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Protecting his Love

Page 12

by M. J. Perry

  “I saved you. Don’t you think you should forgive me for my past sins?”

  “Excuse me?” I screeched. Was he on drugs?

  He sighed in exasperation and my hand went to the release on my seatbelt. I had every intention of launching myself at him but Ryder put a hand over mine stilling the action.

  “He isn’t worth it.”

  “I’m not sure about that. Right now I could kill him.”

  “Lexi, why are you being like this? I stopped that man from taking you.”

  Ryder pulled into a space outside a tall building. I turned to face Julian. “You are the reason he was there in the first place. You may have forgotten that, but I haven’t.” I hissed.

  “I’m trying to make up for it.” He said sadly.

  “I want to believe that but at this moment I don’t trust you,” I admitted.

  He looked hurt, and I almost laughed. How could he think it could be forgotten just like that?

  “We are here guys. Julian, don’t be a dick or I’ll deck you. I don’t want Lexi upset.”

  “I won’t upset her. I’m here to help.”

  “And that’s a good thing because it reminds me not to beat the shit out of you.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” Julian muttered.

  I shook my head at his stupidity. “You really are a douche. You’ve probably always been one, but this situation is making it more noticeable.”

  Ryder opened his door and climbed out, meeting me at my door. He pulled his wallet from his pocket and took a key card out. When we got to the office door, he swiped it and then tugged me inside, with Julian following behind us. I looked around the place. It was quite bland, I wasn’t sure what I’d expected, but it hadn’t been white walls and paintings of fields and flowers. He led us towards a hallway of closed doors and knocked on one. Someone called for us to enter and that’s what we did. A man with dark hair and eyes so blue stood up from behind a huge desk, he walked towards us when he saw Ryder and the clapped each other on the back in greeting. He turned to look at me and I smiled shyly.

  “Hi,” I said and gave a little wave instantly blushing. What was wrong with me? Ryder laughed.

  David grinned. “Hello.”

  “David, this is Lexi. The guy behind us is Julian.”

  His eyes went over my head and his expression turned hard. “So, you’re Julian.”

  “Sure am.”

  Why on earth did he sound proud of it? My ex-husband was an idiot.

  David ushered us into his office and closed the door. I walked over to the sofa and sat down, Ryder did the same. Julian stayed standing, he looked like he wanted to bolt and I figured he’d just realised that David was dangerous. Ryder was too, but Julian knew he was safe from him as long as he didn’t hurt me. Ryder always softened when he looked at me but David didn’t look like he had a soft bone in his body and his wife wasn’t here to make him smile. It was plain to see he didn’t like Julian. I didn’t blame him, I didn’t like Julian either.

  “Right, should we talk about the fuck up that you are?” David asked Julian getting straight to the point.

  Julian grimaced. “I’ve done a lot of bad things.”

  “At least you admit it. That’s a start.”

  “Why wouldn’t I admit it when you all know about them? I need your help to get Katie and Lexi out of harm’s way. Ryder said Tammy is safe?” He asked.

  “Yes, she and Katie are being looked after. They have round-the-clock security. We need a solution and I have one, but it could be risky.”

  “I’ll do anything,” Julian said.

  I believed him. He kept surprising me.

  “You are going to set up a meeting with Jacobson wearing a wire and you will tell him you have Lexi for him.”

  I gasped. “If he wears a wire, they might find it and they’ll hurt him.”

  “They won’t find it,” David said, and he had me convinced. He seemed very sure.

  “Will he have me?”

  “No, he fucking won’t.” Ryder snapped. “You’re not putting her in danger.”

  David held his hands out in front of him as if to ward Ryder off. Ryder did look angry enough to punch him. “Shit, Ryder, of course, he won’t really have her. I would never put her in danger.”

  I grabbed Ryder’s hand and gripped it in both hands.

  “Sorry,” Ryder said sheepishly.

  “No problem, I’d be pissed to if I thought you wanted to put Chloe in danger. Look, the plan is to have a look-alike dressed as Lexi in a location ready to be collected by Jacobson himself.”

  I shook my head. “That won’t work. Ryder said he never does his own dirty work.”

  “Usually I would agree, but this time he will do it. He is obsessed with you. If Julian says he can only have your location if he goes for you himself he will go. I’m sure of it. He won’t get the location otherwise.”

  “Wouldn’t he just beat me until I talked?”

  I shuddered. As much as I didn’t like Julian right now I didn’t want him to get hurt.

  “Not if you tell him that you have to be free before he receives the location. That your friend has her and her location is unknown to you. He’s a monster but like I said he is obsessed, he will do whatever it takes to get his hands on her.”

  “That completely freaks me out. I’ve never met him.”

  “It makes me furious that I can’t just track him down and make him hurt,” Ryder confessed.

  “If you did that, it would be you in prison and not him,” David said.

  “I know, and my girls would be unprotected. Don’t think I haven’t tried to think of a way around it.”

  “I know you have and so have I, but this is our only option. Julian, are you up for it?”

  “Definitely, it might even be fun.”

  “Dumbass,” I said as I looked at Julian. He grinned.

  “How does this land him in prison?” Julian asked.

  “You will record your conversation with him. A conversation in which you will be offering Lexi as payment towards a debt you owe Jacobson, and he will accept. That is definitely not something a law abiding person would do.”

  “Ok, that sounds like a plan. How will this happen? I mean he’s already sent two men to kidnap me after Julian failed to deliver.”

  “Julian will explain that he’s had a change of heart and that he doesn’t want to be in debt anymore. He wants full custody of his daughter and with you, out of the way he will get it.”

  Julian nodded. “I can get behind that plan.”

  “It’s a good plan with some truth to it.” David agreed.

  I knew Julian wanted to be debt free but the whole full custody thing was probably more truthful.

  “Just as long as Julian remembers that it’s not really going to happen. He would never get full custody of Katie.” Ryder added.

  “I understand.” Julian grimaced. “How do I set up the meeting?”

  “The same way you did last time. Make sure you sound angry and believable.”

  “That won’t be hard. I want to tear him apart for wanting to get his hands on Lexi.”

  “We have that in common except I want to do it to you first, and then him.”

  “Ok, boys, no one is tearing anyone apart,” David said. He looked at Julian. “Make the call.”

  “Right now? I don’t like having an audience.”

  “Tough shit,” Ryder grunted.

  Julian pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled. He turned his back to us. I closed my eyes and rested my head on Ryder’s shoulder. I knew it wasn’t true what he was offering, but it was still horrible to hear. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare. Being offered up for a debt like I was a piece of cattle is sick. A normal, sane man would never in a million years take the offer let alone make it. I heard movement, and I opened my eyes. Julian stared at me sadly. “I’m sorry I did this to you.”

  I nodded. “Did he accept?”

  “He wants to meet at nine tonight. I gu
ess he’s anxious to have you.”

  I grimaced at the thought. “Who will be pretending to be me?” I asked David worriedly. I didn’t want someone to get hurt because of me.

  “A friend of mine, she’s a trained officer and knows what she’s getting into. She will be fine.”


  “You’ll need to hide out until this is over. You can’t go home.”

  “She’s going to be at my house. I sorted things out before we came here. Eric and Jen have everything you and Katie will need packed at mine already.”

  “Ok, good. You two go home. Julian will stay here and we’ll go through the details.”

  “Fine by me, but I want regular updates.”

  “And you’ll get them.”

  “Say hello to Chloe for me. It’s a shame Lexi never got to meet her.”

  “We’ll arrange it when this shit is over.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Ryder said. He stood and shook David’s hand. “Sorry again for shouting at you.”

  “No problem.”

  “Julian, don’t fuck up else Jacobson will be the least of your worries.”

  “Understood,” Julian said. “It will be all over soon Lexi.”

  “I hope so. Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  “David, thank you. It was nice to meet you.”

  “You too Lexi, next time we see you it will hopefully be under better circumstances.”

  Ryder tugged me towards the door. “Let’s go home.”

  “Yes, lets,” I said.

  Julian still stood by the door and I pulled free of Ryder and put my arms around him hugging him tightly. “I meant what I said, be careful. Please.” I whispered. I felt him start and then his arms closed around me squeezing tightly before he gently pushed me away. “I will Lexi, I promise.”

  Ryder looked odd when I caught his eyes, he linked our hands again and we walked out of the office and towards the car. He opened the door for me and buckled me in. He was quiet as he climbed in beside me and I waited for him to speak. Was he in a mood that I’d hugged Julian? It didn’t seem like something that would usually upset him.

  “You are too soft, Lexi.” He almost growled.

  “Too soft?” I asked in confusion.

  “You just hugged the man who caused all this and I know you are genuinely concerned about him.”

  “Yes…” I trailed off as his eyes flashed.

  “I want to rip his head off and you don’t want him to get hurt even though he probably deserves it.”

  “I don’t want him hurt, he’s Katie’s dad. It would hurt her if something happened to him.”

  “That’s why you’re a good mother.”

  “So you’re not mad I hugged him?”

  “No, I’m not mad that you hugged him. Its sweet you’re worried for him, but you’ve ruined my plan, I was going to knock him around a bit once you were safe.”

  I gasped. “You thought about doing that?”

  “I planned on doing that, but I figure you won’t want me too so I won’t.”

  I bit my lip. “I would rather you didn’t, but I understand why you want to. I do too, I’ve even fantasised about it.”

  “You fantasise about me beating Julian up?”

  “No, I fantasise about beating him up myself except I’m not me, I’m Wonder Woman and I have a kick-ass swing that knocks him out in one punch.”

  “Now that’s sexy.”

  “It is? Maybe I should buy a costume and try it out on you?” I laughed.

  “That could be fun.” He sobered. “Let’s get you safe first though.”

  “Yes, then we can go shopping.”

  He leaned over and kissed me softly on my lips. I kept my eyes open and watched the emotions cross his face. If ever I worried that he didn’t love me, I had my proof right there. The love in his eyes was mesmerising and when he pulled away and winked I grinned. I might be in danger, but with Ryder, at my side, I wasn’t too scared. If Julian messed up, Ryder wouldn’t stop until he found a solution and Jacobson was in prison.

  Chapter Eleven


  We finally made it to Ryder’s house and when I opened the door a sad-faced Katie stood there with Jen. “Oh Katie,” I cried as I saw her tear stained cheeks. I pulled her into my arms and rocked her gently. “What’s happened?” I asked Jen.

  “She knew something was up when we collected her instead of you,” Jen said and then she shook her head at the question in my eyes. She hadn’t told Katie anything. That was good. I didn’t want her to find out what a mess up her father was. I gave Katie a squeeze and picked her up. She was getting too big to be carried, but I didn’t want to let her go. I sank onto the sofa and moved her more securely on my lap running my fingers through her hair, I sighed. “Baby, your daddy has done a really stupid thing but Ryder and I went to see Ryder’s friend David and he’s going to help your daddy.”

  She looked up anxiously. She was a bright girl for her age; I could see her thinking over what I’d said. “Will my daddy get hurt?”

  “No, David will make sure that doesn’t happen.”


  “Yes, Katie?”

  “Is David your best friend?”


  “Then I know my daddy will be safe. If Ryder loves David and David loves Ryder then David is my uncle and my uncle won’t let my daddy get hurt.”

  I grinned at her logic.

  “You’re right baby. David won’t let your daddy get hurt.” Ryder agreed.

  “Good.” Katie smiled at me through her tears. “May I have a cookie now, please?”

  “You my darling can have anything you want.”

  Ryder held his hand out. “Come with me and I’ll help you find one.”

  “Ok Ryder.” She jumped off my lap and took his hand. The sight brought tears to my eyes.

  I bit my lip then looked at Jen. She sat next to me and took my hand in hers. “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah, I am now.” I shook my head. “I was so scared at the time.”

  “A strange man trying to kidnap me would have terrified me too. Eric told me what Julian did.”

  “It was crazy.”

  “I don’t disagree, but he stopped a strange man from kidnapping you from your own home.”

  “He did.” I agreed. “Do you want to know what he said in the car?”

  She nodded.

  “He said I should forgive him for everything. Can you believe that?”

  “Lexi, you don’t hold grudges.”

  “I nearly threw myself at him so I could hurt him.”

  “He’s a thoughtless idiot.”

  “He is, but he’s also putting himself in danger tonight to save me.”


  I explained the plan.

  “He’s trying to make amends.”

  “I hope it works out. I don’t want him to get hurt.”

  “I can’t imagine he will with David on his side, from what you’ve said he seems sure of the plan. Do you trust him?”



  “Ryder does and I trust him.”

  “By this time tomorrow it could all be over and your life can go back to normal.”

  “I’m afraid to hope,” I admitted.

  “Then I’ll do it for you.” She put her arm around me and I leaned my head on her shoulder.

  “Thanks, Jen.”

  “For what?”

  “For being the best friend a girl could ask for.”

  “Right back at you, babe. Shall I make you some coffee? I think I’ve got the hang of Ryder’s fancy coffee machine.”

  I giggled. “Sure, it will be fun to watch.”

  “Oh, ha ha,” She muttered.

  “Anything digital is a puzzle to you.”

  “I can work my phone.”

  “You can now I’ve shown you a thousand times.”

  “Whatever.” She stomped off into the kitchen grinning.

I followed her feeling a bit better. Katie was sat at the table eating and Ryder stood leaning against the side. He frowned when Jen made her way to the coffee machine.

  “I’ll make the coffee.” He offered.

  “No, I can do it.”

  “No, you can’t,” Eric said as he came in the back door.

  She turned to face him with a scowl. “Yes I can, I made the last pot.”

  He shook his head. “I did actually, while you were talking to Katie earlier. I threw yours out and made a fresh pot.”

  “What?” She almost screeched.

  “Oh boy,” I muttered. Jen glared at me. I hid my grin and sat down next to Katie. There were crumbs on her lips and brushed them off with my thumb making her giggle.

  “It was disgusting. I didn’t even know it was possible to ruin coffee like that.”

  “I wasn’t that bad. I followed the instructions.”

  “I did too, and mine is delicious.” He said with a smugness he didn’t try to hide.

  “Wow, you are a…” She trailed off when she saw Katie staring at her.

  “Aunty Jen, why are you always mad at Uncle Eric?”

  “That’s a good question, Katie.” Eric grinned.

  “Your Uncle Eric likes to tease me.” Jen grimaced.

  “Is that because he loves you?” Katie asked innocently.

  My eyes flew to Eric. “Yes, Katie it’s because I love your Aunty Jen.”

  Jen gasped in shock and then hurried out of the room.

  “I thought so. Ryder teases my mummy all the time, and he loves her.”

  Kids make things so simple.

  “Is that the first time you’ve said the words since you’ve seen her again?” I asked Eric.

  When he nodded, I tutted at his stupidity, “You’d better go and make sure she believes you and doesn’t think you said it for Katie’s benefit.”

  “Surely she wouldn’t think I would do something like that?”

  “I would if I was her,” I said honestly.

  “Oh, god,” He said as he rushed out of the room.

  “I hope that will be a happy beginning for them,” I said.

  “It seems like it might be.”

  “I think you’re right. I wonder if he will tell her the reason why he left her.”

  “I’m sure he will. He won’t be able to have the fresh start he wants with her if he doesn’t.”


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