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Blue Collar (A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology Book 2)

Page 18

by Delilah Devlin

  “Fuuucckkkk,” he groaned as his cock jerked inside her.

  Even with the condom on, she could feel each spurt of cum as he came again and again.

  Satisfaction rolled through her as she finally pulled her fingers free of her ass. “Oh, God,” she whispered again.

  Planting her lower arms on the hood of the car, she closed her eyes and floated in the warm darkness as he pumped into her several more times.

  “Don’t go anywhere, gorgeous.” He pulled free, and they both groaned.

  He walked somewhere, and she heard water running. Then a warm tongue licked her clean between her legs.

  Falco gently lifted her off the hood and held her tight for long minutes.

  When she glanced up at him, he wore a roguish grin as he bent to kiss her. “Will I ever see you again?” she asked as he stepped her over to her vehicle and helped her inside.

  “I have a feeling our paths will cross again. I only consider that round one.” That smile appeared again.

  Perplexed, she buckled her seatbelt and started the engine while he opened the bay door. He didn’t have her number so how would he contact her?

  She pulled forward and braked next to him. “Thank you again for your help.”

  Leaning inside the car, he cupped her cheeks. “Thank you for the payment.” His mouth on hers…damn. “Now drive careful.”

  Determined not to be “that girl” she pulled out of the bay with a smile and waved goodbye. His face stayed with her as she drove to The Library.

  She flashed her card at the entrance, and Jackson let her in. She parked in the members’ garage and went inside. Kinky people were everywhere, but she found Davis and Angel at the bar.

  They both stood and hugged her.

  Without preamble, Angel held her at arm’s length. “We have a friend coming to join us tonight.” She bobbed her eyebrows up and down. “Someone we’ve known for years and finally convinced to become a member here.”

  Ugh. Just what Kellee suspected and the last thing she wanted to deal with after her time with Falco. “That’s great, but I think I’ll pass. I just came to tell you I’d talk to you later. I had car trouble earlier and—”

  “Car trouble, little girl? I know the owner of a place down the road. I could put in a good word for you.”

  The man’s voice behind her cut her off, and her heart jumped into her throat. Kellee whipped around, staring at the sexy man as he approached. The sexy man with clean hands. “Sir?”

  “Wait. You guys know each other?” Davis asked.

  “You could say that,” Falco offered up with a handshake before he faced Kellee again. “Told you we’d meet again.” He lifted her into his arms, and she automatically wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “You knew? You knew before I left that we were supposed to meet tonight?”

  He nodded. “I figured it out somewhere along the way. Mmm… Still no panties on.” His fingers slid in the wetness gathering on the lips of her sex. “You know what that means, don’t you?”

  She groaned as he started walking toward the dungeon. “What?” Awareness raced along her flesh as he pushed a finger into her slick core.

  “Time for round two.”

  Challenges Met

  Layla Chase

  Sweat beaded along Javiero Paz’s eyebrows, and after lifting his hat, he swiped the heel of his palm over his forehead. Summer in south Texas often felt like living on the edge of a blast furnace. The heat intensified the earthy scents of dried hay and fresh manure—smells that had always been part of his world. Growing up the son of a horse trainer meant barns served as his playground. Since his discharge from the military, burying himself in his work with animals soothed his battle-weary spirit. The last tour—and the loss of his best friend—had pushed him close to the breaking point.

  “Easy now, girl.” He shifted his stance and readjusted the horse’s leg on his thigh then scraped the file over the hoof. Three strokes in one direction then three in the other. Check for smoothness. Repeat. Might not be the most exciting work, but it beat riding in an armored vehicle into desert villages uncertain of the troop’s reception or always looking over his shoulder and waiting for the whine of a sniper’s bullet.

  Galloping hoof beats broke the silence of the early afternoon, accompanied by a high-pitched whinny.

  At the sudden sound, the mare shied.

  Javi tensed before he straightened, patting a hand along the roan’s shoulders. “Whoa. You’re all right, girl.”

  A blonde with hair that matched the coat of her palomino horse burst into the center aisle of the Wellington Acres barn. “Well, look who’s here. Javiero Paz.”

  “Hello, Mandy.” Manners drilled into him since childhood made him lift a finger to the brim of his Stetson. He grabbed for the reins she tossed in his direction. The automatic action flashed him back at least a decade. His grip tightened, and he walked the sweaty, panting horse away from the mare he was shoeing. Bitter memories of being treated like a servant rose into his thoughts. Javi tied off the reins to a post and turned.

  “I heard you were back.” She sauntered to the open tool box on a stand against the closest stall gate and idly picked up a pick and a file.

  News had a way of being spread in a small town like Duketon. “Two months now.” A fire-engine red tank accented her full breasts and tucked into a hand-tooled belt cinching her narrow waist. Tight jeans clung to her long legs. The intervening years had been kind to this spoiled rancher’s daughter—if her trim figure and the sparkling gems on her fingers and in her ears were any indication. The same grapevine of gossip informing her of his return had supplied the information that Mandy remained single.

  “Got that soldiering gig out of your system?” She ran the file over the tips of her manicured nails then speared him with a wide stare of her blue eyes. Her lips formed a pout as she ducked her chin.

  Intriguing cornflower blue eyes used to haunt him in the wee hours of the night when his teen-aged hormones needed release however he could get it. Steeling himself from falling back into old habits, he approached the mare and ran a hand over her back. “Serving three tours was hardly a ‘gig’.” Military service had been his ticket out of this town, offering a kid from working-class parents the chance to earn enough money to attend farrier school, acquire his certification, and set up his business. Soon as he built up a solid clientele, he could start saving for the ranch he wanted to own one day.

  Maybe if he didn’t make eye contact again, he could focus on the task at hand. Instead of thinking about how her body might respond to his demanding touch. Which would do nothing but jeopardize keeping her father as one of his accounts. Easing the mare’s hoof back onto his thigh, he returned to the hoof trim.

  “I can’t believe you chose to work with horses.”

  From the corner of his eye, he spotted the tips of her embellished red leather boots that probably cost her father a couple grand. The disparaging note in her voice set his teeth on edge. But he kept his expression impassive. Her sarcasm had always been razor-sharp. Somehow, he’d thought she’d have outgrown the rebel-child attitude. “The horse business has been good for your family. Certainly has provided you with a comfortable life. Surprised you don’t see that.” Or appreciate it. He ran his fingers over the hoof, satisfied with the smooth surface.

  “Why be satisfied with being a big fish in a little pond? I want to see the world.”

  He straightened to find her only a few inches away. Close enough her scent—an intoxicating blend of exotic musk and warm woman—filled his nose. Crap, how much willpower did he have to display? “Careful what you wish for.” He thought of how this pampered, protected woman would fare in a big city where opportunists would pounce once they learned the size of her daddy’s holdings.

  “You know nothing about my wishes.” Her gaze roamed his chest and dipped lower before slowly climbing to his face.

  Holding himself in check, he watched as her eyes widened and her nostrils flared after
registering how his shirt clung to his pecs and biceps. He’d left home as a slender but wiry teen and returned a hard-muscled man. Now, if she didn’t suck the fullness of her lower lip into her— Shit. His cock twitched. “What do you want, Mandy? I have a job to finish.” Frustration added a growl to his tone.

  “What I’ve always wanted.” She tilted her head and glanced from under her lowered lashes. “A taste of the forbidden.”

  Lectures of staying away from the boss’s daughter and dating only within his ethnic community ran through his mind as he registered her words. Was she really asking for what he’d desired so many years ago? Tired of dancing around the sexual teasing, he stepped forward, invading her space, and glared into her clear blue eyes. “Meaning what?” Satisfaction rose as he watched her pupils dilate.

  She tossed her head, flipping a strand of wavy hair across her face. “Well, if you don’t know.”

  Two could play the flirting game. “Don’t I?” He reached out a hand and eased the silky strand back over her shoulder, dragging a finger along the ridge. In a flash, the simple touch wasn’t enough. Cupping his hand at the nape of her neck, he yanked her close and lowered his head to capture her mouth. Just one taste, he promised himself. Working his lips over hers, he pressed hard, eating at whatever fruity lipstick she wore. His tongue dipped inside, seeking a deeper connection. He anchored his free hand on her hip, so he could hold her in place while he plundered the softness of her cheeks and dueled with her responsive tongue. Blood pounded in his ears, ramping up his lust.

  She whimpered and splayed her hands over his chest before wrapping them around his neck, pulling him closer. A needy moan sounded, and Mandy rubbed her breasts against his chest.

  Her moan vibrating into his mouth somehow brought him back to their exposed location. Easing his hold, he moved backward to separate them and jammed his hands on his hips, huffing out a breath. Now he had to goad her into being the one who abandoned this sex play. “Satisfied with your forbidden taste?”

  “Hardly.” Her gaze riveted on the bulge straining the fly of his jeans. “My guess is neither are you.”

  “Yeah, well, ma’am, can’t help that.” He forced a lazy Texas drawl into his words. “I’m just a working man, and the job’s not done.”

  “How about the fact that I’m not done?” Glaring, she crossed her arms over her chest.

  Fighting every urge to see if her stance revealed more of her shapely assets, he kept his gaze locked on hers. If she stayed mad, he could get past this gigantic lapse in judgment. Then she did that lip-sucking action again, and he had to turn away so he wouldn’t haul her back into his arms. “We can’t all have what we want.”

  A gasp sounded. “You want me?”

  Javi sorted through his farrier tools just to keep his hands occupied while he thought about his next response. He was not done discovering what Mandy tasted like. Hell, they were both adults. What would a one-night-stand hurt? “Can’t do anything now. Or here.”

  “How will I find where you live?”

  He snorted at that inane question. “You’ll figure it out. Besides, anticipation is a great aphrodisiac.” Only by sheer force of will did he keep himself from looking over his shoulder to watch her fine ass disappear from sight.

  Mandy’s exit from the barn was on shakier legs than she would have imagined a single kiss could cause. Maybe her reaction was because she’s finally heard Javi admit what she’d hoped for all those years ago. Since coming into her female curves as a teenager, she’d wanted to see appreciation in Javi’s dark brown gaze. Instead, he’d always presented an attitude of perfect manners and cool politeness. Being thwarted only served to let her bitchy tongue run wild. Finally, tonight she’d satisfy her curiosity, and then maybe she wouldn’t compare every guy she’d dated to the brooding dark-haired guy.

  Her pulse still raced from the rough way he’d grabbed her hip and held her in place. Like his grip had branded her as his. A feverish shiver ran over her body. She lifted the damp hair from her neck, letting the movement of her strides toward the ranch house run air over her flushed skin. Her mind raced as she considered the contents of her closet. Tonight’s outfit needed to be sexy, not slutty. Suggestive, but not one that labeled her as easy.

  A few phone calls and a couple hours of primping later, Mandy eased her vintage sports car into the parking lot of a modest condo complex. As she turned off the engine, she threw her thanks out to her BFF Sandi whose father owned the local hardware store. Through her, Mandy had discovered where Javi lived. Glancing around, she spotted a brown pickup with his business name painted on the driver’s door.

  So, this was really happening. She sucked in a deep breath, leaned over to grab the cloth bag holding two bottles of her favorite pinot, and then climbed out. Until she actually rapped her knuckles on the door to number nine, she wasn’t sure if she’d chicken out and turn tail. Didn’t people always say the fantasy was better than the reality? She so didn’t want that statement to be true about this hunk of a man.

  The door swung open, and there he stood, bare-chested and barefooted, wearing cargo shorts low on his hips. Javi’s eyes widened. “You came?”

  “Not yet, but a girl can always hope.” She stepped over the threshold and brushed her lips over his cheek, inhaling a fresh-scented cologne, then moved inside. The furnishings surprised her. She’d expected dark leather with heavy wood detail, but the caramel-colored plush sofa and matching recliner with light wood side tables gave the living room a homey look. The flat-screen TV hanging from the wall was paused on a soccer match. Peeking into the small kitchen, she didn’t see much that spoke of his personal tastes.

  “Uh, Mandy.”

  The hesitation in his voice served to bolster her courage. She would not allow him to back down from what he’d started in the barn. Sure, she’d egged him on. But the result was oh-so worth it. “Where would I find glasses?” Forcing a wide smile, she turned and lifted the bag. “I hope you drink wine.”

  “On occasion.” He stepped toward the kitchen.

  Unable to resist, she ogled the flex of his muscles as he walked and admired his loose-limbed stride. A single tattoo that looked military-related marked his left bicep. She couldn’t wait to investigate the design. Hoping for a compliment on her floral sundress with the plunging neckline and ruffled hem, she gave a twirl like she was inspecting his condo. The cool air on her bare bottom sent a thrill through her. “I like your place.”

  Dual clinks sounded on the counter. “Nothing like the house at Wellington Acres.”

  Frowning, she set down the bag and reached inside for a bottle. “Not every conversation we have has to highlight our differences.”

  Without a word, he lifted the wine bottle from her hand, stripped the foil, applied a corkscrew to pop the cork, and poured each glass half full. After handing her one, he lifted his glass in salute. “True, but finding commonalities might be harder.”

  This visit was not playing out as she hoped. Somehow, she’d thought he would have been thinking about the kiss as much as she had, and that by now, she’d be slumped over the back of his sofa with him pounding into her from behind. One of her top two favorite positions. To keep from complaining about that very situation, she gulped a big mouthful that dribbled along the sides of her mouth. Leaning forward, she tried to wipe away the drips before they landed on her dress.

  A guttural groan sounded a moment before a muscled arm pulled her tight against a rock-hard body.

  Javi’s warm tongue lapped at both cheeks before he traced the faint lines down her neck, trailing open-mouthed kisses.

  The heady sensation almost made her swoon, and she braced a hand on the counter. The other she caressed over his back, running fingertips along ridges and bulges of bunched muscles. In a couple of places, the skin was uneven and puckered. Her stomach clenched. Then her senses heightened as Javi’s hand rubbed along her side, the tip of his thumb circling close to her breast. Her nipples pebbled against the dress fabric, and she couldn’
t resist rubbing the tight tips against his chest.

  He chuckled. “Hey, slow down.”

  His breathy whisper tickled her neck, causing goose bumps to rise. She shook her head, running her hand into the thick hair at the back of his head. “Don’t like slow.”

  Javi loosened his embrace until their gazes caught and held. “Tell me more.”

  Still running her fingers through his hair that had grown long enough to grab, she contemplated her answer. On purpose, she bit her lower lip just to watch the lust erupt and darken his eyes to obsidian. Her breath caught at knowing that hungry look was just for her. “I’d rather show you.” But that wasn’t what she really wanted. She wanted him to take charge and be the leader.

  He loosened his hold and held out his arms at his sides, palms up. “Okay by me.”

  Scenarios of positions on various pieces of furniture flashed through her head, but each one appeared sluttier than the next. Her attitude might come off as balls to the wall, but she’s never taken the sexual initiative. Flirting and innuendo had always stoked a man’s libido to the point of no return. Then she’d gone along for the enjoyable ride.

  Suddenly, she wanted an atmosphere of flickering candlelight, sexy music, and silky sheets. Javi did not look like a man who possessed any of those items. She glanced toward the hallway that must lead to his bedroom. Decision made. As secretly as she could, she sucked in a fortifying breath. Tossing a teasing look over her shoulder, she crooked a finger, and then moved in that direction, giving an extra swing to her hips. At the door she suspected was his, she paused and, dragging the hem of her skirt up to the point of her hip, she met his heated gaze. “Why are you back there?” For good measure, she ran her tongue around the inside of her lips. Then she turned the knob and pushed open the door—to a room with a weight bench and a rowing machine.

  Smooth move, Mandy. Her confidence sagged a notch or two. Until she felt the heat radiating off Javi’s body surround her from behind. For a big man, he moved like a silent cat.


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