediate, and Thomas came again in strong bursts emptying everything that was left and leaving him breathless. Lando had tasted him before but it was light and tentative, and this was deep and enveloping pulling everything from Thomas and drinking him down. Thomas could feel their bond begin to snap in place and just that fast, his cat took matters into its own hands.

  Thomas struck sinking his teeth into Lando’s shoulder marking and claiming the vampire as his own. He felt Lando quake with the effects of the bite and also heard him moan with pleasure.

  Lando was stunned by the intense emotion communicated through Thomas’s bite. It was

  Overwhelming in its power and passion. He slid his fang free and licked the wound until it was healed into a glorious claiming scar. He felt as Thomas did the same leaving a matching scar on his shoulder. "I love you, Thomas, no one will ever come between us," Lando vowed amidst the euphoria that surrounded them.


  "We have video of Wilfred present at Lando's apartment door. He appears to be talking to Thomas. Based on his body language he appears angry and agitated. Thomas is still and silent. Wilfred leaves and it is about fifteen minutes later that Thomas leaves using the back staircase and exiting through the kitchen." Andrew reported. Master Hadden, Josef and two men from security, Kristof and Andre along with Ian sat together in the main conference room located on the balcony level of the club.

  Ian had informed those present of Lando’s situation and also gave over the note left by Thomas addressed to Lando. This was followed by Andrew’s report. Master Hadden glanced over at Kristof who immediately rose and left the room.

  It was only minutes before Kristof returned to the conference room with Wilfred Blanc and two others that had previously assisted Wilfred in his attempt to destabilize the membership with his lies. Ian moved to stand by the left wall giving the center of the room to those who had just entered.

  Surprisingly only the two standing behind Blanc looked scared. Blanc a former server and now the lowest in the Coven hierarchy appeared cocky and insolent. He seemed to be under the mistaken impression that he possessed power over this council. Ian didn't put much hope in the man leaving this room alive.

  Wilfred Blanc joined the Hadden Coven about twelve years ago and had worked his way up from janitorial to a server at the Ruby Light. Everyone had the opportunity to rise in rank if they chose or to excel in a course of study and secure an administrative or security-related placement.

  Opportunity abounded at the Hadden Coven for those who followed the rules. Rule number one was Nikolas Hadden was Master and founder of this Coven and his leadership was singular. Rule number two never challenge the leadership or authority of Master Nikolas Hadden unless you are prepared to die. Ian wondered if Blanc were prepared or just stupid.

  Master Hadden had given Blanc and the others a chance to redeem themselves and secure a place back within the Coven structure. All Blanc had to do was shut his fucking mouth and quit fanning the flames of discord and rebellion in the lower ranks.

  With Master Hadden giving him a second chance, Blanc must have viewed it as a weakness. Unfortunately for him, his decision to continue to undermine the Master’s orders was going to prove fatal for sure.

  Ian watched closely as the two men behind Blanc took several steps back as if getting themselves clear of the debris field. They knew what was coming even if Blanc thought otherwise.

  "You were told," Nik said and turned his gaze upon Blanc. Blanc stepped forward and began to speak without permission.

  “I have the duty to warn others of the filthy jaguar that you have allowed in our midst and to alert them to your insanity.” Those were Blanc’s final words. If he had more that he wanted to say, no one would know because it was then that Master Nikolas Hadden incinerated him on the spot from where he sat at the table. It took him no effort and in less than a second Blanc was a pile of ash on the floor.

  Nikolas Hadden’s power was rumored and felt but rarely seen in a display such as this. His stare alone had reduced Wilfred Blanc to nothing. Nik shifted his gaze to the other two vampires and they flinched hiding their faces in their hands.

  "The two of you will be led out of the city at midnight. Do not return." Even though they were being banished the relief they felt was palatable. They had supported Blanc in his belief but had not openly defied the Master, therefore, they were given leniency.

  “Thank you, sir.” They both said as Ian lead them from the room. The room remained silent until after they’d left.

  "I received a text from Lando," Josef announced. "He has Thomas and they will be returning very soon. Also, he has claimed Thomas, their bond is complete."


  Lando helped Thomas get dressed as he too pulled himself together. He just couldn't keep his hands off his newly bonded beloved. Touching became a priority. Lando glanced at the claiming mark on Thomas's throat and bent quickly to place a gentle kiss to the healing scar.

  Thomas shivered and snuggled against Lando’s chest. “You make me so damn happy Lando. I wish we could just disappear and leave all the trouble behind us.”

  “Trouble, by its very nature, is never left. It always follows you until you deal with it.” Lando rubbed his palms up and down Thomas’s back soothing and reassuring him. “Let’s return to the coven and put things right. We’ll face this together; the witch cannot override the rights of a fated and bonded couple. It will be okay, I promise.” Lando kissed the top of Thomas’s head and then led him to the door.

  Thomas froze and gripped Lando tightly while anxiety swamped him. “The witch is close, Lando, I can feel the energy buzzing around my brain. The witch is calling me.” Lando bundled him up close and hurried him out the door and into his car.

  “You are mine Thomas, only mine, resist baby. Do
n’t let them in.” Lando had called Josef earlier to let him know that he and Thomas were mated and would be returning to the coven soon. Now he put in an urgent call stating that the witch was close and trying to influence Thomas. He was ordered to return immediately to the coven. Lando had no problem following that order.


  "They are on their way," Josef reported after closing his call. "It sounds like the witch is in town. Thomas said he could feel the energy of the witch." He added.

  “Well then, I guess we wait for the Gallic Witch to show up or was the witch’s name Mal? I forget.” Nik interjected as he was about to stand.

  "I prefer Jean Jacque Batiste." The thundering tones filled the room and were followed by the sound and vibration of an explosion. Everyone rushed from the room to the edge of the balcony that overlooked the main room of the club. Master Hadden leaped over the railing to the floor below followed very quickly by Josef and the guards.

  The front doors had been blown out of their frames and lay smashed in the middle of the room along with considerable plaster and brick. The man standing there amid the destruction was quite calm and a complete surprise.

  The witch who everyone assumed to be female was definitely not. The legend tended to lean towards the understanding of the Gallic Witch to be a woman although it was never stated outright.

  The man stood tall and lean and was dressed in an impeccable dark grey suit. His jet-black hair was long and straight and hung well below his shoulders. It looked like pure silk parted in the middle to perfectly outline the aquiline features of the man’s face. His eyes were emerald green and set amid long lush lashes. This man was gorgeous but then he was a witch and looks could be deceiving.

  He looked at Nik and his eyes rounded in astonishment. “You are powerful. Good.” He said and smiled as if he were anticipating an exciting battle.

  “Why do you insult me in this manner?” Nik asked cold and detached as he watched the intruder closely.

  “I am here to collect what is mine. You have my mate here, a beautiful and exotic black jaguar named Thomas Casey. He belongs to me.” The witch moved a step closer moving amongst the debris with grace and ease. “Bring him to me and we will leave.”

  "There is nothing here that belongs to you," Nik said and took a step closer. The witch grinned, and the green of his eyes seemed to glow as he took in the entirety of the room.

  “Are you sure about that?” He quipped. The witch turned towards Josef and raised his hand and released a force of concentrated energy, but Nik stepped in front of him and took the blow which would have injured Josef severely but only knocked Nik back a step.

  The witch looking every bit the twenty-first century CEO, well dressed, cultured and intelligent pulled an amulet bag from his inside pocket and began to recite the ancient words of an ancient spell. Nik gathered his forces and hit the witch in the solar plexus knocking him backward. "Your spell casting does not scare me, witch." Nik roared

  The witch, with a big smile, began to move on Nik just as Nik stalked forward. The guards led by Josef formed a semi-circle behind Nik. “I have spells you can’t even imagine, vampire. I am a witch. I am the first of my kind. I have ruled empires. You will give me what is mine or I will take it.”

  Two people stumbled through the broken entrance of the club and rushed in. Lando and Thomas stopped and stood only a few feet behind the witch. He turned and with a smile of pure malevolence welcomed the newcomers.

  “Now that was timely. Hello Thomas my pet, so good of you to present yourself to me.” The witch reached out his hand towards Thomas and beckoned him to come. Lando quickly pushed Thomas behind him and faced the witch prepared to defend his beloved.

  “Really?” He said sarcastically and lifted an eyebrow at Lando’s bravado. “Don’t make me kill such a prime specimen of manly beauty as you.” He winked and Lando flew across the room tumbling over tables and landing on the hard floor.

  He cocked a half smile at Lando who was pulling himself to his feet and moving towards Thomas. Nik struck the witch from behind drawing his attention away from Thomas for a second. He returned fire and when he turned back to Thomas, Lando had reinserted himself between them. The witch rolled his eyes and shook his head.

  The witch appearing bored with the tedious back and forth raised his hand ready to end Lando when Ian ran into the room coming up beside Lando in a defensive stance. Master Hadden moved quickly to protect them before the witch let loose his power but it wasn’t necessary. Jean Jacque Batiste was not moving. His glib banter was silenced and he looked utterly shocked. His smug superior expression had suddenly given way to surprise and disbelief.

  “This is astonishing, incredible, unbelievable.” He whispered it like a chant and took several steps to the right to stand before Ian. “It is you.”

  Ian was baffled at first and then when he looked directly at the witch his expression turned devastated. “Fuck, no.” He uttered painfully.

  “Fuck yes, my love, fuck yes.” The witch smiled a true heartfelt smile, no guile or sarcasm apparent. He turned to Thomas and immediately freed him from their bargain.

  "You are free, I release you for I have found my eternity." With that, the witch stared into Ian's eyes and disappeared leaving everyone to wonder what the hell just happened?

  Thomas threw himself into Lando’ arms and held on. “Is he gone? Is he gone forever?” Thomas asked needing confirmation.

  “He’s gone but I don’t think that it is forever.” Lando cast his eyes over to Ian who continued to hold that look of devastation. “It’ll be okay Ian.” Ian looked at him shook his head and walked away.


  The witch, Jean Jacque Batiste did not return. Master Hadden sent Ian to Harrisburg that evening to spend a few weeks with the team there working and lobbying at the capital. Ian needed a change of scenery and welcomed the chance to get away for a few weeks.

  Nik and Josef sat at a small table on the balcony and surveyed the damage. The crew was cleaning up and putting the club back to order. Thankfully they had previously in the day closed the club for the night anticipating trouble, but they hadn't anticipated this level of destruction. They'd thought broken furniture maybe a broken window not that the witch would blow out the front of the building.

  “I’m getting tired of remodeling Josef. Why won’t our enemies stop tearing up my club?” Nik stated anger edging his words. “If we call it another gas leak people are going to think this place is a death trap.”

  “It could have been worse. Jean Jacque Batiste could have gone on a full rampage. It seems rather tame really with him just blowing out the front of the building.” Josef offered.

  Nik turned to look at him with disdain. "Remind me again why I saved your life." He taunted.

  Josef laughed deep and hard. “You love Isaac and you wouldn’t want him to have to go on without me.”

  "Yes, I knew there must be a reason because it is certainly not because of your charm and understanding support." They lifted their glasses together in a toast. "To a year of constant renovations."


  Lando and Thomas settled into Lando's quarters and had scheduled their bonding celebration which would include Thomas becoming a fully recognized member of the coven. No one bothered him about his heritage and most found it to be both exciting and fortunate to have such a fierce and capable shifter in their numbers.

  "We haven't gotten out of this bed in two days," Thomas said with a giggle.

  “I have two weeks off and I plan to keep you in bed for the first week and then the second week I would like for us to go and visit Ian in Harrisburg.” Lando rolled on top of Thomas and began kissing him relentlessly.

  "I love you, Lando." Thomas managed to whisper as his mouth was being pillaged by his wicked mate. “You changed my life and gave me a real home with people who don’t treat me like a freak. They’re tentative with me but I can scent the fact that no one fears me here. I am so happy.” Thomas shifted so that he could rub
his hardening cock against Lando’s thigh.

  “I love you too and I love your cat. He’s majestic and magnificent and you are exquisitely beautiful. You are truly a gift in every way.” Lando kissed him again and pressed his thigh harder giving Thomas the purchase that he was seeking as he rode him through his orgasm. “You are so gorgeous when you come, baby.” He reached down and stroked him a few times to aid in completion.

  "I'll never get enough of you," Thomas stated emphatically.

  "Everything I have and everything I am is yours, baby." With that said they rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. "I love shower sex," Lando commented and Thomas eagerly agreed.


  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. Please rate and review, I welcome all feedback. –B.A. Stretke

  About the Author

  B.A. Stretke is a Gay Romance and fiction author who publishes through Dreamspinner Press, LLC, and

  B.A Stretke began writing as a hobby. He read his first Jane Austen novel as a teen and was instantly hooked. The age-old dream of being a novelist took hold. Now long into adulthood, and a few years as an editor under his belt, B.A. is a full-time writer.

  B.A. spends his days reading, engaging in sarcasm, and plotting the next storyline, often leaving little head space for much else. He loves hiking through the Northern Michigan woods he calls home, often finding inspiration for his books. Writing and finding that perfect cup of coffee occupy the rest of his time.

  B.A. Stretke lives in Northern Michigan with one royally spoiled cat and his dear friends and family.

  You can connect with B.A. Stretke on his website:

  Follow him on Twitter @BAStretkeWriter

  Like him on Facebook! B.A. Stretke

  More Books from B.A. Stretke:

  Pittsburgh Vampires


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