Book Read Free

Seeing with the Heart

Page 10

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Mmm…that feels good,” Molly couldn’t help moaning. “But what does…does jalanta mean?”

  “Dear one—beautiful one,” Braxx growled. “It’s a term of endearment on my home planet. Molly, if you don’t want me in you, you’d better be careful. Things are getting extremely fucking slippery down there.”

  “They are, aren’t they?” Molly murmured. God, it felt so good to have his broad shaft rubbing against her aching clit. How long had it been since she’d had a man anywhere near this area?

  Way too long, her mind whispered and her body wholeheartedly agreed. She couldn’t help feeling like Braxx’s precum—which seemed to have a warming effect against her spread pussy—was doing something to her. Maybe making her more open?

  “Just watch out or my shaft might slip into your soft little cunt channel for real.” The big Kindred’s deep voice was strained.

  “Well, we are supposed to be making love,” Molly pointed out breathlessly. “Maybe…maybe I should, uh, pretend I’m putting you inside me and then we can press close together and you can pretend you’re thrusting.”

  “Yes…all right.” He sounded as though he was speaking through clenched teeth. “Do it, then.”

  “All right,” Molly echoed. Taking a firmer grip on his shaft, she rose on her knees and made a show of fitting the broad head of his cock to the mouth of her open pussy.

  She’d meant to act like she was sinking down on his shaft and then press hard against him to hide the fact that he was still outside her. Only Braxx was right—things were getting extremely slippery down below.

  When she started to sink down, Molly gasped when she felt the big Kindred’s thick shaft actually breaching her pussy. Before she knew it, the wide, plum-shaped head was inside her, along with at least an inch of his big cock.

  “Oh,” she whispered. “Oh, my…”

  “Don’t move,” Braxx murmured, his breath hot against her face. “Think you just put me in you for real, sweetheart.”

  “I did,” Molly confessed. “I didn’t mean to, but—”

  “If you just pull off me quickly—” Braxx began but they were both interrupted.

  “This is a false pledge!” Drogor’s voice rang out, making her jump. For a moment she’d forgotten there was anyone there but herself and Braxx. “It is false, I say! Is the off-worlder even in her? I hear no sounds of coupling!”

  “A pledge has been called to question. I will verify,” Molly heard Elder say.

  “Oh God, what now?” Molly whispered. She was still in an incredibly awkward position, straddling the big Kindred with his thick shaft piercing her pussy. Even though he was barely inside her she still felt they were way past the bounds of professional courtesy.

  “Elder is coming over to verify that my shaft is actually inside your pussy,” Braxx informed her.

  “Well, you are,” she pointed out.

  “I’m barely penetrating you,” Braxx pointed out. “I’m pretty sure what he’s looking for is complete penetration.”

  “Oh God,” Molly moaned as quietly as she could. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  “I’m afraid not.” Every muscle in Braxx’s big body was tense and it seemed to Molly he was holding himself back from thrusting inside her by main force of will. “Molly, forgive me but you may have to…have to come down on me and take me all the way inside you. At least once.”

  “But your mating fist—what if it, you know, slips inside me?”

  “That wouldn’t happen right away,” he promised her. “I would most likely have to come in you first to ease the way and completely coat your pussy with the chemicals in my precum and cum that would allow you to open to me.” His big hands tightened on her hips. “Elder is coming over.”

  There was nothing else she could do. And if Molly was completely honest with herself, there was nothing else she wanted to do.

  So much for keeping a professional distance between us! she thought, tightening her grip on his broad shoulders.

  “All right,” she whispered to Braxx. “I’m going to come all the way down on you—just once—and stay there until you tell me it’s safe to pull off. Okay?”

  “Yes.” Again his voice sounded strained. Molly reflected again how difficult this must be for him—the big Kindred must have nerves of iron to hold so still partially inside her like this. Then she heard Elder’s voice behind her saying something about verifying again and knew she had run out of time.

  Biting her bottom lip hard, she allowed herself to slide down, taking Braxx’s thick, long shaft deeper and deeper into her pussy.

  How far should I go? she wondered as she felt her inner walls stretching to accommodate his massive girth. How far is far enough—and how far is too far? Should I try to stop with him halfway…or should I let him bottom out inside me?

  The decision was taken from her when she felt someone twitching the long strands of her grass skirt to one side.

  “I see only partial penetration,” Elder sounded disapproving. “What kind of pledging is this, off-worlders? Do you dishonor our feast?”

  Abruptly, Molly knew she had no choice. With a soft little moan, she let herself come the rest of the way down until the big Kindred’s hard cock filled her completely, his long shaft stuffing her little pussy to the limit and beyond.

  “Oh!” she gasped and wiggled involuntarily, drawing a low groan from Braxx. But he didn’t say anything to her, instead he addressed the chieftain of the tribe.

  “As you can see, my pledge to Molly from the Stars is real,” he said, speaking in a low, strained voice, as though he was trying desperately not to move or come. “Now if you would please allow us the courtesy of some privacy to finish our pledging?”

  “Most assuredly.” The Elder withdrew, his footsteps shuffling in the dust.

  Privacy, Molly thought wildly. That’s a laugh!

  But at least no one had a close up view of the place where Braxx was filling her now. Still though, he was filling her—how was he going to get out of her without being really obvious about it?

  She moved restlessly, uncertain what to do and drew another ragged groan from the big Kindred.

  “Gods, you’re tight around me! Be careful, Molly, unless you want my seed coating the inside of your pussy.”

  No, of course I don’t want that—do I? she thought wildly. But the thought gave her an idea.

  “Braxx,” she murmured, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. “I don’t think you can, uh, pull out of me without everyone knowing.”

  “You’re right about that,” he murmured grimly. “Every eye is fixed on us. But what am I to do? I can’t actually fuck you.”

  “I…I think you’re going to have to. At least…at least a little,” Molly whispered back. “I think we’re going to have to make a big show of it—of you thrusting inside me—pulling almost all the way out before you, uh, go back in. That way when you actually do pull out, it will seem like part of our motion.”

  “Agreed,” he murmured. “But are you certain you’re all right with this, Molly? We barely know each other. Are you certain you’re all right allowing me to fuck your pussy—even a little?”

  Molly bit her lip, feeling the place where the head of his cock was kissing the mouth of her womb. The big Kindred was already inside her—what difference would a few thrusts make?

  “Yes,” she whispered. “As long…as long as you don’t come inside me. Just…just thrust until you feel that you’re going to come and then pull out and come on my belly.”

  “Yes, jalanta,” he groaned softly. “Slowly now—I’m going to move in you.”

  Big, warm hands gripped her hips firmly and Molly felt herself being lifted until all but just the head of his thick cock was still inside her. For a moment she thought he would slip all the way out but clearly Braxx wasn’t ready for that yet. With a low groan, he brought her back down again, filling her pussy to the limit with his thickness, making her moan and gasp and scratch his broad shoulders shamelessly as the f
eeling of him so deep inside her made her crazy with need.

  “Braxx,” she moaned, as much for her own benefit as the villagers who were watching. “Braxx yes—pledge to me—claim me! Please, I want you to!”

  “With pleasure, jalanta,” he growled and pulled out only to thrust in again…and then again and again.

  Molly wondered deliriously how long this would go on. She’d only expected a few thrusts inside her pussy and then to feel him pull out. Instead, the big Kindred kept going and going, pushing deep inside her as he stuffed her little pussy with his cock and then pulling out with long, slow strokes that seemed designed to drive her wild.

  She found she was moaning his name and joining his rhythm—giving herself shamelessly to being taken by a man she felt so incredibly drawn to. She never wanted it to end…

  Until she felt the beginnings of his mating fist start to slip inside her.

  That feeling of stretching without pain, of being filled even deeper, got her attention, even in the midst of intense pleasure.

  Oh my God—what’s happening? What is he doing? He said I couldn’t get pregnant unless he got all of his mating fist inside me. But it’s starting to slip in!

  She never would have believed it was possible that something so large could actually fit inside her. But now she was desperate to make it stop.

  “Braxx,” she whispered urgently, gripping his shoulders more tightly. “Braxx, it’s time to end this. I feel…feel your, uh, fist starting to slip inside me.”

  “I feel it too, sweetheart,” he growled. “Feel your sweet, wet, pussy opening to take me in. Gods, it’s incredible.”

  “But we can’t do this!” Molly protested. “You said that was how I could get pregnant with you. I can’t get pregnant, Braxx—I can’t!”

  He seemed to see the problem because he nodded shortly.

  “I understand. Very well, I’m close now. I think I could come if you could come first, around me. Do you think you can?”

  “I…think so.” Molly’s fingers drifted down to her aching clit and she began to rub and caress the little button, willing herself to let go—to climb the peak and jump off to fly. Having Braxx still thrusting inside her helped a lot—his girth and length made her feel incredibly full—incredible sexy. Soon she felt her belly tightening as the pleasure began to wash over her. “Oh,” she heard herself moaning. “Oh…yes.”

  “Gods, Molly,” he groaned. “I feel you spasming all around me—your sweet pussy is gripping me like a fist.”

  “That’s because…I’m…coming,” Molly gasped, riding him harder. Part of her couldn’t believe she was doing this—actually having sex and coming in a public place. But part of her never wanted it to end. “God,” she moaned. “Oh God, Braxx please…please!”

  With a low roar he pulled her all the way down onto his thick shaft and she felt him get even thicker for a moment. She gripped his shoulders tighter and gave a little gasp.

  Oh my God—is he coming inside me?

  For a moment, she was certain she felt a rippling bulge of come making its way from the tip of his cock to her unprotected womb. But the next minute, Braxx had pulled her off and was coming, jet after jet, spurting harmlessly against her belly.

  “Braxx,” she moaned, collapsing against him, hiding the evidence that most of his copious load of come had ended up outside her pussy rather than in it. “Oh God, that felt amazing.”

  “For me too, sweetheart,” he assured her hoarsely. “Gods’ your pussy is so sweet. I just hope you’re not upset about it later.”

  “Why would I be upset?” Molly asked. “We had to do it. Otherwise Drogor was never going to leave me alone.”

  As though to answer her statement, she heard Elder speaking again.

  “And there you are—a completed pledge from the off-worlder Braxx to his female, Molly from the Stars,” he said firmly. “She is no longer available to any other male—Braxx has stated his clear intention of claiming her.”

  “We will see about that,” Drogor growled. Then there was a scuffling sound and someone else said,

  “Drogor, don’t go—the feast isn’t over yet.”

  “It is for me.” And without another word, Molly heard him leave.

  “Well, I guess that took care of things,” she murmured to Braxx, who grunted in agreement.

  “And now, does anyone else want to pledge? No?” Elder asked. “Then I declare this feast to be over.”

  There was talking and rustling all around them and Molly got the impression that people were leaving. Some of them sang good night to her and Braxx and they sang back cheerfully.

  But inside, Molly wasn’t feeling very cheerful. She’d never been a one night stand kind of girl—let alone a sex in public kind of girl—and she was feeling very conflicted and extremely awkward. How had she gotten into such an intimate situation with the big Kindred?

  And how was she ever going to get out of it?

  That’s not the real question, though—is it? whispered a little voice in her head. The question is, do you want to get out of it?

  Of course I do, Molly told herself uneasily. I haven’t even known him a whole day yet. And just because we had sex doesn’t mean a lifetime commitment.

  Except she’d heard that with the Kindred, that was exactly what sex meant. Braxx had already been acting extremely protective and possessive of her. Would he think what had just happened between them meant more than it did?

  For that matter—what did it mean?

  Nothing, Molly tried to tell herself. It was a necessity.

  Oh sure, sneered the little voice. It’s not like you had the best sex of your entire life because you wanted to.

  Wait a minute—the best sex of her life? Could that be true?

  Molly had to admit it was. But she still didn’t know how Braxx felt about it—and she was too embarrassed to ask him. She climbed stiffly off his lap, feeling wet and sticky between her legs and completely uncertain of the whole situation.

  So much for keeping it professional, she thought. I haven’t even been here twenty-four hours and I’ve already messed everything up.

  * * * * *

  Braxx’s body was demanding he finish the claiming which had been so rudely interrupted. He wanted Molly for his own—wanted to take her again but this time do it right and fill her with his mating fist and his seed. He couldn’t help his feelings—he had formed a deep attachment to the beautiful Anthropologist during the little “show” they had put on together—an attachment which his body longed even now to strengthen.

  There is no such thing as casual sex with the Kindred.

  We had no choice, he tried to tell himself. We were putting on a show for the benefit of the village and so Drogor would keep his Goddess-damned hands off her.

  Well, they had managed that, at least. There was no way the Deep Dweller would dare to come near her now. The chieftain of the clan himself had declared Molly off limits to any male but him.

  Braxx just wished he could make her his in reality.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Now then—hello, hello, Molly from the Stars!”

  Molly’s head jerked up.

  “Is that you, Wise One?” she asked, listening intently for the singer.

  “It is, child. And I have the crystal I promised you. It took me so long I’m afraid I missed the feast—but I hear the two of you pledged to each other?”

  “Um…yes we did.” Molly bit her lip.

  “I pledged myself to Molly,” Braxx said, beside her. “I had done so before but this pledging was more…intimate.”

  “As it should be, as it should be,” the Wise One said. “Now, child—come and try this crystal. It’s not full strength, as I said before. But it should help you to see at least as well as the Deep Dwellers do in the darkness.”

  “Oh, well…thank you.” Molly held still as the Wise One pressed something warm and hard that felt to be about the size of a pea and the shape of a teardrop right in the middle of her forehead. I
t stuck there, though she wasn’t sure how—did they have some kind of natural adhesive here on Tal’os?

  She smiled politely as the Wise One fussed with the placement of the warm stone but on the inside she was worried. What would she do when the crystal didn’t provide any discernable difference in her blindness? She didn’t want to insult the Wise One, who clearly had extremely high social status in the clan, by saying that it didn’t work. But how—

  Her thoughts were cut off when a dim red glow began to appear on the endless horizon of black which had dominated her vision for so many years.

  What the—?

  She blinked her eyes, then rubbed them. The red glow grew larger and more defined. Soon it took on the shape of a person—a short, somewhat lumpy person made entirely of golden light, with a few blue and black and red places.

  It’s the Wise One! Molly suddenly understood. I can see her—well, sort of! Almost like I’m looking at her with one of those heat-vision thingies. What is that called? Thermal Imaging?

  It was the first thing Molly had seen in over twenty years and it took her stunned brain a moment to catch up. But when it did…

  “Oh my God,” she whispered, reaching out her hands to the Wise One. “I can see you…I can see!”

  “You can?” Braxx’s deep voice sounded uncertain.

  Turning to him, Molly saw a much larger golden form. He seemed to glow hotter than the Wise One, with more red highlights around his face and the areas of his body where she supposed his skin was warmer. All except for his left cheek…that was a cool blue shade, like his hair. What was going on there?

  She didn’t know and didn’t care—all she cared was that she was seeing—actually seeing for the first time in years.

  “I can—I can see!” she exclaimed. “I mean, it looks like I’m looking through some kind of thermal camera—everything is red and blue and gold and blobby—but Braxx, I can see!”

  “That’s amazing. Are you certain?” He held two long fingers in front of her face. “How many—”

  “Two!” Molly cut him off excitedly. “Now four,” she said, when he added two more fingers. “I mean, they look all glowy and blobby but I can see them!” She turned to the Wise One, her joy and wonderment overflowing. “Wise One, thank you!” she exclaimed, and then remembering the Tal’os Trenta etiquette she sang, “Thank you, thank you! With my whole heart, I thank you!”


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