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The Beaumont Brothers: The Complete Series

Page 26

by North, Leslie

  From the kitchen, she smiled over at Connall’s sleeping figure and then scribbled out a quick note for him—"Out to go do science stuff. I’ll be back for breakfast and coffee and kisses soon!” She left it on the countertop, where surely he’d wander first after waking up, and then pushed out of the side door.

  The morning hung gray and misty in the early crawling rays of dawn. Crisp air sliced through her lungs. The grasses below were frozen in the early morning chill, and to the west she could spot some younger wolves romping through the fields. She hurried to get to the recording devices, to make sure they were aimed and functioning properly. With the weather fluctuations here, it was important to be vigilant with the devices. And with Connall feet away from her in the treehouse, it was hard to pay attention to her work like she was used to doing.

  The boards creaked and groaned under her weight as she checked each outpost. Darting around up here was one of her favorite parts of life in the wilderness; she felt like a monkey in a video game, swinging between secret hideouts. Looking back from an outpost about a quarter mile away, she noticed smoke billowing from the treehouse. Connall must be awake.

  Excitement thrilled through her. She’d never been so excited to get back to her little home. Connall made it feel complete; and she hadn’t even realized that anything was lacking. That was the most unsettling part about it.

  She checked the equipment, and as she turned to head back over the hanging walkway, she knocked the microphone with the side of her boot.

  “Shit.” She watched it tumble down alongside the trunk of the tree. It landed unceremoniously on the forest floor, but seemed to be still in one piece. She sighed, prepping herself to make the trek down the awkward wooden ladder hugging the nearest tree trunk. The steps weren’t exactly fun to climb, but they were there for these types of emergencies. She slid through the hole in the wooden floor of the landing, securing her foot before descending each step.

  The wolves from before were nearer now, taking notice of her. She smiled over at them, eager for a brief meeting. It wasn’t everyday they were hanging around the same parts as her. In fact, this might even be her chance to pet some of the younger ones.

  If only Connall were here to see this!

  * * *

  In the treehouse, Connall squinted out of the bay window overlooking the open-field area of the sanctuary. He’d woken up after Bernadette left, and after finding her note, he resolved to start his day as well.

  It’s just that he didn’t know what to fill it with. He was so used to his type A, to-do-list–oriented lifestyle that having so much disconnected free time was…unsettling.

  He scrubbed at the stubble on his jaw. But it was all part of trying something new, meeting Bernadette on her turf. He smiled to himself. In her wolf territory, more like.

  Now, on day four of the trip, he felt himself slowly unravelling on the inside. He couldn’t mention it to Bernadette, because it seemed like a strange breach of intimacy. It’s not that he was bored—no, it was something much more complex than that. He really didn’t want to be doing much else beyond screwing and eating anyway. The break was nice.

  But he couldn’t live like this always. Not like she did. There was no way in hell he could survive out here for weeks on end as she did.

  And knowing this about himself felt like a nail in the coffin for him and Bernadette as a couple.

  He’d been trying to look away from this suspicion since the first night in the treehouse, to just enjoy it for what it was, appreciate each moment. And he did—he truly did. But it didn’t eliminate the incompatibilities of their lifestyles, either.

  The tea kettle whistled with the announcement of boiling water. He flipped off the stove and returned to the bay window to watch the outdoors, see if he could spot Bernadette. What did science stuff mean, exactly? A small cluster of wolves lingered nearby, their heads cocked up at something in the trees. When seen together in packs, they sent a shiver up his spine. Wolves were impressive…and he wouldn’t be going near them anytime soon.

  A streak of dark hair on one of the tree outposts caught his eye. Bernadette knelt at the equipment, her back to him. He smiled, but it faded as she began to descend a makeshift ladder attached to the tree trunk.

  Dear God. He squinted as she descended further. Off to her left, the wolves crept closer. Panic cinched his throat, and Connall launched himself toward the backdoor of the treehouse, snagging his coat in the process. He fumbled to put his arms through the sleeves while yanking at the glass sliding door leading to the wraparound deck.

  The cold morning air bit at his bare feet, but he didn’t care. Bernadette was about to drop into a snake pit and she didn’t even realize it. The wolves were stalking closer now, as if eyeing up their prey. She continued down the ladder, her head down, unaware of the danger.

  “Bernadette!” His voice ripped through the air just as she hopped off the ladder. The wolves launched into a run, headed straight for her.

  “Bernadette!” Desperation strained his voice, and he clutched at the wooden railing, unable to look away. The wolves were going to slash her, to tear her into pieces. His heart in his throat, he watched as she turned to face him. Her face lit up, and she waved.

  “Look! Watch out!” He pointed forcefully at the wolves, who were so close now she probably wouldn’t even have a chance to scramble back up the ladder. Instead of climbing the tree, she bent down and snatched something up from the ground.

  And then she knelt down, her hands out with palms open, as two wolves made prancing circles around her.

  Connall’s heart hammered in his chest as he watched, unable to look away, unsure what was even going on. Everything in his body told him she needed to get the hell out of there, so why was she staying put?

  Bernadette stood after a moment, wandering along the tree line. Connall’s breath came out in wispy puffs. After another minute watching her slow walk on the forest floor, the wolves darting alongside her, he realized his feet were freezing.

  He swallowed hard, tongue meeting the dry roof of his mouth, and stormed inside the treehouse. He tore off his jacket, mind spinning like a cyclone, unable to control his breathing.

  His pulse streaked hot and fierce, so he stood in the kitchen, palms pressed against the kitchen counter, counting as slowly as he could.

  By the time he reached fifty, the back door opened. Bernadette came inside. Her voice was light and joyful.

  “You’re up! And you even got to see the wolves!”

  His chest tightened. The rush of adrenaline was still affecting him. “Yeah.”

  She loosened her boots and stepped out of them, looking up at him. “You sleep well?”

  “Yeah.” He pinched his eyes shut, unsure where to begin. He’d been one hundred percent positive he was going to watch her die out there. It just brought up so much. Like how little he could truly protect her out here…and how deeply he already felt about her.

  “Connall, you don’t look very happy.” Her voice softened, and she came up to him. “What’s wrong?”

  Her gentle tone released the floodgates. “You almost died out there, Bernadette!”

  She watched him with wide eyes for a moment and then snorted. “What are you talking about?”

  “Those…wolves.” He gestured toward the window. “When you climbed down that ladder, I almost had a bloody heart attack. I…I couldn’t control myself. I ran outside to stop you.”

  “But…those were just young wolves, and—”

  “Do you think I know that? Do you think I have any idea what is really going on out here?” His voice reached a feverish pitch. “What I just saw was…not okay. It was the most disturbing moment of my entire adult life.”

  Bernadette’s mouth rounded slightly, and she crossed her arms over her chest. “Okay.”

  “Okay? That’s all you have to say?”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say. This is my job. I live with these wolves. They’re like my family.”

  He sc
offed. “They’re wild animals. They could rip you apart in an instant.”

  Bernadette’s mouth formed a thin line.

  “I want to go into town,” he blurted, his cheeks hot and his heart racing. That whole scene had been his breaking point. He needed civilization. He needed internet. He needed to be able to check his damn voicemail. “And really, I think we should leave.”

  “We?” Her voice was incredulous. “Connall, I live here. There was no danger. I don’t understand what you’re so bent out of shape about.”

  “No. We have to go.” His mind was spinning a mile a minute. Nothing made sense. He just had to go. “Let’s go do something else. I only have a week’s vacation. I thought we’d spend time doing something other than staring at wolves all day.”

  Hurt creased her face. “But this is my work, and this is my life. I don’t understand what you—”

  “I’ve seen your life. Don’t you think that you should see mine too?”

  Silence hung between them, unbearably loud. Bernadette didn’t look convinced when she finally spoke. “I’ve seen your life in Seattle.”

  “I had something else planned,” Connall said, his heart twisting strangely. It was true—he’d researched a side trip, in the event that he couldn’t stand a week in the wilderness. And what do you know—you were totally right about this. “With you, of course. A surprise trip. You don’t know the half of my life, Bernadette. I want to show you more.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “When will we leave?”

  “Today.” His entire body tingled with the possibility of leaving immediately. “We’ll get to town, and my plane can pick us up within a couple hours.”

  She blinked. “Your plane?”

  “Yes. I have something very special planned.” It had been a contingency plan, but after seeing that morning’s near-massacre, it seemed like it needed to happen now. Thank God for his type A planning after all. Now, he had a perfectly tailored second half to his visit here. And maybe, while he’d looked into the details of this contingency plan, he’d been half expecting himself to not endure the full week in the Montana wilderness.

  Bernadette eyed the floor doubtfully, gnawing on the inside of her lip as she thought. “Can’t we leave in a couple of days?”

  “Today.” He turned to the stove, flipping the burner back on to reheat the kettle. “So we can get there in time. It’s a long way. I know you’ll love it. It’s actually more educational than relaxing.”

  Bernadette looked at him with so much indecision he couldn’t tell if he was making a mistake or not. “Okay. What do I need to pack?”


  The dull roar of the jet engine had lulled Bernadette into a fitful rest, somewhere between asleep and just conscious enough to mull over the totally confusing morning at the treehouse.

  It was like they’d woken up in an alternate universe. Connall’s irrational angry outburst; whisking into town; darting onto a private jet; and now a getaway to Switzerland. Was this what dating a billionaire was like? Where waking up in Montana and going to bed in the Alps was considered normal?

  It was romantic and whimsical and unexpected and exciting. But it was also confusing and unsettling, and she still couldn’t smooth over the strangeness of his outburst at the treehouse.

  All she could do was go along for the ride. They’d settled on a week. And they still had three days left before Connall had to get back to the office. If he’d planned this out as a surprise, then far be it from her to stomp all over his goodwill. The treehouse and her recordings would be fine for another few days. She’d get back there soon enough.

  But would this thing between them be able to survive beyond the next few days?

  When the plane touched down in Switzerland, Bernadette was swept up in the glamour of the trip: attentive wait staff, personal drivers, a glittering, glass hotel that was easily the most gorgeous place she’d ever laid eyes on. As they strolled through the foyer arm in arm, she spotted an announcement board: Welcome, International Wildlife Preservation Conference!

  She gasped. “The IWP!”

  Connall’s grin blossomed before her eyes. “You guessed it.”

  “Are we really here for the conference?” She read the sign again, slowing to a stop. She’d never been able to attend one of these in person, but religiously downloaded their podcasts and other paraphernalia from meetups around the world.

  “Oh, yes. I hope you’re quite surprised.”

  “More than surprised.” She beamed up at him. “I’m elated.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Good. I was worried the trip might not be worth the absence for you.”

  “Holy shit.” She squinted at the fine print on a flyer nearby. “Dr. Gustafsen is presenting.”

  “Is that quite remarkable?”

  “I’ve been following his work for years,” she said in a voice just above a whisper. “I’ve always wanted to meet him.”

  Connall grinned as if he had a secret. “Well, I believe you just might get to.”

  It was nearly three a.m. by the time they got into their suite at the top floor of the hotel. The view from the living room and small kitchen was spectacular, looking out over the dark snow-capped mountain. In the bedroom, a king-size bed sat low on a stark, modern wood bedframe. Tall windows lined the wall shared with a luxurious bathroom.

  “Look, you can watch me pee in the morning,” Bernadette cracked, pressing a palm into the bed. It squished pleasantly.

  “And I can watch you take a shower until I get so turned on that I have to join you,” he said, his voice low.

  She giggled, welcoming his embrace as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

  “That will be for tomorrow,” she warned, tilting her head as his kisses skipped across her neck. “We have to wake up early for the conference.”

  “You’re right. Let’s get our rest.” His hands wandered up and down the sides of her body. “But I promise you, you’re all mine tomorrow.”

  Bernadette smiled lazily as she wandered off to the bathroom to get ready for bed on display. In the comfort and moody lighting of their suite, her treehouse felt like a faraway fantasy. That same morning felt like it had happened years ago.

  Is this the life that he wants to show me? The life of a billionaire…the man who can cover anything up with money and extravagance?

  She glanced up at herself in the mirror, her eyes clouded with doubt.

  * * *

  Connall smiled over the top of his champagne glass as he took a long draw. Murmurs of conversation swirled around him, glasses clinking, the occasional outburst of laughter. The conference room of the hotel was brimming with scientists, and across the grand hall Bernadette tossed her head back, laughing as she chatted up Dr. Gustafsen, her dream biologist.

  Satisfaction hummed through him. This was exactly what he’d wanted Bernadette to see about his life: that magical doors could be opened, that he would do anything to help her succeed. Her professional life was his priority…and her professional life had room to evolve away from the potentially dangerous isolation out in Montana.

  She would come to this conclusion on her own, he was sure of it. Once he showed her alternative paths to not only continue her career but nurture it to greater heights. What she could accomplish on the ground in Montana couldn’t compare to the new avenues of professional success he had access to.

  Bernadette glided toward him across the room, her cheeks ruddy and smile stretching wide. When she reached him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, sighing happily in his ear.

  “He’s better than I expected,” she said dreamily.

  “Those aren’t the words I was expecting to hear about another man,” he cracked, rubbing the small of her back. “But this might be the only instance in which I can truly say I’m glad to hear it.”

  She giggled. “He’s interested in the work I’m doing. I gave him my business card.”


  “Thank you for bringing me here.” Bernadette pul
led back to look him square in the eye. Her brown eyes shone with sincerity. “This is a very nice surprise.”

  “I have another surprise for you,” he said. They’d been at this conference nearly all day, and though Connall hadn’t attended all the seminars alongside Bernadette, he’d been active and hovering in the periphery. Ready if she needed him. Waiting for another chance to shine.

  He still wasn’t quite satisfied that he’d smoothed everything over since his panic attack at the treehouse. And he wasn’t exactly happy that he’d allowed Bernadette to see that side of him: scared, angry, out of control. Connall prided himself on being in control. But his life of late, dealing with the pending legal disaster for his company, had featured anything but control.

  “Oh?” Bernadette’s eyes shone with mischief.

  “Well, the next surprise is tomorrow. But what I want to do with you now will come as no surprise.” He slid his hand over the dip in her waist, bringing her closer. They’d been stuffed with dinner and picked at desserts. Now it was time for some good old-fashioned relaxing. “I know the rest of this evening might present good networking opportunities for you, but hopefully you won’t object to me stealing you away.”

  “I’ve spent almost eight hours with all these people,” Bernadette said. “You can steal me away now. I’ve conferenced myself out.”

  “Excellent.” He pressed his lips to hers, eliciting a soft, long kiss. When they parted, he grinned. They wandered to the foyer of the hotel hand in hand, leaving the post-dinner clamor behind them. Bernadette rested her head against his shoulder as they strolled to the elevators.

  “You sure think of everything,” she said, squeezing his hand. “You handled a lot of details to get us here. You even made sure I packed a nice suit for the conference.”

  “It’s my business nature,” he replied, “Or maybe the fact that I was the eldest with two younger daredevil brothers. I felt it was my job to rein them in. Keep them alive. Make sure they thought of clothes before launching into the Swiss Alps.”


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